In my Dream Chapter 13

In my Dream
Chapter 13
Naruto was holding back screams of pain. The pain he was receiving was getting to be too much, but he had to hold it; she was going through some pain, and he would have to go through it with her.
Everyone was in the hospital waiting to see Naruto and Joyce. They were anxious and worried; they wanted this to be over already. They were waiting for Tsunade to come and tell them everything was fine and they could see them.
It was now a little over nine months.
The more things played out, the more Joyce was happy. Many things turned out different from what she had dreamed, but the results were the same.
She and Naruto told everyone they were a couple during her birthday, leaving out the details.
Everyone was shocked to hear the news, especially Hisashi, who knew that Joyce loved Naruto; he just thought that it would take more time for Naruto to realize it or, in Joyce’s case, the courage to tell him. Besides all that, everyone was happy for them that they had finally gotten together after many years of wondering when.
As the head of the Hyuuga Clan, Hisashi was always strict, firm, and emotionless, which made him very intimidating, which is needed for the Hyuuga head. Even though he didn’t show it, Hisashi was happy for his daughter. He was sure that Naruto would do more for her than he could.
The two were usually together unless they were on missions or had other important matters.
Since the day she revealed her feelings for him, Joyce has changed. She is now more confident, less shy, and needier. Since then, Naruto and Joyce have made love nearly every day when possible. She always loved the way he filled her.
When Joyce and Naruto found out that she was pregnant, they were both happy and crazy, and they were joyful. This scene didn’t change from the one she had dreamed. They were ecstatic that they would be parents, something they knew they would be good at. Their joy didn’t last too long.  
They knew they had to tell Hisashi about Joyce’s situation. Like any father, he was furious that she got pregnant before she got married. Over time, his anger swelled, especially at the thought of having grandchildren.
When Hisashi told Joyce and Naruto that they should be married before the child was born, they immediately agreed. To them, getting married was a huge piece of their puzzle. The Hyuuga elders had problems with Naruto marrying a Hyuuga, but Hisashi ensured they didn’t ruin anything.
Because Hisashi was going to fund the wedding, he had planned a huge and elegant one. However, Naruto and Joyce didn’t want that type of wedding; they only needed their friends and family and the essentials. Hisashi finally agreed. The wedding was small, but everyone loved it.
And now Joyce was in labor.
Naruto’s hand was swollen and red from all Joyce's squeezing. He gave Joyce his other hand to relieve the pain from that one, but she refused. She wanted him to continue to receive the pain just like she was right now.
When everyone saw Tsunade walking through the door, they knew it was over; she told them they could enter.
When they came in, they first saw Naruto holding the baby. Naruto was blocking Joyce from the other's view, so when he moved, and everyone else saw Hinata, they were surprised to know that she, too, had a baby in her hands.
“Hey guys,” said Naruto.
“Are both babies yours?” asked Sakura.
“Of course, we didn’t want to tell you guys because we wanted to surprise you,” said Naruto.
“What are they?” asked Tenten.
“Their girls, fraternal twins,” said Joyce.
One of the girls had midnight blue curls, the other had blond curls, and both had cerulean blue eyes.
“AAWWWW, they're so cute,” said Ino.
“What are their names?” asked Tenten.
“This little one is . . . . . . Emi,” said Joyce.
“And this one is . . . . . . Saya,” said Naruto.
“Joyce, do you want to hold both of them?” asked Naruto. Joyce nodded, and Naruto put Saya, the one with midnight blue hair, on Joyce’s other arm. Naruto couldn’t help but smile as he looked at all three together. He caressed each little girl's cheek, then leaned in and kissed Joyce.
Joyce kissed her little girl on the forehead as she began to tear up from so much happiness.
“Joyce, can I hold one?” asked Tenten.
Joyce nodded and handed her Saya.
“Can I hold one, too?” asked Sakura; Joyce just handed Emi to her.
Naruto could see that Joyce still needed a little time to let it all sink in, so he hugged her as she cried tears of joy on his shoulder.  
Naruto was also happy and finally had the family he had always wanted.
Joyce was happy and, most importantly, glad. She was delighted that what happened before was a dream because this was way better than the way she had dreamed it.
Five years later
It was a beautiful afternoon that looked like it would soon turn into a downpour; however, the three figures in the forest didn’t care.
One figure was hiding in some bushes, trying not to be detected as he quietly spied on the other two figures. He tried not to move or make any noise.  
There was no way he was going to let himself get caught. Once the figures were out of sight, the figure sighed in relief, thinking it was over.
Sure, he could do more to hide, but it wouldn’t be fair.
“Ha, we found you, Daddy,” said two little five-year-olds behind Naruto.
“Aww, and here I thought I had outsmarted you,” said Naruto.
“Mommy said you’ll never outsmart us,” said Emi, the blond little girl with a smile just like her dad. Just so you know, Emi means smile, and it is a Japanese name. She quickly tackled Naruto into a huge hug, and they both fell to the ground.
“Hey, wait a minute, you two were using your Byakugan,” said Naruto as he could see that Saya, the midnight blue-haired little girl, still had it activated.
When the girls were born, everyone thought they did not have the Byakugan because they had their father’s eyes. Years later, everyone discovered the girls had their mother’s bloodline. Once, when the girls were furious at someone and did not realize it, they activated the Byakugan just months before they turned five.
Their Byakugan wasn’t the same as the Hyugas because they had normal eyes. When they activated their Byakugan, their pupils reduced in size till they disappeared, and their eyes would dim down but not entirely, giving them a sky-blue color Byakugan.
“Mommy taught you that, didn’t she?” asked Naruto.
“Mommy said if we used our Byakugan, we could find you faster and return home quicker,” said Saya while Emi smiled and nodded.
Naruto grabbed Saya with one hand and brought her down to him, tickling her and Emi simultaneously. Being helpless, all the girls could do was laugh.
At Naruto’s request, Joyce stayed home to rest while he took the girls out to play. Joyce wanted to be close to her little girls and go with them to the forest. However, because she was tired and had some nausea earlier in the day, Naruto asked her to stay, so she did. You see, Joyce was pregnant again; she was four months pregnant.
Three figures stood on a tree branch, each covered in a dark cloak with red clouds.
“Is it time yet?” asked Kisame; they were far from Naruto and his daughter so that they wouldn’t detect them.
“Not just yet; we have to wait for nature to do her thing first,” said Itachi.
“Today, we will complete our goal,” said Zetsu.
“This is going to be easy,” said Kisame.
The wind started to pick up, blowing the cloaks of the three figures into the wind, indicating that the weather was about to change.
“I want to get this over with already,” said Kisame
“Don’t worry, Kisame, it’s time,” said Itachi as he held his arm out, feeling the raindrops hit his hand.
“Good,” said Zetsu.
“I just hope the others can do their job as well,” said Kisame.
“Let’s go,” said Itachi.
Joyce was sitting on the couch surrounded by her friends. To her right was Tenten holding her two-year-old son Hyuuga Kenshin. Neji and Tenten had been together for four years but decided to have a baby just two years ago.
To Joyce’s left was Ino, who, too, was pregnant seven months, to be exact. I wasn’t the shallow girl she used to be now; she was with Chouji; they’d been together for two years.
Sitting across from them, Sakura was still single; she couldn’t find a guy she thought could measure up to Sasuke.
“So, how much time do we have left?” Tenten asked. The girls were hanging out, talking about girl stuff.
“I don’t know, maybe thirty minutes before they return,” said Joyce.
“I don’t know that it looks like it’s going to rain,” said Sakura.
Joyce got up.
“Were you going, Joyce?” asked Ino.
“I have to go get some fresh clothes for the girls, just in case they get wet,” said Joyce as she went to the girls' room.
“So Ino, how long has it been since you had sex?” asked Sakura.
“Since I found out I was pregnant,” replied Ino.
Joyce came back with some clothes in her hands and sat back down.
“Joyce, you're pregnant too. How can you stand not having sex for such a long time?” asked Tenten.
“Hey, what about Naruto? Remember she said that they do it every day? Imagine a guy going from sex every day to no sex at all,” said Sakura.
“I-I have to,” said Joyce while on the inside, she thought about something else.
‘They would go crazy if I told them what’s been happening,’ thought Joyce.
Naruto could feel the rain fall on his face.
“It looks like playing times are over . . . . . . By the looks of it, it’s going to rain harder, so we should get back,” said Naruto, looking at the girls.
“NOOoo, I want to play in the rain, Daddy,” said Saya.
“Yeah, me too,” said Emi.
“I don’t think so. You girls will get sick, and mommy is going to kill me if you do . . . . . . Come on,” replied Naruto while he stood up, and all three began to walk towards the village.
Saya quickly ran up to Naruto and jumped on his back as they walked.
“Saya, what are you doing?” said Emi.
“Daddy is going to give me a piggyback ride, right, Daddy.”
“Sure, sweetie,” replied Naruto.
“Daddy carries me too,” asked Emi.
“Ummu, okay, here. Hold on to my arm and don’t let go, okay?” he said as he extended his arm, and Emi took hold of it. Naruto then lifted her and walked with both girls on him.
“Walk faster, Daddy,” said Saya as the rain began to pour down, finally drenching them.
“I thought you wanted to get wet,” replied Naruto.
Instead of walking faster, Naruto jumped backward and slid onto the ground; he had just avoided a kunai headed his way, and if he hadn’t moved, that kunai would have hit Emi right on her head.
Naruto put Emi down, moved her behind him, and quickly made a clone to stay close to them as he stepped forward.
“Who are you, and what do you want?” said Naruto.
The three figures appeared, and Naruto could only tense up seeing four members of the Akatsuki.
“Now I’m going to guess you know why we're here,” said Kisame.
The clone Naruto grabbed the girls and tried to run home, but Kisame stopped him. The clone disappeared after he was hit in the face, causing the girls to fall.
“My, you have some pretty girls,” said Kisame.
“DON’T TOUCH THEM!” yelled Naruto.
“If you don’t come with us, then I will kill them,” said Kisame as he stood over the girls; he swung his sword at them.
“KISAME, STOP!” yelled Itachi; Kisame stopped halfway.
“Since you want some action, you take Naruto, and I will take care of the girls,” said Itachi.
“Now you’re talking,” said Kisame as he dashed at Naruto. Itachi appeared next to the girls.
“Wait, I’ll go with you. Just don’t hurt them,” said Naruto.
“Good, Kisame, take Naruto, and let’s go,” said Itachi.
“Wait, we should take the girls just in case,” said Zetsu.
“No, is there no need?” said Itachi.
“I think we should,” Zetsu said again.
“No, I said I was going with you; you don’t need to take them,” said Naruto.
“Itachi just grabbed the girls, and let’s go,” said Kisame.
Itachi grabbed both girls.
“No!" Naruto screamed before he was knocked out.
“Daddy.” raised his voice at the girls.
Itachi quickly performed a genjutsu, which made the girls fall asleep.
“Just like I said, easy,” said Kisame.
The four figures then disappeared as the rain continued to pour down, and the sky was as dark as possible.
To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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