After Dad Left Chapter 11

After Dad Left
Chapter 11

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'm very ok," she replied, kissing me quickly.

She swam around for about thirty minutes before we exited the pool and went back inside. It was close to five o'clock, so I ordered a large pizza while Michelle dressed. We ate dinner and watched one movie before Michelle suggested she drive home. As much as I wanted her to stay, I understood and helped her with her things in her car. She kissed me goodnight in the driveway, and again, my head spun. I watched her pull away and round the corner before going back inside.

I had a hard time going to sleep that night and woke up early the following day, feeling like I had a hangover. I got up, showered, and dressed, then made a grocery run. I was waiting in the check-out line at the grocer when my phone rang. It was Robin Woods. I put the phone back in my pocket and let it go to voice mail. Robin called three more times that day, and it went to voice mail all three times.

The following day, Michelle called me early that morning. She told me she believed the two of us needed to talk. I agreed to speak to her, and she told me she would come to my house at about noon. In a way, I was concerned because I was beginning to grow fond of Michelle. She was as accurate as real gets, and I believed I could trust her completely. She had a great personality, was probably my best friend, and was drop-dead beautiful. I could only wait and see what this was all about.

Michelle arrived about fifteen minutes after twelve with two coffees in her hands. I let her in, and we went straight to the sofa and sat down. I couldn't be positive, but Michelle looked as nervous as I did. It didn't take long for the conversation to start.

"Tim, I don't know where to start, but I think we need to have this conversation before we can go any further if we even do. I was attracted to you the first day we met; I will not deny that. Hearing about how my sister described you and how kind and considerate you were did not help much," she started.

"My heart broke for you that night in my backyard when you learned about Jeff. I wanted to kill Robin for what she did to you. I wanted to wrap my arms around you and promise everything would be alright. I went straight upstairs to bed when you left and cried myself to sleep that night. I didn't say a word to Robin for months," she continued.

"That day I met you in the gym, my heart just about jumped out of my chest. I could not wait to get to the gym and be with you, even if it were just working out. After a while, I would hope you might ask me out somewhere, but since Robin is my sister, I knew that was a problem.", she mentioned.

"Michelle, I don't know what: I started before she cut me off.

"Please, Tim, let me finish. Then I will listen to anything you have to say. I was up until midnight talking to my father on the phone last night.
He is the reason I am here today. I told him about the other day when I was here, and I think he was surprised we hadn't slept together. I never lied to my dad, and I never will. So, all of this leads to the fact that I could fall in love with you quickly. And I know this isn't fair to you after what you have been through. But I need you to either tell me that you have some feelings for me or if it's best to shake hands and move on.", she finished.

"That is a lot to absorb, but let me see how to put this. When we started working out together, I saw you as the pretty little sister of a girl I once dated. But as the weeks turned into months, you became a friend I enjoyed being around. Then, before I recognized it, you were my best friend.
That night, when you took me out to dinner, I realized that you were someone who spoke your mind and could be trusted. That's when I thought perhaps something could be more between us. "I started.

"I don't think being with you and falling in love with you would be hard. I'm thinking falling in love with you and trying to be part of your family might be difficult," I added.

"As my dad said last night, he loves Beverly and Robin unconditionally; that's what a father does. But they have no say in who I love and want to be with. So, I have his blessing to pursue a relationship with anyone I choose. And if you haven't figured it out by now, I choose you.", Michelle advised, her hand trembling.

"Michelle, I would love nothing more than to spend as much time with you as possible," I replied.

She leaned over and kissed me softly, once again melting any hesitation I had left. We kissed over and over, slowly and softly. Nothing was hurried; it was like we had all the time in the world.
Michelle called me early on December twenty-ninth morning and asked me if I wanted to go to a New Year's Eve party hosted by one of her aunts, her father's sister. She did tell me that Beverly and Stan Woods would be there and possibly Robin, but she wasn't sure. Since we had both crawled out on this narrow limb together, why not test the waters immediately? I agreed to go and asked her about how to dress. She said it was a very casual affair, nothing fancy.

I picked Michelle up around seven thirty on New Year's Eve, and we drove about forty-five minutes to her aunt and uncle's home. Michelle looked great in tight jeans, boots, and a pullover sweater. I also wore jeans, a pullover shirt, and a light jacket. We were left immediately by her aunt, to whom I was introduced at once. Several seconds later, her uncle arrived, and introductions were made.

This was the first time most of the extended family had seen Michelle since she joined me at the gym, and everyone complimented her on the transformation. She acknowledged to everyone that I was her training partner and the one who pushed her so hard. I had already been told that her Aunt Pam, her father's only sister, was a real cut-up. It did not take long for me to find that out.

"Michelle, I'm not sure where you found him, but I want one like him. My godchild, you are some fine," she said, trying to embarrass me.

"Um darling, I'm right behind you," her husband laughed.

"Damn it, we will talk later," she said, winking at me and walking off.

"Don't pay her no mind, son; she's harmless." Michelle's uncle replied.

"It's ok, sir, not a big deal," I responded.

"What do you do for a living son," he asked.

I work at Butler, Land, and Reyes, a law firm in town. I'm a certified public accountant and run their financial floor," I replied.

"Isn't that where your sister works, Michelle," he asked.

"That's a long story that I'm sure my mother will tell you all about tonight," Michelle replied.

"Nice to meet you, son," he stated, shaking my hand again.

We made our way around the house, and Michelle introduced me to several family members. Michelle couldn't stop getting compliments about her appearance, but how could I blame them? We finally sat on a small sofa in the large living area. About twenty minutes later, Stan and Beverly Woods walked into the room and noticed us. As usual, Stan came across and hugged her younger daughter, with Beverly gingerly walking behind him with a distressed look on her face. Stan shook my hand and then moved across the room to greet his sister and her husband. Michelle quickly hugged her mother, and then I followed her.

"Are you two dating now?" Beverly asked.

"I guess we are, Mom, although this is only the second time we have been out together.", Michelle replied.

Beverly asked, "Your sister will be here soon with Jeff. Please don't start any trouble."

"Mom, if anyone starts trouble, you know it will be Robin. Tim and I talked about this situation for days. Neither one of us cares what Robin does or thinks. We won't be the problem," Michelle responded to her mother.

Beverly looked at me, expecting me to say something, but Michelle said everything that needed to be said. I sat back down, and Michelle sat beside me, grabbing my hand with hers. Beverly walked away, following her husband across the room. I leaned over to Michelle and whispered in her ear.

"We can leave anytime you want. I don't want you to have to deal with all this bullshit," I said softly.

"Fuck that bitch, Tim. She won't make me run away," Michelle whispered back.

We were still on that small sofa, talking about the future and Michelle having always wanted to cook for a living. We were talking about several schools Michelle had researched about becoming a chef. The problem was trying to keep her small business afloat, and going to school would be overwhelming. That was always the sticking point of why she had always put it off. We were brainstorming the issue when I noticed Robin and Jeff heading toward us.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Robin asked.

"We are great, Robin. It's good to see both of you," I replied, getting up, hugging Robin, and shaking Jeff's hand.

"Hey, sis," was all Michelle offered.

"We will be back in a while. I need to tell everyone hello," Robin replied, grabbing Jeff's hand.

We returned to our conversation, and I soon became oblivious to anyone in the room except Michelle. Michelle was so sincere and honest that it was not surprising she had become my best friend. She cared about what I did for a living but couldn't care less about the money. She never asked for anything and thanked you for everything you did for her. Nothing was expected other than the fact that we were together.

It was close to ten o'clock when Michelle asked if I wanted to get a coffee somewhere. I told her that was fine with me, and we got up and found Stan and Beverly Woods and told them of our plans. They were surprised we would not stay until midnight but let it go quickly. We also said goodbye to her aunt and uncle, Robin and Jeff.

We returned to the interstate and, twenty minutes later, pulled into a gourmet coffee shop and ordered. We sat at the table for almost twenty minutes, talking before Michelle hit me with a bombshell. She reached out and took my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.

"Baby, I want to end this year and start the next in bed with you," she whispered.

"Michelle, we don't need to rush into anything. I want you to be sure I can wait as long as I need to for you to be comfortable," I offered.

"Tim, I am sure, and that last statement told me everything I need to know about you. Now take me home, baby," she replied.

We got into my vehicle and drove straight to my house, arriving maybe fifteen minutes later. We went inside, locked up, then went straight to the main bedroom. Michelle sat on the bed and unzipped her boots, taking them off one at a time. She then stood up, unbuttoned her jeans, and slid them to the floor, stepping out of them quickly. She pulled her shirt over her head as I fumbled to get out of my clothing. She was wearing a white lace bra with matching panties. She unhooked the bra, revealing a substantial pair of breasts, then pulled the covers back, sliding under the sheets.

I quickly followed her, pulling her into my arms and kissing her soft lips. She responded to me passionately, forcing her tongue into my hungry mouth. I slid my hand down her firm stomach and inside the waistband of her panties. I moved further down until I found her smooth-shaved pussy. She was already highly wet as I ran one finger up her opening, pausing to gently rub her soft clit back and forth. She moaned into my mouth, never pulling her lips from mine, her tongue dancing in my mouth. I reached up and pushed her panties down her legs, pulling my lips from hers. I softly kissed the side of her cheek and gently down her neck and shoulders. I stopped shortly as I licked and kissed the rock-hard nipple on her left breast.

Then I moved gently down her firm stomach leaving a trail of wet kisses down her body until I was between her legs, gazing at the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen. I leaned forward and slowly licked her from the bottom to the top of her wet crease stopping only to flick her clit several times with my tongue.

"Oh, my god, baby, don't stop," she begged.

I concentrated on her clit, being as gentle as I could, alternating between soft kisses and flicks of my tongue. Michelle's hands were on my head, softly running her fingers through my hair as I worked on her wet opening. She was lost in pleasure as her body arched and twisted under the pleasure my lips and tongue were giving her.

"Fuck, you know how to eat pussy baby," she gasped.

Michelle's fluids were pouring from her pussy, and I was trying to swallow as much as I could. I looked up and saw that her face, neck, and upper chest were crimson red. I knew she was close to having an orgasm, so I began to softly suck on her clit, flicking it with my tongue while it was between my lips.

"Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum baby," she warned.

I increased the suction with my lips and began to flick her nub as hard as I could, both hands holding her thighs tightly. Michelle lasted about ten seconds before she exploded in my mouth, sending thick secretions into my mouth while writhing in pleasure under me. Her orgasm was very intense and very long. She finally relaxed on the bed as I softly kissed and licked her oozing pussy listening to her breathing return to normal.

After several minutes, I moved up her body and took my cock in my hand, and guided it to her soaked opening. I eased the head in, watching her facial reactions as her eyes rolled back into her head. With one push, I was inside of her. Michelle's pussy was tight, wet, and hot. She looked up at me with pure passion in her eyes.

"I can't believe you're inside of me. I have wanted this for so long," she whispered, brushing my cheek.

I slowly moved in and out of Michelle, gazing into her beautiful eyes. She had both hands on my face, softly touching me as if she were in love for the first time. I wanted to cum so badly, but the feeling was so intense I didn't want it to end. Once again, Michelle's face began to turn pinkish, and I knew that another orgasm was lingering inside of her. I grabbed her and held her close, rolling over onto my back. She quickly straddled me reaching down and pushing my cock back deep inside of her.

She leaned over and stopped about an inch from my lips, looking directly into my eyes. She extended her tongue, running it over both of my lips quickly. I reached around with both hands and grabbed her firm tight ass urging her to move on me.

She slowly moved back and forth on me, staring deep into my eyes. I had one hand on her ass and the other stroking her back as she rode me softly.

"You like me fucking you, baby," she whispered.

"You're so tight and wet. You feel so good," I replied.

"Good, because I'm about to cum again. How about you? Can you cum with me?" she begged softly.

"I would love to, baby," I answered.

She leaned over and rested her chin on my shoulder as she began to urgently ride my cock back and forth rapidly. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold out very much longer. Thankfully, Michelle turned her head and whispered into my ear.

"Let it go, baby, let me feel your hot cum inside of me," she begged.

"Fuckkkkkkkk," I screamed as I held onto her hips, blasting my semen into her belly.

As soon as Michelle felt my cum inside of her, she tensed up and shook above me in pure pleasure with her second orgasm of the night. She collapsed on my chest, trying to catch her breath, her heart pounding against my chest.

We lay there for quite a while, and then I pulled her up and took her into the shower, where I washed her hair and then finished up on her firm young body. She did the same for me, and thirty minutes later, we were back in bed, holding each other tight. After several minutes, Michelle looked at me and told me I had made the right decision.

"I want to sleep like this every night and wake up each morning still in your arms," she offered.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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