Image for the poem The things that make me feel rich

The things that make me feel rich

Hot lomi, a thick noodle broth
no one can eat with their eyes open.

Or a tin of vienna sausage, devoured
in the middle of the night, a solitary delight

Yanking out a paper napkin from its box,
This is rich, this is almost profligate.

I wipe my mouth with that thought,
with a smile the world cannot see.

The weight of a heavy cotton robe,
post-bath, even if torn at the seams

Then there is a thick blanket,
especially when colder than comfortable,

Vast so I need not bend my legs
I pull it up to my neck and I am loved.
Written by Alviola
Author's Note
Photo of lomi by whologwhy via Flickr
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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