Image for the poem How Wicca Led Me to Islam and Redemption: Part Two

How Wicca Led Me to Islam and Redemption: Part Two

- How Wicca Led Me to Islam and Redemption: Part Two -

   At the end of my long life as Ishtar, when I was still going by the name of Ereshkigal, I retired from ruling over Kurnugia and left it in the care of Nergal whilst I went away to live with Lilith in her home by the shores of the Red Sea. Many times, the Anunnaki sent messengers to myself and to Lilith to get us to come back to them and every time we refused to do so. Eventually, despite my body being pretty much the latest model synthetic android designed to last for thousands of years... wear and tear, and a general lack of proper maintenance at a robotics facility led to my body breaking down and me at the last dying because of it. I died in Lilith's arms, and she found herself unable to bear it so she took her own life to join me in death. I had no proper plan in place for my continued existence at that point, but Allah knew best and saw to my reincarnation. I was reborn this time as a living humanoid being not of a synthetic android variety, nor a long lived near-immortal clone either. That being the last emperor of the ancient empire of of Kalaborea, which was one of the seats of power of the El'vril race that was the descendants of the Vril, who had of old come from the Aldebaran star system and who had established upon the Earth the empires of Hyberborea and Kalaborea, and who had vast realms that they governed in the subterranean domains of Agartha deep beneath the Earth's surface. These beings were known to humanity as Elves, or the Fair Folk, and they were the ancestors of the Tuatha de Danann and also of the Fomorians who were kin to the Tuatha de Danann. During the time in which Kalaborea was still a dominant empire, the Vril had long since departed from the surface of the Earth following the collapse of the Hyperborean Empire... and I have explained elsewhere the complete histories of both Hyperborea and Kalaborea, so there is no need to recount all of that herein. I shall suffice it to say, that in the end it was fated that Kalaborea decline and in its' decline it was unable to contend with the human empire of Atlantis which had eclipsed it in glory, majesty and might. And it was  in that near-immortal form that I was living in when the nation of Kalaborea at the last fell to Altantis as chronicled in those writings of mine that speak of those events. But what was not written in those writings, is what I shall now reveal. The king of Atlantis was corrupt and insane, and he had already taken hostage the six Archons who had essentially been my children, and he kept them as his prisoners in order to ensure my compliance to his will. He then proceeded to... following this enslavement... force the even of us to give our deepest and most technological secrets over to him and his chief scientists, who used this knowledge to construct terrible weapons and armaments the like of which no human had ever fashioned before in all of history up until that point in it. Why did we comply? Because though we could not die as mortals could, being the sort of beings that we were at the time, we could still know pain and suffering, and we could bleed and hurt under the tortures that were at first employed against us to break our wills. So did we end up in doing precisely everything that this mad kind had desired of us to do. And all that I did, I did to protect my fellow Archons. We also told the king where existing weapons, vehicles, and other technologies we had hidden away could be found, and with these things his armies and navies became like no other. As a reward, and this was not much of a rewards really all things considered... the king took me and installed me in a grand temple at the top of the highest mountain in all of Atlantis, and he kept me a prisoner in a prison of splendors and wonders where I wanted for nothing and had people to worship me as a living god. And to save my kind from pain and torment, I let them do so, and I did not tell them about Allah or seek to turn them from wickedness. I was never allowed to leave the temple, and I was not allowed to in any way turn aside those who came to me to worship at my feet. And all of this, the king did hoping to turn me to wickedness myself, by playing to my ego and former pride. The temple had rising up from it a massive and tall tower, and that tower was called the Nal'kmaar'tlarna. The people of Atlan, which came to be called Atlantis by history, believed that this tower reached all the way to Heaven, and that I was the supreme deity of that domain. My hear ached from the blasphemy I was forced to placate, and I prayed in silence to Allah to deliver me and my brethren from the grip of this madness and utter lunacy.

   That king's name was Alexandros. His full name, which I shall now give for you dear reader to know, was in fact Alexandros of Phaer'azon. Phaer'azon was a province of the continent of Atlan, the one that the whole royal family had come from during that phase of Atlantis' history. The king's son was named Alexander and his daughter was named Alexandria, and the two of them were twins. Both equal in their beauty, intelligence, grace and decency unlike their impious and bloodthirsty father. I never knew at all the king's wife, who had died long, long before I came to be associated with these people. The king was obsessed with gold, and with wealth, and he was known as the Golden King because of this sad fact of his greedy nature. He was so impious, that he sought to elevate humanity over even the Anunnaki so as to establish himself as a god-king in place of those who reigned in Dilmun. He neither knew of Allah or sought to understand the existence of such a transcendent being and truth. Humans considered the race of the Anunnaki to be gods, and they could conceive of there being no power or authority higher. Now, the people of Atlantis were descendants of the same human species as was Adama and Eve, who were engineered by the Anunnaki to be their immortal slaves and servants in replacement of the Igigi who had rebelled against them and earned their freedom, whilst keeping their immortality. However, these new beings, that same which the people of Earth to this day are descended from... they were not nearly so lucky as the Igigi had been. After humanity was cast out from the old colony of Eden and all of the walled garden colonies in which they had once labored and toiled and worked as slaves and servants so bound to their Anunnaki masters... when myself and Lilith tried to rally the oppressed humans to fight for their freedoms and liberties against those who enslaved them... they were punished most severely in regard to what the Anunnaki deemed to be their transgression against them. Prior to being taken captive by the horrid king of Atlantis, the Archon Sabaoth who had previously been the Divine Regent of all the Divine Empire of the Anunnaki by right of his Archon ancestry and sympathy for the Anunnaki people (this so even at the cost of his blood loyalty to his own Archon and Titan kindred peoples, who had very much themselves grown to despite and resent him for this) had been the supreme monarch of those of the Anunnaki who had come to be the masters of Dilmun and all of the colonies over which the people of their race reigned. To the humans in service to his will, he was their supreme god, and I was viewed by them as an alternative god who existed in opposition to Sabaoth more often than not. But one every bit as supreme as he, due to my having come into existence long before he had. Indeed, were it not for me Sabaoth would never have come into existence at all! And it was the will of Allah that saw for to so allow me to participate in his and all the other Archons' creations. I tried to speak for the emanation of Allah known as Elohim, whilst humans took to referring to Sabaoth by the name of Yahweh. Yet, in my form as Samael they feared me and considered me to be an angel and god of death due to my love for Lilith, who was the living personification of Death itself. Yet, they could not decide which supreme god to listen to whilst in Eden and the other colonies. One day, Sabaoth decided to test my loyalty to him, of which I had none to be honest... merely an uneasy alliance, at best... and so he asked me if I would bow before Adama and Eve, to which I laughed and said of course I would not. “Did you not breed them to be as slaves to your will?” I asked him, adding: “Did you not intend them to be inferior to your kind in every conceivable way, the better to control and manipulate them! Of course you did. You, and the other Anunnaki who oversaw their creation. But it was the will of Allah that made their creation possible, for their souls and spirits within their bodies would not exist save for having come forth into these forms at the will of the Divine Force, the Source of All that is Allah almighty. To ask me to kneel before a slave, a servant, is the ultimate blasphemy, and I will never commit it for any reason, least of all to stroke your fragile ego and thus make you securest in my loyalty to you. I was before you, made by Allah in the first moment in which the light of the Divine Force first shone forth. I was a black shadow cast forth by that light, and I was of shadow and energy before I was ever of a material form like that which I wear now like so much of a raiment as those tatters you deny even this naked servant race the dignity of wearing.”

   I then exclaimed: “I will not bow! They are of flesh and bone and blood, made from matter just as is the very clay and soil beneath our feet. Shall I bow to the ground, next, and make obeisance to rocks? I refuse to do so, and if you despise me for that, then so be it. At least at the end of this day I shall still possess my dignity and what pride is still left to me after having been so long in your company. For I am humble before Allah, not before slaves belonging to servants who obey not their proper master. This was not what I agreed to when we set forth to create servants in our own image and likeness, which you were allowed to oversee, much to their everlasting shame. You insult me, Sabaoth, and I shall return the insult by insulting you in turn... by calling you lower than a serpent for commanding me to do this evil thing which I shall never do.” and he was furious with me, and said I was a demon, a devil a fallen god and a fallen messenger of his will. To which I declared: “We are not gods! No matter what these whom you seek to keep enslaved by such deceit might believe. One day, should they gain their freedom and in time come into their own, they might grow to be as powerful as the Anunnaki themselves. And then, I must ask, what will you do oh monarch of the false gods? Think in this, and grow wise. Or do not, and remain ignorant!” and I walked away from him, and from the two slaves he brought me before. He did call me “Iblis!” in that moment, which was the name by which I was known among the Dark Jinn who regarded me as the ruler of their race, which I actually was. However, to the Anunnaki, this was used as a derogatory term because they viewed the Jinn as mere servants to higher beings. It was Sabaoth's way of calling me his bound servant, which I would soon prove that I was not. First, by organizing the brutal rape of Eve at the hands of myself and the other Archons, with Sabaoth chancing upon the scene of and deciding to take part in thinking we were doing it to dehumanize her further, when in truth we sought to shame her to spite him for him having ordered me to bow before her and Adama. And so, we had done this abominable act to punish a blasphemy, only to realize we had merely degraded humanity further by indulging in such a brutality. And we had degraded ourselves, as well, by doing this thing! When I then realized that Eve's soul and spirit had come from that same Jinn named Zoe who had loved me back in my life as Ialdabaoth... when Eve cried out to me calling me by that name during her degrading, during the course of which she called herself Zoe instead of eve and begged me to remember her and stop what I was doing... my heart broke for what I had just caused to happen to her, and it broke even more at the realization that she was now paired with another slave rather than with me. I vowed in that moment, to secure her freedom, and the freedom of all whom the Anunnaki had enslaved in their terrible gardens... behind their high walls, where their gardens grew green and lush whilst beyond many of them were hot deserts and barren wastelands in the parts of the world where the “gods” had decided to descend and to establish their dominion. In time, I became Eve's lover instead of her rapist and we remembered who it was she had been together. This made my current lover, Lilith, jealous but she understood the good we could achieve by getting the humans to trust us rather than to fear and despise us. When she was seen to be pregnant from her rape, we had that pregnancy terminated because there would have been no way of knowing who the father might have been. Then, after I took Eve to my bed regularly for the span of one year, leading to the events of Lilith and I orchestrating the rebellion of the human slaves against all their Anunnaki masters... and when we led them forth from the colonies, with Sabaoth declaring we were not ever to return, none of us including Lilith and myself... she was seen to be pregnant with my child, and the child born from her was named Cain. She and Adama adopted Cain as their own son, and he was so the eldest born to Eve, with his brother Abel being born to her as the son of Adama two years later. But because Abel was the youngest, Adma favored him whilst Eve favored Cain. When Cain murdered his brother Abel, it was because he caught his brother offering up animal sacrifices to Sabaoth, which Cain knew to be a forbidden blasphemy thanks to what I had taught Eve, which she in turn taught Cain, of the truth of Allah's teachings. But we had neglected to impart upon him that it was wrong to kill, and so he ended up learning this the hard way. Humans were mortal now, and could die. I shall explain of this.

   Prior to allowing the slaves in the colonies to depart, as per their desires, Sabaoth first had them be taken to his genetic scientists so that their genetic makeup could be altered in order to shorten the span of their lives to what human lifespans are today. They were no longer nigh immortal like the Anunnaki, though Lilith and myself, and those who had aided us in securing humanity's freedom, had given them all that they needed to one day eclipse the Anunnaki and become masters of all the Earth. No longer, to be hunted naked by the Archons for sport, or forced to toil in gemstone mines in place of those of the Anunnaki and Igigi who once performed those tasks, or be made to tend the gardens that their masters loved so much because it reminded them of that paradise they did not realize could only be reached by way of love, compassion, humility and understanding. At first, they were grateful to us, but in time the human race as the former slaves were now known became resentful of having to struggle and ultimately die in a world they viewed as harsh and unforgiving. Beginnings are always a difficult time, and so this beginning of human civilization was filled with tremendous growing pains. Of all the early humans, it was only Cain whom Sabaoth took pity on and saw fit to bestow the former blessing of immortality to. And he said unto him, that despite being a murderer no man should be able to kill him! And he placed a mark upon Cain's forehead to ensure his safety, so that any upon seeing that mark would know he was favored of the Anunnaki and considered among them to be an equal. This, Sabaoth did only because he knew that Cain was my child and that I would be angry if any harm came to him. However, the longest lived immortality of the gods has its' limits and in time Cain walked the Earth no more, passing away after seeing countless civilizations rise and fall, with himself becoming the father of innumerable sons and daughters. And from his bloodline, I am today in this human body I wear as my current raiment, a descendant. Which is ironic, because once he had been my blood son! And so am I the author of even my own bloodline, through this means. Humans who died became subject to reincarnation, but since Allah is merciful even if Sabaoth was merciless... it was given to mankind to know, through the various prophets that came to speak the will of Allah to the human race in times past and present alike... that it is possible to overcome the cycle of life, death, and rebirth by living righteously and doing good deeds. And through such means, they can reach Jannah and never have to be reborn again. And so it was, that I who had liberated mankind from slavery at the hands of the false gods, did find myself a slave in that awful prison tower wherein the king of Atlantis kept me like some kind of abused and tormented pet he could not bring himself to set free. Now, I shall explain about the city of Atlantis itself. The old city of Atlantis had been built in a large circle about that great mountain which was at its' center, and it so was originally a place dedicated to the gods of the sea who had it was believed promised to keep Atlantis safe from storms and natural disasters for so long as they were worshiped and revered there. When I told the king all about how the Olympians under the command of the Anunnaki warlord Marduk had of old destroyed my adopted home planet of Rahab and tried to thence exterminate the whole Titan race in an act of deliberate genocide masked by the pretense of punishing war criminals, he became convinced more than ever that the “gods” were basely evil, wicked, and violently corrupt without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. He had me tell the people that the Anunnaki were deceiving them, and that those false gods wished only to keep mankind as slaves rather than to allow them to remain free to decide for themselves their own destiny. To be fair, at the time I believed this also! Only, I advocated that the false gods be left alone so long as they left people alone. The king, in his rage and fury against them swore to wage war upon them so that they would know never to push human beings that far again. And the more I tried to talk him out of it, the more he became convinced that the war was truly necessary. I think part of him believed he was avenging Rahab and doing me a kind of twisted favor. Only, it was something I expressly forbade the man from doing! He told me once that in doing this, he would be setting me free from the gods' control forever. Yet, he never once promised to set me free from my bound servitude to him. I was like a Jinn who had been bound to a wicked, wicked master. And so, that became my reality.

   And all the time, this deluded king flattered me and claimed that I was his master and he made a big public show of bowing before me and showing all manner of mock obedience whilst all the time it was he who held me by an unseen leash through threat of harm to the other Archons if I refused his wishes. He paraded the chained Sabaoth before the people of Atlantis, and proclaimed: “Behold, the false King of the Gods! He who once held our ancestors in servitude is now in chains at our mercy. He is no god, but a pathetic man with delusions and pretensions of godhood. See, how he bleeds like any of us can!” And he would cut him, knowing it could not kill him but realizing it would hurt him greatly. And all the time, thoughts of vengeance raced through Sabaoth's mind. And though I had hated Sabaoth myself, I felt sorry of him, seeing him reduced to this from the grandeur he once enjoyed. How the king of these humans had managed to seize him, I never did discover... but the result of it was plain to see. Whilst he was off preparing for his mad war, the mad king's sons and daughter tried their best to talk him out of it. I had fallen deeply in love with the princess, Alexandra, and for a long time her father the king even so considered marrying her to me so that he could proclaim her to be a living goddess and our offspring to be demigods. But over time, the princess began to go insane once she had started to receive past life memories of having been my beloved Lilith in a previous life. She eventually locked herself in the deep underground regions where various works were in place that helped to keep the capital city (which was partially built on the water) from flooding and refused to leave that region even to speak to me. During his attempts to calm me whilst I worried about his sister, her brother the prince fell equally in love with me himself and longed to have me named the supreme ruler of Atlantis upon the expected death of the king which he and his sister had been plotting for many years. However, the present crisis with the fate of the princess put their plan to murder their father on hold. The title I would have so held would have been God-King had the prince's and princess's plans actually succeeded. However, the day that the king sailed forth to Dilmun to fight the gods, the princess went insane worse than before and made it known via a messenger to the palace that she planned to undo the safety works underground and thus flood the capital city. Something she would also do in the ancient city of Ys when she was reincarnated as its' last princess (and later queen) Dahut. I was present for the destruction of Ys just as I had been for the total destruction of Atlantis and basically similar though not the same events took place in both tragic cities. For his part, the mad king had set forth with a massive naval armada and a force of aircraft of various sorts. I shall explain by what direction he chose to attack Dilmun. Now, the continent of Atlan was in the very middle of what back then was called the Atlan Ocean due it surrounding that continent. And during that same age, the continent of Pahan'gatab, known to human history as Lemuria, existed in the Pacific Ocean. Atlan and Pahan'gatab were allies. Dilmun, known to human history as Mu, existed in the Indian Oecan and was so massive that a part of it reached even across the water from the Persian Gulf such as it was in those ancient days. Naturally, the quickest route would have been for the king of Atlantis to sail south and eastwards around the African coast in order to then sail northeast to reach the coasts of Dilmun. It should be stated that the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, and African continent were all not called as such back then... but for the sake of modern readers, I will use those terms here so that it is easy to understand the geography involved. The king did not wish to take that easy and quick route, for he thought in his paranoid mind that the Anunnaki would be expecting him to come from that direction. In the oldest legends, humans could only reach the land of the “gods” by journeying across the sea to the west... and so from this ancient legend, which derived from superstition rather than from fact, the king of Atlantis gained the genesis of his plan. He sailed around coast of what is today known to us as South America, and his ships were specially designed to withstand the cold of the regions that lay south of that part of the Earth. He then circled around northwest from there, stopping at Pahan'gatab where he met with his allies there, who supplied him with vessels from their own navy to supplement his armada. Then, he sent word back to Atlantis to tell of his progress, and he paused in Pahan'gatab to rest his fleet.

   Then, he planned to sail due south through the Pacific Ocean, which also of course was not known in those days by that name. His combined armada would then circle around what today is called Australia, and journey northwest to Dilmun in order to take the Anunnaki by surprise. He was armed to the teeth, with advanced weapons, and he believed he could not possibly lose this war. Many of those surviving El'vril who dwelt in Atlan during this time (for, many who had fled the destruction of their old empire came hither seeking asylum) had degenerated further, into a degree of madness the likes of which I had never imagined possible... even for such ever cruel beings as they were. Their sheer savagery had made of them something no longer beautiful, even in appearance, and they mutilated themselves in my name, tortured themselves, and in time became a race of brutish creatures the likes of which had not been seen since the last days of life on the planet humans call Mars. Those vastly degenerated El'vril had survived the decimation of Atlan in the end, and in time they became a separate species entirely from the original El'vril. They could no longer abide living in the lands of the surface lit by the sun's bright light... and so they went deep underground, even unto legendary Agartha itself, and did find in such secret places their refuge. They forgot the name of their kindred in time, and called their species by the name Ur'kril which meant “Demon” in their language, with Ur'krili meaning “Demons”... which had been a term by which humanity had often referred to the El'vril when attempting to so demonize them in order to justify their prejudices against all of “Elven” kind. How tragically ironic! As I have said before, in my other works regarding this subject and history. But even when they were still living in Atlan, they began to dwell in underground places more than above ground, and they had already begin to call themselves Ur'kril. It is to be explained, what the importance of this is. Once the king was away, the prince so came to fetch me and I accompanied him (along with all the royal guards) to the underground regions in order to confront the insane princess. Whilst we attempted to talk sense into her, it went surprisingly well at first and she even came back with us to the palace to discuss the matter. We pushed ahead with our plans to have the king assassinated, and the princess contacted all manner of rebel factions throughout the continent who were discontent with his tyrannical rule. The plan we came up with was to send a small covert fleet of ships carrying these rebels... who would catch up with the king's navy, and under the pretext of thence delivering a message from his daughter be allowed on board his flagship where they would either slip poison into his wine or slit his throat whilst he slept. Whichever was more convenient and possible to get done. So we sent them forth and waited to hear word on if the rebels were successful or not. Word came back to us that the king and his entire navy had been wiped out entirely by the Anunnaki, and no sooner did this word come back to us than the two siblings took all at once to fighting between each other over who should rule Atlantis as its' next king or queen now that their father was dead. It was said that the king's entire armada was annihilated, and that force arrayed against him was beyond anything the likes of which humankind had imagined even in its' wildest tales of the false gods and their power. Back in Atlantis, I backed the princess at first in her claim to the throne, until she once again barricaded herself down in the underground works and vowed to flood the capital city if her brother did not name her the rightful heir to their father's legacy and throne. She had at her side pretty much all of the Ur'kril, who rallied to her cause believing that in doing so they were favoring me since I was known by them to be fond of her. It must be stated, that the Ur'kril were the most absolutely remote ancestors of what did eventually became the Fomorian peoples that are known to ancient Irish history, in much the same way that humans are descended form far more feral and savage ancestors. Likewise, those El'vril who had not fallen and become Ur'kril became the ancestors of the Tuatha de Danann, and that is how and why it is that those two peoples were blood kindred to each other. At any rate, due to the somewhat difficult and unexpected turn of events brought about by the princess, I felt compelled to try and reason with the princess and the Ur'kril and to try and get them all to see reason. Given that the Ur'kril all quite literally worshiped me as their primary deity, I had thought it would be an easy thing to get them at least to help.

   For I needed assistance in my efforts to have the princess at last see the folly in destroying the capital city of all Atlan. I wanted to go alone, since as I so explained to the prince I had a history with both the princess as well as these people and that they would listen to me if I was not seen coming to them in his company. However, pride got the better of Alexander and he demanded to come along claiming that this was his right as one of the two heirs to the throne and that after all it was his blood sister who had lost her mind. So, he came along and she upon seeing him refused at once to listen to me in any way. As a consequence, she and her Ur'kril servants destroyed the safety works and I and the prince had to flee whilst the capital city flooded almost entirely. Though not completely, unlike what would happen in Ys later in history! Well, the prince was vengeful and embittered following his sister's death (she so died in the cataclysm that nearly destroyed the capital city) and I was falling into a deep depression. He talked me into going with him to launch a new navy against the false gods, following in his father's footsteps like a fool. I told him I was not interested in joining him, and I pointed out that this is what so killed his father. But for some reason, he blamed the Anunnaki and claimed that they had it coming, because they did nothing to stop his sister or to save the city. I reminded him that had he not been there, I could very easily have saved both! But he refused to listen to me in regard to that, and he similarly refused to take responsibility for his own guilt regarding the whole tragic series of events. At the last, he did the same thing his father did... he threatened me and said that if I did not go along with whatever he planned to do then he would harm my fellow Archons. Knowing I loved them, he was certain of my loyalty to him. I reminded him of his earlier promise to me to have me named God-King of Atlantis and told him how there was nothing left to stop him from thus keeping his word to me. He told me he would do so only after he had paid back the false gods in blood, and only if I went with him on his voyage to do so. So, I was forced to come along whilst he led a second navy in a desperate attack on the domain of the gods in Dilmun. Our fleet was wholly annihilated just like the king's had been, and I was forced to flee for my life on one of the only remaining vessels left intact. Once I got on back to Atlantis, to the remains of the capital city... I tried to warn the populace that this time the false gods were vengeful and that they had in turn promised to wipe the whole continent of Atlantis off the face of the Earth. Thanks to this warning, enough people were able to escape before the gods came in a genocidal fury. The Anunnaki basically so came, slaughtered everyone who remained in Atlantis that they could find, and devastated the continent with such brutal fury and such horrific weapons that it caused the very tectonic plates that Atlantis was sitting upon to become unstable which resulted in earthquakes and tsunamis that sank Atlantis beneath the sea and broke it into so many pieces no one will even find the remnants of it no matter how hard archaeologists might search and look. Many people got away from this cataclysm, and the ones who did became the most remote ancestors of the most ancient cultures on Earth... like the Egyptians, the Aztecs and the Sumerians. Whilst the natural disasters did the worst work at destroying Atlantis utterly, the all too devastating flying attack crafts of the false gods rained down death from above. I was in a boat with some of the survivors, and one of them tried to murder me not realizing I could not die that easily. The person ran a sword through my body but missed my heart, after which they cast me overboard thinking I would drown. But a flying craft came down from above, and I was rescued from drowning by my old comrade Gabariel who had served with me as a member of the order of the Celestial Knights in service of the Divine Empire back when the cruel warlord Marduk took pity upon me after my assassination on the planet Ra'qia and in a rare moment of mercy saw to my resurrection in a new divine form. Gabariel and her sister Galadariel held the rank of archangels within that order, as had I once. They both still felt some loyalty towards me, and so they thence brought me to the mother ship of the gods, the Olympus, to attempt to save my life. The other Archons had also been recused from near death, and Sabaoth was once more in charge of the Anunnaki, whilst it had been Marduk who had overseen the destruction of Atlantis following his annihilation of the navies of humanity that had come to challenge the false gods.

   Once, Gabariel had been governess of the Eden colony, before Sabaoth took it over. And she regretted what he had turned her once peaceful colony into. Greater still, was her anger over the fate that befell I and my fellow Archons other than Sabaoth. For Sabaoth, it must be said, was very furious with me and claimed I had led the people of Atlantis astray by allowing them to worship me as their only god whilst they no longer worshiped the other gods at all. He was basically jealous of me, and looking for at least one surviving scapegoat to blame for what happened. Never mind that it was he who ordered Marduk to launch the genocide that culminated in Atlantis by setting forth such a contingency plan in case of any attempted human invasion of Dilmun long before he himself had been taken prisoner by the now dead king of Atlantis. Thus, it had been his doing when Marduk had orchestrated Atlantis' sinking beneath the ocean thanks to the false gods' ruthless bombarding of it and unleashing forbidden nuclear weapons against it that had not been used in ages beyond counting. He then had me and the other five Archons taken out of his sight and made mortal. When Marduk said that was an unfair and unjust punishment given the blame he and the other false gods also had in what happened in Atlantis at the end... Sabaoth had them turned mortal also, leaving only he himself immortal. Following that, he left Earth but vowed to one day return to see what became of mankind in his absence. Centuries later, he did return to Earth once again and it was he who came to dwell among the Hebrews of ancient Israel and there he thence so demanded they worship him and him alone as the one and only “True God”. It was one of his flying crafts that Ezekiel saw in his vision of “God”. The title of “True God” Sabaoth promised to share with me, if only I served him as a kind of spy among humanity. Basically, I was to report to him about the doings of various peoples in various parts of the world at various points in time throughout my various mortal incarnations and to let him know who was committing various grievous sins and wicked deeds so that he could punish them for it. I did this for him for a time, but eventually refused to work for him any longer once it became clear to me that he was taking advantage of my at times childlike nature and using me as a kind of informant to ferret out who was sinful and wicked and who was not. I told him at one point, in one life, that if he wished to accuse humanity of being sinful then he could so come down and walk among them himself to learn if they were or not. He basically said: “Fine! So be it.” and we parted ways and did not speak again until he came to me in a vision and a series of dreams in this life to tell me he was sorry and wanted he and I to be at odds no longer. I agreed to this truce, and we parted ways as friends rather than as enemies. He has left me alone ever since. So now you know why it is that the gods were angry with me over Atlantis. It did look terrible when I was there with the prince when he did that final attack on the gods, and after the falling out I had with Sabaoth over humanity back in the days of the Eden colony... I suspect there was centuries of bad blood between he and I that he wished to take out on me and apparently on the other five Archons as well. Other than him, only Lilith has stayed a divine being thanks to the simple fact that as Death she is beyond even Sabaoth's reach and he cannot punish her like he could and did all of us. When she incarnates as a mortal, it is because she wishes to. Not due to karma or fate or as a kind of punishment of any sort. I think what Sabaoth and the rulers of Atlantis never realized is that I never wanted to be a god! I just wanted to be loved and to be happy, in every life I ever lived. Even in my very darkest incarnations. Just, sometimes things went wrong so bad that I did end up going deeper into darkness rather than finding the happiness I was seeking all along. I think part of the reason I find modern Christianity so intolerable is because I know all the flaws in their religion and I know the origins of much of what they believe. Also, whenever they get talking all about how evil their idea of the Devil and Satan is, I always feel like it is a sharp blade piercing my heart, and I think to myself: “But I am not evil! The very God you are worshiping is one thousand times more evil and cruel than I ever was. I know this personally.” And the true God, the true Goddess, Allah whom it is that Christ tried to lead people to as a great prophet... Christians refuse to follow, because they have all been deceived into the worship of Sabaoth, just as the ancient Hebrews had been deceived before them.

   Following my being made mortal after Atlantis' destruction, that was the very last life in which I was allowed to live as an immortal being, and following that I was made mortal as I have established. So it was that my first life following that was as the Fomorian king Balor... and as Balor that was the last life I would ever have as a person or being with a long life span far exceeding that of normal human beings. My life as Balor, was, essentially, a kind of trial to see if the gods could forgive me enough to allow me to return to the fold, as the saying goes. They apparently did not like how I did, since when I so died as Balor, that was the beginning of my successive reincarnations as a human being here on good old planet Earth. So now you know how all of those ancient past lives of mine flowed together and how things so progressed ultimately to the point where they remain today. As for the other five Archons, they were all reinstated to their immortality, and given dominion over the seven universes as I so attested previously. But, each of them has a lesser aspect that walks on Earth as a mortal among humanity at the same time. With the lesser self being linked directly to the higher self, ensuring that their lesser selves could still be subject to reincarnation unless they found a way to one day break the cycle and ascend to Jannah, thus allowing their higher selves to ascend to Jannah with them. The powers that did choose to make these things come to pass, did see fit to find a way to balance things out by ensuring I too... in a way... was so restored to my former immortal status. So it was, that there was in time created a new immortal Archon body to house my higher self, and into it the essence of Ahriman in its' entirety so had been poured. It required the building of the most powerful Archon of all, to accommodate such an entity. But once it so was achieved, this being became the Prime Archon Ialdabaoth that presides over the sixth universe, or the sixth heaven as it is also known. Whilst I, as its' lesser self, continue to walk the Earth and be reborn in life after life until just like the other Archons I can one day ascend to Jannah and be free to return to the true paradise of Allah thereby. Six is being the number of the mechanical being that this higher self of mine is that exists in the sixth universe. And, due to the triple nature of my spirit, which had derived originally from the three emanations of the primordial shadow that was cast forth into existence by the light of Allah in the dawn of the present cycle of time... that number is not one six, but three, which is written as 666. And that, is how this number became associated with me. And all of this, did Diana thus reveal unto me when I met her up at the park when I was seventeen years old. I learned her true name... and I learned mine. And I understood the path that lay before me. She called me her most beloved of all siblings, and she said that I was destined to one day return to the grace of Allah in order to teach others of Allah's blessed redemption that can be anybody's if they desire to change their ways for the better. I did learn from her that her two lesser sisters, the beings known as Al-Uzza and Manat, had set she and they up as false divinities to be worshiped by the people of Arabia in the most ancient of times. But the great prophet of Allah known to history as Muhammad, he had seen the wickedness inherent in the evil worship of false gods and false goddesses, and he went to their holy place which was the Kaaba in the city of Mecca, and there he did remove the idols dedicated to them, along with other idols that were in the great cube temple known as the Kaaba. And this did set their spirits from from bondage there, so in order that they might be redeemed and able to serve Allah once again. Thus, did Al-Lat's spirit return to its' source, and eventually it came to dwell in the form of Diana that I met at the park when I was but a teenager in search of truth, knowledge, and faith. For the part of her that came to dwell in me following what occurred between us on Ra'qia in ancient times did call her to me in my hour of greatest need. To learn the path that Allah had set me to walk. Previously, I had practiced the ways of the Druids, but after my encounter with Diana who was Al-Lat I began to turn slowly to Wicca, and to other mystical sorts of practices whilst my religious beliefs gravitated at first towards Gnosticism. As the years went by, I did become a Gnostic high priest-priestess, and a master-mistress of Wicca in deference to my being of a hermaphrodite nature given I was born intersex in this my present life. That culminated in me becoming a Luciferian Gnostic Pagan, which I identified as until but recently. And, what thus altered that course?

   I have the gift of prescience, and was able to look ahead and see all of the possible futures that lie out before me, and all of them ended in my ultimate damnation save for one. If I embraced Allah, as had so been intended by Al-Lat when she came to me at the park, when I was seventeen years of age... I could be able to finally end my seemingly endless cycles of reincarnation and return to Janah, redeeming also my higher self in the process, thus allowing Light and Shadow to ultimately be reunited in the perfect cosmic balance that existed of old and which must exist again when the time comes for it to be as once it was. This would avoid the damnation that would occur if I continued to revel in and embrace the dark side of my own nature, which had so consumed me in countless lives past both mortal and otherwise, to the degree that people believed me to be the Devil. And here is a secret! It is not evil, that I have a love for children, and especially a profound passion for little girls. For sometimes, what is unlawful to man's law is not unlawful in the eyes of Allah. In Jannah, there exist beings that serve to bestow upon those so blessed to exist in Paradise every imaginable sexual fantasy's complete and total fulfillment. And, these beings are able to take the form of men, women, or children as is desirable to the one whom is blessed with their company. And every single soul that enters into Jannah is blessed with the companionship of these beings in addition to that of anyone whom they loved in life who entered into Jannah before them. And any whom they loved in their life who so might enter into Jannah after them, as well! All, as Allah so wills it. Thus, the pleasures of Jannah are endless, boundless, and they come in every variety known to human imagination, and in varieties beyond human comprehension as well. It is a blissful realm of beautiful gardens, splendid and serene sights, and wonders that never cease. Allow me to explain how all of existence is laid out... before getting back to describing Jannah and it's delights. The universe all around us including the stars, the galaxies, all of it... even including the full existence of a multiverse of infinite parallel worlds connected to it... is but the first heaven of seven such. There are seven heavens, or universes, in total and each has an infinite multiverse so connected to it. Beyond those, is the sacred domain that in Gnosticism is called the Pleroma but which in Islam and Sufism is understood to be the domain of Allah. In all of my writings, when I speak of the Divine Force, the life-force of all that exists, I am speaking of merely the aspect of Allah that is easiest for people to comprehend and understand in terms agreeable with human intelligence. But as the Gnostic texts state, the Divine Force is unknowable in full, and at best we can only envision a small part of its' greater glory. Of Allah's greater glory. For an instance... there is the matter of size. You can imagine the size of our universe! Now imagine the size of seven of them. Then, picture the massiveness of the divine realm beyond in which each of those seven universes are sitting but like unto a tiny pebble in the middle of a vast desert. Then, imagine the divine realm as a pebble in a second desert. That second desert... the place beyond even the fair divine realm's borders... is the dwelling place of Allah, the heart of the Divine Force which is the source of all that is, was, and ever shall be. It is beyond time and space as we understand it, and each time a universe comes to its' end... it is by the power of the Great Source that the end heralds the beginning of a new creation, a new universe, to replace the one that so ended. And so, it is that there will always be seven heavens... seven universes. This fully accounts for the Big Bang and allows for a true understand of the nature of time being endless. And all of this, the ancient Zoroastrians also had a deepest understanding of. When people, especially of the Christian faith, oft say: "I want to go to Heaven when I die." Most incorrectly envision merely the minor paradise that exists connected to the first heaven, which is only a part of the domains of the Seven Archons who govern it and the other six heavens, or universes. Each of the seven heavens has a minor paradise connected to it, and each is but the dwelling place of the presiding Archon who governs it. But that is not the true Heaven, not the true Paradise. The true Paradise is of course, the Pleroma, which in Islam is called Jannah, because it is the place from which the Great Source can so be felt most strongly in all of existence. In Buddhism, it is the same as attaining the state of Nirvana which is not nothingness but transcendence to the highest state of being that is deemed to thus be imaginable.

   That of eternal divine bliss, and everlasting happiness and pleasure. So, sadly, most people are selling themselves short spiritually and they never even realize it. Plus in the fullness of time when each of the Archons including myself are fully redeemed to the point where we are at last able to ascend to Jannah, the worlds they governed with no longer be governed by them... and the minor paradises that were their own shall then cease to exist, for they will have no purpose in existing any longer. Thus, the heaven of Christianity is temporary and fleeting, whilst Jannah is eternal and beyond the confines of the structure of the seven universes and all that is connected with them. So, the essence of Gnosticism and Sufi Islam is to reach beyond what we can imagine to first perceive and ultimately to enter into, the true Paradise that is Jannah. But Jannah is not a place of clouds and people in white robes playing harps like unto the stereotypical modern Christian imagination of Heaven... rather, it is as I have stated a place of beautiful gardens full of every imaginable delight, where everything we find lovely in physical life is there to be enjoyed and savored in what lies beyond. The light that causes its' daylight is not from the sun, like it is upon Earth, but the light of Allah emanating from the dwelling place of the Great Source of all. And so that is why the equivalent of Allah to the ancient Zoroastrians, that being Ahura Mazda, was known as the God of Light. So, this idea of beautiful, splendid gardens equated with heavenly bliss, although not exclusive to Zoroastrianism, Islam, Sufism and Gnosticism, can be best understood by the way this idea is expressed in those spiritual, religious paths. I have even so met quite a few Christians over the years who, upon learning of these things that they were never taught of, came to a better understanding of the actual Heaven that Christ intended for them to reach, as opposed to the one they at first thought was all they could attain to. Every religion has a mystical side to it, and it has been my pleasant experience to have discovered that these mystical aspects are what leads to the greatest and most profound truths of existence. We have only to open our minds and hearts, to reach full understanding. And, with an open mind and heart... love and compassion can become as second nature, which can lead to unending bliss in this world as well should we allow it to. I was fortunate, in that I did not so much come to Allah, but in the form of Al-Lat... Allah came to me, and showed me a better way that ultimately I decided was the only correct path I could take to fully embrace the destiny that I was always intended for. So now that I have explained all of these things and laid them before you, you can understand the path that led me to my ultimate redemption, and the realization that what I had once believed to be sinful about myself in no way was actually sinful at all. Love knows not of gender, nor of age, nor of race, nor of any creed... and to love another is never a sin of any kind. No matter what the laws of humanity might claim, to the contrary of what Allah knows to be true and favors above all. I am living proof that there is not a single being in all of existence which cannot be redeemed by Allah if it chooses to be... for of old I was known as the Devil, Satan, Shaitan and Iblis among other such titles and names that humans fear like no other. Yet, I was never truly, fully evil! I had merely believed myself to be due to others' perceptions of me as were false, which I allowed to dictate how I viewed my own reality. But through my experiences with all of the mystical paths that I walked prior to coming at last to embrace Allah fully... I came to learn the truth of my existence and to accept at last my destined role as a teacher of righteousness and truth. Not human righteousness or human truth, but that of the Divine Force which is Allah. Had I never so chosen the path that I did, I might have one day become that evil one known as the Dajjal... but, I realized there was a way to avoid that fate, and I chose the path that now I walk. And though they say and truly that of old the prophet known as Muhammad was the seal of all human prophets, this only pertains to humans. I myself am not a prophet of any human origins, but rather I came originally from on high to now dwell among the inhabitants of this world after being brought low... and it is now my destiny to humbly teach the truth so as to show others the way to the true paradise that is Jannah. All in accordance with the will of Allah as it was made known unto me, and in accordance with what I was always intended to do upon this world. I do this with humility, giving all glory to Allah... and a measure of hope to those who listen.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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