An orgasm is an orgasm

When he would get off from work he would come home to his wife and her crotchety old mother
He hates his mother in law
She lives with them, after her husband died a few years back
Lucky him
She nags and complains and aggravates him every goddamn night
He gets tired of telling his wife to kick her out or have her shut her fucking mouth
He can't take the noise
All day long at work he has to listen to the noise
His boss, the assholes he works with and those fucking machines
When he gets home he wants quiet
His wife is always protecting her mother
Saying that she means well and that she has no one else but us
Telling him to understand and calm down
At night she's to tired to fuck
She works, tends to her mother and cleans up after her
It's like having a newborn baby all over again
That used to frustrate him
It doesn't anymore
Now when he has to have it
He goes into her room late at night and jerks off over her body
He makes sure to cum right in her face every time
She hasn't said anything yet to her daughter
Maybe she likes it
Maybe she thinks it's a realistic wet dream
Who knows, and frankly who cares
It's kind of weird but it feels good and it always brings a smile to his face

Written by Vision_of_insanity
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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