Image for the poem A to Z

A to Z

I was on a route to A to B and got stopped by a X at road works. I felt perplexed as I had learnt my alphabet in earnest when I was small. On the way to school reciting the letters in sequence with my hand held firmly in my mother’s feeling safe and with a bit of pride. I think I am a budding genius like Roald Dahl’s is with wordplay. But nothing is as clear or uncomplicated as then or as orderly or simple.

Nobody tells you real life is not like the alphabet a structure or a formula that we all know and abide by. It’s a bit messy and contradictory it’s only when you are on your own searching for your destiny that you realise. When life gives you the finger it doesn’t matter that you are not all in sequence you actually don’t care and take the ride with the X as a friend to travel with you until you find yourself at A again.

It’s all about losing your letters or jumbling them up to make some progress. It’s the journey that subconsciously guides your use of the phonetics in language and in real time and maybe X is the beginning and A the end for you. Life is lived truly in the uncertainty and the knowledge you don’t have any control and chaos roams freely and once that lesson is learned then off you go.
Written by Maple666
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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