Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 29

Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 29
Sam and Mellos could feel when the seven-melded Tetricon council smashed against the shield. Sam turned to look at Mellos as they both held fast.
A moment later, Sam felt a slight nudge. Sam, how can this be of help to you? We will do what you asked, though we need some clarification. Came the thoughts of the male elite.
If I have this calculated right, you'll see what I am trying to do, returned Sam's thoughts.
Sam could feel that both of the elite thought he was crazy. Sam, there is no chance of success with this plan. The male's thought came back. I also have no way that we can survive with no suspicion.
I have been over this several times. Sam started. Then both he and Mellos were grunting as the seven, and the two elites fired full force at the shield he and Mellos had created.
Looking at Mellos, Sam could see she was losing her grip.
"Just hold on, Mellos. It should be any time now." Sam told a sweating and panting Mellos, who tried to nod her head.
"Damnit! I am trying, Sam. I didn't think they would bring this much power, though. How in the hell are you doing it?" Mellos asked.
"I've had a little more practice than you; it shouldn't be long now. Hold on!" Sam said as he felt the power start to surge.
A large smile started to creep onto his features. Looking again at Mellos, he could see that she was beginning to struggle a bit. Come on, Mellos, just a little more.
Suddenly, Sam's head snapped up to look shy ward. His smile got more significant as he felt what he'd been waiting for start to develop.
In orbit, the seven were pouring on as much power as possible. They had felt the two Clive Stones falter a bit. Damnit! They needed more power. We needed to go to full power, all of us, the council's thoughts shouted to the two elites.
Both elites slightly altered their power as they began to increase the power they used. The elites smiled. It seemed everything that Sam had planned was coming to fruition. Their part in it was just as crucial as they kept increasing.
Sam was following closely the pattern that was starting to develop. Almost there, he thought, especially now that the elites had shifted energy.
Sam was also starting to feel the drain; he also felt Mellos begin to falter. They had just reached the point when Mellos's arms dropped as she staggered and fell to her knees.
Concerned, Sam poured all he had into the shield. There was a moment when the shield flared as the elite and council kept up their attack.
Just as suddenly, there was what could be described as feedback. This seemed to encompass the entire shield and then shot outward up the beams the council was firing. There was a moment as the flare touched the council when nothing happened.
The elites were shocked when the council's beams seemed to turn on them. There was what could only be described as a wailing scream, then a small explosion as the melded council was blown backward.
In Queen Triada's world, Fino was trying to scan all the planets. He had yet to locate the thought warriors, as he called them.
Fino was a little worried; even with the leadership medallion he had recreated, he didn't feel strong enough. Still, it was a chance he had no recourse but to take.
He was almost finished with it when he first felt a twinge, then nearly a slap. An almost raging scream followed this. I am still thinking about who this is, though I would suggest you stop your scan.
So, according to Fino's thoughts, one of you survived, though I am unsure.
It would be best if you were different from the other voice started. Fino could feel the other hesitate. Lord Tetrarch, sir. I had no idea any of the high government were still with us.

I know that you are on the planet with us. I also understand that any problems you might have suffered with Sam have cleared. Fino replied.
If you know this, sir, then you know I am no longer a threat. So that you know – the concerned thoughts returned.
I wish to believe this is so, though, 'til such time as I can scan you, I will not know. If you are as you say you are, I wish you to aid Sam. Fino stated.
I have no wish to harm him; he is, after all, the one who has given some hope to our people. Unfortunately, though he has repaired much in me, I can only use part of the power. The thought warrior said.
I understand this; I only wish you would render as much aid as possible. As with the rest of us, I am sure you are trying to get used to being corporeal again. Fino thought.
Yes, though I am adjusting far faster than I thought I would. Sir, I will do all I can. The thought warrior replied.
Just as suddenly, the planet seemed to be clear of any of the energy of the thought warrior. Damnit, Fino thought, he should feel some residual power. The healing Sam had done had healed far more than he thought.
The Lord Doctor had been moving in far more equipment and armament than he'd ever had before. Looking at the two elite young, he chuckled inside, and then his thoughts went to their capture.
In many ways, this had been relatively easy for beings as powerful as the elites.
The Doctor knew his power had increased, though he thought not this much.
No, something was nagging at the back of his mind. Though it was there, the Doctor couldn't handle whatever it was.
Again, the lord Doctor looked over the two offspring of the elite warriors. There was something, something that he was missing, though, for the life of him, it was avoiding him.
It seemed that somewhere in the annuls of his planet, there had been an incident that mirrored this one. Could he dredge up that information no matter how hard he thought of it?
The Doctor was almost finished moving everything in when he felt and heard the massive explosion.
Scanning the sky, the Doctor's eyes went wide when he passed over to where the melded council was. Hurrying to the council chambers, he saw the six councilor's bodies convulsing.
Looking around, he saw that the other six were also experiencing somewhat less convulsions. The idiots! They were powerful, though Sam was as strong as four of them. Then again, the Doctor thought, looking at the readings, it was apparent that this Sam had increased more.
With a shake of his arachnid head, the Doctor could see that he would have to get involved. A dread he hadn't felt in a very long time started to creep into his mind and body.
A sudden beeping, then a solid, unbroken tone, snapped his attention to the sixth councilor. Again, the dread washed over him, causing him to tremble. A feeling he hadn't felt in even longer.
He saw a small army of dead-looking eye techs as they raced to the sixth councilor.
You need to return to the chamber, the Doctor told the six councilors. That is if you wish to be alive after this. I had warned all of you to care for the humanoid encapsulations. Yours has failed, return there needs to be more time.
Sam felt the melded council floating too far away; he also felt what felt like a desperate message to it. Though unsure, Sam thought this might be the break he'd been waiting for.
Reaching out, Sam put what energy he had into a massive energy attack on the melded being. There were substantial screams as the burst of destructive energy hit the being.
Smiling, Sam again tried to hit the being as it had turned, trying to move away.

Though weaker, the being could still deflect some but not all of the energy out. Still, it screamed as the power made it even more vulnerable.
NO! Sam's thoughts almost screamed as he put the last of what energy he had into one last blast. Watching it gain on the being, Sam smiled as the screams were far louder this time, and he fell face-first to the ground.
As weak as she was, Mellos had tried to catch Sam, finding that she was almost as soft as he was. Pulling a reflective lens from her pocket, she focused it on Sam.

She felt Sam's body jump, and his energy rose somewhat faster.
The doctor cursed when all the bodies started to convulse again a second time.

They needed to return, or they would lose one of their numbers. Finally, a moment later, the Doctor managed to stabilize all of them.
The stabilization he'd just achieved was short-lived, as they all started to convulse a third time. This time, though, was by far the worst as blood was slowly seeping into their mouths.
The Doctor cursed as he watched their life sign readings all start to dive toward negative. Finally, he could feel them returning, though he wasn't sure if they would make it.
Working as fast as he could, he saw that one of the councilors was rapidly slipping into a danger zone.
The melded being had just made the outer planets of the IP home system when one of the beings felt its anchor start to fade. The other six tried to sustain it, though; it seemed too late as, with an agonizing scream, that part suddenly blinked out and then was gone.
A mere minute later, all of the other six slammed into their bodies as their life forces were starting to wane.
The Doctor watched angrily as one through four, then six and seven, awoke. Looking at the body of the fifth, they all watched as blood poured from the body, and then it was still.
"All of you took too long to return; you should have done so after the first blast. We are but seven now. With the elite's betrayal, I fear our end is at hand. I suggest that we activate the last of the shell crackers. We may disappear, but we must take those bastard Clive Stones with us." The lord Doctor stated.
"It will be done the first councilor said as he tried to rise only to fall on the floor.
Sam awoke with a start; the female face that was staring at him appeared to be familiar. Racking his brain, he tried to remember. God, he thought, he was tired.
A small moan escaped his lips as the female's head snapped up to stare at him harder. "Sam?" the female said. "SAM!" She yelled as she pulled him in for a tight hug. "I thought you were done for."
"Uh, no," Sam said as his memory slowly returned. "I am trying to heal myself now." grabbing the lens, Sam looked at the female with confusion.
"I know that we can recharge with the sunlight. With these, I focused the light into a concentrated spot. It seemed to work as you awoke much faster than I thought you would," the female said.
Sam nodded as only about half of what she'd said made sense. He almost had her name, though it was still eluding him.
Taking a deep breath, Sam said, "I am sorry I am still weak, though I am recovering. I hate to say this, but I can't recall your name now."
A slight smirk came to her lips, "I'm not surprised as I felt you use the last vestige of your power. You should know better than to put ALL your life force into a blast. You warned me not to, then you do it using almost everything you had."
At that moment, Sam sat up, "Sorry, Mellos, I had to. I believe I destroyed one of the council." Sam said to an even more shocked Mellos.
"You realize that if you have, they will be far madder than ever." Mellos shook her head. "I hope you have a plan; this is far beyond anything I have ever seen."
"Oh, I have a plan; with the loss of one of them, I feel that they can no longer meld. If they can, I know they won't have the power they did. Today's fight has brought me to a level I have never been to. I am sure that you feel an increase in yourself. I dare say you are almost to the level of Thantas." Sam told a shocked Mellos.
All six of the resurrected Clive Stones in the triad looked to the sky, shocked. The amount of power they felt was far beyond any they had ever felt.
The thought warrior smiled; it seemed that there was someone out there who was far more potent than they were. Perhaps they thought this madness of the Tetricons could finally be ended. We shall see now, Sam, won't we?
Drivas Flot had a splitting headache. God, what the hell was going on? She felt as if she had been run over a few times. Looking around, she saw her compatriot, Thallus Wron, lying on another bed as she was.
Sitting up, she felt the world start spinning; the last thing she remembered was they were on the ship. Shaking her head caused her to fall back on the bed. Ok, please don't do that again she thought.
She remembered Sam had appeared. She had tried to warn him, but she had nothing. Taking a deep breath, she felt a little better 'til she started to float above the bed. What the hell!!?
A tall, dark-haired woman walked in at that moment. She knew the woman but couldn't recall her name for some strange reason.
Running a black box over Drivas, the tall woman nodded. "I need you to think that you are settling to the bed unless you like floating?"
Drivas slowly shook her head as she concentrated, trying to do as the woman said. To her amazement, she settled into the bed.
"Mam?" Drivas whispered out. "What is happening? I feel so hot. Is there a doctor here?"
"That would be me, my dear; I am Triann. For right now, I am the last of my race's doctors. As to what is happening, you are in the final stage of being completely rewritten into my race." Triann said.
Drivas nodded slowly, "can I leave here? I feel I need to walk some."
"Why yes, it might help the process finish faster," Triann said.
With a slow nod, Drivas stood on slightly shaky legs and then moved out of the structure. She had yet to go far when approaching another tall woman standing over a male.
The male appeared familiar, and then Drivas stopped with a gasp and a growl. "Triot!" She growled as she felt something within her seemed to slide into place.
Thantas could feel Drivas's power suddenly climb far higher than an emerging Clive Stone. Drivas, you have to calm down. You are not used to the power yet; it will kill you if you continue.
Drivas looked at Thantas, her eyes wide as she took a calming breath.
At that moment, they both heard the sickening laugh of Triot. "So, you little bitch you've finally evolved into the freak that you are. You and your sister ought to be happy; come on, you repulsive bitch. Kill me, what, don't have the stomach? Hard to believe that I sired as useless a piece of trash like you. I..."
Triot started to gasp and gurgle as his breathing became harder and harder. Thantas looked at Drivas, holy shit! Drivas's eyes and skin were both glowing an unholy red color.
"I know you want to utterly destroy him, as I want to for the torture he put me through. I don't think that Sam would be happy. You have to stop..." Thantas said it was then blasted back over a hundred meters.
Thanatos appeared beside Triot; she saw that he was egging Drivas more and more. Finally, Thantas put a shield up to stop Drivas for a moment. It held, and then Drivas smacked Thantas away again.
Angrier than she thought she was, Thantas made a backhanding motion that smacked Drivas almost two hundred meters away.
Drivas flew back to where Thantas was, anger in her eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, Drivas, though I will if you keep this up."
Drivas growled, and then her eyes rolled up in her head as she crumbled to the ground. Shit Thantas thought, "Triann!" The moment Triann appeared, Thantas could only stare at her. Thanatos then grabbed her head and let out a loud, piercing scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Triann looked at both females as she started to shake. If what had just happened was as she thought it was, they might have two VERY pissed females on their hands.
Fino? I am afraid that we may have a problem. Said Triann's thoughts.
Fino appeared, looking at, then scanning both women. "I see what you mean. We have the first new, full Clive Stone in over six hundred solar time units. Astonishing, Sam did this? I am more than impressed."
A quick look at Thantas had him nodding. "This might be enough to open the last of her memories. I fear when that happens, my mate." Triann said.
"As do I, my mate," Triann quietly said. "I am afraid she might react violently when she realizes who and what she is. As with Sam, if the both of them react badly, I fear the final moments of our race may occur."
Fino shook slightly, "I am also afraid of the same thing; I have contacted the thought warrior, even though they might be unable to help us if this goes as badly as we fear."
Fino and Triann were then surprisingly able to use their mental powers to move both women.
Sam? Came a voice in his head. We are going to hold while you recover. It appears that that last blast helped to end one of the councilors. We are still determining their response. We will let you know as soon as we can confirm.
My friends won't be long; I plan to go after them. They are much weaker now; I hope they are soft enough for several of us to take them. At least three of us are complete, and another two are about to be. I hope the five of us have enough power to free your offspring and end this. I returned Sam's thoughts.
A groaning behind him alerted Sam that the Tetricon was finally starting to regain consciousness.
Slowly, very slowly, the Tetricon opened its eyes. A few minutes later, it tried to raise its head, only to drop it back to the ground.
"Ugh!" Sam and Mellos heard it say. Turning slightly toward Mellos, the Tetricon nodded its arachnid head. "So, it is good to see you again, Mellos. I guess you know my true identity," it stated sadly. "I also feel that you are about to end my existence, as you should."
"Trivar," Mellos said, though made no move.
"We are not here to end you; I responded to you when you passed by me. I was surprised to find the hate of the council in you that I did." Said Sam.
Two thuds behind them had them turning to see the two elites. "Trivar, it had been thought that you had betrayed the elite for a long time. We were relieved that you, like us, had been tricked. We wish to have you join us to rid existence of the council and the Doctor."
Trivar, who had been bowing expecting death, looked up, his eyes wide. "I would be honored to do this; I was used and then thrown away as if I was nothing."
Both elites nodded, bowing slightly to Trivar, then turned to Sam. "We have confirmed that the fifth councilor was unable to reach the councilor chamber; it is gone." The male elite said.
"Your plan has great merit; we must move swiftly to take advantage of their weakened state. As you know, they cannot regenerate as fast as your race. As weak as they feel, it will take almost seven planetary time units before they have enough power to defend. After that, we are unsure." The female elite said.
Sam thought briefly, then nodded, "I have to go to Queen Triada's planet; as I said, I hope five of us are enough. Mellos, myself, plus one other, has a great amount of power. Two others will be complete, though; I am unsure if they can aid in the attack; we shall see."
All three of the elite nodded. "We shall wait here for the moment. Contact us as soon as you can. I am afraid that the Doctor will suspect us when we return." The male elite said.
Sam smiled, "I might be able to help there; I'll contact you soon." With that, Sam and Mellos took to space, though Mellos had to hang on, her power somewhat low.
An hour later, a fully recharged Sam and Mellos landed near the Silverstone structure on Queen Triada's world. Sam knew as soon as he landed that something was wrong.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam asked as soon as he saw his mother, Triann.
"Thantas and Drivas injured each other," Triann said, still upset. "So far, nothing has brought them out of it."
Sam nodded as he placed a hand on each of the women. At first, nothing happened, then they both gasped, and their bodies began to convulse slightly. A mere minute later, Sam pulled his hands away, nodding to Triann.
At that moment, Thallus had a worried expression on her face. Triann passed a black box over both women, then nodded, stepping back.
Both women sat up suddenly, looking around wildly 'til they both espied Sam, then flung themselves at him.
"So, feeling better?" Sam asked.
Both nodded as they looked at him with hungry looks. "Now that you are here, I am," whispered Drivas.
"I am finally, now that I know who I am. Plus, I also know who you are," Thantas said in a low voice.
Sam's head snapped around to stare at the tall blonde female. "Brother?" Sam turned to look at Triann, then Fino, who had just appeared. "Why in the hell didn't you tell us?"
Triann sighed. She'd been expecting this. "Had I before she regained the memories, she might have had a mental break. What little she had regained might have been lost forever. Only the restoring healing you did allowed her mind to recover."
"We thought it best not to relay this information to you, as you might have tried to push harder to regain her. Now, since she has had the time to heal correctly, she is out of danger." Fino explained.
Sam could only shake his head; slightly upset, he would have to think on this more.
"Sam?" A slightly timid Drivas said. "Uh, I have news myself. Though not sure I want to tell you."
"It's alright right now; I just need to think, though we don't have much time. What's on your mind?" Sam asked.
"First, I want to introduce my sister," Drivas motioned to Thallus. "I found out Thallus and I are sisters." Taking a deep breath, Drivas hoped Sam didn't hate her. "I also found out that that sick, sadistic bastard Triot is our father."
Sam nodded with a frown for a moment he said as he looked at Triann and Fino. "Unfortunately, as I am finding myself, you can't pick your parents just how you are."
To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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