Hidden From Life Chapter 4
Hidden From Life
Chapter 4
“Thanks,” he answered as he handed her the cooler.
She opened it and put the items inside, including one beer bottle.
“Just a beer with lunch, hope you don’t mind. If you prefer, I won’t drink it.”
“No, John, it's fine; I’m not much of a drinker, maybe a glass of wine when I’m sometimes at dinner with friends. Mother never approved of spirits.”
“Well, a glass of wine is good - after all, Jesus drank wine, right?”
She smiled as she answered. “That’s true, I guess. I have to go; you have my number if there’s a problem. One last thing: you met or at least saw my kitty Emily yesterday. She tends to come and go as she pleases, but now that the weather is getting warmer, she’s out a lot. But if you hear her scratching on the door, could you let her in?”
“No problem, Miss Jones, and have fun at school.”
“Thank you, John, and have fun moving things,” she replied and started to leave, but she stopped and turned back to him. “And since you have been working here for a while and certainly no longer a student, you can call me Julie if you prefer.”
“Okay, Julie, and that’s a beautiful name,” he said, just managing to stop from saying ‘for a pretty woman,’ but after embarrassing her yesterday, he was being careful.
“Thank you,” she said quietly.
For the next few hours, he worked his ass off and managed to make quite a dent removing material from the attic. Most of what he got rid of was labeled trash in Julie’s neat flowery script, which he placed on the side of the driveway. He wasn’t sure what day the house received trash pickup, so he thought leaving it there for now was best. Julie hoped to donate the remaining items to charity, mostly furniture and some items in boxes. He transported these to her garage, which she only used to shelter her car during winter. During one of these trips, he saw a face peering through the hedge bordering the property.
“Good morning,” John cheerfully called out.
The face disappeared like a shot, causing John to laugh, but he put it out of his mind and resumed work. Later, he needed to retrieve a tool from his truck to help him break a large piece of furniture into sections to make it easier to move. As he closed the truck door, he couldn’t help but notice that a couple was sitting on the front porch of the house next door.
“Hello,” called out the man as he stood and waved to John, who returned the wave. The man gestured for John to come over with a motion. He had no idea why, but he’d been going nonstop, so he welcomed the break and turned up the neighboring sidewalk. When he reached the porch, the man extended his hand and gave him a hearty handshake.
“How do you do? My name is Jack Russell, and this lovely lady is my better half, Edna.”
“Glad to meet you. My name is John Colt,” he replied and nodded at the gray-haired, bespectacled woman who sat close by and recognized as the person who had been watching him earlier.
“Not to be nosy, but the little woman told me that you seem to be moving some things out of the Jones place.”
“Yeah, that’s right. Just trying to get the place for Julie, Miss Jones.”
“And you’re a friend of hers?” Edna Russell inquired eagerly as she leaned forward.
“Truthfully, I’m working for her, though I’m a former student of hers,” John replied, to which Edna sighed and clucked her tongue before answering.
“That’s too bad. She’s such a nice girl but seems unlucky regarding love.”
“Now, dear, maybe you’re just projecting what you think is best for Julie,” Jack told his wife.
“Who are you fooling, you old goat? You know that you agree with me. I blame her mother. God rest her soul. She was too overprotective, and now Julie is probably past the age at which she’ll probably find Mr. Right.”
“Well, it was nice meeting you, but I should be getting back to work,” John said, uneasy with the conversation's direction.
“Now look at what you’ve done, scaring John away with such talk,” Jack said to Edna.
“No, really, it’s not that. I need to get back to work, that is all. But the job just started so I’ll surely see you a lot. Take care.”
That afternoon, as Julie ate her lunch, Lauren peppered her with questions about John. Julie replied truthfully, though her answers didn’t satisfy her friend.
“What do you want me to say, Lauren? He’s there working, and that’s all there is to it. Sorry to disappoint you, but this isn’t a story from you know where,” she said, lowering her voice for the final part.
Lauren smiled wickedly at a thought that came to her after her friend’s declaration before she spoke.
“If I were you, Julie, I might be a little nervous with a strange man alone in my house. If he’s anything like men from stories on, then by now, he’s jerking off into a pair of your dirty panties. Can you imagine?” she said with a laugh.
“Oh my God! Don’t say that, Lauren, even kidding around. He’s not like that, is he? What do you know about him that you’re not telling me?”
Looking around to ensure that no one in the lounge was first listening, Lauren replied to her friend.
“I’ve never heard anything like that, but you never know with men; they’re all beasts. But I did remember something I heard about him. If you’re interested, that is?”
“Of course I am Lauren. Tell me,” Julie whispered as she leaned closer to her fellow teacher.
“Well, one time years ago, when I still lived at home, I overheard a conversation between my sister and one of her friends. It seems they were at a party, and John and his girl at the time had gone into a bedroom for some privacy if you understand my meaning. I guess the girl was a bit loud and not just moaning, but she was also a talker. Some pretty wild things were said, but the thing is, some guy, a smartass, opened the door while they were going at it. Many people, including my sister, managed to see into the room, and from what I heard, there was another reason they called him Johnny Forty-five. It seems he has a BIG gun if you follow me.”
“Oh my God, Lauren! What are you saying? Never mind,” Julie said, her face crimson.
Lauren just smiled knowingly at her friend.
When Julie arrived home that afternoon, she was surprised to see how much had already been accomplished. The amount of stuff removed boggled her mind, but what shocked her was that when she entered her house, she found John sitting in the kitchen with Emily sprawled on his lap, purring as he stroked her behind her ear.
“Hi,” he said as she walked into the room. “I hope you don’t mind, but I was just taking a break, and Emily decided to hang with me. We became friends when I gave her a little of my lunch earlier.”
“Why would I mind? But she doesn’t usually warm up to most people quickly, so I guess that means she approves of you. I saw you managed to get a lot done today. It’s a good thing I hired you because it would have taken me a lot longer to do, and it probably would have put me in traction on top of that.”
“Yeah, in that, at least it makes sense. The way things are going, I’ll be done with removing stuff from the house tomorrow, and you’ll have to decide on how many windows you want to replace and what style, so start to think about it. I’ll call it a day and be back bright and early tomorrow. Have a good night, Julie, and I’ll see you too, Emily,” he said as he gently put the cat on the kitchen floor before standing and departing through the kitchen door.
Emily yawned and stretched before rubbing her nose against her mistress’ ankle while waiting for supper. Julie fed the cat and scratched Emily’s head as she chowed down.
“What do you think, Em? About John, I mean? You like him, and he seems nice, and here I am asking my cat for advice. God, I’m losing it.”
Julie walked the house again, looking for things to get rid of that she might have missed in her initial survey. She also inspected and counted her old drafty windows. She made her final decision on the colors she wanted many rooms painted. Satisfied with what she’d done, Julie had her dinner while doing schoolwork the rest of the night.
That night, she didn’t sleep well, tossing and turning, then waking up bathed in sweat. Unfortunately, she knew the reason why. Her dreams were causing this reaction, and not only were they of a sexual nature, but John featured prominently in them. Finally desperate to sleep, she pulled her nightgown up and let her fingers walk. For the first time, her mystery man had a face that appeared identical to that of her former student and current worker. And he delivered an earth-shaking climax to her, after which she sank into a contented sleep.
Julie slept so soundly that she snoozed right through her alarm clock. Yes, it was an old-fashioned kind, and the ringing of her doorbell awakened her the following day. She pulled her nightgown down, though she clearly remembered doing that last night before again falling asleep. She rushed downstairs and threw open the front door to see John standing there looking gorgeous, holding two cups of coffee.
“Sorry I’m running late,” she said, “I have to hurry.”
Julie left him at the door and panicked on her way to the shower. She quickly showered, brushed her teeth, and bolted out the door. Unfortunately, at that moment, John was carrying a box from the attic and had just emerged into the hall. They collided, though John managed to turn his body, lessening the impact. The only casualty was that Julie’s robe, which hadn’t been fastened securely, came somewhat undone.
John had been about to apologize when his jaw dropped as he caught a glimpse of Julie’s charms - two small and perfectly shaped breasts topped with bubble gum-colored nipples. He managed to close his mouth and turn away. Mortified from what had just happened, Julie pulled her robe together and fled without a word to her room, where she swiftly dressed.
Fortunately for her, he remained in the attic, allowing Julie to slip out of the house with the tattered shreds of her dignity. By the table near the front door, she sat a cup of coffee with a sticky note labeled Julie. She took it in passing as she left. Between figuratively kicking herself as she drove, Julie took some comfort in thinking of John bringing her the coffee, which triggered her embarrassment anew.
She had just made it to class before the first-period bell rang and was not at her best. Since it was Thursday, that allowed her to tell the class to review their lessons to prepare for the following day’s exam. She sat there, reviewing her notes and lesson plans while replaying the scene repeatedly. That would have been bad enough, but it started to arouse her knowing that John had seen her breasts.
No man had since her college days when she was finally freed of her mother’s control; she had lived life a tiny bit.
There had been mixing with the opposite sex and dates with college boys and even a couple of short-term boyfriends during those four years. It was when she had lost her prized virginity, taken during a frat party when she had one too many glasses of spiked punch. The worst thing about it was she barely remembered the actual incident, but it was also the last time she heard from Kyle, who had deflowered her. Still, she hadn’t let that stop her from trying to live life.
About that night, she vaguely remembered there had been some pleasure involved on her part, which she wished to experience again.
Unfortunately, the next boy she dated, named Harold, had been more than willing to sleep with her, but he had not a clue when it came to a woman’s erogenous zones. Fumbling clumsily with her breasts a moment as he positioned himself was the extent of foreplay. Once he was in her, he would thrust weakly for a couple of minutes before pulling out and ejaculating on her aroused yet unsatisfied body.
On a few occasions, she had delicately tried to broach the subject of her enjoyment, or lack thereof, with him, only for him to respond that any girl who thought in such a way must be a slut. Since that was the last thing that Julie wished to appear as she let the matter drop. They continued to date until the end of the semester when he informed her that he had transferred to a college closer to home and that they wouldn’t see each other again.
Maybe she should have been offended, but truthfully, Julie felt relieved. The thought of continuing to date and maybe one day marrying Harold left her cold. He was brilliant and not bad-looking but dry and dull with a narrow view of things. In no uncertain terms, he’d informed her that no wife of his would work, and she had set her sights on becoming a teacher. Even worse was the thought of years of marital relations when her desires would get scant attention.
That had been the full extent of her sex life. Once she’d returned home after college, her mother had reasserted her control, not that the men had been breaking down the door to get to her. Still, from then on, Julie dressed and conformed to what her mother thought was proper. The skirts she had worn in college that ended just above the knee were thrown out as they were too revealing even to be donated to charity. Julie had retreated into her shell, and she only felt alive when she tried to impart her love of literature and poetry to successive classes of students.
When Lauren joined the staff and befriended the painfully introverted English teacher, Julie again yearned for something more. Of course, by then, her mother was in poor health, which gave her another means to control her daughter, but though Julie complied, she lived vicariously through Lauren. They would talk and tell each other everything, though, as Julie confessed, she didn’t have much to reveal. Still, it was from Lauren that she learned about masturbation and that there was nothing wrong with a woman achieving orgasm. Now, Julie couldn’t wait for lunch so that she could again confide in and ask Lauren for advice.
She was waiting anxiously at their regular table when her friend breezed in. Right away, she sensed that Julie was on edge as she sat down, her eyes darting around, and she was continuously twisting and untwisting a strand of her long brown hair.
“Okay, spill it! I can tell something’s bothering you, Jules.”
“I made a fool of myself this morning, and I’m hoping you can do me a big favor,” she began. “Is there a chance you can come with me to my house after school?”
Lauren raised an eyebrow at the suggestion and shook her head.
“Julie, Julie, what have you done that you need my protection for?”
“Well, not really protection, well maybe a little, but more for moral support.”
To be continued
Chapter 4
“Thanks,” he answered as he handed her the cooler.
She opened it and put the items inside, including one beer bottle.
“Just a beer with lunch, hope you don’t mind. If you prefer, I won’t drink it.”
“No, John, it's fine; I’m not much of a drinker, maybe a glass of wine when I’m sometimes at dinner with friends. Mother never approved of spirits.”
“Well, a glass of wine is good - after all, Jesus drank wine, right?”
She smiled as she answered. “That’s true, I guess. I have to go; you have my number if there’s a problem. One last thing: you met or at least saw my kitty Emily yesterday. She tends to come and go as she pleases, but now that the weather is getting warmer, she’s out a lot. But if you hear her scratching on the door, could you let her in?”
“No problem, Miss Jones, and have fun at school.”
“Thank you, John, and have fun moving things,” she replied and started to leave, but she stopped and turned back to him. “And since you have been working here for a while and certainly no longer a student, you can call me Julie if you prefer.”
“Okay, Julie, and that’s a beautiful name,” he said, just managing to stop from saying ‘for a pretty woman,’ but after embarrassing her yesterday, he was being careful.
“Thank you,” she said quietly.
For the next few hours, he worked his ass off and managed to make quite a dent removing material from the attic. Most of what he got rid of was labeled trash in Julie’s neat flowery script, which he placed on the side of the driveway. He wasn’t sure what day the house received trash pickup, so he thought leaving it there for now was best. Julie hoped to donate the remaining items to charity, mostly furniture and some items in boxes. He transported these to her garage, which she only used to shelter her car during winter. During one of these trips, he saw a face peering through the hedge bordering the property.
“Good morning,” John cheerfully called out.
The face disappeared like a shot, causing John to laugh, but he put it out of his mind and resumed work. Later, he needed to retrieve a tool from his truck to help him break a large piece of furniture into sections to make it easier to move. As he closed the truck door, he couldn’t help but notice that a couple was sitting on the front porch of the house next door.
“Hello,” called out the man as he stood and waved to John, who returned the wave. The man gestured for John to come over with a motion. He had no idea why, but he’d been going nonstop, so he welcomed the break and turned up the neighboring sidewalk. When he reached the porch, the man extended his hand and gave him a hearty handshake.
“How do you do? My name is Jack Russell, and this lovely lady is my better half, Edna.”
“Glad to meet you. My name is John Colt,” he replied and nodded at the gray-haired, bespectacled woman who sat close by and recognized as the person who had been watching him earlier.
“Not to be nosy, but the little woman told me that you seem to be moving some things out of the Jones place.”
“Yeah, that’s right. Just trying to get the place for Julie, Miss Jones.”
“And you’re a friend of hers?” Edna Russell inquired eagerly as she leaned forward.
“Truthfully, I’m working for her, though I’m a former student of hers,” John replied, to which Edna sighed and clucked her tongue before answering.
“That’s too bad. She’s such a nice girl but seems unlucky regarding love.”
“Now, dear, maybe you’re just projecting what you think is best for Julie,” Jack told his wife.
“Who are you fooling, you old goat? You know that you agree with me. I blame her mother. God rest her soul. She was too overprotective, and now Julie is probably past the age at which she’ll probably find Mr. Right.”
“Well, it was nice meeting you, but I should be getting back to work,” John said, uneasy with the conversation's direction.
“Now look at what you’ve done, scaring John away with such talk,” Jack said to Edna.
“No, really, it’s not that. I need to get back to work, that is all. But the job just started so I’ll surely see you a lot. Take care.”
That afternoon, as Julie ate her lunch, Lauren peppered her with questions about John. Julie replied truthfully, though her answers didn’t satisfy her friend.
“What do you want me to say, Lauren? He’s there working, and that’s all there is to it. Sorry to disappoint you, but this isn’t a story from you know where,” she said, lowering her voice for the final part.
Lauren smiled wickedly at a thought that came to her after her friend’s declaration before she spoke.
“If I were you, Julie, I might be a little nervous with a strange man alone in my house. If he’s anything like men from stories on, then by now, he’s jerking off into a pair of your dirty panties. Can you imagine?” she said with a laugh.
“Oh my God! Don’t say that, Lauren, even kidding around. He’s not like that, is he? What do you know about him that you’re not telling me?”
Looking around to ensure that no one in the lounge was first listening, Lauren replied to her friend.
“I’ve never heard anything like that, but you never know with men; they’re all beasts. But I did remember something I heard about him. If you’re interested, that is?”
“Of course I am Lauren. Tell me,” Julie whispered as she leaned closer to her fellow teacher.
“Well, one time years ago, when I still lived at home, I overheard a conversation between my sister and one of her friends. It seems they were at a party, and John and his girl at the time had gone into a bedroom for some privacy if you understand my meaning. I guess the girl was a bit loud and not just moaning, but she was also a talker. Some pretty wild things were said, but the thing is, some guy, a smartass, opened the door while they were going at it. Many people, including my sister, managed to see into the room, and from what I heard, there was another reason they called him Johnny Forty-five. It seems he has a BIG gun if you follow me.”
“Oh my God, Lauren! What are you saying? Never mind,” Julie said, her face crimson.
Lauren just smiled knowingly at her friend.
When Julie arrived home that afternoon, she was surprised to see how much had already been accomplished. The amount of stuff removed boggled her mind, but what shocked her was that when she entered her house, she found John sitting in the kitchen with Emily sprawled on his lap, purring as he stroked her behind her ear.
“Hi,” he said as she walked into the room. “I hope you don’t mind, but I was just taking a break, and Emily decided to hang with me. We became friends when I gave her a little of my lunch earlier.”
“Why would I mind? But she doesn’t usually warm up to most people quickly, so I guess that means she approves of you. I saw you managed to get a lot done today. It’s a good thing I hired you because it would have taken me a lot longer to do, and it probably would have put me in traction on top of that.”
“Yeah, in that, at least it makes sense. The way things are going, I’ll be done with removing stuff from the house tomorrow, and you’ll have to decide on how many windows you want to replace and what style, so start to think about it. I’ll call it a day and be back bright and early tomorrow. Have a good night, Julie, and I’ll see you too, Emily,” he said as he gently put the cat on the kitchen floor before standing and departing through the kitchen door.
Emily yawned and stretched before rubbing her nose against her mistress’ ankle while waiting for supper. Julie fed the cat and scratched Emily’s head as she chowed down.
“What do you think, Em? About John, I mean? You like him, and he seems nice, and here I am asking my cat for advice. God, I’m losing it.”
Julie walked the house again, looking for things to get rid of that she might have missed in her initial survey. She also inspected and counted her old drafty windows. She made her final decision on the colors she wanted many rooms painted. Satisfied with what she’d done, Julie had her dinner while doing schoolwork the rest of the night.
That night, she didn’t sleep well, tossing and turning, then waking up bathed in sweat. Unfortunately, she knew the reason why. Her dreams were causing this reaction, and not only were they of a sexual nature, but John featured prominently in them. Finally desperate to sleep, she pulled her nightgown up and let her fingers walk. For the first time, her mystery man had a face that appeared identical to that of her former student and current worker. And he delivered an earth-shaking climax to her, after which she sank into a contented sleep.
Julie slept so soundly that she snoozed right through her alarm clock. Yes, it was an old-fashioned kind, and the ringing of her doorbell awakened her the following day. She pulled her nightgown down, though she clearly remembered doing that last night before again falling asleep. She rushed downstairs and threw open the front door to see John standing there looking gorgeous, holding two cups of coffee.
“Sorry I’m running late,” she said, “I have to hurry.”
Julie left him at the door and panicked on her way to the shower. She quickly showered, brushed her teeth, and bolted out the door. Unfortunately, at that moment, John was carrying a box from the attic and had just emerged into the hall. They collided, though John managed to turn his body, lessening the impact. The only casualty was that Julie’s robe, which hadn’t been fastened securely, came somewhat undone.
John had been about to apologize when his jaw dropped as he caught a glimpse of Julie’s charms - two small and perfectly shaped breasts topped with bubble gum-colored nipples. He managed to close his mouth and turn away. Mortified from what had just happened, Julie pulled her robe together and fled without a word to her room, where she swiftly dressed.
Fortunately for her, he remained in the attic, allowing Julie to slip out of the house with the tattered shreds of her dignity. By the table near the front door, she sat a cup of coffee with a sticky note labeled Julie. She took it in passing as she left. Between figuratively kicking herself as she drove, Julie took some comfort in thinking of John bringing her the coffee, which triggered her embarrassment anew.
She had just made it to class before the first-period bell rang and was not at her best. Since it was Thursday, that allowed her to tell the class to review their lessons to prepare for the following day’s exam. She sat there, reviewing her notes and lesson plans while replaying the scene repeatedly. That would have been bad enough, but it started to arouse her knowing that John had seen her breasts.
No man had since her college days when she was finally freed of her mother’s control; she had lived life a tiny bit.
There had been mixing with the opposite sex and dates with college boys and even a couple of short-term boyfriends during those four years. It was when she had lost her prized virginity, taken during a frat party when she had one too many glasses of spiked punch. The worst thing about it was she barely remembered the actual incident, but it was also the last time she heard from Kyle, who had deflowered her. Still, she hadn’t let that stop her from trying to live life.
About that night, she vaguely remembered there had been some pleasure involved on her part, which she wished to experience again.
Unfortunately, the next boy she dated, named Harold, had been more than willing to sleep with her, but he had not a clue when it came to a woman’s erogenous zones. Fumbling clumsily with her breasts a moment as he positioned himself was the extent of foreplay. Once he was in her, he would thrust weakly for a couple of minutes before pulling out and ejaculating on her aroused yet unsatisfied body.
On a few occasions, she had delicately tried to broach the subject of her enjoyment, or lack thereof, with him, only for him to respond that any girl who thought in such a way must be a slut. Since that was the last thing that Julie wished to appear as she let the matter drop. They continued to date until the end of the semester when he informed her that he had transferred to a college closer to home and that they wouldn’t see each other again.
Maybe she should have been offended, but truthfully, Julie felt relieved. The thought of continuing to date and maybe one day marrying Harold left her cold. He was brilliant and not bad-looking but dry and dull with a narrow view of things. In no uncertain terms, he’d informed her that no wife of his would work, and she had set her sights on becoming a teacher. Even worse was the thought of years of marital relations when her desires would get scant attention.
That had been the full extent of her sex life. Once she’d returned home after college, her mother had reasserted her control, not that the men had been breaking down the door to get to her. Still, from then on, Julie dressed and conformed to what her mother thought was proper. The skirts she had worn in college that ended just above the knee were thrown out as they were too revealing even to be donated to charity. Julie had retreated into her shell, and she only felt alive when she tried to impart her love of literature and poetry to successive classes of students.
When Lauren joined the staff and befriended the painfully introverted English teacher, Julie again yearned for something more. Of course, by then, her mother was in poor health, which gave her another means to control her daughter, but though Julie complied, she lived vicariously through Lauren. They would talk and tell each other everything, though, as Julie confessed, she didn’t have much to reveal. Still, it was from Lauren that she learned about masturbation and that there was nothing wrong with a woman achieving orgasm. Now, Julie couldn’t wait for lunch so that she could again confide in and ask Lauren for advice.
She was waiting anxiously at their regular table when her friend breezed in. Right away, she sensed that Julie was on edge as she sat down, her eyes darting around, and she was continuously twisting and untwisting a strand of her long brown hair.
“Okay, spill it! I can tell something’s bothering you, Jules.”
“I made a fool of myself this morning, and I’m hoping you can do me a big favor,” she began. “Is there a chance you can come with me to my house after school?”
Lauren raised an eyebrow at the suggestion and shook her head.
“Julie, Julie, what have you done that you need my protection for?”
“Well, not really protection, well maybe a little, but more for moral support.”
To be continued
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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