Julie’s Sweet Embrace

A visage of delight, a dream so clear,
Her presence, soft and sweet, he held so dear.

"Julie," he'd whisper, lost in reverie,
"A muse of succulent grace, come close to me."
Her skin, so soft, so ripe to touch,
A temptation so divine, he craved her much.

Each night he lay, with thoughts of her,
Imagining her form, her soft allure.
Her sweetness promised, in dreams he'd roam,
A world of pleasure, a taste of home.

With nightfall's cloak, his dreams took flight,
Julie’s image, bathed in moon’s pale light.
He slumbered deep, her face so near,
A vision sweet, so crystal clear.

Then woke he did, in night's embrace,
To find her there, her inviting grace.
The moonlight bathed her in a glow,
Her presence there, a sight to know.

He rose from bed, his steps so slow,
His heart aflame, his desire aglow.
She waited there, a silent plea,
Her softness calling, "Come to me."

With trembling hand, he reached to feel,
Her supple form, her touch surreal.
So close now, her scent so sweet,
He could not wait, for lips to meet.

His teeth did sink in her, at last,
A rush of joy, a sweet repast.
Her nectar flowed, a luscious tide,
Her essence savoured, deep inside.

Juice trickled down, in streams so bright,
A symphony of taste, a pure delight.
Each bite a blessing, rich and deep,
Her flavour lingered, a memory to keep.

Deeper he delved, in passion’s trance,
Each taste a song, each bite a dance.
Her sweetness boundless, a love so true,
A fantasy fulfilled, a dream anew.

The night grew old, but time stood still,
Her essence potent, her taste a thrill.
In fervent bites, his love did grow,
In every drop, his heart did know.

At last, she gone, his hunger sated,
Her memory cherished, love unabated.
With lips still sweet from her embrace,
He fell to dreams, a smile on his face.

Julie, his delight, his night’s sweet prize,
A vision of desire, in moonlit skies.
Yet as dawn broke, and dreams did go,
Her secret known: a mango’s glow.
Written by Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
Author's Note
This poem describes a man's passionate and vivid dream about a woman named Julie, who represents a luscious mango, highlighting the sensual pleasure and deep satisfaction he experiences through his imaginative encounter with her.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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