Assuaging His Hunger (The Art Of The Deal II)
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Kincaid slipped into his black Kenneth Cole double-breast tuxedo jacket. He lifted his wallet from off the dresser and placed it inside his back pants pocket. He lifted his cell phone, slid it open, and dialed Shaylynn’s cell phone. Her cell phone instantly beeped.
Kincaid slid his cell phone close and slammed it down on the dresser.
Geoffrey peeped his head around the doorpost.
“Mr. Livoski, everyone is assembled and ready to head out.”
“I will be there in a moment.”
Kincaid took a deep breath. He angled his bow-tie, turned around, and walked out his bedroom. He entered the spacious living area of his suite.
“If anyone of those Italian mothafuckers get out of line, respect the house rules, however drag each and every one of them out, and plug them.”
“Mr. Livoski, there are other means, not that extreme, but very effective.”
All five men in his suite laughed.
“Let’s go and win some money on the house. The Crap table first, then every man’s game, poker.”
“We’re ready Mr. Livoski.”
Everyone moved to the door.
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Shaylynn inserted a diamond teardrop earring in her other ear. She secured it with a post. She stood back and pivoted side-to-side.
The sleeveless metallic colored gown hugged her curvaceous physique like a second skin. Her skin still tinkled from the mud bath from the spa. Her pedicure and manicure upgraded her appearance. She smiled at herself, for all the men who took the time to walk up to her and ask her what modeling agency she represented.
Shaylynn pivoted her reflection in the mirror. She hopes her bare back could stand the evening air. She bent down and stepped into a pair of elegant metallic stilettos sandals. Her make-up was heavier than usual, but emphasized her light-brown eyes, and full lips. The upswept French coiffure hairstyle, made her appear confident and mature. The curly tendrils hanging at her temples, and the three streaming down her back added a flamboyant appeal to her overall appearance.
Shaylynn lifted a bottle of perfume and sprayed it to both wrists; she placed it back on the dresser. She took another step back.
“Everything looks okay from my standpoint.”
She adjusted her breasts in the dress. Maybe she shoulder wear a bra, her nipples were not backing down.
“It’s enough that I do not have on any underwear. Oh, what the heck, how many men would actually get a peep, none.”
Shaylynn looked at the clock. She walked over to her bed and lifted her cell phone. She slid it open and pressed a button to retrieve her messages. She received two messages from an unknown caller.
“Baby, call me, I’m freaking out, because I haven’t heard from you, call me.”
Shaylynn pressed in a numerical button to call Fentin.
Fentin’s cell phone rang.
San Diego, California
Fentin reached for his cell phone. He slid it open and placed it up to his ear.
“Baby, I just got your message.”
“Did you make it there safe and sound?”
“Yes, I would have called earlier. However, as soon as I checked in, I took a long nap.”
“What time is it there?”
“Eight o’clock.”
“It’s four o’clock in the morning here. What are you doing?”
“Sitting on my balcony reading a book.”
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
“When you get back, you’re still marrying me.”
“I’m still thinking.”
“Shaylynn, this vacation was for you to get a sun in the fun vacation; we did agree when you return, we would get married.”
“You’re right. Well let me let you finish sleeping?”
“Where are you staying?”
“At the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort.”
“I’ll call you later on, damn, I can’t wait until Monday. I really do miss you.”
“We will make up for this.”
“You may want to bring that massage oil again.”
“I think we use it all up.”
Both laughed.
“Be good for me, all right.”
“You are the one who have a stalker after you.”
“That may be, but I only have love for Shaylynn Windsor.”
Shaylynn blushed.
“I love you.”
“Talk to you later Miss. Too Easy.”
“Back at you Mr. Nice and Slow.”
Shaylynn and Fentin both slid their cell phone down.
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Texas Hold’em Ultimate Poker
Kincaid threw his cards down in frustration. He was already down ten thousand dollars again.
“My friend, why look so glum. I told you this is a grown man’s game,” Fernandez gloated.
Bethany stood near Fernandez’s side. She smiled in triumphant as her husband won another ten thousand dollar hand.
“Mr. Livoski would you like a sit in now.”
“When I want one, I’ll inquire.”
“My friend, your reputation in Monaco for winning is slipping. Come Bethany, I think I see another game we may be interested in.” Fernandez eyes zoomed on a female wearing a black gown.
“Sorry Kincaid darling, but my Fernandez have the magic touch when I’m around.”
Fernandez stood and stepped back from the poker table. He held his elbow out.
Bethany linked her arm around Fernandez’s elbow.
Both strolled away.
Kincaid stood.
“You guys can rack in my chips, and pay that bastard, his winnings.”
“Sorry Mr. Livoski, maybe you will have luck at the European Roulette table,” Geoffrey added.”
Kincaid walked away.
Shaylynn smiled as she entered through the doors of the infamous Casino De Monte Carlo. She has heard such intriguing tales about this place. She walked in the direction of the bathroom and entered.
“This bathroom is very elegant.” Shaylynn walked over to the mirror and looked at her reflection. “Yes.”
She self-congratulated herself for her total winnings of eighty-five thousand American dollars.
“If I keep this up, I may have to open me another ballet school.” She placed her purse on the vanity top, opened it, and took out her black Venetian Mask. She placed it over her eyes.
“No names, for me.”
She was excited the Sun Casino provides its gambling patrons the right to recognition, or privacy. She gathered the two silk ties together at the back of her head and tied them. She hid the strings under several dangling tendrils. She hopes the man who asked to buy her a drink at the Sun Casino, did not follow her here.
The door opened.
Shaylynn pivoted.
Bethany walked over to the mirror.
Shaylynn froze. She adjusted her mask over her eyes and then closed her purse.
“How fascinating and mysterious.”
Shaylynn turned to Bethany and signed her.
“I’m talking about your mask.”
Bethany pointed to Shaylynn’s mask; she walked over to where she stood.
“I used to have one of those; you must tell me where you purchased it.”
Shaylynn signed.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I do not sign.”
Shaylynn smiled.
“You have a very beautiful smile, young lady.” Bethany caressed Shaylynn’s check. “My, your skin is so soft.” Bethany squeezed one of Shaylynn’s breasts. “Your breasts are simply magnificent. I can imagine what my husband can do with a young fetish such as you.”
Shaylynn arched her eyebrows.
“Come with me darling, I would like to introduce you to someone.”
Bethany linked her arm around Shaylynn’s elbow.
Shaylynn reached for her purse.
Bethany and Shaylynn walked out the bathroom.
Both entered the gambling room hand-in-hand.
“Stick with me darling, you are indispensable, and me and my husband’s dessert for this evening.”
Play this cool until you can locate the exit Shaylynn thought.
Kincaid and Geoffrey walked around the casino.
Mr. Batilini met both men in the middle of the gambling room.
“Good to see you Kincaid.”
Mr. Batilini shook Kincaid’s hand and then Geoffrey’s hand.
“How’s business in Las Vegas.”
“Business is business, how’s the family?”
“Business is business, will you be joining us at the Roulette table tonight.”
“I see Bethany has found her private entertainment for this evening,” Kincaid broadcasted. He looked at the woman clinging to Bethany’s arm.
Mr. Batilini turned and followed Kincaid’s line of speaking.
“Simply stunning, and the body is what fuels this man’s lust.” Mr. Batilini looked back at Kincaid and Geoffrey. “I’m speaking to the wrong two people.”
Kincaid, Geoffrey, and Mr. Batilini watched Shaylynn sign to Roth, the notorious Don of the Fountano famile.
“Fuck, she’s hearing impaired. Shit, I can’t make love to her if she can’t scream out my name.”
Mr. Batilini watched Shaylynn communicate with her hands. He shook his head and walked away.
“Geoffrey, do you know who the woman is wearing the mask?”
Geoffrey looked across the room at the woman in the mask.
“I can’t say sir, but if the face goes with the body, I would love to find out.”
Kincaid’s eyes moseyed over Shaylynn’s body slowly. His dick pounded at the lovely vision. He took a sip of his Cristal. He watched the woman walk around the casino flaunting her obscured beauty. The undulated way she moved, and how she smiled when she signed continued to give him a hard on.
Shaylynn signed to Bethany and walked away.
“I can assume that means, I will be right back,” Bethany added.
Roth and Bethany laughed.
“Roth, can I interest you in buying me a drink.
“Where is your husband?”
Shaylynn walked to the bar. Dammit, she came to gamble, not to be shared by a pair of swingers.
“What can I get for the beautiful masked one?”
“Yes, can you get me spring water served on ice in a wine glass?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Shaylynn looked through the floor-to-ceiling mirror behind the bar. She actually looked good.
A tall man dressed in a tuxedo walking toward one of the private gambling saloons had her peering closer.
“You have got to be kidding me, Kincaid?”
Shaylynn pivoted around. She caught the back of his head as he entered the private gambling saloon. She lifted her glass of water, took a sip, and then placed the glass back on the bar. She walked in the direction of the private gambling saloon and entered. She looked around. Her eyes instantly fell on Kincaid.
Pure undeniable manliness she must admit. His suit emphasized muscles she has yet to discover.
The back hairs on Kincaid’s neck stood up. He looked around the saloon.
The woman in the mask was looking directly at him.
Kincaid stole the moment to look at Shaylynn’s breasts, the sexy way her hips filled out her gown and molded her breasts.
The hue of her skin tone, and the dark mane of curly tendrils made him ponder if she was Greek, or of Spaniard heritage. He looked down at the alignment of perfect toes peeking out from a pair of stilettos sandals. Her lips were something he will make sure he samples tonight.
Shaylynn looked away to hide her smile.
“Ooh, the man is handsome, and in Monte Carlo, thank you for this vacation,” she said under her breath. She turned back around.
Kincaid’s eyes remained fixed on Shaylynn.
Shaylynn blushed and looked away.
“Geoffrey, I need you to go over there and tell the woman wearing the mask I request her presence at my table.”
“Mr. Livoski, I don’t know sign language.”
“Point over to me, maybe she reads lips, just get the task completed, and quickly.”
“Yes sir.”
Kincaid walked over to the bar.
Geoffrey walked up to Shaylynn.
Where has she… he was the man who stated he was Head of Security at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino. She wondered did Kincaid set Fentin up.
Shaylynn turned around to avoid Geoffrey’s approach.
Geoffrey tapped Shaylynn on her shoulder.
Shaylynn took a deep breath and turned around.
“Excuse me, but Mr. Livoski, will like you at his table.”
Geoffrey pointed over at Kincaid.
Kincaid lifted his glass of champagne.
Shaylynn smiled at Kincaid, turned to Geoffrey, and then signed.
“I do not understand.”
Geoffrey pointed again, to where Kincaid stood.
Shaylynn held up her left hand.
Geoffrey looked at the wedding set on Shaylynn’s hand.
“Forgive me ma’am.”
Geoffrey bowed his head, turned around, and walked away.
Shaylynn wanted to laugh out. She walked over to the Roulette table.
Several people were standing around a lucky winner. She made her way to the front.
“Darling put it on eight black.”
Bethany edged her husband.
Fernandez placed his chips on the number eight.
The Croupier spent the wheel.
The white ball circled the roulette. It came to a gradual stop.
The white ball landed on the number two.
The Croupier raked ten thousand dollars in chips from off the incorrect number.
Kincaid walked over to the Roulette table.
Fernandez looked up before he placed another bet.
“This is a grown man’s game Kincaid; you already handed me twenty grand for your poker lose, are you trying to empty your piggy-bank altogether.”
Kincaid looked down at the Roulette table.
“Darling, be nice, I’m sure Kincaid has lost enough.”
Shaylynn inched down the Roulette table. She stood near Kincaid.
“Ma’am, can you scoot back.”
Geoffrey inched Shaylynn’s body back.
“Are you sure, you can take me. That was beginners’ luck at the poker table my friend.”
“Darling, you do not have to prove anything. I have better plans upstairs, which would benefit you in the end.”
Fernandez looked over at Shaylynn.
“She looks good, but her method of communicating is questionable.”
Shaylynn arched her eyebrows at the vulgar attack.
“Are you in or out Kincaid? My wife could use another Harry Winston piece of jewelry.”
Bethany clapped her hands. She kissed the side of her husband’s cheek.
“I’ll even make this simple for your pockets my friend. The bet is, the first man who reaches five hundred thousand, wins; on top of that, the loser must match it, and the stipulation is cash only.”
Kincaid took a deep breath; he palmed his cheeks down and looked at Fernandez.
“The clock is ticking Kincaid.”
Shaylynn studied Kincaid’s unsure expression.
“Mr. Livoski…”
Kincaid turned his eyes in Geoffrey’s direction.
Geoffrey slightly shook his head.
Everyone around the table clapped.
Shaylynn inched back toward the table. She moved closer to Kincaid’s turned back. His cologne smelled good on him. She inched closer and mashed her breasts against his back.
Geoffrey looked back at Shaylynn.
“Ma’am… I.”
“I figured you did not have the balls.” Fernandez laughed. “Bethany it appears Kincaid, has tucked away his balls.”
Shaylynn reached out for the back of Kincaid’s tuxedo jacket and pulled on it.
Kincaid turned around.
“What the f…!”
He looked down at the woman tugging on the back of his tuxedo jacket.
Shaylynn looked up into Kincaid’s eyes. She crocked her head to one side.
“Excuse me ma’am, but...but I...”
He looked into the woman’s eyes, and then down at her lips. His words faded in the wind.
Shaylynn stood on the balls of her feet, palmed the sides of Kincaid’s face, and slowly kissed him.
Amazingly, his lips instantly responded.
Shaylynn kissed over the cleft in his chin.
Kincaid’s eyes opened. He inched back and looked down into the stranger’s eyes.
“Shaylynn,” Kincaid whispered.
Shaylynn inched back. She placed her finger over her lips and winked. She palmed Kincaid’s chest and inched closer.
“Go for it,” she whispered.
“Well talk later, just go for it.”
Kincaid bent his head and kissed Shaylynn on her lips. He inched back and slowly caressed her cheek.
“Hello beautiful.”
Shaylynn signed hello to Kincaid.
“Ma’am you have to scoot back.”
Geoffrey grabbed a hold of Shaylynn’s arm.
“Unhand her at once!”
Geoffrey dropped his hand immediately.
“Have you found your balls Kincaid?”
“You may go first my friend.”
Kincaid and Fernandez went back and forth.
Shaylynn repeatedly spilled her accuracy over the Roulette table. She whispered to Kincaid when to place a small bet to make his winnings appear believable, and when to place a huge bet to advance him closer to five-hundred thousand dollars.
The patrons around the table clasped and jeered for each man’s correct prediction.
“Let’s clean this up,” Shaylynn whispered to Kincaid. She reached down for his manhood and squeezed it.
“Yes let’s,” Kincaid responded. He leaned over and kissed Shaylynn on her lips. He looked down at the Roulette table.
“Place everything on the number one, black.”
“That’s a risky bet Mr. Livoski,” Geoffrey rushed in.
“Play it or not,” Fernandez growled. He was chagrined he was already down four hundred thousand.
“Place everything on the number one, black,” Kincaid stated with assurance.
Everyone around the table covered his or her mouth.
Fernandez looked at Kincaid. He knew this game was his now. He could finally pay off some of his gambling debts.
“Have the final bet been placed?”
Kincaid looked at Shaylynn and winked.
Kincaid held onto Shaylynn’s hand.
The Croupier spent the Roulette, the ball spent around and around.
All eyes watched the white ball twirl around with a blind eye.
The Roulette wheel slowly stopped, the white ball continued to circular. The white ball dropped in the number one, black slot.
Everyone clapped and jeered.
Kincaid’s men clapped and patted their employer on the back.
Kincaid hugged Shaylynn and arrested her lips in a long and scorching kiss.
“Thank you baby,” he mumbled between kissing her.
Shaylynn inched back and signed thank you.
Kincaid’s men immediately circled him.
Shaylynn walked away from the table. She looked back at Kincaid who was talking to Geoffrey. She smiled and continued walking.
“Rack my winnings, and Fernandez my friend. The house will pay me your five hundred thousand. Geoffrey attend to that.”
“Yes sir.”
Kincaid backed away from the table. He looked around the casino. He did not see Shaylynn. He ran out the private gambling saloon.
He stopped a patron.
“Did you see a woman wearing a black mask?”
“Aah no sir.”
“Dammit, where did she go?”
Kincaid looked around. He walked out the casino and lifted his cell phone from out his tuxedo side pocket; he slid it open and pressed in a contact number to Shaylynn’s cell phone.
Shaylynn stopped in front of her hotel. She opened her purse, took out her cell phone, and slid it open. She placed it up to her ear.
“This is Mrs. Wind…”
“Where are you at, Shaylynn?”
“On my way to my hotel, too much excitement for me.”
“I need to see you, which hotel are you staying at.”
“I prefer to retain that privileged information. I assisted you with winning; I think we can now sever our ties.”
“Is that all you think I want from you?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Shaylynn, the Livoski family has wealth; this little expedition is nothing more than a past time to occupy a bored man’s mind. I really need to see you tonight, if only to give you part of my winnings.”
“No thank you, goodnight Kincaid.”
“Wait Shaylynn…”
“Kincaid, I’m a married woman.”
“Accordingly, to the fraudulent minister who married you, you’re not.”
“You knew.”
“No, I inquired and was given the news firsthand.”
Shaylynn did not say anything.
“I can explain that unfortunate night.”
“Kincaid, please do not call me again. I would like to enjoy the rest of my vacation, alone.”
Kincaid slicked his hand back through his hair.
“Shaylynn, I need to see you; we can talk about this in person.”
“Goodbye Kincaid.”
Shaylynn slid her cell phone close and entered her hotel. First Fentin lied, and then Kincaid lied. She walked to the elevators.
Geoffrey walked out. He found his employer waiting a couple feet from his leased Bentley limousine.
“Mr. Livoski, will you be joining us for poker?”
“No, and neither will you. Geoffrey, I need a favor from you.”
“What is it?”
“I need you to comb every hotel in the vicinity, and find out what hotel Miss. Shaylynn Forrester is staying in, and I need that information tonight, you may want to try the name Shaylynn Windsor, whatever name she is using, I need her found tonight, and with a hotel room number.”
“Yes sir.”
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Kincaid slipped into his black Kenneth Cole double-breast tuxedo jacket. He lifted his wallet from off the dresser and placed it inside his back pants pocket. He lifted his cell phone, slid it open, and dialed Shaylynn’s cell phone. Her cell phone instantly beeped.
Kincaid slid his cell phone close and slammed it down on the dresser.
Geoffrey peeped his head around the doorpost.
“Mr. Livoski, everyone is assembled and ready to head out.”
“I will be there in a moment.”
Kincaid took a deep breath. He angled his bow-tie, turned around, and walked out his bedroom. He entered the spacious living area of his suite.
“If anyone of those Italian mothafuckers get out of line, respect the house rules, however drag each and every one of them out, and plug them.”
“Mr. Livoski, there are other means, not that extreme, but very effective.”
All five men in his suite laughed.
“Let’s go and win some money on the house. The Crap table first, then every man’s game, poker.”
“We’re ready Mr. Livoski.”
Everyone moved to the door.
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Shaylynn inserted a diamond teardrop earring in her other ear. She secured it with a post. She stood back and pivoted side-to-side.
The sleeveless metallic colored gown hugged her curvaceous physique like a second skin. Her skin still tinkled from the mud bath from the spa. Her pedicure and manicure upgraded her appearance. She smiled at herself, for all the men who took the time to walk up to her and ask her what modeling agency she represented.
Shaylynn pivoted her reflection in the mirror. She hopes her bare back could stand the evening air. She bent down and stepped into a pair of elegant metallic stilettos sandals. Her make-up was heavier than usual, but emphasized her light-brown eyes, and full lips. The upswept French coiffure hairstyle, made her appear confident and mature. The curly tendrils hanging at her temples, and the three streaming down her back added a flamboyant appeal to her overall appearance.
Shaylynn lifted a bottle of perfume and sprayed it to both wrists; she placed it back on the dresser. She took another step back.
“Everything looks okay from my standpoint.”
She adjusted her breasts in the dress. Maybe she shoulder wear a bra, her nipples were not backing down.
“It’s enough that I do not have on any underwear. Oh, what the heck, how many men would actually get a peep, none.”
Shaylynn looked at the clock. She walked over to her bed and lifted her cell phone. She slid it open and pressed a button to retrieve her messages. She received two messages from an unknown caller.
“Baby, call me, I’m freaking out, because I haven’t heard from you, call me.”
Shaylynn pressed in a numerical button to call Fentin.
Fentin’s cell phone rang.
San Diego, California
Fentin reached for his cell phone. He slid it open and placed it up to his ear.
“Baby, I just got your message.”
“Did you make it there safe and sound?”
“Yes, I would have called earlier. However, as soon as I checked in, I took a long nap.”
“What time is it there?”
“Eight o’clock.”
“It’s four o’clock in the morning here. What are you doing?”
“Sitting on my balcony reading a book.”
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
“When you get back, you’re still marrying me.”
“I’m still thinking.”
“Shaylynn, this vacation was for you to get a sun in the fun vacation; we did agree when you return, we would get married.”
“You’re right. Well let me let you finish sleeping?”
“Where are you staying?”
“At the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort.”
“I’ll call you later on, damn, I can’t wait until Monday. I really do miss you.”
“We will make up for this.”
“You may want to bring that massage oil again.”
“I think we use it all up.”
Both laughed.
“Be good for me, all right.”
“You are the one who have a stalker after you.”
“That may be, but I only have love for Shaylynn Windsor.”
Shaylynn blushed.
“I love you.”
“Talk to you later Miss. Too Easy.”
“Back at you Mr. Nice and Slow.”
Shaylynn and Fentin both slid their cell phone down.
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Texas Hold’em Ultimate Poker
Kincaid threw his cards down in frustration. He was already down ten thousand dollars again.
“My friend, why look so glum. I told you this is a grown man’s game,” Fernandez gloated.
Bethany stood near Fernandez’s side. She smiled in triumphant as her husband won another ten thousand dollar hand.
“Mr. Livoski would you like a sit in now.”
“When I want one, I’ll inquire.”
“My friend, your reputation in Monaco for winning is slipping. Come Bethany, I think I see another game we may be interested in.” Fernandez eyes zoomed on a female wearing a black gown.
“Sorry Kincaid darling, but my Fernandez have the magic touch when I’m around.”
Fernandez stood and stepped back from the poker table. He held his elbow out.
Bethany linked her arm around Fernandez’s elbow.
Both strolled away.
Kincaid stood.
“You guys can rack in my chips, and pay that bastard, his winnings.”
“Sorry Mr. Livoski, maybe you will have luck at the European Roulette table,” Geoffrey added.”
Kincaid walked away.
Shaylynn smiled as she entered through the doors of the infamous Casino De Monte Carlo. She has heard such intriguing tales about this place. She walked in the direction of the bathroom and entered.
“This bathroom is very elegant.” Shaylynn walked over to the mirror and looked at her reflection. “Yes.”
She self-congratulated herself for her total winnings of eighty-five thousand American dollars.
“If I keep this up, I may have to open me another ballet school.” She placed her purse on the vanity top, opened it, and took out her black Venetian Mask. She placed it over her eyes.
“No names, for me.”
She was excited the Sun Casino provides its gambling patrons the right to recognition, or privacy. She gathered the two silk ties together at the back of her head and tied them. She hid the strings under several dangling tendrils. She hopes the man who asked to buy her a drink at the Sun Casino, did not follow her here.
The door opened.
Shaylynn pivoted.
Bethany walked over to the mirror.
Shaylynn froze. She adjusted her mask over her eyes and then closed her purse.
“How fascinating and mysterious.”
Shaylynn turned to Bethany and signed her.
“I’m talking about your mask.”
Bethany pointed to Shaylynn’s mask; she walked over to where she stood.
“I used to have one of those; you must tell me where you purchased it.”
Shaylynn signed.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I do not sign.”
Shaylynn smiled.
“You have a very beautiful smile, young lady.” Bethany caressed Shaylynn’s check. “My, your skin is so soft.” Bethany squeezed one of Shaylynn’s breasts. “Your breasts are simply magnificent. I can imagine what my husband can do with a young fetish such as you.”
Shaylynn arched her eyebrows.
“Come with me darling, I would like to introduce you to someone.”
Bethany linked her arm around Shaylynn’s elbow.
Shaylynn reached for her purse.
Bethany and Shaylynn walked out the bathroom.
Both entered the gambling room hand-in-hand.
“Stick with me darling, you are indispensable, and me and my husband’s dessert for this evening.”
Play this cool until you can locate the exit Shaylynn thought.
Kincaid and Geoffrey walked around the casino.
Mr. Batilini met both men in the middle of the gambling room.
“Good to see you Kincaid.”
Mr. Batilini shook Kincaid’s hand and then Geoffrey’s hand.
“How’s business in Las Vegas.”
“Business is business, how’s the family?”
“Business is business, will you be joining us at the Roulette table tonight.”
“I see Bethany has found her private entertainment for this evening,” Kincaid broadcasted. He looked at the woman clinging to Bethany’s arm.
Mr. Batilini turned and followed Kincaid’s line of speaking.
“Simply stunning, and the body is what fuels this man’s lust.” Mr. Batilini looked back at Kincaid and Geoffrey. “I’m speaking to the wrong two people.”
Kincaid, Geoffrey, and Mr. Batilini watched Shaylynn sign to Roth, the notorious Don of the Fountano famile.
“Fuck, she’s hearing impaired. Shit, I can’t make love to her if she can’t scream out my name.”
Mr. Batilini watched Shaylynn communicate with her hands. He shook his head and walked away.
“Geoffrey, do you know who the woman is wearing the mask?”
Geoffrey looked across the room at the woman in the mask.
“I can’t say sir, but if the face goes with the body, I would love to find out.”
Kincaid’s eyes moseyed over Shaylynn’s body slowly. His dick pounded at the lovely vision. He took a sip of his Cristal. He watched the woman walk around the casino flaunting her obscured beauty. The undulated way she moved, and how she smiled when she signed continued to give him a hard on.
Shaylynn signed to Bethany and walked away.
“I can assume that means, I will be right back,” Bethany added.
Roth and Bethany laughed.
“Roth, can I interest you in buying me a drink.
“Where is your husband?”
Shaylynn walked to the bar. Dammit, she came to gamble, not to be shared by a pair of swingers.
“What can I get for the beautiful masked one?”
“Yes, can you get me spring water served on ice in a wine glass?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Shaylynn looked through the floor-to-ceiling mirror behind the bar. She actually looked good.
A tall man dressed in a tuxedo walking toward one of the private gambling saloons had her peering closer.
“You have got to be kidding me, Kincaid?”
Shaylynn pivoted around. She caught the back of his head as he entered the private gambling saloon. She lifted her glass of water, took a sip, and then placed the glass back on the bar. She walked in the direction of the private gambling saloon and entered. She looked around. Her eyes instantly fell on Kincaid.
Pure undeniable manliness she must admit. His suit emphasized muscles she has yet to discover.
The back hairs on Kincaid’s neck stood up. He looked around the saloon.
The woman in the mask was looking directly at him.
Kincaid stole the moment to look at Shaylynn’s breasts, the sexy way her hips filled out her gown and molded her breasts.
The hue of her skin tone, and the dark mane of curly tendrils made him ponder if she was Greek, or of Spaniard heritage. He looked down at the alignment of perfect toes peeking out from a pair of stilettos sandals. Her lips were something he will make sure he samples tonight.
Shaylynn looked away to hide her smile.
“Ooh, the man is handsome, and in Monte Carlo, thank you for this vacation,” she said under her breath. She turned back around.
Kincaid’s eyes remained fixed on Shaylynn.
Shaylynn blushed and looked away.
“Geoffrey, I need you to go over there and tell the woman wearing the mask I request her presence at my table.”
“Mr. Livoski, I don’t know sign language.”
“Point over to me, maybe she reads lips, just get the task completed, and quickly.”
“Yes sir.”
Kincaid walked over to the bar.
Geoffrey walked up to Shaylynn.
Where has she… he was the man who stated he was Head of Security at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino. She wondered did Kincaid set Fentin up.
Shaylynn turned around to avoid Geoffrey’s approach.
Geoffrey tapped Shaylynn on her shoulder.
Shaylynn took a deep breath and turned around.
“Excuse me, but Mr. Livoski, will like you at his table.”
Geoffrey pointed over at Kincaid.
Kincaid lifted his glass of champagne.
Shaylynn smiled at Kincaid, turned to Geoffrey, and then signed.
“I do not understand.”
Geoffrey pointed again, to where Kincaid stood.
Shaylynn held up her left hand.
Geoffrey looked at the wedding set on Shaylynn’s hand.
“Forgive me ma’am.”
Geoffrey bowed his head, turned around, and walked away.
Shaylynn wanted to laugh out. She walked over to the Roulette table.
Several people were standing around a lucky winner. She made her way to the front.
“Darling put it on eight black.”
Bethany edged her husband.
Fernandez placed his chips on the number eight.
The Croupier spent the wheel.
The white ball circled the roulette. It came to a gradual stop.
The white ball landed on the number two.
The Croupier raked ten thousand dollars in chips from off the incorrect number.
Kincaid walked over to the Roulette table.
Fernandez looked up before he placed another bet.
“This is a grown man’s game Kincaid; you already handed me twenty grand for your poker lose, are you trying to empty your piggy-bank altogether.”
Kincaid looked down at the Roulette table.
“Darling, be nice, I’m sure Kincaid has lost enough.”
Shaylynn inched down the Roulette table. She stood near Kincaid.
“Ma’am, can you scoot back.”
Geoffrey inched Shaylynn’s body back.
“Are you sure, you can take me. That was beginners’ luck at the poker table my friend.”
“Darling, you do not have to prove anything. I have better plans upstairs, which would benefit you in the end.”
Fernandez looked over at Shaylynn.
“She looks good, but her method of communicating is questionable.”
Shaylynn arched her eyebrows at the vulgar attack.
“Are you in or out Kincaid? My wife could use another Harry Winston piece of jewelry.”
Bethany clapped her hands. She kissed the side of her husband’s cheek.
“I’ll even make this simple for your pockets my friend. The bet is, the first man who reaches five hundred thousand, wins; on top of that, the loser must match it, and the stipulation is cash only.”
Kincaid took a deep breath; he palmed his cheeks down and looked at Fernandez.
“The clock is ticking Kincaid.”
Shaylynn studied Kincaid’s unsure expression.
“Mr. Livoski…”
Kincaid turned his eyes in Geoffrey’s direction.
Geoffrey slightly shook his head.
Everyone around the table clapped.
Shaylynn inched back toward the table. She moved closer to Kincaid’s turned back. His cologne smelled good on him. She inched closer and mashed her breasts against his back.
Geoffrey looked back at Shaylynn.
“Ma’am… I.”
“I figured you did not have the balls.” Fernandez laughed. “Bethany it appears Kincaid, has tucked away his balls.”
Shaylynn reached out for the back of Kincaid’s tuxedo jacket and pulled on it.
Kincaid turned around.
“What the f…!”
He looked down at the woman tugging on the back of his tuxedo jacket.
Shaylynn looked up into Kincaid’s eyes. She crocked her head to one side.
“Excuse me ma’am, but...but I...”
He looked into the woman’s eyes, and then down at her lips. His words faded in the wind.
Shaylynn stood on the balls of her feet, palmed the sides of Kincaid’s face, and slowly kissed him.
Amazingly, his lips instantly responded.
Shaylynn kissed over the cleft in his chin.
Kincaid’s eyes opened. He inched back and looked down into the stranger’s eyes.
“Shaylynn,” Kincaid whispered.
Shaylynn inched back. She placed her finger over her lips and winked. She palmed Kincaid’s chest and inched closer.
“Go for it,” she whispered.
“Well talk later, just go for it.”
Kincaid bent his head and kissed Shaylynn on her lips. He inched back and slowly caressed her cheek.
“Hello beautiful.”
Shaylynn signed hello to Kincaid.
“Ma’am you have to scoot back.”
Geoffrey grabbed a hold of Shaylynn’s arm.
“Unhand her at once!”
Geoffrey dropped his hand immediately.
“Have you found your balls Kincaid?”
“You may go first my friend.”
Kincaid and Fernandez went back and forth.
Shaylynn repeatedly spilled her accuracy over the Roulette table. She whispered to Kincaid when to place a small bet to make his winnings appear believable, and when to place a huge bet to advance him closer to five-hundred thousand dollars.
The patrons around the table clasped and jeered for each man’s correct prediction.
“Let’s clean this up,” Shaylynn whispered to Kincaid. She reached down for his manhood and squeezed it.
“Yes let’s,” Kincaid responded. He leaned over and kissed Shaylynn on her lips. He looked down at the Roulette table.
“Place everything on the number one, black.”
“That’s a risky bet Mr. Livoski,” Geoffrey rushed in.
“Play it or not,” Fernandez growled. He was chagrined he was already down four hundred thousand.
“Place everything on the number one, black,” Kincaid stated with assurance.
Everyone around the table covered his or her mouth.
Fernandez looked at Kincaid. He knew this game was his now. He could finally pay off some of his gambling debts.
“Have the final bet been placed?”
Kincaid looked at Shaylynn and winked.
Kincaid held onto Shaylynn’s hand.
The Croupier spent the Roulette, the ball spent around and around.
All eyes watched the white ball twirl around with a blind eye.
The Roulette wheel slowly stopped, the white ball continued to circular. The white ball dropped in the number one, black slot.
Everyone clapped and jeered.
Kincaid’s men clapped and patted their employer on the back.
Kincaid hugged Shaylynn and arrested her lips in a long and scorching kiss.
“Thank you baby,” he mumbled between kissing her.
Shaylynn inched back and signed thank you.
Kincaid’s men immediately circled him.
Shaylynn walked away from the table. She looked back at Kincaid who was talking to Geoffrey. She smiled and continued walking.
“Rack my winnings, and Fernandez my friend. The house will pay me your five hundred thousand. Geoffrey attend to that.”
“Yes sir.”
Kincaid backed away from the table. He looked around the casino. He did not see Shaylynn. He ran out the private gambling saloon.
He stopped a patron.
“Did you see a woman wearing a black mask?”
“Aah no sir.”
“Dammit, where did she go?”
Kincaid looked around. He walked out the casino and lifted his cell phone from out his tuxedo side pocket; he slid it open and pressed in a contact number to Shaylynn’s cell phone.
Shaylynn stopped in front of her hotel. She opened her purse, took out her cell phone, and slid it open. She placed it up to her ear.
“This is Mrs. Wind…”
“Where are you at, Shaylynn?”
“On my way to my hotel, too much excitement for me.”
“I need to see you, which hotel are you staying at.”
“I prefer to retain that privileged information. I assisted you with winning; I think we can now sever our ties.”
“Is that all you think I want from you?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Shaylynn, the Livoski family has wealth; this little expedition is nothing more than a past time to occupy a bored man’s mind. I really need to see you tonight, if only to give you part of my winnings.”
“No thank you, goodnight Kincaid.”
“Wait Shaylynn…”
“Kincaid, I’m a married woman.”
“Accordingly, to the fraudulent minister who married you, you’re not.”
“You knew.”
“No, I inquired and was given the news firsthand.”
Shaylynn did not say anything.
“I can explain that unfortunate night.”
“Kincaid, please do not call me again. I would like to enjoy the rest of my vacation, alone.”
Kincaid slicked his hand back through his hair.
“Shaylynn, I need to see you; we can talk about this in person.”
“Goodbye Kincaid.”
Shaylynn slid her cell phone close and entered her hotel. First Fentin lied, and then Kincaid lied. She walked to the elevators.
Geoffrey walked out. He found his employer waiting a couple feet from his leased Bentley limousine.
“Mr. Livoski, will you be joining us for poker?”
“No, and neither will you. Geoffrey, I need a favor from you.”
“What is it?”
“I need you to comb every hotel in the vicinity, and find out what hotel Miss. Shaylynn Forrester is staying in, and I need that information tonight, you may want to try the name Shaylynn Windsor, whatever name she is using, I need her found tonight, and with a hotel room number.”
“Yes sir.”
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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