Tom Bauer's obituary - preparatory to his indispensable murder!
By Stanley Collymore
Quite unfortunately we share our
planet Earth with other people,
among whom there are those
who think they're the most important
person on Earth. Consequently - the
upshot of such thinking, whether it is
their own or actually someone else's
tragedy they obviously have to be in
the lime light rather specifically as a
consequence of their reaction either
as a hard done by martyr or a saint!
But, whichever of the two, ensuring
unquestionably, that most distinctly
they're quite simply in the limelight.
Individuals that have no positive
concept of how their selfish
actions and narcissistic
behaviour impact on the people who
are around them, and rather bluntly
frankly even if they had the vaguest
clue, they simply still wouldn't care.
For they're steely quite oblivious of
the odious effect, that they actually
irrefutably have, on other people's,
very ordinary lives, as long as they
get the attention, that they're quite
evilly and rather obsessively after.
And really, have no awareness of
or simply any interest pertinent to
how crucially wrong their evident
cum virulent and equally toxically
verminous behaviour obviously is
on so many levels; plainly, so long
as they're truly able, to essentially
appease, their self-serving nature.
Odious persons, per se, who
will invariably always be
where the action is, so
their face is the first one that people
ever see, regardless of how actually
unsavoury, normally upsetting and
rather crucially offensive a state of
affairs that unquestionably clearly
is to general, sensible, and literally
naturally intelligent people, who'll
quickly recognize and accordingly
adjudge this sad, odiously noxious
behaviour for what it obviously is.
But never the less, for the actually
really involved perpetrator's very
own, sick conduct that they never
see, nor basically crucially clearly
and quite literally feel any wrong
whatever evident to what they're
perniciously and also invidiously
doing. Instinctively however and
evilly, alas, it is the characteristic
nature, as well as discernibly the
distinctive and absolute norm of
the Zionist, very ironically racist,
bearing in mind their obnoxious
craving for; and unquestionably,
monetary grifting relative to the
European holocaust, so toxically
verminous, and quite obsessive,
rapacious mercenary Yid beast!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 February 2024.
Author's Remarks:
I've voluntarily of my own accord sent a copy of this poem and its Authors Remarks with a forwarding and explanatory letter to Sir Mark Rowley, Head of the Metropolitan Police Force and similarly to Stephen Parkinson, Head of the CPS of England and Wales, specifically challenging the them and their respective organisations - both of which as the Sir William McPherson Report in 1997, after the vicious killing of Stephen Lawrence and the evidently ineffectual actions of both these state bodies, to do anything positive to bring Stephen's killers to justice, and clearly were themselves actually and actively in collusion with Stephen Lawrence's killers to ensure they avoided justice, because they were: the Met Police and the CPS both institutionally racist, very professionally incompetent and totally devoid of any responsible leadership - to charge me in any court of law they choose with hate speech, requisite to this poem I've written!
I've done this because I routinely see evidence of genuine hate speech vilely promulgated in several of Britain's own right-wing and Nazi rags and distinctly additionally its electronic media, and all this openly condoned by favoured Establishment figures, organisations and their monarchical equivalent, but nothing is ever done against them by the Metropolitan Police or the CPS, and simply so because the perpetrators are of a particular political persuasion that the Metropolitan Police and undeniably the CPS leadership endorse, and clearly supportively so by the vile monarchical Klan of Saxe-Coburg- Gothe and as well Mountbatten lot, aka the Windsors, are like the bunch of them distinctly white Caucasians!
Ludicrously classed as an eminent so-called "royal" biographer, Tom Bauer: to give him his real name, very recently declared that Harry, Meghan and their family: essentially comprising two very young children, Archie 4 years old and his sibling sister Lilibet, 2 years, for the good of the British monarchy need to definitely be obliterated; in other words basically murdered and got rid of. That is quite undoubtedly the word Tom Bauer did use, and quite distinctly very much as an Academic, who has taught English at every conceivable level, I don't actually need to be told what that word means. But for you white intellectually and as well very much challenged morons who are very expressly cheering Tom Bauer on with this remark, I suggest that you get hold of a very decent English dictionary and see what that word really means, as Tom Bauer, and likewise his associates on that TV programme, well know.
In that programme, specifically hosted by Sarah Vine, another Yid, and also Andrew Pierce and very vaingloriously billed as the Daily Mail's You Tube talk show, quite with the approval of the two hosts - I suggest you look up the Wikipedia of both Sarah Vine and Andrew Pierce, and having quite objectively done so, simply ask yourself if these two raving and most obtuse idiots are in any objective position to castigate anyone's personal life, especially people who they don't know and have never met, clearly taking into full consideration their own rather, and I would logically endorse that, very pathetic lives; but like the saying goes those who actually have the most to hide distinctly like nothing better in effect than to castigate those they most envy!
In this hate fest of Tom Bauer's, rather ably assisted by Sarah Vine and equally as well Andrew Pierce, Tom denounced Harry as a traitor, rather quite ostensibly so for simply marrying an African American woman and literally in the process of very undoubtedly doing so, unquestionably contaminating this ostensibly and very delusionally divine family that he quite fawns over and rather wholeheartedly worships, by virtue of their mere and, as well, questionable existence. One has to be pretty sick, and simply also bearing in mind the quite obvious murder of Diana - clearly a fait accompli to all but obviously gullible, brain-dead morons, very intellectually challenged idiots and inured fawning and distinctly risibly brownnosing sycophants, and similarly rabid racists - to actually want to simply murder two toddler siblings: one 4 and the other only 2 years of age, evidently along with their parents, simply because their perceived as, familial situation doesn't actually comply with that of a noxious white, delusional Master Race concept that Tom Bauer, so very ironically, and I'll pertinently deal with this issue later, earnestly and barbarically subscribes to.
It simply isn't actually by any means Tom Bauer's first exploration into this specific issue. When he and his Palace sources, like Susan Hussey: that so-called lady in waiting, and I suggest you research on her, a truly fucking hypocrite if ever there was one, to Liz Windsor; godmother of William and Palace snitch for Philip, Liz, Charles, Camilla, William and Kate, told Tom Bauer about their specific plans for Meghan and which they earnestly felt would in their sick minds, rather obviously, totally and equally quite effectively wrest Harry from Meghan, Tom Bauer clearly, publicly opined that he personally had nothing against Harry, but that he was distinctly committedly against Meghan, a woman really, whom he'd never previously met, as he evidently still hasn't done to this day, and categorically doesn't even casually, let alone personally, know!
After Archie's birth, coming in the distinct wake of Kate and Charles unquestionably' perniciously quite racist comments about him when he was simply, merely a foetus in Meghan's womb, Philip the sick principal instigator of Diana's vicious murder, along with Liz, Charles, Camilla, William and Kate collectively sought to actually engineer the murder of Archie. A strategy quite suitably obviously planned for Harry and Meghan's own official visit to South Africa along with Archie; with a delightedly thrilled Kate very laughingly, regaling an exuberant Charles just how appropriately such a killing would be, in her words, in "a suitable Niggerland"!
However, that attempted assassination on Archie's life was fouled by the clearly quick thinking and unquestionably astute action of Archie's nanny who saved his life from the very likely inferno that was barbarously premeditatedly awaiting him, and would have clearly, quite evidently removed in the rather sick minds of those involved a quite literally perceived NIGGER from the British line of succession. Simply, just look at the distinctly marked reluctance on the part of Liz Windsor to award Archie a princely title evidently something that this naturally very odiously hypocritical bitch had no problem at all in granting, clearly incorrectly outside of George himself, just go check the rules, to Kate's other white sprogs, and similarly so with Charles, rather brazenly, doing the same shit also, relative to his quite equally perceived as, NIGGER grandchildren!
That murderous attempt on Archie's life, instantaneously became the source of no return for Harry and Meghan and their then emergency and vitally necessary exit, not only from the evil family they were in, but likewise Britain itself; heading off promptly to Canada; perceptively so, as the parents of Tom Bauer did with the evident advance of the Germans, and in Tom's subsequent parents quite hastily heading to Britain for safety, and likewise the hoped for urgently, distinctly desperate and obvious sanctuary they evidently and desperately needed and essentially discernibly got; but an analogy actually obviously lost on a racist prat like Tom Bauer. That's how and why Harry and Meghan crucially ended up in Canada prior to them obviously ultimately then, settling in Meghan's home state of California USA.
When Tom Bauer learnt of the rather failed attempt to kill Archie that he was all clearly quite previously geared up for, as planned with his Windsor puppet masters, to rather lyingly and obviously dishonestly label as an unfortunate accident, discernibly quite similar to what was said, and still is, about Diana's brutal murder, according to my well trusted, quite longstanding and undeniably distinctively unquestionably trusted proven sources, Tom Bauer was clearly undeniably besides himself with quite distinct outrage at this evidently failed murder attempt of a young baby; namely Archie!
How fucking ironic! This vile man is a Yid whose mother and father scarpered from Prague, Czechoslovakia after the German occupation of that country in 1939, clearly high tailed it to England: a country, that in all honesty they previously had no contact with and unlike the many quite derogatorily looked down on Black and other non-white Britons, regarded always and wholesale as "immigrants", quite regardless so of where they were born and whose ancestors along with themselves really made Britain what it did subsequently become, as a truly major global power, and who quite additionally: 1 million Asians; similarly another 1 million Black Africans; hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbeans including my Dad, other Barbadians, and West Indians; and when only after the attack on Pearl Harbour, did the USA condescend to enter world War II, but financially charged Britain for doing so, unlike these colonial non-white countries, created did the USA a monumental and a very exorbitant bill that the UK only finally managed to pay off in the early part of the 21st Century. Go check it out yourselves!
These derogatorily looked down on by the likes of Tom Bauer, who with their actually obviously, distinctly laughably, obsessive name changes and sham acquired British accents regard themselves very much so as even more British than clearly all of us who actually are genuine British. Add then to that massive number of altruistic and as well quite courageous fighters who died or discernibly, clearly risked their lives saving your pathetic Yid asses when they needn't have done so, considering that essentially and unquestionably, it was Sephardic Jews that initiated and profited quite immensely along with other mercenary, European and Jewish sects, from the barbaric and rather inhumane Transatlantic Slave Trade which they evilly started - having generously been given sanctuary in Barbados, having been summarily kicked out of Brazil and clearly when effectively no other countries in the region would actually have them after they were wholesale kicked out of Brazil - it was simply my beloved ancestral homeland of Barbados that rather magnanimously took them in and accorded them sanctuary and safety, only for these mercenary and quite odiously evil Yids to initiate the barbarous Transatlantic Slave Trade from there.
Yet, even so, several thousands of Black American volunteers and rather distinctly the descendants of these same slaves, as did my own ancestors and likewise those of Meghan very altruistically and distinctly courageously fought, died and undeniably, undoubtedly literally, risked their precious lives, significantly and obviously, fighting in a white man's war, which quite realistically, had bugger all to do with them, very simply as is obvious to all decent folk for actually clearly ungrateful bastards and bitches of the same ilk as you Tom Bauer that literally otherwise wouldn't be born, let alone really here, to then toxically throw their altruism and that of their brave descendants in their faces, while you most asininely irrefutably cosy up with the very same people who in all reality wanted to evidently OBLITERATE your kind. And all for the filthy lucre which your kind is actually obsessed with!
Not a word said however or condemnation of any kind levelled though at the toxically verminous and very discernibly utterly evil Ukrainian Waffen SS whose malignant and egregious behaviour to all European Jews that they systematically wiped out across Eastern and Northern Europe; were rather quite adept at torturing, and murdering in those concentration camps in which they were adeptly embedded in and along with the British Freikorps: comprised of white Nazi British, Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and equally Irish and in tandem with Afrikaans from South Africa who had their own Waffen SS units, refusing though to be a part of the British led one because of their own treatment by the British in the Boer war. But all these very various Waffen units, distinctly separate from the German ones, that by far were clearly considerably much more civilized in essence than those aforementioned ones were, and therefore actually left it up to them to effectively do the actual dirty work both within the death camps and the concentration camps also.
With the setting up rather ostentatiously of the Nuremberg trials quite naturally so by the British, the Americans clearly wanted these members of the British Freikorps to be tried specifically so as German soldiers and others were being tried, but Winston Churchill pleaded with the Americans and Russians for this not to happen, using the ludicrous and quite asinine argument that it would simply look awfully bad on Britain and those white dominion states - you do know the odious genocidal ones that I'm evidently referring to - and too significantly engender enormous resentment within the Black and other non-white colonies both of Britain and unquestionably other European colonialist states and irrefutably obviously and effectively distinctively cause them to essentially and simply naturally so, literally demand their independence very obviously from Britain, as Kenya ultimately did. Quite racist and colonialist still at heart the USA and France happily went along with the UK wish out voting Russia 3-1. Yet Britain that was principally involved in these arrogant Nuremberg trials saw nothing at all wrong in obviously executing evidently authentic German soldiers under the UK's distinctly, hypocritical bias that claiming they were following orders wasn't a valid argument. But it was perfectly okay to allow all those white British and their kin Waffen SS mass murderers, and similarly also have Britain and Canada take in literally thousands of those quite odious Ukrainian Waffen death camp killers. Incidentally, quite huge as the British number was, those obviously which Canada took in did massively dwarf the UK figure; and accordingly to this day Canada still clearly has more Ukrainian Waffen SS descendants within its actual borders than any other country, including Ukraine itself.
So perhaps you can sensibly see why there are people who obviously knowing of Tom Bauer's own background, that essentially his father Jiri Gehard Bauer and mother - Jews but clearly as Germanic as one can possibly get - both rather urgently clearly fled as unmarried lovers and prospective refugees to Britain where they sought and were obviously given asylum, then married a few years later in 1943 and subsequently produced their discernibly purblind cunt of an odiously, noxiously evil son in 1946 and from 1948 Jiri Bauer, literally, undoubtedly and quite distinctly started calling himself George Gerald Bower, having very actually renounced his German name; then on May 15, 1957 clearly formalized this process by deed poll. So this odious, proselytizing Brit pillock, Tom Bauer is no more an authentic Briton than obviously another Yid imposter Boris Kemal, aka Johnson quite essentially isn't! But that's what all of them simply do!
Now with the actual birth of Lilibet and the distinct failure on the part of the evil Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten Klan evidently quite obviously on their part, but principally that of the crucially, unmistakably staunch Karen trollop racist Kate, attendant equally with William, Charles and Camilla, Harry is now obviously essentially in addition to his wife Meghan and their two children, a very prime target for assassination; or as Nazi racist Yid - you couldn't make that one up - Herr Tom Bauer clearly passionately, and avidly supported quite unquestionably so by Sarah Vine, Andrew Pierce, and equally their rather pathetic ilk, OBLITERATION!
Hence this poem of mine unapologetically and brusquely penned as a consequence of a very distinctively retaliatory response motivated by evidently admirably, reliable sources that have informed me that Tom Bauer has really signed his and effectively too his family death warrants. Ita sit!
Quite unfortunately we share our
planet Earth with other people,
among whom there are those
who think they're the most important
person on Earth. Consequently - the
upshot of such thinking, whether it is
their own or actually someone else's
tragedy they obviously have to be in
the lime light rather specifically as a
consequence of their reaction either
as a hard done by martyr or a saint!
But, whichever of the two, ensuring
unquestionably, that most distinctly
they're quite simply in the limelight.
Individuals that have no positive
concept of how their selfish
actions and narcissistic
behaviour impact on the people who
are around them, and rather bluntly
frankly even if they had the vaguest
clue, they simply still wouldn't care.
For they're steely quite oblivious of
the odious effect, that they actually
irrefutably have, on other people's,
very ordinary lives, as long as they
get the attention, that they're quite
evilly and rather obsessively after.
And really, have no awareness of
or simply any interest pertinent to
how crucially wrong their evident
cum virulent and equally toxically
verminous behaviour obviously is
on so many levels; plainly, so long
as they're truly able, to essentially
appease, their self-serving nature.
Odious persons, per se, who
will invariably always be
where the action is, so
their face is the first one that people
ever see, regardless of how actually
unsavoury, normally upsetting and
rather crucially offensive a state of
affairs that unquestionably clearly
is to general, sensible, and literally
naturally intelligent people, who'll
quickly recognize and accordingly
adjudge this sad, odiously noxious
behaviour for what it obviously is.
But never the less, for the actually
really involved perpetrator's very
own, sick conduct that they never
see, nor basically crucially clearly
and quite literally feel any wrong
whatever evident to what they're
perniciously and also invidiously
doing. Instinctively however and
evilly, alas, it is the characteristic
nature, as well as discernibly the
distinctive and absolute norm of
the Zionist, very ironically racist,
bearing in mind their obnoxious
craving for; and unquestionably,
monetary grifting relative to the
European holocaust, so toxically
verminous, and quite obsessive,
rapacious mercenary Yid beast!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 February 2024.
Author's Remarks:
I've voluntarily of my own accord sent a copy of this poem and its Authors Remarks with a forwarding and explanatory letter to Sir Mark Rowley, Head of the Metropolitan Police Force and similarly to Stephen Parkinson, Head of the CPS of England and Wales, specifically challenging the them and their respective organisations - both of which as the Sir William McPherson Report in 1997, after the vicious killing of Stephen Lawrence and the evidently ineffectual actions of both these state bodies, to do anything positive to bring Stephen's killers to justice, and clearly were themselves actually and actively in collusion with Stephen Lawrence's killers to ensure they avoided justice, because they were: the Met Police and the CPS both institutionally racist, very professionally incompetent and totally devoid of any responsible leadership - to charge me in any court of law they choose with hate speech, requisite to this poem I've written!
I've done this because I routinely see evidence of genuine hate speech vilely promulgated in several of Britain's own right-wing and Nazi rags and distinctly additionally its electronic media, and all this openly condoned by favoured Establishment figures, organisations and their monarchical equivalent, but nothing is ever done against them by the Metropolitan Police or the CPS, and simply so because the perpetrators are of a particular political persuasion that the Metropolitan Police and undeniably the CPS leadership endorse, and clearly supportively so by the vile monarchical Klan of Saxe-Coburg- Gothe and as well Mountbatten lot, aka the Windsors, are like the bunch of them distinctly white Caucasians!
Ludicrously classed as an eminent so-called "royal" biographer, Tom Bauer: to give him his real name, very recently declared that Harry, Meghan and their family: essentially comprising two very young children, Archie 4 years old and his sibling sister Lilibet, 2 years, for the good of the British monarchy need to definitely be obliterated; in other words basically murdered and got rid of. That is quite undoubtedly the word Tom Bauer did use, and quite distinctly very much as an Academic, who has taught English at every conceivable level, I don't actually need to be told what that word means. But for you white intellectually and as well very much challenged morons who are very expressly cheering Tom Bauer on with this remark, I suggest that you get hold of a very decent English dictionary and see what that word really means, as Tom Bauer, and likewise his associates on that TV programme, well know.
In that programme, specifically hosted by Sarah Vine, another Yid, and also Andrew Pierce and very vaingloriously billed as the Daily Mail's You Tube talk show, quite with the approval of the two hosts - I suggest you look up the Wikipedia of both Sarah Vine and Andrew Pierce, and having quite objectively done so, simply ask yourself if these two raving and most obtuse idiots are in any objective position to castigate anyone's personal life, especially people who they don't know and have never met, clearly taking into full consideration their own rather, and I would logically endorse that, very pathetic lives; but like the saying goes those who actually have the most to hide distinctly like nothing better in effect than to castigate those they most envy!
In this hate fest of Tom Bauer's, rather ably assisted by Sarah Vine and equally as well Andrew Pierce, Tom denounced Harry as a traitor, rather quite ostensibly so for simply marrying an African American woman and literally in the process of very undoubtedly doing so, unquestionably contaminating this ostensibly and very delusionally divine family that he quite fawns over and rather wholeheartedly worships, by virtue of their mere and, as well, questionable existence. One has to be pretty sick, and simply also bearing in mind the quite obvious murder of Diana - clearly a fait accompli to all but obviously gullible, brain-dead morons, very intellectually challenged idiots and inured fawning and distinctly risibly brownnosing sycophants, and similarly rabid racists - to actually want to simply murder two toddler siblings: one 4 and the other only 2 years of age, evidently along with their parents, simply because their perceived as, familial situation doesn't actually comply with that of a noxious white, delusional Master Race concept that Tom Bauer, so very ironically, and I'll pertinently deal with this issue later, earnestly and barbarically subscribes to.
It simply isn't actually by any means Tom Bauer's first exploration into this specific issue. When he and his Palace sources, like Susan Hussey: that so-called lady in waiting, and I suggest you research on her, a truly fucking hypocrite if ever there was one, to Liz Windsor; godmother of William and Palace snitch for Philip, Liz, Charles, Camilla, William and Kate, told Tom Bauer about their specific plans for Meghan and which they earnestly felt would in their sick minds, rather obviously, totally and equally quite effectively wrest Harry from Meghan, Tom Bauer clearly, publicly opined that he personally had nothing against Harry, but that he was distinctly committedly against Meghan, a woman really, whom he'd never previously met, as he evidently still hasn't done to this day, and categorically doesn't even casually, let alone personally, know!
After Archie's birth, coming in the distinct wake of Kate and Charles unquestionably' perniciously quite racist comments about him when he was simply, merely a foetus in Meghan's womb, Philip the sick principal instigator of Diana's vicious murder, along with Liz, Charles, Camilla, William and Kate collectively sought to actually engineer the murder of Archie. A strategy quite suitably obviously planned for Harry and Meghan's own official visit to South Africa along with Archie; with a delightedly thrilled Kate very laughingly, regaling an exuberant Charles just how appropriately such a killing would be, in her words, in "a suitable Niggerland"!
However, that attempted assassination on Archie's life was fouled by the clearly quick thinking and unquestionably astute action of Archie's nanny who saved his life from the very likely inferno that was barbarously premeditatedly awaiting him, and would have clearly, quite evidently removed in the rather sick minds of those involved a quite literally perceived NIGGER from the British line of succession. Simply, just look at the distinctly marked reluctance on the part of Liz Windsor to award Archie a princely title evidently something that this naturally very odiously hypocritical bitch had no problem at all in granting, clearly incorrectly outside of George himself, just go check the rules, to Kate's other white sprogs, and similarly so with Charles, rather brazenly, doing the same shit also, relative to his quite equally perceived as, NIGGER grandchildren!
That murderous attempt on Archie's life, instantaneously became the source of no return for Harry and Meghan and their then emergency and vitally necessary exit, not only from the evil family they were in, but likewise Britain itself; heading off promptly to Canada; perceptively so, as the parents of Tom Bauer did with the evident advance of the Germans, and in Tom's subsequent parents quite hastily heading to Britain for safety, and likewise the hoped for urgently, distinctly desperate and obvious sanctuary they evidently and desperately needed and essentially discernibly got; but an analogy actually obviously lost on a racist prat like Tom Bauer. That's how and why Harry and Meghan crucially ended up in Canada prior to them obviously ultimately then, settling in Meghan's home state of California USA.
When Tom Bauer learnt of the rather failed attempt to kill Archie that he was all clearly quite previously geared up for, as planned with his Windsor puppet masters, to rather lyingly and obviously dishonestly label as an unfortunate accident, discernibly quite similar to what was said, and still is, about Diana's brutal murder, according to my well trusted, quite longstanding and undeniably distinctively unquestionably trusted proven sources, Tom Bauer was clearly undeniably besides himself with quite distinct outrage at this evidently failed murder attempt of a young baby; namely Archie!
How fucking ironic! This vile man is a Yid whose mother and father scarpered from Prague, Czechoslovakia after the German occupation of that country in 1939, clearly high tailed it to England: a country, that in all honesty they previously had no contact with and unlike the many quite derogatorily looked down on Black and other non-white Britons, regarded always and wholesale as "immigrants", quite regardless so of where they were born and whose ancestors along with themselves really made Britain what it did subsequently become, as a truly major global power, and who quite additionally: 1 million Asians; similarly another 1 million Black Africans; hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbeans including my Dad, other Barbadians, and West Indians; and when only after the attack on Pearl Harbour, did the USA condescend to enter world War II, but financially charged Britain for doing so, unlike these colonial non-white countries, created did the USA a monumental and a very exorbitant bill that the UK only finally managed to pay off in the early part of the 21st Century. Go check it out yourselves!
These derogatorily looked down on by the likes of Tom Bauer, who with their actually obviously, distinctly laughably, obsessive name changes and sham acquired British accents regard themselves very much so as even more British than clearly all of us who actually are genuine British. Add then to that massive number of altruistic and as well quite courageous fighters who died or discernibly, clearly risked their lives saving your pathetic Yid asses when they needn't have done so, considering that essentially and unquestionably, it was Sephardic Jews that initiated and profited quite immensely along with other mercenary, European and Jewish sects, from the barbaric and rather inhumane Transatlantic Slave Trade which they evilly started - having generously been given sanctuary in Barbados, having been summarily kicked out of Brazil and clearly when effectively no other countries in the region would actually have them after they were wholesale kicked out of Brazil - it was simply my beloved ancestral homeland of Barbados that rather magnanimously took them in and accorded them sanctuary and safety, only for these mercenary and quite odiously evil Yids to initiate the barbarous Transatlantic Slave Trade from there.
Yet, even so, several thousands of Black American volunteers and rather distinctly the descendants of these same slaves, as did my own ancestors and likewise those of Meghan very altruistically and distinctly courageously fought, died and undeniably, undoubtedly literally, risked their precious lives, significantly and obviously, fighting in a white man's war, which quite realistically, had bugger all to do with them, very simply as is obvious to all decent folk for actually clearly ungrateful bastards and bitches of the same ilk as you Tom Bauer that literally otherwise wouldn't be born, let alone really here, to then toxically throw their altruism and that of their brave descendants in their faces, while you most asininely irrefutably cosy up with the very same people who in all reality wanted to evidently OBLITERATE your kind. And all for the filthy lucre which your kind is actually obsessed with!
Not a word said however or condemnation of any kind levelled though at the toxically verminous and very discernibly utterly evil Ukrainian Waffen SS whose malignant and egregious behaviour to all European Jews that they systematically wiped out across Eastern and Northern Europe; were rather quite adept at torturing, and murdering in those concentration camps in which they were adeptly embedded in and along with the British Freikorps: comprised of white Nazi British, Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and equally Irish and in tandem with Afrikaans from South Africa who had their own Waffen SS units, refusing though to be a part of the British led one because of their own treatment by the British in the Boer war. But all these very various Waffen units, distinctly separate from the German ones, that by far were clearly considerably much more civilized in essence than those aforementioned ones were, and therefore actually left it up to them to effectively do the actual dirty work both within the death camps and the concentration camps also.
With the setting up rather ostentatiously of the Nuremberg trials quite naturally so by the British, the Americans clearly wanted these members of the British Freikorps to be tried specifically so as German soldiers and others were being tried, but Winston Churchill pleaded with the Americans and Russians for this not to happen, using the ludicrous and quite asinine argument that it would simply look awfully bad on Britain and those white dominion states - you do know the odious genocidal ones that I'm evidently referring to - and too significantly engender enormous resentment within the Black and other non-white colonies both of Britain and unquestionably other European colonialist states and irrefutably obviously and effectively distinctively cause them to essentially and simply naturally so, literally demand their independence very obviously from Britain, as Kenya ultimately did. Quite racist and colonialist still at heart the USA and France happily went along with the UK wish out voting Russia 3-1. Yet Britain that was principally involved in these arrogant Nuremberg trials saw nothing at all wrong in obviously executing evidently authentic German soldiers under the UK's distinctly, hypocritical bias that claiming they were following orders wasn't a valid argument. But it was perfectly okay to allow all those white British and their kin Waffen SS mass murderers, and similarly also have Britain and Canada take in literally thousands of those quite odious Ukrainian Waffen death camp killers. Incidentally, quite huge as the British number was, those obviously which Canada took in did massively dwarf the UK figure; and accordingly to this day Canada still clearly has more Ukrainian Waffen SS descendants within its actual borders than any other country, including Ukraine itself.
So perhaps you can sensibly see why there are people who obviously knowing of Tom Bauer's own background, that essentially his father Jiri Gehard Bauer and mother - Jews but clearly as Germanic as one can possibly get - both rather urgently clearly fled as unmarried lovers and prospective refugees to Britain where they sought and were obviously given asylum, then married a few years later in 1943 and subsequently produced their discernibly purblind cunt of an odiously, noxiously evil son in 1946 and from 1948 Jiri Bauer, literally, undoubtedly and quite distinctly started calling himself George Gerald Bower, having very actually renounced his German name; then on May 15, 1957 clearly formalized this process by deed poll. So this odious, proselytizing Brit pillock, Tom Bauer is no more an authentic Briton than obviously another Yid imposter Boris Kemal, aka Johnson quite essentially isn't! But that's what all of them simply do!
Now with the actual birth of Lilibet and the distinct failure on the part of the evil Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten Klan evidently quite obviously on their part, but principally that of the crucially, unmistakably staunch Karen trollop racist Kate, attendant equally with William, Charles and Camilla, Harry is now obviously essentially in addition to his wife Meghan and their two children, a very prime target for assassination; or as Nazi racist Yid - you couldn't make that one up - Herr Tom Bauer clearly passionately, and avidly supported quite unquestionably so by Sarah Vine, Andrew Pierce, and equally their rather pathetic ilk, OBLITERATION!
Hence this poem of mine unapologetically and brusquely penned as a consequence of a very distinctively retaliatory response motivated by evidently admirably, reliable sources that have informed me that Tom Bauer has really signed his and effectively too his family death warrants. Ita sit!
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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