Flower Bomb

Lying in the
middle of a field
being baptized by flowers
With petals like wings
the earth and  
its mysterious power
of love and magnets
that curve and arc
so many colors
like flavored sugar
mingled in the breeze
Ignoring their roots
defying gravity
following the pull
of me
to you
each sweet harlequin petal
paving a path to follow
making a bee line
towards your lips
landing on your tongue
like the eucharist
where you swallow
me whole
anointing my soul
to yours in unity
with ceremonial lightning,
seeds, and rain
making a wish
a Flower Bomb
ending you and I
springing us
Written by Adelphina
Author's Note
I stared writing this last night.
Jotting things down here and there.
This is what I came up with.

Hope you enjoy:)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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