Image for the poem The Sacred Scrolls Of King Solomon (Part I of V)

The Sacred Scrolls Of King Solomon (Part I of V)

Desert men what do you have for me to place on the pedestal of my mind today              
Close your eyes and tell me what thy rite of your Pineal Gland has for the womb of Mother Earth to be birthed as the world funnels in chaos              
Your palms held to the sky as you pray              
Civilization needs a pilgrimage of words so that as the tides becomes unbearable, we use them as stepping stones              
One dimension of the mind, metaphorically speaking, needs to be come pure, insightful to atone              
It creates the cradle of love given from the rebirth of energy, into a vessel to a bone              
The evolution of its journey, which is yourself from infant until full grown              
To energy once again              
The natural order of evolution and its origin              
Open your third eye and you will be the navigator of your own journey              
Wisdom and knowledge are always found in chasm of a revolving soul              
To teach the denied, the unlearned, or to console              
 A comforting mission for a stalwart Indigo Child as I drift on the pinnacle of star dust              
In the will of Allah, I do trust              
Once you find yourself and bring the gifts of your soulful charities unto the present              
A beautiful reminisce of that DNA from the placenta              
A refined you and to the cosmic, a spiritual enlightenment you become to represent              
A woman loves by the emotion of her womb              
The passage of her birth canal can bring honored Kings or men of distain who seal the fate of their own graven tombs              
The sacred oath of my esoteric ambience, take off your shoes, you stand upon my mind, and its surrounding holy ground              
My lamination as my portal opens it receives              
The whispers from the tongue confessed by the blood of my lineage the seal of my creed              
Heart and Minds will come to know of my reign under the fingers of third eye revelations      
The Kingdom of my Moorish victories, my emotions when the silence of my heart bleeds              
She has witnessed the bile of my liver as it spews forth my deliverance              
Caressed the wishes of my heart in solitude              
Flushed the deterrence toxins from the basin of my kidneys             
Her hands move as if I kissed upon them once upon a time              
To tell of my reign takes the purest of minds              
The orator with gifts weaved into the gray area of my sublime              
The rarest of many Crowns above the Anunnaki's gold              
From The Halls of Amenti, I seek her wisdom, her grace, the Utopia of her Heavenly treasure, I fold              
The elements in her words, my soul rejoice, my loins speak of my uprise unto Allah, the Key              
The truth professed upon my eternity              
The stratosphere, where the calling of my archives blend on the currents of her toil and its beliefs              
My ordained King, unto some others              
The voice that transcends, from many moons ago does it offer hope to the deaf, blind, love, it shall smother            
Harken unto the mantras as I write through the portals of time, let my doctrine among men and woman resonate              
Written, documented, no air of grievance, upon its debate              
Meditative linguistics to reach the conscious plateau above sea level, the balance of life’s equate              
Shh… a new palace within peace found                
The lost beauty of silence is the only sound              
The femineity of her mind is blessed to be productive unto herself              
To give of wonderous foresights, mankind must learn to find its own way to step up into the light              
A graceful woman must build up a starving man’s mind where His cognitive awareness and Her heart can take flight              
The spiritual oracle as it stands              
Given to every man              
It has to be in the movement of freedom              
It reflects healing, nurturing, compassion upon the Golden Seal of my Heavenly Kingdom              
The astral of my traveling is ascending, gravitating              
The mentality of my mind has been lactating              
In dreams your words of greater manifestations              
Orbiting into a new birth gestation              
And unto mankind, the scrolls of old are prophesized and to humanity it has to have foretold              
Father (Heaven) Son (Sun) Holy Spirit (Rebirth)              
It is simply amazing to get those natural rays from such a divine offering, and the health of its beautiful worth              
This will be the beginning until your pen as it sails across the whispers of the skies              
The eighth dimension, strong minded rest where we hear divine lullabies              
In the embryonic fluid, rebirth, before the opening to a new life at best              
Liberty to breathe a dominion then back into the deepness of Mother Nature’s womb, the vessel of a sacred soul rest              
Interweave my faith as if building the temple, the halo of our minds, and vessel we once stood              
A begotten time not to be seen, but felt in the laws of gravitational dreams              
Coveting by the four elements, and mine, the fifth element of the universal which is, my wood              
The core of my gifts is kissed by both Sons to give wings to hope that has refused or forgot to fly              
Peace upon Earth, upon the oracles of the universal, keep your eyes on the sparrow, and your sights to the merging to grace the skies              
The answers are found in your subconscious upon your dream state              
 A passage between two realms behind closed rapid movement eyes              
Kneeling to the universal, upon your awakening bless your presence before your Sunrise              
Look around, there is so much to see, where is the sigh of peace              
The earth is shaking, homelessness, with empty houses standing, no rent, not even to lease              
The gushing of water is escaping              
Chem trail air pollutants, mortals you are conditioned to breathe it, it's called government related              
Trees that cradle with their oxygen, 'timber' reverberation for more housing, most cannot even afford              
Then toss hopes, aspirations, away, where is the justice, when your skyscraper corporations want everyone to jump on board              
Where is reprieve when the wildlife has no place to call home fires are burning in your forest where the land of milk and honey once poured              
Tears you cry mementoes charred              
Unhealed scars              
When the Moon shall pass the Sun              
Until your Father bow to the divinity to become as one              
The Sacred Queen Orator
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Published | Edited 24th Mar 2024
Author's Note
The Oracle And The Fate Of Man
His Spiritual Reign
The Queen, The Concubines
The Meeting Of the Queen of Sheba
The Greater Key of Solomon

Whomever best suited among men the words fusing from the Pinal Gland of my mind
As you all stand, upon man’s land
May these words reach, teach, as bitter to the swallow, yes, coating sweetness to the stomach it demands
Whom speak upon the man who carry the burden of these written words engraved by the four elements, and the fifth as my gift to you, oxygen
Come in peace no matter what crown these pillars stand upon
Every Moorish man, it shall apply, the original descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob

Tell Them About This Hebrew King, my Ancient Nubian Queen Orator
Ascend my words unto the eighth dimension
So, shall it be written so, shall it be done
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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