Save A Life (Part 2 Of Cliffhanger)

     After my escape from the fire. I headed into the studio, and sat down in front of the computer. My nerves were shot. I was very verklempt about the whole situation needless to say. I couldn’t understand the reason I blacked out. I mean I had gotten wild for sure. But I had never passed out, ever.

      As I’m trying to pull myself together. My cell phone rings. It’s my mother calling me with what would be devastating news. My grandma had died this same morning. I struggled to not just burst out crying right there. I got through the call. But I was spiritually gutted inside. As I hung up the phone my heart sank.

      I feel it’s important to take a moment here. I need to explain just how much my grandma meant to me. I was her first grandchild. My little brother is five years younger than I. I had her all to myself till he was born. To say she spoiled me wouldn't do the word justice.

       It’s also relevant to let you know she had been sick since the first time we met. She was diagnosed with Lupus at age 35. This was the early 70’s. They gave her like ten years to live at the time. Let’s just say the doctors had no idea who they were messing with.

      She lived to be 66 years old. Surviving cancer, 2 heart attacks,1 stroke, and also developed diabetes leading to her losing half of one foot, and all her toes off the other. She was the toughest lady I’ve ever known. So her being admitted to the hospital was par for the course. It happened often. She always beats the odds.

      That doesn’t excuse my behavior at all. The one time I chose not to rush off to the hospital to visit her. She left this world. I never got to say goodbye or tell her how much I loved her. That fucking haunts me to this day. I was a selfish asshole in that moment.

      I shot out of the chair trying not to scream, and wake up my buddy and his wife. Made my way to the kitchen. Grabbed a beer out of the fridge and gulped it down. Tears start pouring down my cheeks. The floodgates had broken. I collapsed to my knees, just sobbing my soul out.

      I was in the floor for a good ten minutes. Before slowly pulling myself together the best I could. I took another beer out and also grabbed the fifth of bourbon. Twisting off the cap and taking a deep breath. I drank a huge swig straight from the bottle. I just wanted to be numb. I couldn’t deal.

      So to recap quickly. I got shitfaced, burned a couch up with me on it, and just lost my grandma. I just zoned out while holding my head in my hands.

      I was startled by my buddies voice as he said, “Morning”. I sighed and asked what happened last night? As he came in to talk with him. He noticed I was already drinking.

      Once he told me the details. I was traumatized of how close I actually came to possibly dying. So after I had said goodnight, these are the events that went down.

      They were sitting in the studio talking. When our uninvited guest smelt something burning. He mentioned this to my buddy. Who can’t smell anything. He thought it’s probably just his wife in the kitchen popping popcorn. Luckily our friend went to investigate.
     What they saw sent chills down my spine. I had flames outlining my entire body. Tall enough that they couldn’t tell if I was on fire. They hustled to the kitchen looking for pots to fill with water. Then they preceded to put out flames. They inspected me for burns, and signs of life.

      They could not wake me but knew I was breathing. Mainly because I was snoring. They saved my life. I felt like such a dick. Not only did I burn up my buddies couch. I was conflicted about my behavior. The friend I didn’t want there. Who disturbed my plans. Ruined my weekend. Had saved my fucking life. He smelt the burning. Without him I’m toast, literally.

     That was that. I sobered up and drove home later that night. I offered to pay for my buddies couch of course. This is an example of how quickly situations can become fucked.

      Never forget we don’t choose when we leave this world. I learned a lesson that weekend. Sometimes plans change. Don’t try to drink frustrations away. Don’t resent a friend who drops by, unannounced. They could be there to save a life.
Written by DamianDeadLove (Damian DeadLove)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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