body of water

     it flows, and flows, and flows-every nook & cranny the body goes; the ocean like-collection wide of many souls-            
    I'd like to know-why must tadpole be just another story-toad.... are we "human sized" insects more or less with no real control?            
  a colony of antz-more or less seeking subjective utopian crystal globes-made not just of hazardous glass-but moreso a penatrable bubble though....            
   a body of water that always flows; an "oil spill" that happened however long ago; and whatever's happening with the boats that delivers our delicious crumbs to our abode-             
  Antz-hardwired programmed busy bodies lighting the gas stove..... while wondering at the sun's mid day's shine-and the moon light's glow....            
all what's common and indifferent to behold....              
  an earth with its cliffhangers and no explanation for this global show....            
why must it even be a bittersweet symphony? why must there be an ounce of pain & misery? why bring it forth if it "ends" indefinitely or for a "deeper meaning " possibly?        
it's fair to say that an answer as to what makes this be....or why the water streams-remains truly unseen....    
Written by PeaceFlpw (Peace Flow)
Published | Edited 27th May 2024
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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