Dear my loving Victim

Dear my loving victim today I pinned you against the wall since I had nothing else to do at all. It felt great watching you begging for me to stop punching and beating you. I enjoyed doing it. But secretly I don’t actually enjoy it. I hate it, I hate you.
You get straight A’s when I get none at all.
You have many friends and I have very few.
You have two wonderful loving parents, mine are not like that at all.
I punched you again and again until your nose started to bleed, and tears stained your eyes as I watched you cry.
“Why do you do it?” You asked me in a pitiful manner. I grinned and told you I do it because it feels good.
Guess what it’s a lie, I do it because there is no way out for me, and I do it because my life is shite and I’ve nothing better to do. It’s the only way to deal with my own problems.
The other day I saw your parents embracing and kissing you warmly, and it aggravated me greatly. Why should someone like you get that privilege? My dad is a workaholic, and my mum is often at the pub getting drunk.
When she comes home yelling at me, I give her a piece of my mind and walk out of the house. I can’t be bothered wasting my time with her.
The next day I saw you taking the last sandwich off the counter, why should you get the last snack when you should be running for your life? I grip your chin so tightly it takes everything you have in you to not whine in pain.
We are like Capitan Hook and Tick Tock; you’re always running and I’m always the one to chase you.
Today I pinned you once again since I was teasing you about your sexuality calling you a fag since I found out that you were gay when secretly I’m gay too I’m just too scared to admit it unlike you.
You shout at me telling me being gay isn’t a crime, you irritate me so much I end up doing one stupid thing and that is giving you a kiss on the lips leaving you in shock. You ask me why I did that. I tell you to shut up and be quiet.
 It isn’t long until I see a bunch of idiots attacking you, this irritates me greatly since no-one should attack you apart from me. I tell them where to go and you look at me with confusion upon your face.
You question me why I did that, and I tell you very quietly.
Like it or not my dear little victim you have changed me forever.
Not believing a single word I say you tell me to go to hell.
I chuckle loudly pretending that those words didn’t hurt me.
“I’m already there and I plan to take you with me as well.” I tell you this harshly.
You try to slap me across the face but fail.
I hate the fact that I like you, every time someone else bullies you, you do nothing just stand there and ignore them. What I hate the most is that I used to be like you, until I became a bully myself and punched anyone that would annoy me. I punch you because I like you, I just don’t know how to show it any other way.
Every time you try to come up with another pathetic comment, I fail to come up with another comeback so I either punch or kiss you.
I am the bully, and you are the victim I should’ve seen sense in the first place that there was no need to bully you in the first place in order to tell you I had a crush on you all along. Like it or not little victim until the end of time I will always bully you because I like you and always will until the end of time.
Written by IsabellaHunter
Author's Note
This poem is about bullying and from the bully's perspective. I hope you enjoy it.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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