
Tear me down with words
You made me frown to feel me burn  
Called me names to hurt
When I already felt the worst
Wishing death upon me
I tried to be seen
You use to make me feel clean
I drown in the depths of my feelings  
Wishing I wouldn’t cling  
Or pray or hope that maybe
You’re doing okay
The addiction I felt for you wasn’t strong enough to break your bottle you held tighter  
I was once a fighter
A fighter of love and friendship  
I don’t want to sink so low
To accept your blows
Meant I’d close
Close my heart to the possibility  
But my heart has already bled
I’d bled and been beaten and I can’t take it anymore  
Your addiction led to my downfall  
I had to crawl  
to see the light  
I had no fight in me save us
Apologies may not be said allowed  
So I pray in hopes for a better day and for the strength to forgive you for all you’ve put me through  
I’ve apologized so many times in my head,  
Your voice lingers in my head, so many nights I’ve slept  
The bottle is no joke for it has broke
The friendship and love I once felt was stolen by a thief  
Addiction, the thing I never thought would come between
Written by Whackytraveler
Published | Edited 31st May 2024
Author's Note
I loved someone, but alcohol brought out a side I couldn’t handle. I pray and hope that he will eventually get the help he needs and that he will someday see himself in the light I once saw in him. His love for chess, travel and metal music and the way he laughs and smiles. I hope he finds it again. I hope he finds a reason to love life again and that he gets over his negative ways and feelings.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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