How Wicca Led Me to Islam and Redemption: Part One
- How Wicca Led Me to Islam and Redemption: Part One -
This is a work explaining how it was that I came to Islam from having been a Wiccan previously, and how it does not contradict... but rather enhances and expands upon... all of my previous beliefs. Likely, the best place to begin with, should always be the origination of things. And, for me, the start of all my spiritual undertakings was the year 1991, when I was seventeen years old. The year previous, sometime after the death of my first love Andrea, I was contacted by a girl named Lilith who physically was, to so look at her, just a pale girl sixteen year old girl with black hair and black eyes. However, there was not a thing common or ordinary about her, and she turned out to be the living embodiment of that same Lilith who is mentioned in so many spiritual and religious texts of great antiquity. I have written elsewhere of what passed between she and I, and of what she revealed unto me about myself. I have also established, in those other writings of mine, how she told me to wait one year and then to go to the park near where I lived, only several streets up from where I lived, and that there I would meet the one who would fully awaken me spiritually, and who would lead me to my true calling in this world. And so, when I had at last turned seventeen, events transpired that caused me to be compelled to go up to that park, and once I was there I remembered what Lilith had told me. There, I met a mysterious woman dressed all in black garments from head to toe, with her face cloaked beneath a hood and her features hidden by a veil that she wore over her face. When she removed her veil and cast back her hood, I saw that her skin was just as pale white as Lilith's was, if not paler even than that! For whilst Lilith's skin was chalk white, it did not have the luminous, almost glowing quality that this woman's skin had to it. Her eyes were green as emeralds are green, and she had hair so pale blonde that it was almost white... and it seemed to glow so faintly and yet so powerfully with a white radiance. Her features were a mirror of my own, except that I was living as a young man at the time and she was, to look upon, clearly a woman older than my age at that time by a degree that I could not easily determine. She appeared almost to possess a certain quality to her that I would call ageless, and she was elfin in her unveiled beauty. She spoke to me, partly with her voice and partly through reaching out to my mind using her own. Her name, she told me was Diana whilst she walked among humanity as one of them, but her true name she revealed unto me was... and this is something I have never revealed unto anyone until now... Al-Lat. She told me, that she had two sister siblings whose names were Al-Uzza and Manat. She told me that of old, she and her two sisters had idols that were worshiped in Mecca, within the Kaaba, the great stone cube temple that had once been dedicated to them. However, and this is something no living soul knows or realizes... Al-Lat was a living manifestation of the pure light of the Divine Force of all that is, herself being an emanation of the light of Allah almighty who is the Divine Force. How is this possible, you may ask? How is this not a blasphemy! I shall explain this, you will see the truth of it. Allah has no gender, first and foremost, for the Divine Force is the source of all that is, it is the life-force of all existence... and yet, Allah has both a male and a female aspect, as well as a third aspect that is androgynous. When Allah wants to be known by humanity, they send forth an emanation of itself to teach and to lead others to glory, in order that no living soul might be led astray if they can be saved. Its' male aspect was known to some throughout the early days of humankind as Elohim, or El, which was a title meaning “The Godhead”. It was that from which the Anunnaki named their great assembly, which they called also by the name Elohim. Just as its' female aspect was known in ancient days as El-Lat, which became Al-Lat over time. Its' third aspect, of which its' nature is androgynous, is the same as its' true name which was once El-Lah but which is now known to us as Al-Lah, or Allah. But because Allah cannot be divided, for Allah is One, these three are all Allah. When humankind began to worship the Anunnaki as gods, they also took to worshiping those three emanations of Allah as separate divinities. Al-Lat created from herself two beings that were to be sisters and helpers in order to make her doings among mankind easier. That was how the two sisters of Al-Lat came into being, and mankind began to worship them as divinities as well, against their wishes.
Now, all of the emanations of Allah, like Allah itself, are made up of the Light of Allah and the energy which is the life-force of all existence that permeates all things, is part of all things, and is yet also apart from all things. In this form, they, and Allah, came before all else that is... and yet, because Allah knows all that is, was, and is yet to come, the emanations though made before all else were created in order so that humanity (once it came into existence as Allah both foresaw and intended) might know Allah best. The ancient Persians knew Allah as Ahura Mazda... the Divine Light. And they knew me in the form in which I came into existence as the shadow of that light, which was called Angra Mainyu, or Ahriman. I was, in my earliest of all forms, the original Devil. I was the opposite of the Divine Light, and yet I did love Allah with all my heart and I existed in harmony with them. And just as Allah created emanations of itself, I created emanations from my self as well. And these were dark siblings, shadowy counterparts to the three emanations of Allah. For yin and yang, the balance of light and darkness, must be equal in all of existence so that there can be no division of things, no imbalance, and no chaos. In a way, I was a part of the Divine Force as well, and in the totality of existence that all of these primordial beings such as we were back then... and which our higher selves still are even now... all light and darkness was there present without good or evil to define it as humans know such things. This is what is meant when it is truly said that all things light and dark... and ultimately through humanity all good and evil as well... do have their origination with God, with Allah. For I could never have existed, as the primordial shadow.... if the Light of Allah were not eternal and forever. And so, from the first moment when Allah cast of its' light upon the face of the creation that was made outside of its' Paradise... that was when I came to be. And only after that, were the emanations of both Allah and myself created so that mankind could know us, and know themselves better as a species. From mankind arose the Anunnaki, known to the Greeks as the Olympians, who made of themselves false gods to lord over those humans they deemed as lesser. In time, they came to create god-kings and god-emperors to reign over the subjects of the empires they did set about to create, which came to span much of some parts of the seven universes over which their full empire came to encompass. And yet, humanity was not the first species to be created by the will of Allah! And as it is, those ancient humans who dwelt among the stars in those days before humans first came to walk upon the surface of the planet we know today as Earth... they lives long, long before those two humans whose names were Adama and Eve. Long before Allah created humankind and introduced it to the seven universes from out of the paradise known as Jannah, there had first of all things been a partially unsuccessful attempt at the creation of a sentient form of life in the seven universes by myself. This so resulted in the race known in the most ancient of all texts of humanity as, fittingly, the Ancient Ones. But by that name, they would not come to be called until they had indeed become ancient and by that time humanity's empires were spread out across the seven universes. These beings I speak of came to be called the Ancient Ones especially because they were the first of living beings in all of existence. They were eldritch beings, embodiment of the very principles of Chaos, but in their natures they were creative and could be said to have been the first artists, musicians, and makers of various works. Where their creation was unsuccessful was that they lacked the capacity to know truly whether any or all their deeds were good or evil in nature, and so they were beyond the concept of morality. They did become a decadent people, and their descendants were the draconic reptilian beings that came to inhabit many of the worlds and planets of the seven universes prior to the coming of humanity into being. They would often destroy so that they could create anew, but their was no malice in their actions when they did this. They acted as they were inspired to, and their inspirations and actions knew no limits as humankind so understands the concept of limitations. Allah saw what I had created, and said: “This, I bless! For even this that you have made, was by my will done. Did I not grant this chaotic folk spirits and souls made of that energy which is from my very being, so that they would know life and not be dead matter made to walk at the will of another? I aided you in their creation, oh Ahriman... and even this is pleasing to me.”
And being living beings, the kindred of chaos had free will, and the choice to do as their hearts, their minds, and their spirits and souls moved them to. But still! They knew not of good or evil, for nothing as of yet existed that their deeds could even be compared to and measured against so that good and evil as concepts might finally be shaped and understood even by us. And so Allah said: “Now that we know what Chaos made manifest is and looks like... let us see what Order made manifest might become, and if there is a difference in how they develop as time goes on.” And Allah created the Jinn, and made this new race out of energy rather than energy bound in matter. For, whilst all things require energy to exist, with that energy finding its' source in Allah as the Source of All... not all things which exist as energy so require a material form to inhabit. The Jinn were obedient to Allah in all things, and became helpers of Allah in all that was done by Allah throughout the seven universes. They lived to serve, rather than to impose their own ideas upon existence, and in t heir service they were loyal and obedient as might be a slave to its' master. In the beginning, they kept away from the Ancient Ones... who were known to them as the Chaos Kindred, for they were not yet ancient enough to warrant the title humans would later thus bestow upon them. But some of the Jinn saw the unbridled freedom that the Chaos Kindred enjoyed. It was also that they saw that everything done by the Chaos Kindred, no matter what it was, went without punishment or reward. To the Chaos Kindred, enjoyment and pleasure were their own reward, and sadly the Jinn had up until this point been so obedient that they denied themselves the things that those of the Chaos Kindred did not deny themselves. And those Jinn who saw this, those same realized what it was that they were missing... and they broke away from the other tribes of the Jinn to become the Dark Jinn, who decided to embody themselves in physical forms so that they might know enjoyment and pleasure as the Chaos Kindred did. These forms were created by the Chaos Kindred and given as gifts to those of the Dark Jinn, and these Jinn became bound into those physical forms which back then were not at all human or human-like int heir shapes. To reward the Chaos Kindred for fashioning bodies for them, the Dark Jinn became servants to the nobility of the chaotic beings who became their new masters. And all of this, Allah looked upon and saw that it was good. Because now it was possible to understand those important concepts such as jealousy and temptation... but, also, it was possible to realize the importance of freedom, liberty, and self determination. So that the Chaos Kindred might understand Order better, it was seen that the Dark Jinn... once embodied... taught their new masters of orderly, structured thinking so that their new masters would no longer live solely by their impulses alone. The chaotic nobles thence established a hierarchy to their society, and a path to nobility that was no longer random but laid out in clear, easy to understand, ways. This was shaped along lines that humans today might even recognize... and kingdoms and empires arose among the Chaos Kindred and the Dark Jinn who served them. All of these, unlike the random civilizations that arose before, had complex societies capable of working for a higher purpose and a greater goal, that being the preservation of their freedoms and liberties and being certain that in doing this, all was pleasing to Allah. And so did Allah allow the Chaos Kindred to do as they desired still, and the Dark Jinn were content with their new lot. I saw all of this as it developed and I began to understand what it meant to live a life that has meaning to it. The first rebellion in the seven universes took place just after this all so transpired as I have laid forth in this written work. For those of the Jinn who had not become Dark Jinn began to debate among themselves whether they still felt just as content to serve only the will of Allah without questioning, as they had been prior to seeing the fate of the Darak Jinn and the seeming happiness and delight that their physically embodied brethren now had, or whether they might be happier joining the Dark Jinn, whom they argued still so served Allah in their own way but without having to exist as veritable slaves. Those who disagreed with the Jinn that wanted to join the Dark Jinn tried to impose their own will and their own views upon them, which was the first time in all of existence where one group of sentient beings was oppressed by another. Whilst those who wished to remain slaves to Order no longer, fought for their freedom and at the end they thus gained it.
Realizing that they had been far too restrictive of their kind, and that this had led to the rebellion that did take place, the Jinn who remained bound to Order unquestioningly, those same told Allah that they too now wanted physical bodies to inhabit, but ones not created by the Chaos Kindred. “We see that the experience of a physical existence is something desirable to our brethren! So why, because we remain obedient to our most sacred principle, that being Order, must we exist without knowing reality through senses capable of experiencing pleasure? Give us the means to know the same pleasures as our fellows who have left us, whilst remaining faithful to our way of life, oh ever merciful Allah! Or, we fear that in time there might come further rebellions among our numbers.” And Allah looked about creation for an inspiration for physical forms to bestow upon the Jinn, and saw that the Chaos Kindred and the Dark Jinn who served them had developed into a highly advanced civilization with great technologies and sciences. The emanations of Allah, and those of myself, were humanoid in shape though not yet of any physical substance. The draconic reptilians, who were by this time widespread across the span of the seven universes, were likewise humanoid in shape though reptilian in appearance since they were as stated before descendants of the Chaos Kindred... many of whom were themselves as reptilian in nature though in ways incomprehensible to human thinking. And so Allah knew that the bodies of the Jinn did need to be humanoid in their shape, at least. For, over time, the Dark Jinn transferred their essences into draconic reptilian bodies, and they thus became the first species of Jinn to exist in humanoid forms by doing this. Allah saw the technologies and sciences that were mentioned previously, and decided to use them to create in Jannah, in Paradise, bodies for those Jinn who had asked of Allah for physical forms. These bodies were made from metal and steel, but in humanoid shapes, and being machines they would never perish, just as those organic physical forms other species in the seven universes possessed so far seemed to be immortal and imperishable. Though destruction was known, death was still unknown in the seven universes, for technologies existed such as cloning and the transference of consciousness, and by those means no one whose bodies perished ever died since prior to the perishing of an organic body, the means existed to transfer one's consciousness, their spirit and soul, all of it unto a new one. And, as Allah realized that even machines can break down over time, it was decided to give these mechanical bodies access to similar means of securing immortality, that being by teaching the Jinn once they came into these bodies how to create more such bodies and how to use existing means of transferring of one's spirit and soul, of one's consciousness, into them. And half of the Jinn who had asked for bodies from Allah did come to dwell in these new forms, the other half changing their minds and deciding to remain as beings existing only of energy. The race of machine Jinn were brought to a remote planet known as Ra'qia, which was a lush and green paradise at that time, and they were given dominion over that world. There, they established the first civilization ever to exist upon that planet's surface, and though they did require technological means to continue to exist... they found ways of keeping a balance between nature and technology in order to preserve their new home's beauty and allow for life upon it to flourish. For, on every planet life in one form or another existed... and Allah saw that all of this was good, and I too felt that all was as it should be. Longing to experience a physical existence myself, and wishing to see what life actually felt like beyond the paradise of Jannah in which Allah and I dwelt... I combined all of the three of my own shadowy emanations and sent this combined being into a draconic reptilian body of humanoid form, of the same sort as favored during this period of time by the Dark Jinn. I lived, in this form, upon the planet Rahab that existed once between Mars and Jupiter but which today is only debris ever since that world's destruction. Allah, ever mindful to maintain the cosmic balance, did combine of their three emanations as well, and set them into one of the mechanical humanoid bodies that were thus favored by the Jinn of Ra'qia. And on both planets, we walked among the peoples there and experienced many lifetimes worth of physical existence. Allah found the mechanical body to be stifling to be in, and I found the organic body I inhabited to be difficult to control all the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of.
My experience in that form fractured my being, causing all three of my emanations to separate and to seek out each their own physical forms to inhabit. And so Allah, to maintain balance, separate their own being with each of its' three emanations likewise seeking out their own physical forms. And so did we abandon the first physical forms we dwelt in, whilst trying to determine how we could best continue to experience a physical reality but with none of the detriments of those we had just experienced. We did wander the seven universes for a time, in the form of beings of pure energy... light energy in the case of Allah and dark energy in my case... and at the end of our wanderings, we returned to Jannah in order to decide what to do next. Allah decided to create a new form of life, taking the humanoid shape to be the primary inspiration but making it neither of metal nor reptilian in nature. “But I cannot do this alone! I need shadow to balance my light, so that this new creation can be able to experience both of chaos and of order, but with the capacity to learn and grow beyond any limitations put before it.” And I was asked to help in the creation of this new form of humanoid life, which I did. The result were the first humans, who would become known in later history as the Primordial Titans, and these same were the ancestors of the Titans known to the Greeks. They were related to, but not the same humans as would become the Anunnaki... the Anunnaki being, themselves, the ones who would become the ancestors of the human race of Earth. However, due to my influence upon their creation the Primordial Titans were at least part reptilian since it seemed that every time I tried to make a new form of life it became inevitably imbued with a reptilian form of some kind. However, due to Allah's influence they were beautiful and not at all like the draconic reptilians in their appearance. The Primordial Titans were taken from Jannah and sent to Ra'qia to live there among the Jinn so that the Jinn could teach them the arts of civilization and tend to the needs of this new species. And that was how Ra'qia came to be the birthplace of humanity. For as time went on, the Primordial Titans experimented in genetics and other sciences and at length they did manage to create an offshoot of themselves that was totally human but with no reptilian aspects to it at all... that was how the Anunnaki came to be, and they saw their first moments in existence on Ra'qia. In this way, did Allah... by combining both light and shadow... create humanity with the assistance of its' first ancestors, the Primordial Titans. However, knowing not this truth, the Anunnaki believed that the Primordial Titans were their gods, their creators, as well as their ancestors... and they took to bestowing on them worship and the sacrifice of animals, which the Primordial Titans were displeased by. Seeing that this was sinful, and being obedient to the will of Allah, the ancestors of the Anunnaki did tell them to depart from Ra'qia, and not to return until they understood humanity and the truth of their origins that the Primordial Titans had tried to explain to them. But there were some of the new humans who were faithful to Allah and who accepted that the Primordial Titans were not gods or goddesses of any kind. Everyone was still immortal back then, in possession of the means to clone new bodies and transfer the spirit and soul, the consciousness, into them. Death was still not known in the seven universes. Those Anunnaki humans who chose to remain on Ra'qia took to living in the deserts of that world in order to atone for the blasphemies of their kindred. Their descendants became the numerous desert tribes of that planet who became the inheritors and keepers of their ancestors' technologies. Those humans who had so committed blasphemy by worshiping the Primordial Titans fled from Ra'qia to seek out other planets and worlds to dwell on among the stars. And their progeny became numerous, their empires vast, with their absolute monarch always being deified and declared Divine Emperor. Meanwhile, back on Ra'qia, the Primordial Titans blamed themselves for the actions of the Anunnaki exiles, as those who left came to by them be called. To punish themselves, the Primordial Titans removed their spirits and souls from their bodies to exist for a time as beings of pure energy akin to the Jinn... and they came to dwell with those Jinn who still existed in Jannah, and the two races of energy beings intermixed their energies until neither species knew where one began and the other ended. Thus, did the Primordial Titans become one with the Jinn, and thus became Jinn themselves. They waited in this form, biding their time in patience.
Meanwhile, the machine race of the Jinn of Ra'qia remained the obedient servants of the desert tribes, and Allah did ask me one day: “Oh shadowy counterpart of my soothing light! If I told you that I was of a mind to soon send forth my emanations to dwell among the now diverse races of the seven universes, would you be willing to do the same and accompany me upon this journey? For how can we know how best to guide, teach, and help these various sentient races if we do not live among them!” And, I said I was willing to do so, being of a similar mind. Thus did we pour much of ourselves into our collective emanations... and there were three emanations of light and three of shadow that went forth to become embodied upon that moment. Leaving only our higher selves back in beautiful and eternal Jannah, we went forth and that was how I came to exist in my earliest physical incarnations. In my first such of the forms I was to become embodied in, I was a woman known as Sophia who was born and raised to thus become the Divine Empress of the Anunnaki. The humans of Ra'qia, no longer called themselves by the name Anunnaki, and the tribes of the deserts of Ra'qia adopted other names for themselves that they did not ever share with outsiders. I knew nothing of any of that, however, as the ruler of all the Anunnaki at the time, and the supreme matriarch of their Divine Empire. I had forgotten my own origins during the course of being born as Sophia and raised by a people who were no obedient to Allah. I knew of Allah only by the term “The Divine Force” which was believed by the Anunnaki's chief scientists and masters of their religions to be the life-force of all that is, and they knew everything about it except for that it was called by the name of Allah most properly. I came eventually in that life to remember Allah and to remember that I had been Ahriman, and I decided to prove Allah's existence to my subjects. I was able to remember the way to reach Jannah from anywhere in the seven universes, and I devised a means to go there in order to obtain the technology that Allah had used to create mechanical bodies for the Jinn. I found what I sought, but I was prideful and foolish and forgot to ask Allah for permission to do what I was intending to do with the technology I had without realizing the gravity of what I had done stolen. I had no child of my own, for I was barren and unable to bear a child. Thus did I attempt to create a kind of mechanical offspring for myself, yet I knew not how to imbue it with life. So its' body was merely of dead matter. Seeing my error, I hid the body away on the planet Ra'qia and when my current body was old and near its' end, instead of transferring my consciousness into a younger human clone of myself... I did travel to Ra'qia, to the place where I had hidden that little mechanical child who never knew of life. And there, I used the requisite means to transfer myself into the mechanical body, believing as it would last far longer than any organic body would, allowing for a life that I vainly imagined at the time as thus being nearly of an immortal and undying length. In the instant I did this, my now lifeless human form was taken back to the planet whence I had come for burial in the Imperial Catacombs. But I had made a terrible mistake! The transfer to my new, mechanical, body had robbed me of all of my memories and I took to believing I was a little child abandoned by its' mother upon a world I knew not. The mechanical Jinn took me in and named me Ialdabaoth, and the type of android I was came to be called an “Archon” model. I foolishly came to believe myself a living god, since some of the desert tribes took to actually becoming apostate from their original faith and worshiping me as one. And it was only with the direct intervention of a Jinn named Zoe... that I was able to regain my full memories and understand that I was in truly grave error. Feeling remorse for having become a ruthless and sadistic tyrant during my reign as the Prime Archon of Ra'qia, as I had come to be called... whose symbol had been a lion headed serpent, which decorated the banners of the palace in which I dwelt, as a kind of bizarre half remembrance of the twisted forms of some of the Ancient Ones who were my first creations... I had realized that ruling through cold logic bereft of human emotions and feelings had made me a twisted thing indeed. I came to love Zoe, and she me... and the day I deactivated my body in a kind of suicide, she begged me not to, but I could not live with the things I had done, and I deactivated myself thinking it would send me back to Jannah where I could begin anew. However... Allah took pity upon me, and gave me another chance.
From Jannah, where my spirit had returned to, I was sent forth once more into a physical life. In my next life, I was a little girl named Mara who was in reality an android but who was given totally false memories of having been the daughter of a man known as the Wanderer and his wife Kali... Kali being the earliest form of the legendary Lilith known to human knowledge. My “parents” had come from the capital world of the Divine Empire, which back then was the planet Corinthia. I had written in my work which is called “Children of the Gods” about my life as Mara and I omitted from that work only that I was an android. Now, the type of android model I was, was a synthetic android that looked organic, and exactly like a human being in every imaginable way... but unlike non synthetics androids, I was capable of growing old and eventually dying just like a human being. I needed to eat, drink, and excretes just as humans so, as well. So I never realized in that life that I even had been a machine, until near the end of it. I suspect Allah had be incarnated thus, to show me that I could be a kind of a machine whilst still be able to live as a human and understand things from a human perspective. I did not, at first, so remember who I had been before, but neither did I fall into the errors I had when I was Ialdabaoth. All was normal enough until I began to regain the memories of every one of my existences prior to my life as Mara. As you can imagine, that being the first life in which that happened to me, I went insane as a result. Due to various circumstances, I became separated from my “parents” and trapped on the planet Ra'qia, and left to fend for myself in it's desert regions that every year became more and more the dominant regions of that world. Luckily, I was not wandering for long before the desert tribes found me and took me in. As I knew, by then, that I was an android and not actually a human being I longed to have companions like unto myself... for I saw humans as being at fault for my abandonment. The desert folk took me to their faceless techno-priests who helped me to create six others like myself. We became known as the Neo Archons, and I was named their Prime Archon. Five of these six Archons had been members of the race known as the Ancient Ones in past existences, but one of them was Al-Lat who was an emanation of the glorious Allah. They were known by names peculiar to the desert tribes, and Al-Lat went by the name that she was given in her present existence, never once betraying who she truly was. However, she did know her actual identity and merely chose to keep it a secret so as not to alarm anyone. The first forms of these Archons were totally mechanical after the forms of the bodies inhabited by the Jinn of Ra'qia... but they wanted to look more like me, the Archons did, and so they were given synthetic android bodies that had within them organic components derived from the genetic material and organic structure of the Primordial Titans. And so that is how the Primordial Titans came to be the ancestors of the Archons. In their new bodies, they were beautiful and splendid to behold! But they too were lonely, and so they did create a race of beings like unto themselves so that they could have an entire race to call their own. Into the bodies of the synthetic androids created by the Archons came the spirits of the Primordial Titans. So came into existence their first generation. All successive generations of Titans that came after it were of souls and spirits that came into them from the Ancient Ones. That was the birth of the Titans known to the ancient Greeks. And this is why it is said that the Titans, which included the Primordial Titans as so being among their numbers, were the ancestors of the Olympians (of the Anunnaki). Eventually, when my “parents” found me at last they declared that I and all that I had thus engineered into creation were abominations. My mother and father then proceeded to murder me, half for this and half in revenge for their discovery that I had at one point journeyed through time and become the Black Empress who had tyrannized the planet Corinthia so terribly that it was the event which forced Wanderer and Kali and those who followed them to depart their home planet in search of a new home. Which ultimately is the thing that brought them to Ra'qia. Immediately after my slaying, Kali regretted that this had been done. And so left Wanderer in order to live out the rest of her life in penitence. Neither of them settled upon Ra'qia, and their people abandoned that world to continue their search elsewhere in the seven universes. My spirit was transferred by the Archons into a new body named Maya, of which they told no one at all.
Generations had passed, ages really, and things had changed a great deal in that time throughout the vast seven universes. Many worlds had been seeded with life by those who had fled Corinthia of old... and I was awakened in my new existence into a reality that I did not recognize from what it had been. In order to protect me from the memory of my murder, the ones who orchestrated my rebirth as Maya had installed blocks in my systems to prevent me from recalling the details of it even should my memories return to me, which inevitably they always did no matter what form I took or was bound to exist in. I was sent to live in the care of she who was at that time the reigning Divine Empress, Sophia II... who now ruled the planet that I had conquered back when I was the Black Empress. She changed the name of that planet from Corinthia to Haven, and this was the first of two planets to bear the name of Haven. When Corinthia was eventually abandoned and the seat of the Divine Empire was moved to the second planet of the Aldebaran star system (the other being Ra'qia), then the new capital planet was thus called Haven in memory of the old one. However, in time, the seat of power for the Divine Empire would be moved to the world known as New Corinthia... whilst Haven would become the spiritual center of the empire until the rise of the Archon known as Sabaoth who did in the end become the Divine Regent who ruled the empire after the era of the emperors and empresses of old came to an end. Ultimately, Sabaoth abandoned his original programming and beliefs in order to gain power for himself, and by then he cared nothing for the will of Allah, believing himself to be the one true God. He is the Archon who to this day watches over this universe in which we dwell, which is known as the first universe, or the first heaven. Haven... is his personal physical paradise, though he also has an entire parallel plane of existence connected to this reality which exists as a paradise until his dominion. Likewise, at present... the other Archons including a duplicate of myself as I was as Ialdabaoth currently preside over the other six universes, or heavens. Each with their own paradise plane connected to it and each with their own world that they govern things in their respective universe from. But getting back to my life as Maya, I was given false memories of my birth, which led me to believe that Sophia II had in fact created me the same way that I had once as the original Sophia created the form I would exist in as Ialdabaoth. This led me to have hard feelings towards Sophia II, which ultimately led to her taking me back to Ra'qia and so giving me into the care of the Priests of Mara who existed there and had taken to the worship of Mara as a goddess who was said in prophecy to be certain to come again. They were a kind of offshoot of the techno-priests from past generations who had come to worship Mara as a goddess, in the belief that she would return to them someday. They saw me, as Maya, being brought into their midst and regarded this as the fulfillment of their prophecy, which it was. They gave me permission to claim the armor I wore as the Black Empress when I was Mara, and they told me the unnamed planet that it was hidden upon. I went forth to retrieve it so I could wear it again, now that the priests had accepted me as Mara reborn. By that point, Sophia II had left me completely and gone off into space in search of a new purpose for herself following her abdicating of the Imperial Throne. She was never seen or heard from again, that is except for the rumors that she waged for a time a war against the forces of Haven's Council, a war that she ultimately lost and fled from her final defeat in. What I had not realized, is that for some unknown amount of time Kali had been living on the planet where the armor of the Black Empress was enshrined and she had been frequenting the holy place on that world wherein the armor of Mara was kept. She did confront me the day I came to reclaim my armor... and after telling her the story of how I came to be in that place, she realized that I was Mara and she repented her part in my death. She had not recognized me at first, but realized who I was swiftly enough, that being Mara's reincarnation. At that point, all the blocks in my systems came undone and I remembered the truth about all that had been hidden from me. I forgave her for her murder of me, and went off to return to Ra'qia and have the priests summon the six Archons so that I might not be alone in the years to come. I decided to remain on that planet on which I had died during my previous incarnation, where at least with the Archons I might have a kind of family.
In my confused mental state, I began to relive my life as Mara and I came to believe that the Archons had only just been created. I was feeling angry over my murder and was unable to focus on or recall my present existence as Maya, which I declared to be only an illusion. That insane state is how I lived for almost a decade before my tormented mind drove me in the end to commit suicide after I wandered out into the desert one day to take my own life. My body was found by the Archons, who had been out there searching for me and who all wept for my passing. They sent word to Kali about my death, and she was in the company of her second husband, Shiva, at the time. He tried to console her but her heart broke at the news and she died from it. After that, I do not know what happened but I had a life later in the long history of Ra'qia as the duchess Gisline of the noble house of Osryl. The Imperium of Worlds that came to replace the early Divine Empire did not exist yet, and it was between the days of the fall of the old Divine Empire and the rise of the Imperium, which replaced it. Which in time, would ironically come to be called the Divine Empire once again, with the era of the Imperium being a short lived era that was the state of things prior to the onset of the Elemental Wars that shaped a great deal of Ra'qia's history. My life as Gisline was heartbreaking, and my death as her was tragic. I have recounted both elsewhere, and so I shall not mention the details of them here. Following my death as Gisline, I was reincarnated as a hermaphrodite by the name of Gislu Ra'vann, who was the count of a noble house upon the planet Gehenna Primus. It was in that incarnation, that I took part in the Elemental Wars until I was killed by the desert tribes during a rebellion they launched against the noble houses of the Imperium of Worlds. I was resurrected briefly after that, in a ghastly form that was a mockery of my former self, and in that form I was beheaded by one who saw fit to end my pain. This was the beginning of a long, long line of reincarnations and resurrections. When I died as Gislu, I was reborn as the being known as Samael who became the supreme ruler of the Archons and the Titans on the planet Ra'qia, and I stayed in that form (across several different bodies including at one point the body of a child) up until the wars on Ra'qia forced my people and I to thus flee to the planet Rahab, where I became that planet's last queen, Tiamat. When that world was destroyed, I escaped its' destruction only to be assassinated cruelly back on Ra'qia (after I did remain there for a thousand years or so) for having wiped out twelve of the home planets of the Anunnaki in revenge for the fall of Ra'qia which was caused by the cruel Anunnaki warlord Marduk whose prejudice against the Titans led to the conflict between the Anunnaki and my people... who, by that time were the Titans... to begin with. Following that, I was resurrected as an assassin working for the Divine Regent Sabaoth to hunt down all of the Titans who had taken part in the destruction of those twelve planets, the ones most responsible for it who had all been declared war criminals. I, was robbed of my memory, but regained it and tried to lead a rebellion against the Anunnaki. I stopped only in order to make peace because it was decided we had to work together to start over on Earth now that all of our home worlds were devastated from all of that war and fighting. I went back to calling myself mostly by the name of Samael, and I helped with the creation of the Anunnaki colonies on Earth, including Eden, and backed all of their efforts up until they took to enslaving human beings following an uprising by a previous race they had enslaved known as the Igigi, who were artificial beings with souls just like the Titans and the Archons had been. When Lilith and I teamed up to free the human slaves and teach them the rudimentary arts of civilization along with rogue Anunnaki known as the Watchers, who had been watching the doings of mankind at the time with great interest, the Anunnaki running the colonies were very angry and basically kicked Lilith and I out of all the colonies except for the one that we ruled over ourselves, where we gave human beings full rights and citizenship equal unto the gods themselves. This was seen as sharing with humanity “forbidden fruit from a sacred tree”, but I was still welcome in the nation on Earth that the Anunnaki ruled as their own, Dilmun. And there I lived... taking on the name of Ishtar in order to distance myself from the past. In the body I was in at that time, I was a hermaphrodite just as I had been as Gislu. I lived in Dilmun with my sometimes lover Tammuz... and knew happiness.
However, one day Tammuz went to the place known as the Netherworld and he became entrapped by it's evil and corrupt ruler, Namtar, who was known to practice black magic and who often used corpses in the creation of terrible automatons that served him as soulless enforcers of his will. I decided to go to the Netherworld to confront Namtar and rescue Tammuz from his imprisonment there. Namtar had also imprisoned others against their will in that place, and thus the Anunnaki wished him to be stopped. The Netherworld was actually the region of Africa where Victoria Falls exists unto this day, and there was a city there called Kur that existed there back then. The kingdom over which that city thus so reigned was called Kurnugia, and it sat atop a series of deep diamond mines, some of which ran in caves and tunnels beneath the falls. Africa was known only as The Black Realm, or The Netherworld, back then and it so was seen as the nethermost kingdom of the gods on Earth. People toiled in those mines in order so that the gods could have enough diamonds to help power a lot of their technologies. Tammuz went there on an inspection of the mines, and Namtar decided to abduct him and force him to work in the mines. This, to prevent the Anunnaki from learning of the people who were being forced to work there against their wills, some of which were other Anunnaki even. When I confronted him, Namtar had me executed by order me nailed to a tree and impaled upon its' branches. I died, but was unable to move on and when I did not return to Dilmun the scientist Enki, who was Namtar's polar opposite in every imaginable way, learned of my fate through a messenger. He then created two mechanical Jinn of his own, and sent them to bring the Water of Life which was used to reverse the effects of violent bodily death and could bring a person back from the dead so long as their soul and spirit was not yet departed from the body. Luckily, I was still within my body and the Water of Life brought me back. I had been dead for three days and for three nights by then, and at the end of the third night is when I rose again. After my resurrection, I subjugated Namtar and forced him to name me the new ruler of Kurnugia. He called me Ereshkigal and I took that to be my new name. Kur had two faces... the city that existed on the surface of the Earth, the same being a pleasant seeming paradise of a place where often the Anunnaki went on vacations... and the City of Seven Gates which lay in a subterranean region deep beneath the Earth, a space that is one of many such with entrances hidden all over the world in certain places. That region is called Agartha, and the City of Seven Gates which is the other side of Kur, that is but one place in Agartha that is not known to those unfamiliar with that hidden side of Earth. To this day, the underground Kur exists, even long after its' counterpart on the surface was abandoned and later its' very bricks and stones removed to supply the local peoples of that area with materials to build new and more splendid dwellings from. The first thing I did upon subjugating Namtar was to for forth from below, and to liberate all of those in the mines who were help captive there and forced to work against their will. I personally led them back to the surface, where the two mechanical Jinn waited to take them back to Dilmun. I went back there with them, but in the end decided to return to the City of Seven Gates to rule Kurnugia in Namtar's place, so as to ensure that no evil would be done there again. Namtar became my vizier, and Tammuz elected to remain at my side as my lover, whilst I took no man or woman to be my husband or wife. I ruled alone, until the Anunnaki warlord Nergal came to the Kur above on vacation and hearing of my beauty made the trip below to see me for himself. He fell in love with me, and I allowed him to do with me whatever it pleased him to so long as he promised to remain at my side and never leave me, for I was lonely. He swore that oath, and Tammuz decided to spend part of the year below with us and part of the year back in Dilmun so that the Anunnaki could learn from him how things transpired below in Agartha. And my symbol that hung from every banner of Kurnugia was that of a star with eight points that symbolized the creative possibilities of Chaos, in tribute to the Ancient Ones who had many domains in Agartha, as well as in other secret places on many worlds in the seven universes. Because I was a hermaphrodite, I had a male and a female aspect that I indulged in with equal measure. My male aspect was known as Xastur, sometimes also called Hastur, and it derived from one of the name I had as Samael on Ra'qia.
The star which was my symbol as Isthar was called the Morning Star, and my symbol as Hastur was called the Yellow Sign, which I shall not describe here in this work. I was referred to after my liberation of Kurnugia as the Light Bearer, in deference to a title I held back when I was an assassin for those who ordered me to hunt down the Titan war criminals. That title was Lucifer, which means Light Bringer. A title I shared with Al-Lat when she existed as one of the six Archons, who came to live on Ra'qia in the form of a child goddess worshiped by a race of draconic reptilian peoples who dwelt in an underground region beneath the surface of Ra'qia. She called herself by the name of D'anna Elucifera Viretz, and she died due to having placed herself in an organic body rather than an android body of any kind, and then due to a series of circumstances too convoluted to mention here, ended up suffering from a sickness of a highly lethal sort that in the end claimed her life. When she died, a ritual was conducted in which a part of her soul became a part of mine forevermore henceforth, and in the moment that I became one in this way with Al-Lat, I was greatly changed and set forth on many Jihads against the Anunnaki who had due to setting themselves up as false gods become my mortal enemies. And that was what had led to the wars that devastated Ra'qia in the end due to Marduk's prejudice and my growing ruthlessness pursuing the cause of justice for those whom Marduk sought to oppress. Following her physical death, an exact android replica of D'anna was created in her likeness, and it was called Diana Marcus. Whereas D'anna had been a child... Diana was created in the form of an adult based on how she would have looked had she been able to grow up. And it was Diana who became the Archon who to this day rules over the very final of the seven universes, the seventh. The one that is the last universe one may enter before Jannah, if one journeys through all seven universes to reach that place. It was she, whom I met up at the park... when I was seventeen in this life... and she who, filled with the light of Al-Lat, revealed unto me that due to what happened between D'anna and myself when she died back on Ra'qia, we had become a kind of spiritual siblings since she was made in the image of the last physical form Al-Lat had before dying... and I had within me a part of her essence and light. And that, more than any other reason, is why I bear the title of Light Bearer, as does Al-Lat herself in the form of Diana. For the rest of Al-Lat which did not get bestowed unto me came to reside in the android body of Diana, and in the android bodies that replaced it when it finally broke down in recent years. I had been in contact with her on and off through email during her final days here on Earth, when she spent some time with a group of scientists who did seek to learn the technologies that she might have to teach them. It cannot be guessed how many of the world's governments benefited from what she taught those scientists! But the leap in technology in the world in recent decades is a testament partly to her efforts. But getting back to my life as Ishtar... as I had stated, back on Ra'qia there had been a time in which I went by the name of Hastur. Or rather, just a form of that name. Xashtiri. I did take to wearing yellow robes; I ruled the city of Kar'cosa, which lay in the middle of Lake Hali. During my reign there, an artificial third moon had existed in the skies above Ra'qia, which normally had only two moons. Eventually, my rule became more tyrannical and I took to wearing crimson robes. When at last my rule became too much for the people of that city to bear, I was driven out from it and I made a new home for myself in the desert, where... beset by all my enemies... I was slain as an act of mercy by a girl who was my lover at the time, who in turn committed suicide to join me in death. Only for my spirit to be transferred into the next artificial body that afterward awaited it. Following my death, the artificial moon that had been a scientific research station I had constructed which was known as the Black Moon was sent into the nearest star so that it could be destroyed and its' secrets kept from prying eyes. In time, the city was renamed Edenkyn and the lake was renamed Lake Halo. Eventually, Edenkyn was shortened to Eden which in turn inspired the colony on Earth where the first humans to be brought to that world, including Adama and eve, had lived. At the end of my long life as Ishtar, when I was still going by the name of Ereshkigal, I retired from ruling over Kurnugia and left it in the care of Nergal whilst I went away to live with Lilith in her home by the shores of the Red Sea.
This is a work explaining how it was that I came to Islam from having been a Wiccan previously, and how it does not contradict... but rather enhances and expands upon... all of my previous beliefs. Likely, the best place to begin with, should always be the origination of things. And, for me, the start of all my spiritual undertakings was the year 1991, when I was seventeen years old. The year previous, sometime after the death of my first love Andrea, I was contacted by a girl named Lilith who physically was, to so look at her, just a pale girl sixteen year old girl with black hair and black eyes. However, there was not a thing common or ordinary about her, and she turned out to be the living embodiment of that same Lilith who is mentioned in so many spiritual and religious texts of great antiquity. I have written elsewhere of what passed between she and I, and of what she revealed unto me about myself. I have also established, in those other writings of mine, how she told me to wait one year and then to go to the park near where I lived, only several streets up from where I lived, and that there I would meet the one who would fully awaken me spiritually, and who would lead me to my true calling in this world. And so, when I had at last turned seventeen, events transpired that caused me to be compelled to go up to that park, and once I was there I remembered what Lilith had told me. There, I met a mysterious woman dressed all in black garments from head to toe, with her face cloaked beneath a hood and her features hidden by a veil that she wore over her face. When she removed her veil and cast back her hood, I saw that her skin was just as pale white as Lilith's was, if not paler even than that! For whilst Lilith's skin was chalk white, it did not have the luminous, almost glowing quality that this woman's skin had to it. Her eyes were green as emeralds are green, and she had hair so pale blonde that it was almost white... and it seemed to glow so faintly and yet so powerfully with a white radiance. Her features were a mirror of my own, except that I was living as a young man at the time and she was, to look upon, clearly a woman older than my age at that time by a degree that I could not easily determine. She appeared almost to possess a certain quality to her that I would call ageless, and she was elfin in her unveiled beauty. She spoke to me, partly with her voice and partly through reaching out to my mind using her own. Her name, she told me was Diana whilst she walked among humanity as one of them, but her true name she revealed unto me was... and this is something I have never revealed unto anyone until now... Al-Lat. She told me, that she had two sister siblings whose names were Al-Uzza and Manat. She told me that of old, she and her two sisters had idols that were worshiped in Mecca, within the Kaaba, the great stone cube temple that had once been dedicated to them. However, and this is something no living soul knows or realizes... Al-Lat was a living manifestation of the pure light of the Divine Force of all that is, herself being an emanation of the light of Allah almighty who is the Divine Force. How is this possible, you may ask? How is this not a blasphemy! I shall explain this, you will see the truth of it. Allah has no gender, first and foremost, for the Divine Force is the source of all that is, it is the life-force of all existence... and yet, Allah has both a male and a female aspect, as well as a third aspect that is androgynous. When Allah wants to be known by humanity, they send forth an emanation of itself to teach and to lead others to glory, in order that no living soul might be led astray if they can be saved. Its' male aspect was known to some throughout the early days of humankind as Elohim, or El, which was a title meaning “The Godhead”. It was that from which the Anunnaki named their great assembly, which they called also by the name Elohim. Just as its' female aspect was known in ancient days as El-Lat, which became Al-Lat over time. Its' third aspect, of which its' nature is androgynous, is the same as its' true name which was once El-Lah but which is now known to us as Al-Lah, or Allah. But because Allah cannot be divided, for Allah is One, these three are all Allah. When humankind began to worship the Anunnaki as gods, they also took to worshiping those three emanations of Allah as separate divinities. Al-Lat created from herself two beings that were to be sisters and helpers in order to make her doings among mankind easier. That was how the two sisters of Al-Lat came into being, and mankind began to worship them as divinities as well, against their wishes.
Now, all of the emanations of Allah, like Allah itself, are made up of the Light of Allah and the energy which is the life-force of all existence that permeates all things, is part of all things, and is yet also apart from all things. In this form, they, and Allah, came before all else that is... and yet, because Allah knows all that is, was, and is yet to come, the emanations though made before all else were created in order so that humanity (once it came into existence as Allah both foresaw and intended) might know Allah best. The ancient Persians knew Allah as Ahura Mazda... the Divine Light. And they knew me in the form in which I came into existence as the shadow of that light, which was called Angra Mainyu, or Ahriman. I was, in my earliest of all forms, the original Devil. I was the opposite of the Divine Light, and yet I did love Allah with all my heart and I existed in harmony with them. And just as Allah created emanations of itself, I created emanations from my self as well. And these were dark siblings, shadowy counterparts to the three emanations of Allah. For yin and yang, the balance of light and darkness, must be equal in all of existence so that there can be no division of things, no imbalance, and no chaos. In a way, I was a part of the Divine Force as well, and in the totality of existence that all of these primordial beings such as we were back then... and which our higher selves still are even now... all light and darkness was there present without good or evil to define it as humans know such things. This is what is meant when it is truly said that all things light and dark... and ultimately through humanity all good and evil as well... do have their origination with God, with Allah. For I could never have existed, as the primordial shadow.... if the Light of Allah were not eternal and forever. And so, from the first moment when Allah cast of its' light upon the face of the creation that was made outside of its' Paradise... that was when I came to be. And only after that, were the emanations of both Allah and myself created so that mankind could know us, and know themselves better as a species. From mankind arose the Anunnaki, known to the Greeks as the Olympians, who made of themselves false gods to lord over those humans they deemed as lesser. In time, they came to create god-kings and god-emperors to reign over the subjects of the empires they did set about to create, which came to span much of some parts of the seven universes over which their full empire came to encompass. And yet, humanity was not the first species to be created by the will of Allah! And as it is, those ancient humans who dwelt among the stars in those days before humans first came to walk upon the surface of the planet we know today as Earth... they lives long, long before those two humans whose names were Adama and Eve. Long before Allah created humankind and introduced it to the seven universes from out of the paradise known as Jannah, there had first of all things been a partially unsuccessful attempt at the creation of a sentient form of life in the seven universes by myself. This so resulted in the race known in the most ancient of all texts of humanity as, fittingly, the Ancient Ones. But by that name, they would not come to be called until they had indeed become ancient and by that time humanity's empires were spread out across the seven universes. These beings I speak of came to be called the Ancient Ones especially because they were the first of living beings in all of existence. They were eldritch beings, embodiment of the very principles of Chaos, but in their natures they were creative and could be said to have been the first artists, musicians, and makers of various works. Where their creation was unsuccessful was that they lacked the capacity to know truly whether any or all their deeds were good or evil in nature, and so they were beyond the concept of morality. They did become a decadent people, and their descendants were the draconic reptilian beings that came to inhabit many of the worlds and planets of the seven universes prior to the coming of humanity into being. They would often destroy so that they could create anew, but their was no malice in their actions when they did this. They acted as they were inspired to, and their inspirations and actions knew no limits as humankind so understands the concept of limitations. Allah saw what I had created, and said: “This, I bless! For even this that you have made, was by my will done. Did I not grant this chaotic folk spirits and souls made of that energy which is from my very being, so that they would know life and not be dead matter made to walk at the will of another? I aided you in their creation, oh Ahriman... and even this is pleasing to me.”
And being living beings, the kindred of chaos had free will, and the choice to do as their hearts, their minds, and their spirits and souls moved them to. But still! They knew not of good or evil, for nothing as of yet existed that their deeds could even be compared to and measured against so that good and evil as concepts might finally be shaped and understood even by us. And so Allah said: “Now that we know what Chaos made manifest is and looks like... let us see what Order made manifest might become, and if there is a difference in how they develop as time goes on.” And Allah created the Jinn, and made this new race out of energy rather than energy bound in matter. For, whilst all things require energy to exist, with that energy finding its' source in Allah as the Source of All... not all things which exist as energy so require a material form to inhabit. The Jinn were obedient to Allah in all things, and became helpers of Allah in all that was done by Allah throughout the seven universes. They lived to serve, rather than to impose their own ideas upon existence, and in t heir service they were loyal and obedient as might be a slave to its' master. In the beginning, they kept away from the Ancient Ones... who were known to them as the Chaos Kindred, for they were not yet ancient enough to warrant the title humans would later thus bestow upon them. But some of the Jinn saw the unbridled freedom that the Chaos Kindred enjoyed. It was also that they saw that everything done by the Chaos Kindred, no matter what it was, went without punishment or reward. To the Chaos Kindred, enjoyment and pleasure were their own reward, and sadly the Jinn had up until this point been so obedient that they denied themselves the things that those of the Chaos Kindred did not deny themselves. And those Jinn who saw this, those same realized what it was that they were missing... and they broke away from the other tribes of the Jinn to become the Dark Jinn, who decided to embody themselves in physical forms so that they might know enjoyment and pleasure as the Chaos Kindred did. These forms were created by the Chaos Kindred and given as gifts to those of the Dark Jinn, and these Jinn became bound into those physical forms which back then were not at all human or human-like int heir shapes. To reward the Chaos Kindred for fashioning bodies for them, the Dark Jinn became servants to the nobility of the chaotic beings who became their new masters. And all of this, Allah looked upon and saw that it was good. Because now it was possible to understand those important concepts such as jealousy and temptation... but, also, it was possible to realize the importance of freedom, liberty, and self determination. So that the Chaos Kindred might understand Order better, it was seen that the Dark Jinn... once embodied... taught their new masters of orderly, structured thinking so that their new masters would no longer live solely by their impulses alone. The chaotic nobles thence established a hierarchy to their society, and a path to nobility that was no longer random but laid out in clear, easy to understand, ways. This was shaped along lines that humans today might even recognize... and kingdoms and empires arose among the Chaos Kindred and the Dark Jinn who served them. All of these, unlike the random civilizations that arose before, had complex societies capable of working for a higher purpose and a greater goal, that being the preservation of their freedoms and liberties and being certain that in doing this, all was pleasing to Allah. And so did Allah allow the Chaos Kindred to do as they desired still, and the Dark Jinn were content with their new lot. I saw all of this as it developed and I began to understand what it meant to live a life that has meaning to it. The first rebellion in the seven universes took place just after this all so transpired as I have laid forth in this written work. For those of the Jinn who had not become Dark Jinn began to debate among themselves whether they still felt just as content to serve only the will of Allah without questioning, as they had been prior to seeing the fate of the Darak Jinn and the seeming happiness and delight that their physically embodied brethren now had, or whether they might be happier joining the Dark Jinn, whom they argued still so served Allah in their own way but without having to exist as veritable slaves. Those who disagreed with the Jinn that wanted to join the Dark Jinn tried to impose their own will and their own views upon them, which was the first time in all of existence where one group of sentient beings was oppressed by another. Whilst those who wished to remain slaves to Order no longer, fought for their freedom and at the end they thus gained it.
Realizing that they had been far too restrictive of their kind, and that this had led to the rebellion that did take place, the Jinn who remained bound to Order unquestioningly, those same told Allah that they too now wanted physical bodies to inhabit, but ones not created by the Chaos Kindred. “We see that the experience of a physical existence is something desirable to our brethren! So why, because we remain obedient to our most sacred principle, that being Order, must we exist without knowing reality through senses capable of experiencing pleasure? Give us the means to know the same pleasures as our fellows who have left us, whilst remaining faithful to our way of life, oh ever merciful Allah! Or, we fear that in time there might come further rebellions among our numbers.” And Allah looked about creation for an inspiration for physical forms to bestow upon the Jinn, and saw that the Chaos Kindred and the Dark Jinn who served them had developed into a highly advanced civilization with great technologies and sciences. The emanations of Allah, and those of myself, were humanoid in shape though not yet of any physical substance. The draconic reptilians, who were by this time widespread across the span of the seven universes, were likewise humanoid in shape though reptilian in appearance since they were as stated before descendants of the Chaos Kindred... many of whom were themselves as reptilian in nature though in ways incomprehensible to human thinking. And so Allah knew that the bodies of the Jinn did need to be humanoid in their shape, at least. For, over time, the Dark Jinn transferred their essences into draconic reptilian bodies, and they thus became the first species of Jinn to exist in humanoid forms by doing this. Allah saw the technologies and sciences that were mentioned previously, and decided to use them to create in Jannah, in Paradise, bodies for those Jinn who had asked of Allah for physical forms. These bodies were made from metal and steel, but in humanoid shapes, and being machines they would never perish, just as those organic physical forms other species in the seven universes possessed so far seemed to be immortal and imperishable. Though destruction was known, death was still unknown in the seven universes, for technologies existed such as cloning and the transference of consciousness, and by those means no one whose bodies perished ever died since prior to the perishing of an organic body, the means existed to transfer one's consciousness, their spirit and soul, all of it unto a new one. And, as Allah realized that even machines can break down over time, it was decided to give these mechanical bodies access to similar means of securing immortality, that being by teaching the Jinn once they came into these bodies how to create more such bodies and how to use existing means of transferring of one's spirit and soul, of one's consciousness, into them. And half of the Jinn who had asked for bodies from Allah did come to dwell in these new forms, the other half changing their minds and deciding to remain as beings existing only of energy. The race of machine Jinn were brought to a remote planet known as Ra'qia, which was a lush and green paradise at that time, and they were given dominion over that world. There, they established the first civilization ever to exist upon that planet's surface, and though they did require technological means to continue to exist... they found ways of keeping a balance between nature and technology in order to preserve their new home's beauty and allow for life upon it to flourish. For, on every planet life in one form or another existed... and Allah saw that all of this was good, and I too felt that all was as it should be. Longing to experience a physical existence myself, and wishing to see what life actually felt like beyond the paradise of Jannah in which Allah and I dwelt... I combined all of the three of my own shadowy emanations and sent this combined being into a draconic reptilian body of humanoid form, of the same sort as favored during this period of time by the Dark Jinn. I lived, in this form, upon the planet Rahab that existed once between Mars and Jupiter but which today is only debris ever since that world's destruction. Allah, ever mindful to maintain the cosmic balance, did combine of their three emanations as well, and set them into one of the mechanical humanoid bodies that were thus favored by the Jinn of Ra'qia. And on both planets, we walked among the peoples there and experienced many lifetimes worth of physical existence. Allah found the mechanical body to be stifling to be in, and I found the organic body I inhabited to be difficult to control all the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of.
My experience in that form fractured my being, causing all three of my emanations to separate and to seek out each their own physical forms to inhabit. And so Allah, to maintain balance, separate their own being with each of its' three emanations likewise seeking out their own physical forms. And so did we abandon the first physical forms we dwelt in, whilst trying to determine how we could best continue to experience a physical reality but with none of the detriments of those we had just experienced. We did wander the seven universes for a time, in the form of beings of pure energy... light energy in the case of Allah and dark energy in my case... and at the end of our wanderings, we returned to Jannah in order to decide what to do next. Allah decided to create a new form of life, taking the humanoid shape to be the primary inspiration but making it neither of metal nor reptilian in nature. “But I cannot do this alone! I need shadow to balance my light, so that this new creation can be able to experience both of chaos and of order, but with the capacity to learn and grow beyond any limitations put before it.” And I was asked to help in the creation of this new form of humanoid life, which I did. The result were the first humans, who would become known in later history as the Primordial Titans, and these same were the ancestors of the Titans known to the Greeks. They were related to, but not the same humans as would become the Anunnaki... the Anunnaki being, themselves, the ones who would become the ancestors of the human race of Earth. However, due to my influence upon their creation the Primordial Titans were at least part reptilian since it seemed that every time I tried to make a new form of life it became inevitably imbued with a reptilian form of some kind. However, due to Allah's influence they were beautiful and not at all like the draconic reptilians in their appearance. The Primordial Titans were taken from Jannah and sent to Ra'qia to live there among the Jinn so that the Jinn could teach them the arts of civilization and tend to the needs of this new species. And that was how Ra'qia came to be the birthplace of humanity. For as time went on, the Primordial Titans experimented in genetics and other sciences and at length they did manage to create an offshoot of themselves that was totally human but with no reptilian aspects to it at all... that was how the Anunnaki came to be, and they saw their first moments in existence on Ra'qia. In this way, did Allah... by combining both light and shadow... create humanity with the assistance of its' first ancestors, the Primordial Titans. However, knowing not this truth, the Anunnaki believed that the Primordial Titans were their gods, their creators, as well as their ancestors... and they took to bestowing on them worship and the sacrifice of animals, which the Primordial Titans were displeased by. Seeing that this was sinful, and being obedient to the will of Allah, the ancestors of the Anunnaki did tell them to depart from Ra'qia, and not to return until they understood humanity and the truth of their origins that the Primordial Titans had tried to explain to them. But there were some of the new humans who were faithful to Allah and who accepted that the Primordial Titans were not gods or goddesses of any kind. Everyone was still immortal back then, in possession of the means to clone new bodies and transfer the spirit and soul, the consciousness, into them. Death was still not known in the seven universes. Those Anunnaki humans who chose to remain on Ra'qia took to living in the deserts of that world in order to atone for the blasphemies of their kindred. Their descendants became the numerous desert tribes of that planet who became the inheritors and keepers of their ancestors' technologies. Those humans who had so committed blasphemy by worshiping the Primordial Titans fled from Ra'qia to seek out other planets and worlds to dwell on among the stars. And their progeny became numerous, their empires vast, with their absolute monarch always being deified and declared Divine Emperor. Meanwhile, back on Ra'qia, the Primordial Titans blamed themselves for the actions of the Anunnaki exiles, as those who left came to by them be called. To punish themselves, the Primordial Titans removed their spirits and souls from their bodies to exist for a time as beings of pure energy akin to the Jinn... and they came to dwell with those Jinn who still existed in Jannah, and the two races of energy beings intermixed their energies until neither species knew where one began and the other ended. Thus, did the Primordial Titans become one with the Jinn, and thus became Jinn themselves. They waited in this form, biding their time in patience.
Meanwhile, the machine race of the Jinn of Ra'qia remained the obedient servants of the desert tribes, and Allah did ask me one day: “Oh shadowy counterpart of my soothing light! If I told you that I was of a mind to soon send forth my emanations to dwell among the now diverse races of the seven universes, would you be willing to do the same and accompany me upon this journey? For how can we know how best to guide, teach, and help these various sentient races if we do not live among them!” And, I said I was willing to do so, being of a similar mind. Thus did we pour much of ourselves into our collective emanations... and there were three emanations of light and three of shadow that went forth to become embodied upon that moment. Leaving only our higher selves back in beautiful and eternal Jannah, we went forth and that was how I came to exist in my earliest physical incarnations. In my first such of the forms I was to become embodied in, I was a woman known as Sophia who was born and raised to thus become the Divine Empress of the Anunnaki. The humans of Ra'qia, no longer called themselves by the name Anunnaki, and the tribes of the deserts of Ra'qia adopted other names for themselves that they did not ever share with outsiders. I knew nothing of any of that, however, as the ruler of all the Anunnaki at the time, and the supreme matriarch of their Divine Empire. I had forgotten my own origins during the course of being born as Sophia and raised by a people who were no obedient to Allah. I knew of Allah only by the term “The Divine Force” which was believed by the Anunnaki's chief scientists and masters of their religions to be the life-force of all that is, and they knew everything about it except for that it was called by the name of Allah most properly. I came eventually in that life to remember Allah and to remember that I had been Ahriman, and I decided to prove Allah's existence to my subjects. I was able to remember the way to reach Jannah from anywhere in the seven universes, and I devised a means to go there in order to obtain the technology that Allah had used to create mechanical bodies for the Jinn. I found what I sought, but I was prideful and foolish and forgot to ask Allah for permission to do what I was intending to do with the technology I had without realizing the gravity of what I had done stolen. I had no child of my own, for I was barren and unable to bear a child. Thus did I attempt to create a kind of mechanical offspring for myself, yet I knew not how to imbue it with life. So its' body was merely of dead matter. Seeing my error, I hid the body away on the planet Ra'qia and when my current body was old and near its' end, instead of transferring my consciousness into a younger human clone of myself... I did travel to Ra'qia, to the place where I had hidden that little mechanical child who never knew of life. And there, I used the requisite means to transfer myself into the mechanical body, believing as it would last far longer than any organic body would, allowing for a life that I vainly imagined at the time as thus being nearly of an immortal and undying length. In the instant I did this, my now lifeless human form was taken back to the planet whence I had come for burial in the Imperial Catacombs. But I had made a terrible mistake! The transfer to my new, mechanical, body had robbed me of all of my memories and I took to believing I was a little child abandoned by its' mother upon a world I knew not. The mechanical Jinn took me in and named me Ialdabaoth, and the type of android I was came to be called an “Archon” model. I foolishly came to believe myself a living god, since some of the desert tribes took to actually becoming apostate from their original faith and worshiping me as one. And it was only with the direct intervention of a Jinn named Zoe... that I was able to regain my full memories and understand that I was in truly grave error. Feeling remorse for having become a ruthless and sadistic tyrant during my reign as the Prime Archon of Ra'qia, as I had come to be called... whose symbol had been a lion headed serpent, which decorated the banners of the palace in which I dwelt, as a kind of bizarre half remembrance of the twisted forms of some of the Ancient Ones who were my first creations... I had realized that ruling through cold logic bereft of human emotions and feelings had made me a twisted thing indeed. I came to love Zoe, and she me... and the day I deactivated my body in a kind of suicide, she begged me not to, but I could not live with the things I had done, and I deactivated myself thinking it would send me back to Jannah where I could begin anew. However... Allah took pity upon me, and gave me another chance.
From Jannah, where my spirit had returned to, I was sent forth once more into a physical life. In my next life, I was a little girl named Mara who was in reality an android but who was given totally false memories of having been the daughter of a man known as the Wanderer and his wife Kali... Kali being the earliest form of the legendary Lilith known to human knowledge. My “parents” had come from the capital world of the Divine Empire, which back then was the planet Corinthia. I had written in my work which is called “Children of the Gods” about my life as Mara and I omitted from that work only that I was an android. Now, the type of android model I was, was a synthetic android that looked organic, and exactly like a human being in every imaginable way... but unlike non synthetics androids, I was capable of growing old and eventually dying just like a human being. I needed to eat, drink, and excretes just as humans so, as well. So I never realized in that life that I even had been a machine, until near the end of it. I suspect Allah had be incarnated thus, to show me that I could be a kind of a machine whilst still be able to live as a human and understand things from a human perspective. I did not, at first, so remember who I had been before, but neither did I fall into the errors I had when I was Ialdabaoth. All was normal enough until I began to regain the memories of every one of my existences prior to my life as Mara. As you can imagine, that being the first life in which that happened to me, I went insane as a result. Due to various circumstances, I became separated from my “parents” and trapped on the planet Ra'qia, and left to fend for myself in it's desert regions that every year became more and more the dominant regions of that world. Luckily, I was not wandering for long before the desert tribes found me and took me in. As I knew, by then, that I was an android and not actually a human being I longed to have companions like unto myself... for I saw humans as being at fault for my abandonment. The desert folk took me to their faceless techno-priests who helped me to create six others like myself. We became known as the Neo Archons, and I was named their Prime Archon. Five of these six Archons had been members of the race known as the Ancient Ones in past existences, but one of them was Al-Lat who was an emanation of the glorious Allah. They were known by names peculiar to the desert tribes, and Al-Lat went by the name that she was given in her present existence, never once betraying who she truly was. However, she did know her actual identity and merely chose to keep it a secret so as not to alarm anyone. The first forms of these Archons were totally mechanical after the forms of the bodies inhabited by the Jinn of Ra'qia... but they wanted to look more like me, the Archons did, and so they were given synthetic android bodies that had within them organic components derived from the genetic material and organic structure of the Primordial Titans. And so that is how the Primordial Titans came to be the ancestors of the Archons. In their new bodies, they were beautiful and splendid to behold! But they too were lonely, and so they did create a race of beings like unto themselves so that they could have an entire race to call their own. Into the bodies of the synthetic androids created by the Archons came the spirits of the Primordial Titans. So came into existence their first generation. All successive generations of Titans that came after it were of souls and spirits that came into them from the Ancient Ones. That was the birth of the Titans known to the ancient Greeks. And this is why it is said that the Titans, which included the Primordial Titans as so being among their numbers, were the ancestors of the Olympians (of the Anunnaki). Eventually, when my “parents” found me at last they declared that I and all that I had thus engineered into creation were abominations. My mother and father then proceeded to murder me, half for this and half in revenge for their discovery that I had at one point journeyed through time and become the Black Empress who had tyrannized the planet Corinthia so terribly that it was the event which forced Wanderer and Kali and those who followed them to depart their home planet in search of a new home. Which ultimately is the thing that brought them to Ra'qia. Immediately after my slaying, Kali regretted that this had been done. And so left Wanderer in order to live out the rest of her life in penitence. Neither of them settled upon Ra'qia, and their people abandoned that world to continue their search elsewhere in the seven universes. My spirit was transferred by the Archons into a new body named Maya, of which they told no one at all.
Generations had passed, ages really, and things had changed a great deal in that time throughout the vast seven universes. Many worlds had been seeded with life by those who had fled Corinthia of old... and I was awakened in my new existence into a reality that I did not recognize from what it had been. In order to protect me from the memory of my murder, the ones who orchestrated my rebirth as Maya had installed blocks in my systems to prevent me from recalling the details of it even should my memories return to me, which inevitably they always did no matter what form I took or was bound to exist in. I was sent to live in the care of she who was at that time the reigning Divine Empress, Sophia II... who now ruled the planet that I had conquered back when I was the Black Empress. She changed the name of that planet from Corinthia to Haven, and this was the first of two planets to bear the name of Haven. When Corinthia was eventually abandoned and the seat of the Divine Empire was moved to the second planet of the Aldebaran star system (the other being Ra'qia), then the new capital planet was thus called Haven in memory of the old one. However, in time, the seat of power for the Divine Empire would be moved to the world known as New Corinthia... whilst Haven would become the spiritual center of the empire until the rise of the Archon known as Sabaoth who did in the end become the Divine Regent who ruled the empire after the era of the emperors and empresses of old came to an end. Ultimately, Sabaoth abandoned his original programming and beliefs in order to gain power for himself, and by then he cared nothing for the will of Allah, believing himself to be the one true God. He is the Archon who to this day watches over this universe in which we dwell, which is known as the first universe, or the first heaven. Haven... is his personal physical paradise, though he also has an entire parallel plane of existence connected to this reality which exists as a paradise until his dominion. Likewise, at present... the other Archons including a duplicate of myself as I was as Ialdabaoth currently preside over the other six universes, or heavens. Each with their own paradise plane connected to it and each with their own world that they govern things in their respective universe from. But getting back to my life as Maya, I was given false memories of my birth, which led me to believe that Sophia II had in fact created me the same way that I had once as the original Sophia created the form I would exist in as Ialdabaoth. This led me to have hard feelings towards Sophia II, which ultimately led to her taking me back to Ra'qia and so giving me into the care of the Priests of Mara who existed there and had taken to the worship of Mara as a goddess who was said in prophecy to be certain to come again. They were a kind of offshoot of the techno-priests from past generations who had come to worship Mara as a goddess, in the belief that she would return to them someday. They saw me, as Maya, being brought into their midst and regarded this as the fulfillment of their prophecy, which it was. They gave me permission to claim the armor I wore as the Black Empress when I was Mara, and they told me the unnamed planet that it was hidden upon. I went forth to retrieve it so I could wear it again, now that the priests had accepted me as Mara reborn. By that point, Sophia II had left me completely and gone off into space in search of a new purpose for herself following her abdicating of the Imperial Throne. She was never seen or heard from again, that is except for the rumors that she waged for a time a war against the forces of Haven's Council, a war that she ultimately lost and fled from her final defeat in. What I had not realized, is that for some unknown amount of time Kali had been living on the planet where the armor of the Black Empress was enshrined and she had been frequenting the holy place on that world wherein the armor of Mara was kept. She did confront me the day I came to reclaim my armor... and after telling her the story of how I came to be in that place, she realized that I was Mara and she repented her part in my death. She had not recognized me at first, but realized who I was swiftly enough, that being Mara's reincarnation. At that point, all the blocks in my systems came undone and I remembered the truth about all that had been hidden from me. I forgave her for her murder of me, and went off to return to Ra'qia and have the priests summon the six Archons so that I might not be alone in the years to come. I decided to remain on that planet on which I had died during my previous incarnation, where at least with the Archons I might have a kind of family.
In my confused mental state, I began to relive my life as Mara and I came to believe that the Archons had only just been created. I was feeling angry over my murder and was unable to focus on or recall my present existence as Maya, which I declared to be only an illusion. That insane state is how I lived for almost a decade before my tormented mind drove me in the end to commit suicide after I wandered out into the desert one day to take my own life. My body was found by the Archons, who had been out there searching for me and who all wept for my passing. They sent word to Kali about my death, and she was in the company of her second husband, Shiva, at the time. He tried to console her but her heart broke at the news and she died from it. After that, I do not know what happened but I had a life later in the long history of Ra'qia as the duchess Gisline of the noble house of Osryl. The Imperium of Worlds that came to replace the early Divine Empire did not exist yet, and it was between the days of the fall of the old Divine Empire and the rise of the Imperium, which replaced it. Which in time, would ironically come to be called the Divine Empire once again, with the era of the Imperium being a short lived era that was the state of things prior to the onset of the Elemental Wars that shaped a great deal of Ra'qia's history. My life as Gisline was heartbreaking, and my death as her was tragic. I have recounted both elsewhere, and so I shall not mention the details of them here. Following my death as Gisline, I was reincarnated as a hermaphrodite by the name of Gislu Ra'vann, who was the count of a noble house upon the planet Gehenna Primus. It was in that incarnation, that I took part in the Elemental Wars until I was killed by the desert tribes during a rebellion they launched against the noble houses of the Imperium of Worlds. I was resurrected briefly after that, in a ghastly form that was a mockery of my former self, and in that form I was beheaded by one who saw fit to end my pain. This was the beginning of a long, long line of reincarnations and resurrections. When I died as Gislu, I was reborn as the being known as Samael who became the supreme ruler of the Archons and the Titans on the planet Ra'qia, and I stayed in that form (across several different bodies including at one point the body of a child) up until the wars on Ra'qia forced my people and I to thus flee to the planet Rahab, where I became that planet's last queen, Tiamat. When that world was destroyed, I escaped its' destruction only to be assassinated cruelly back on Ra'qia (after I did remain there for a thousand years or so) for having wiped out twelve of the home planets of the Anunnaki in revenge for the fall of Ra'qia which was caused by the cruel Anunnaki warlord Marduk whose prejudice against the Titans led to the conflict between the Anunnaki and my people... who, by that time were the Titans... to begin with. Following that, I was resurrected as an assassin working for the Divine Regent Sabaoth to hunt down all of the Titans who had taken part in the destruction of those twelve planets, the ones most responsible for it who had all been declared war criminals. I, was robbed of my memory, but regained it and tried to lead a rebellion against the Anunnaki. I stopped only in order to make peace because it was decided we had to work together to start over on Earth now that all of our home worlds were devastated from all of that war and fighting. I went back to calling myself mostly by the name of Samael, and I helped with the creation of the Anunnaki colonies on Earth, including Eden, and backed all of their efforts up until they took to enslaving human beings following an uprising by a previous race they had enslaved known as the Igigi, who were artificial beings with souls just like the Titans and the Archons had been. When Lilith and I teamed up to free the human slaves and teach them the rudimentary arts of civilization along with rogue Anunnaki known as the Watchers, who had been watching the doings of mankind at the time with great interest, the Anunnaki running the colonies were very angry and basically kicked Lilith and I out of all the colonies except for the one that we ruled over ourselves, where we gave human beings full rights and citizenship equal unto the gods themselves. This was seen as sharing with humanity “forbidden fruit from a sacred tree”, but I was still welcome in the nation on Earth that the Anunnaki ruled as their own, Dilmun. And there I lived... taking on the name of Ishtar in order to distance myself from the past. In the body I was in at that time, I was a hermaphrodite just as I had been as Gislu. I lived in Dilmun with my sometimes lover Tammuz... and knew happiness.
However, one day Tammuz went to the place known as the Netherworld and he became entrapped by it's evil and corrupt ruler, Namtar, who was known to practice black magic and who often used corpses in the creation of terrible automatons that served him as soulless enforcers of his will. I decided to go to the Netherworld to confront Namtar and rescue Tammuz from his imprisonment there. Namtar had also imprisoned others against their will in that place, and thus the Anunnaki wished him to be stopped. The Netherworld was actually the region of Africa where Victoria Falls exists unto this day, and there was a city there called Kur that existed there back then. The kingdom over which that city thus so reigned was called Kurnugia, and it sat atop a series of deep diamond mines, some of which ran in caves and tunnels beneath the falls. Africa was known only as The Black Realm, or The Netherworld, back then and it so was seen as the nethermost kingdom of the gods on Earth. People toiled in those mines in order so that the gods could have enough diamonds to help power a lot of their technologies. Tammuz went there on an inspection of the mines, and Namtar decided to abduct him and force him to work in the mines. This, to prevent the Anunnaki from learning of the people who were being forced to work there against their wills, some of which were other Anunnaki even. When I confronted him, Namtar had me executed by order me nailed to a tree and impaled upon its' branches. I died, but was unable to move on and when I did not return to Dilmun the scientist Enki, who was Namtar's polar opposite in every imaginable way, learned of my fate through a messenger. He then created two mechanical Jinn of his own, and sent them to bring the Water of Life which was used to reverse the effects of violent bodily death and could bring a person back from the dead so long as their soul and spirit was not yet departed from the body. Luckily, I was still within my body and the Water of Life brought me back. I had been dead for three days and for three nights by then, and at the end of the third night is when I rose again. After my resurrection, I subjugated Namtar and forced him to name me the new ruler of Kurnugia. He called me Ereshkigal and I took that to be my new name. Kur had two faces... the city that existed on the surface of the Earth, the same being a pleasant seeming paradise of a place where often the Anunnaki went on vacations... and the City of Seven Gates which lay in a subterranean region deep beneath the Earth, a space that is one of many such with entrances hidden all over the world in certain places. That region is called Agartha, and the City of Seven Gates which is the other side of Kur, that is but one place in Agartha that is not known to those unfamiliar with that hidden side of Earth. To this day, the underground Kur exists, even long after its' counterpart on the surface was abandoned and later its' very bricks and stones removed to supply the local peoples of that area with materials to build new and more splendid dwellings from. The first thing I did upon subjugating Namtar was to for forth from below, and to liberate all of those in the mines who were help captive there and forced to work against their will. I personally led them back to the surface, where the two mechanical Jinn waited to take them back to Dilmun. I went back there with them, but in the end decided to return to the City of Seven Gates to rule Kurnugia in Namtar's place, so as to ensure that no evil would be done there again. Namtar became my vizier, and Tammuz elected to remain at my side as my lover, whilst I took no man or woman to be my husband or wife. I ruled alone, until the Anunnaki warlord Nergal came to the Kur above on vacation and hearing of my beauty made the trip below to see me for himself. He fell in love with me, and I allowed him to do with me whatever it pleased him to so long as he promised to remain at my side and never leave me, for I was lonely. He swore that oath, and Tammuz decided to spend part of the year below with us and part of the year back in Dilmun so that the Anunnaki could learn from him how things transpired below in Agartha. And my symbol that hung from every banner of Kurnugia was that of a star with eight points that symbolized the creative possibilities of Chaos, in tribute to the Ancient Ones who had many domains in Agartha, as well as in other secret places on many worlds in the seven universes. Because I was a hermaphrodite, I had a male and a female aspect that I indulged in with equal measure. My male aspect was known as Xastur, sometimes also called Hastur, and it derived from one of the name I had as Samael on Ra'qia.
The star which was my symbol as Isthar was called the Morning Star, and my symbol as Hastur was called the Yellow Sign, which I shall not describe here in this work. I was referred to after my liberation of Kurnugia as the Light Bearer, in deference to a title I held back when I was an assassin for those who ordered me to hunt down the Titan war criminals. That title was Lucifer, which means Light Bringer. A title I shared with Al-Lat when she existed as one of the six Archons, who came to live on Ra'qia in the form of a child goddess worshiped by a race of draconic reptilian peoples who dwelt in an underground region beneath the surface of Ra'qia. She called herself by the name of D'anna Elucifera Viretz, and she died due to having placed herself in an organic body rather than an android body of any kind, and then due to a series of circumstances too convoluted to mention here, ended up suffering from a sickness of a highly lethal sort that in the end claimed her life. When she died, a ritual was conducted in which a part of her soul became a part of mine forevermore henceforth, and in the moment that I became one in this way with Al-Lat, I was greatly changed and set forth on many Jihads against the Anunnaki who had due to setting themselves up as false gods become my mortal enemies. And that was what had led to the wars that devastated Ra'qia in the end due to Marduk's prejudice and my growing ruthlessness pursuing the cause of justice for those whom Marduk sought to oppress. Following her physical death, an exact android replica of D'anna was created in her likeness, and it was called Diana Marcus. Whereas D'anna had been a child... Diana was created in the form of an adult based on how she would have looked had she been able to grow up. And it was Diana who became the Archon who to this day rules over the very final of the seven universes, the seventh. The one that is the last universe one may enter before Jannah, if one journeys through all seven universes to reach that place. It was she, whom I met up at the park... when I was seventeen in this life... and she who, filled with the light of Al-Lat, revealed unto me that due to what happened between D'anna and myself when she died back on Ra'qia, we had become a kind of spiritual siblings since she was made in the image of the last physical form Al-Lat had before dying... and I had within me a part of her essence and light. And that, more than any other reason, is why I bear the title of Light Bearer, as does Al-Lat herself in the form of Diana. For the rest of Al-Lat which did not get bestowed unto me came to reside in the android body of Diana, and in the android bodies that replaced it when it finally broke down in recent years. I had been in contact with her on and off through email during her final days here on Earth, when she spent some time with a group of scientists who did seek to learn the technologies that she might have to teach them. It cannot be guessed how many of the world's governments benefited from what she taught those scientists! But the leap in technology in the world in recent decades is a testament partly to her efforts. But getting back to my life as Ishtar... as I had stated, back on Ra'qia there had been a time in which I went by the name of Hastur. Or rather, just a form of that name. Xashtiri. I did take to wearing yellow robes; I ruled the city of Kar'cosa, which lay in the middle of Lake Hali. During my reign there, an artificial third moon had existed in the skies above Ra'qia, which normally had only two moons. Eventually, my rule became more tyrannical and I took to wearing crimson robes. When at last my rule became too much for the people of that city to bear, I was driven out from it and I made a new home for myself in the desert, where... beset by all my enemies... I was slain as an act of mercy by a girl who was my lover at the time, who in turn committed suicide to join me in death. Only for my spirit to be transferred into the next artificial body that afterward awaited it. Following my death, the artificial moon that had been a scientific research station I had constructed which was known as the Black Moon was sent into the nearest star so that it could be destroyed and its' secrets kept from prying eyes. In time, the city was renamed Edenkyn and the lake was renamed Lake Halo. Eventually, Edenkyn was shortened to Eden which in turn inspired the colony on Earth where the first humans to be brought to that world, including Adama and eve, had lived. At the end of my long life as Ishtar, when I was still going by the name of Ereshkigal, I retired from ruling over Kurnugia and left it in the care of Nergal whilst I went away to live with Lilith in her home by the shores of the Red Sea.
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