Bags on the Moon

Go, young lovers,
gaze at the moon
It is full
of hope and promise
and a lovely soft glow
just like your love

Go, older and cynical,
gaze at the moon
it is full 
of memories
of love
that waxed
and then waned its ass off
until it seemed
the orb
of lunar loveliness
was nothing but a siren
beaming a seductive sea of light
onto jagged rocks

Go ahead,
whatever age you are,
gaze at the full moon

it is indeed lovely
always has been
always will be
But once you reach a certain age
your mind goes a bit loony
random facts come to you
at inopportune times
such as, say, the Apollo 11 mission
and the fact that the astronauts
left more than a flag on the moon
many bags of it, it seems.

Go, silly Earthling
gaze at the moon
let its light guide you 
away from unnecessary random thoughts
to a shimmering sea
of wherever it is
you want to be.

Written by Pinkdreams
Author's Note
Inspired by some rather gross trivia I read recently. And the full moon.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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