Don't give up the Ship!

Negate the negations... and...
see possibility beyond loss...
all throughout our hellscape land
to give your blues an Olympic toss!

See possibility below and above
dry pollen blowing off the trees
in automatic future love
undermining present disease...

which some will say must be removed
and often that is just the case,
but not before it's been well proved...

So question those who double down
into violent decision.  
So many now have etched their frown
into permanent derision!

And there's no one to be trusted less
than broken records who despair
and take the things that we confess
to use for their next hidebound scare!

So look for possibility;
leave for it some room in your mind
that a trait of imbecility...
is just the fear of being kind:)

And rest assured the rest of us
will look straight through a hateful muse
itching to throw us under the bus...
in propitiation of Fox News!

I get it though. Folks worry a lot.
No gumption therefore no guts.
So they simp for some guy with a yacht
with all of their now useless nuts.

And fear controls their trigger itch;
lizard brains aiming center mass
to show us all that they're the bitch
at neurologic impasse!

We'd love to have them in our crowd
of happiness and merriment,
but hating tells us they're way too proud
and devoted to disparagement.

So for Christ sake, step back a bit,
and double check those backward thoughts
and try to think more than the twit
with media in double knots!

We have within us all it takes
to rise above the misery
of all too common ape mistakes...
abusing hard won liberty!  

Written by MidnightSonneteer
Author's Note
Ask yourself if it's good for everybody.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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