Image for the poem Sea Of Love

Sea Of Love

Close your eyes and listen to the calling of my heart, no longer echoing from the depth        
Within my powers, in my dreams, you still do keep them all wet        
Inch your cosmic energy a little closer, unleash your eighth dimensional insight        
What's done in the dark to thrive will need the light        
Kings of honor, are erected grand, and remain rooted tall        
His mission, intermingled with Earth, is prosperity for all        
In the benediction of his incantations, you have given the star dust of our evolving beings, love to stir        
And not by thy will, be earthly deterred        
As time draws near, look unto the skies        
The planets tell stories, the Heavens only know the whys        
Allow the Heavens, the Earth, and the realm of your sacred poetic DNA, that cleansing water, which our dimension knows its life’s flowing element used as the survival source, at its vital persistence        
Upon our throne in the New World of time, divine parchments of longevity, there must be a balance of the sunken gorge, it is a haven unto humanity’s existence        
Words you will feel and once caressed, your eyes cruising over every percussion of the awaiting temple, to see how close I am to you        
My heart is in your palm, from the sand dunes coveting Egypt, to the Motherland where your mind stands upon the greenness of nature, our beings within your realm, we can now survive by the guidance of the, Children Of The Sun, under the soles of our feet, feel the grass softest dew        
Shadow my breath, then inhale the space between my bosom as I softly pursue         
I bow as the Creator's Queen, the devotional shall be victorious, the one who shall have the honor to galactic my mind, and become his Nivana’s sultry muse        
He will be the King who uprise the triangle sphere of life, liberty, and the third eye scrolls, the mind possesses, but will not remain still in silence long enough to spiritually enhance the capabilities, I will say fine tuning those two brain hemispheres, and see what the mind can really produce for you, such beautiful possibilities once deeply ‘meditated’ to tap into        
I will love you forevermore        
Bow unto you while the honey you lick away then down my body you pour, amour      
I will not rush the trust of my heart    
If you listen to the winds it speaks from the light to the whispers of ageless dark    
No matter the realm found in the comforts of time, no matter twisted words that larks
I am who I am, the sea of love    
From the skies to the gallows below    
As in above, from here to fro    
Come with me, my love and bathe in the sea of love
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
The Sea Of Love.. whispers (My Portrait)

Love and Hugs, always
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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