Christmas 1983

It wasn’t so much that the presents were under the tree
Or the anticipation of a toy I waited for that year
But it was the music from all over the neighborhood
That made Christmas Eve a holiday full of memory

While us kids played with sparklers and firecrackers
The friendly neighbors would go from house to house
They’d share food and greetings with so much joy
As everyone would wear brand new threads

I’d hear the nostalgic and joyful music from each home
While we waited for “Twelve” on our clocks and watches
My neighbor had the biggest firework because at midnight
In middle of the street
He’d blow one up so loud it sounded like dynamite

And once we’d hear the loud bang welcoming Christmas
Each and every neighbor up and down Lucas Street came out
We’d hug wishing each other the best, genuinely and sincerely
It felt like it was what the season was really about

The memory of music, dancing, food, the smell of powder
The joy of partaking, up and down the entire neighborhood
Families gathered around talking, drinking, laughing
It’s the best memory of Christmas I have from my childhood
Written by wallyroo92
Author's Note
For the Christmas comp
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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