Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 15
Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 15
Queen Triada? Came the elders’ thoughts. We had heard that you and your world had fallen.
That was a falsehood. As you can tell, my world and I are pretty well. Thanks to Sam, our triad is also whole again; Sam has already freed two of your corner worlds. I am hoping he can yours also. Triada thought.
We will do all we can to help achieve this Queen Triada. The elder replied.
Sam sat nearby to see if they were going to need him anymore. Thanks. Could you let me know if you are going to strengthen them now? Do they have enough strength to go through the process again? Sam Asked.
For now, they do. Remember, I said I couldn't go as fast as I wished. That was the reason I started to alter their physiology. I hope to strengthen them quicker with the changes. Thanatos replied.
Sam was shaking his head as he thought about the problem. You are afraid that Triot is going to order you to destroy them. That’s why you are working so hard. Why? To what end? We both know that they won't be near strong enough to resist. They-
No, Sam, do not resist; survive; I want them to stay. Thantas’ thoughts stated.
You're changing them into us, aren't you? You're using hard gene cloning, forcing their bodies to adapt and change. It will fail; you are going the right way, though you need to do an entire body escape process. Here, Sam replied as he felt the information flow from him to Thantas.
I see. Strangely, I was one of the top healers. This is the first time I have seen this technique. Thantas’ thoughts were a little suspicious.
I have had a myriad of memories of late. There were so many failures that this was kept quiet 'til they were sure. From what I can see, it was not long after you were reported missing. Though I have no real memories of Out Los, this comes through very clearly. Sam told Thantas.
Sam heard Thantas gasp as the flood of new information inundated her.
This... this is an unprecedented solution. I would have never thought of something so simple. I- Thantas’ thoughts said, then she was suddenly quiet momentarily. Suddenly, all Sam could hear were Thantas's tortuous screams.
"So, I thought that you were unsettlingly quiet. This should teach you to remain here as the obedient slave that you are. I had felt that you might be trying to contact others of your race. It's too bad Sam is the only one you can rely on. I'll soon have him as I do you. Then there won't be any more deaths caused by your appalling kind." Triot taunted as he turned the pain machine higher, making Thantas scream louder.
"You will never defeat him. He is far beyond me. I hope-" Thantas replied even as Triot went higher with the pain machine.
"You had better hope you can think straight after this." Triot laughed evilly. Try to kill him? He’d keep her in constant pain like he used to if need be. The Clive stone bitch would learn her place once and for all.
Both Drivas and Thallus cringed when they heard Thantas scream. Though they both wanted to help, they knew Thantas wanted them to stay back. As Thantas had put it, they needed to be stronger. Then again, Drivas thought as she reached out to ease Thantas's pain, only to feel the fringe of it herself.
Thallus hurriedly moved to help Drivas, then was thrown back by a wall of pain coming in waves. Helpless, Thallus could only watch as Drivas curled into a fetal position. A moment later, she sighed, then relaxed.
"Don't try that again, Thallus," Drivas stated. "You aren't as strong as I am, though I thank you for trying to help. I should take my advice. I am nowhere as strong as Thantas, though in my arrogance, I thought I could help."
Thallus nodded, "Not yet, though I feel we will one day. We are growing stronger like she wants. We will soon, commander."
Drivas looked up from the floor at her best friend. They would get stronger and help Thantas, even if it killed them.
Trying to get to a sitting position, Drivas felt her head start to swim. Thallus was immediately at her side, helping her up.
Drivas nodded as tears started to flow from her eyes. She so wished she could do more than watch. The pain she'd felt from Thantas was more than anything she'd ever felt in her life.
Triot laughed harder, wallowing in his sick, sadistic glee. Ah, the sounds of that Clive stone bitch’s pain were so sweet to his ears. If he could, he'd kill her again and again, making her pain more intense each time. After what she had done all that time ago, he felt the little pain he gave her was nothing in comparison.
One moment, he was laughing with sadistic glee. The next, he was against the wall. Struggling to breathe, he could feel the cold energy of the Lord Doctor.
Whatever qualms you may have with the Clive stone should be shelved for a more controlled time. Need I remind you that if she dies, we all die?
The Lord Doctor's thoughts echoed through Triot's mind. I must also remind you that you will slowly be the first to be eliminated if she dies.
Don't think that your little toys will save you. Unlike the Clive stones, we are not affected by the shields. Best you remember before I replace you.
Triot was summarily dropped without remorse, gasping for air the moment his throat opened.
"I was only punishing her for," Triot started, only to be off his feet again, gagging.
You need to remember who you are talking to! I KNOW who and what you are. I was hoping you wouldn't make me regret keeping you around all these centuries. I would gladly destroy you without a second thought. The Lord Doctor stated. Dropping Triot, the male crumbled to the floor, still gasping, trying to catch his breath.
Triot could still feel the raw power of the Lord Doctor in the room. "I will not forget Lord Doctor," Triot stated, his voice almost a whisper as he struggled to breathe.
We can destroy these three reformed triads if we defeat this new threat. Triot's eyes went wide, three? That was enough to set all their plans back almost two hundred years ago. It had taken a massive amount of personnel to defeat the last three the last time.
Looking around, Triot reached out, feeling the three triads. A gasp arose from his sore throat. Queen Triada! That bitch had been the leader of the last triad. Now, he felt that hers was in the center of the three. They might never defeat her again. It had taken a lot of work to get past her. This time, she'd more than ready.
Ah! I see you still remember how to use your pitiful abilities. Good, there may be a day when you might be one of us again. You should get ready; I may have to call on you soon. Also, could you withdraw all your men to the edge of the three triads? There is no move against them; the first two are vital now. Triada is protecting the third. The Lord Doctor stated before he withdrew.
Triot shakily climbed to his feet, his anger helping him to push himself up. Leader or not, he was going to kill the Lord Doctor one day, one way or another. First, though, he had a few things to do, namely killing this Sam ass. For the moment, Sam was by far a more significant threat than the lord Doctor. Finally able to walk, Triot went through a door that was almost always closed and locked.
Inside Triot, he looked over several of the machines that were there. A new, improved gas gun; shaking his head, that was worthless now, he thought. Sam was more than immune; it seemed he thrived more when it was used on him. Moving on, there were several more powerful solid projectile weapons; again, he shook his head. That was worthless as well.
Next, he came upon several potent energy weapons, shaking his head. Those were no good, either. Stopping before an energy-draining weapon, Triot had to think a moment. Sighing, he shook his head; it had to penetrate the enemy's skin. As he'd seen more than a few times, nothing they had used so far would do that.
Next, he came upon a few mind booster machines; they had been working on these for some time now. He had already upped his three times what it had been. He was not as powerful as the Lord Doctor, though he was sure he was now past the last three of the council. The problem was that if he made a move, he was confident the others would attack. Though knowing them, they might cheer him on.
He sighed. He had at least a week before he could undergo another treatment. Next to them were the improved mind shields. Shaking his head, they weren't working that well either, as Sam had proved cracking the best he had.
The last thing he came upon was a temporary power boost. Shaking his head, that had been a dismal failure. The previous subject's brain had been more than a little cooked. Then again, the male had only been a simple Dronditte from the IP home world.
Looking over the new tests that had been done, he could see that he was the only one who would ever be able to use the apparatus. Shrugging, he knew it was too soon for him to do that. Even if it doubled his power, he'd still be nothing compared to the Lord Doctor. He'd have to tread carefully if the Lord Doctor knew of his machines. He might try to terminate him before he gets very far.
Stopping a moment, Triot thought of what the Lord Doctor had said. Don't think that your little toys will save you. Unlike the Clive Stones, we are not affected by the shields. Triot's eyes were wide; did the Lord Doctor know of all his new machines? Was he aware of Triot's heightened power?
Nodding his head, Triot knew he had better go even more carefully. The Lord Doctor didn't joke if he was thinking of eliminating him, then there wasn't all that much he could do now.
Sighing in anger, Triot knew there wasn't much he could do right now, especially with that bitch Clive Stone.
Sam had felt Thantas's pain rushing across the vast expanse to the station again. Again, he was met with a wall that he couldn't penetrate. Looking at the shield, I saw something vaguely familiar about it. Looking closer, he was sure of it; damn if he knew why, though. Not being able to feel it was hampering him also physically.
Thinking for a moment, an idea struck him. he thought, why not? Backing up a few thousand miles, he again approached the station, pushing himself to as much speed as he could muster. Smiling as the station came, he smashed into the shield as hard as possible. The station was rocked off kilter for a moment.
Nodding, Sam was pleased, and it was as he thought. The action had caused no pain. He felt it had been slightly exhilarating. Looking over the shield, he could see that where he'd hit, there were minute cracks. So it was an actual physical shield, though, for his life, he still couldn't figure out what it was made of. There was also the fact that he was weak as hell against it.
Smiling, Sam again backed up; this time, he would put a hole in it.
Triot was still going over all the machines in the room when several alarms started to wail. Then, the entire station was rocking off-kilter.
"What in the hell is going on!?" Triot snarled into his com.
"Sub-Commander! There was a collision on the port side. The Clive Stone shield has been slightly damaged. Reports say that it was Clive Stone.
SIR! It appears that he is going to attempt it again! Orders, sir?" The panicked voice on the com stated.
"Damn it!" Triot shouted. "I want an infusion of energy throughout the Clive stone shield; if the bastard breaks it this time, it will cost him."
There was a series of shouts, and then the com went dead. What in the hell was he trying to do? The idiot should know by now he couldn't penetrate the shield. It was the one thing that this Sam bastard didn't have immunity against. 'Bout as good a place as any to start figuring a way to defeat or destroy him.
Pulling up an image of the outside of the station, Triot smirked when he saw that Sam had backed off. Looking closer, Triot could see that this wasn't the physical Sam. No wonder the shield wasn't having the desired effect. That's when he saw that saw was accelerating toward the station.
The energy he was building up was starting to reach dangerous levels.
Almost too late, Triot saw that this time Sam was going to get through, damn it! Quickly donning a mind shield, Triot watched in horror as Sam hit the security with twice the speed and energy he had before. There was a sickening cracking, and a hole appeared in the shield.
Where are you, Thantas? Sam's thoughts shouted. I've made a hole in the shield; I can take you out of here.
No Sam. Came the weak thoughts of Thantas. I am far too soft if you can sever a few more.
A great relief flooded Sam's thoughts as he felt Thantas flow into her body. Reaching out, he started to snap a few of the remaining connections.
Thanatos smiled as she felt her body starting to respond more than she'd felt in a long time. Quickly, she brought her power up, feeling it begin to increase. Ah, good, she thought I was finally getting more muscular. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as Thantas was again sucked back into the machine that was her prison.
Go, Sam; I have increased a bit, not a lot, though I can resist Triot more now. For that, I thank you. Thantas told Sam, then was cut off as another shield slammed in place.
Triot was walking through what was left of the command center. Both Clive Stones had killed well over half of the IP on the station. Growing up, he'd have to make a report to the council. As useless as they were, he could sometimes manipulate them for what he needed.
Stepping into his conference room, he knelt. Honored council. The male Clive Stone attacked the station. The female was released for a minute. I am reading that her power has increased by another one percent. Half of the station personnel have been terminated. Triot thought, never raising his head.
So, the Clive Stone male will make good on his promise to bring a war to us. The thoughts of the first councilor stated. What the Lord Doctor advised us of appears to be coming to fruition.
There was murmured agreement among the rest of the councilors, which shocked Triot. As far as he knew, they had never agreed to anything. If they were this time, then it would be a monumental occurrence.
With the blessing of the Lord Doctor, it is decided that the full force of the collective will unite to destroy this threat. The first councilor stated.
You not only have my blessing, you have the go-ahead to take this Sam out. It will take all the power that you have. He has grown far more robust than the female. The Lord Doctor said, then was quiet.
Mellos Thymp was pacing the deck as she tried to formulate a plan. She had to fight Sam again. The most recent readings let her know that well over half of her body's problems were starting to disappear. The thing was, though, even though she was better, she still needed a lot more if she was going to live.
Looking over the readings again, she saw that three of her organs were completely healed. The thing was, though, she needed the ones around those three functioning normally if she would survive.
So far, Sam hadn't left the third Grey world, which was a bonus in her favor. Still, she had to get to him again. How many more times, she thought? She remembered going to the waste center. That had only been the second time in her life. Even though it felt strange, it left her feeling almost euphoric.
Finally, an hour later, she made a decision. "Alright, Slave," she ordered. "Open a wormhole, and we're going back. If I am going to normal, I'm going to have to try and kill him. That's the only thing that will get him mad enough to fight me."
Her tall male slave grimaced as he moved to follow her orders. Within an hour, they exited the wormhole far from the grey world. A small smile crossed Mellos's face as she saw that both the IP bitches were still there also. No sense in attacking them as last time proved they had a damn good set of shields.
Getting as close as possible, they slipped to the other side of the planet. Mellos activated her transit beam, setting down a good way from Sam.
Now she thought, let's see if I can get any speed. Lifting, she was a few feet off the ground; nodding, she willed herself to move forward.
Then she started to push as hard as she could, finally going much faster than before.
Sam had just 'arrived' back in his body when he felt something or someone powerful approaching. Though not as powerful as him, it had significant power. He thought it also appears to be slowly growing more robust as it gets closer.
A few minutes later, Sam looked behind him as he felt the power drawing very close. Too late, he realized it was Mellos, even as she connected with his jaw, sending him flying face down on the ground. Snarling, he came up, both fists balled when she punched him as hard as she could, sending him to face down again.
"I am through with playing with you, bastard! I'm going to kill your ass this time!" Putting all she had into a third punch, she was surprised when Sam caught it. Screaming, she kicked Sam in the side, eliciting a loud grunt from Sam, almost knocking herself loose. Switching tactics, Mellos raised both knees as hard as she could into Sam's stomach, doubling him over.
By now, Sam was seething; Mellos had lost her mind. Forgetting what he thought she had been trying to do, Sam reared back, slamming his fist into Mellos's stomach and knocking her back through the nearby forest.
Screaming, she flew out of the plants, accelerating toward a surprised Sam. Almost catching him with her fist, Sam shook his head, grabbing her arm and slinging her to the ground as hard as he could. Damn it, this bitch has lost her mind, he thought.
Mellos came up swinging, catching Sam in the jaw again. Growling, Sam hit her in the stomach, then uppercut her, sending her back toward the forest again. Reaching down, she smiled as she pressed a transport button, feeling the world slip away as her eyes closed. A moment later, she was on the deck of her ship.
Her male slave could only shake his head at the bruises that were starting to appear on her face. When he began to lift her, hearing her whimper slightly, he saw that her stomach also had bruises. Was she trying to get herself killed, he thought? He could not do much but place her in the healing machine.
Sam could feel the red-hot anger that was boiling in him. A moment of clarity hit him as he realized that he'd fallen into doing just what Mellos had wanted him to do. He shook his head and approached Drivas' ship; perhaps Drivas could help him understand.
To be continued
Chapter 15
Queen Triada? Came the elders’ thoughts. We had heard that you and your world had fallen.
That was a falsehood. As you can tell, my world and I are pretty well. Thanks to Sam, our triad is also whole again; Sam has already freed two of your corner worlds. I am hoping he can yours also. Triada thought.
We will do all we can to help achieve this Queen Triada. The elder replied.
Sam sat nearby to see if they were going to need him anymore. Thanks. Could you let me know if you are going to strengthen them now? Do they have enough strength to go through the process again? Sam Asked.
For now, they do. Remember, I said I couldn't go as fast as I wished. That was the reason I started to alter their physiology. I hope to strengthen them quicker with the changes. Thanatos replied.
Sam was shaking his head as he thought about the problem. You are afraid that Triot is going to order you to destroy them. That’s why you are working so hard. Why? To what end? We both know that they won't be near strong enough to resist. They-
No, Sam, do not resist; survive; I want them to stay. Thantas’ thoughts stated.
You're changing them into us, aren't you? You're using hard gene cloning, forcing their bodies to adapt and change. It will fail; you are going the right way, though you need to do an entire body escape process. Here, Sam replied as he felt the information flow from him to Thantas.
I see. Strangely, I was one of the top healers. This is the first time I have seen this technique. Thantas’ thoughts were a little suspicious.
I have had a myriad of memories of late. There were so many failures that this was kept quiet 'til they were sure. From what I can see, it was not long after you were reported missing. Though I have no real memories of Out Los, this comes through very clearly. Sam told Thantas.
Sam heard Thantas gasp as the flood of new information inundated her.
This... this is an unprecedented solution. I would have never thought of something so simple. I- Thantas’ thoughts said, then she was suddenly quiet momentarily. Suddenly, all Sam could hear were Thantas's tortuous screams.
"So, I thought that you were unsettlingly quiet. This should teach you to remain here as the obedient slave that you are. I had felt that you might be trying to contact others of your race. It's too bad Sam is the only one you can rely on. I'll soon have him as I do you. Then there won't be any more deaths caused by your appalling kind." Triot taunted as he turned the pain machine higher, making Thantas scream louder.
"You will never defeat him. He is far beyond me. I hope-" Thantas replied even as Triot went higher with the pain machine.
"You had better hope you can think straight after this." Triot laughed evilly. Try to kill him? He’d keep her in constant pain like he used to if need be. The Clive stone bitch would learn her place once and for all.
Both Drivas and Thallus cringed when they heard Thantas scream. Though they both wanted to help, they knew Thantas wanted them to stay back. As Thantas had put it, they needed to be stronger. Then again, Drivas thought as she reached out to ease Thantas's pain, only to feel the fringe of it herself.
Thallus hurriedly moved to help Drivas, then was thrown back by a wall of pain coming in waves. Helpless, Thallus could only watch as Drivas curled into a fetal position. A moment later, she sighed, then relaxed.
"Don't try that again, Thallus," Drivas stated. "You aren't as strong as I am, though I thank you for trying to help. I should take my advice. I am nowhere as strong as Thantas, though in my arrogance, I thought I could help."
Thallus nodded, "Not yet, though I feel we will one day. We are growing stronger like she wants. We will soon, commander."
Drivas looked up from the floor at her best friend. They would get stronger and help Thantas, even if it killed them.
Trying to get to a sitting position, Drivas felt her head start to swim. Thallus was immediately at her side, helping her up.
Drivas nodded as tears started to flow from her eyes. She so wished she could do more than watch. The pain she'd felt from Thantas was more than anything she'd ever felt in her life.
Triot laughed harder, wallowing in his sick, sadistic glee. Ah, the sounds of that Clive stone bitch’s pain were so sweet to his ears. If he could, he'd kill her again and again, making her pain more intense each time. After what she had done all that time ago, he felt the little pain he gave her was nothing in comparison.
One moment, he was laughing with sadistic glee. The next, he was against the wall. Struggling to breathe, he could feel the cold energy of the Lord Doctor.
Whatever qualms you may have with the Clive stone should be shelved for a more controlled time. Need I remind you that if she dies, we all die?
The Lord Doctor's thoughts echoed through Triot's mind. I must also remind you that you will slowly be the first to be eliminated if she dies.
Don't think that your little toys will save you. Unlike the Clive stones, we are not affected by the shields. Best you remember before I replace you.
Triot was summarily dropped without remorse, gasping for air the moment his throat opened.
"I was only punishing her for," Triot started, only to be off his feet again, gagging.
You need to remember who you are talking to! I KNOW who and what you are. I was hoping you wouldn't make me regret keeping you around all these centuries. I would gladly destroy you without a second thought. The Lord Doctor stated. Dropping Triot, the male crumbled to the floor, still gasping, trying to catch his breath.
Triot could still feel the raw power of the Lord Doctor in the room. "I will not forget Lord Doctor," Triot stated, his voice almost a whisper as he struggled to breathe.
We can destroy these three reformed triads if we defeat this new threat. Triot's eyes went wide, three? That was enough to set all their plans back almost two hundred years ago. It had taken a massive amount of personnel to defeat the last three the last time.
Looking around, Triot reached out, feeling the three triads. A gasp arose from his sore throat. Queen Triada! That bitch had been the leader of the last triad. Now, he felt that hers was in the center of the three. They might never defeat her again. It had taken a lot of work to get past her. This time, she'd more than ready.
Ah! I see you still remember how to use your pitiful abilities. Good, there may be a day when you might be one of us again. You should get ready; I may have to call on you soon. Also, could you withdraw all your men to the edge of the three triads? There is no move against them; the first two are vital now. Triada is protecting the third. The Lord Doctor stated before he withdrew.
Triot shakily climbed to his feet, his anger helping him to push himself up. Leader or not, he was going to kill the Lord Doctor one day, one way or another. First, though, he had a few things to do, namely killing this Sam ass. For the moment, Sam was by far a more significant threat than the lord Doctor. Finally able to walk, Triot went through a door that was almost always closed and locked.
Inside Triot, he looked over several of the machines that were there. A new, improved gas gun; shaking his head, that was worthless now, he thought. Sam was more than immune; it seemed he thrived more when it was used on him. Moving on, there were several more powerful solid projectile weapons; again, he shook his head. That was worthless as well.
Next, he came upon several potent energy weapons, shaking his head. Those were no good, either. Stopping before an energy-draining weapon, Triot had to think a moment. Sighing, he shook his head; it had to penetrate the enemy's skin. As he'd seen more than a few times, nothing they had used so far would do that.
Next, he came upon a few mind booster machines; they had been working on these for some time now. He had already upped his three times what it had been. He was not as powerful as the Lord Doctor, though he was sure he was now past the last three of the council. The problem was that if he made a move, he was confident the others would attack. Though knowing them, they might cheer him on.
He sighed. He had at least a week before he could undergo another treatment. Next to them were the improved mind shields. Shaking his head, they weren't working that well either, as Sam had proved cracking the best he had.
The last thing he came upon was a temporary power boost. Shaking his head, that had been a dismal failure. The previous subject's brain had been more than a little cooked. Then again, the male had only been a simple Dronditte from the IP home world.
Looking over the new tests that had been done, he could see that he was the only one who would ever be able to use the apparatus. Shrugging, he knew it was too soon for him to do that. Even if it doubled his power, he'd still be nothing compared to the Lord Doctor. He'd have to tread carefully if the Lord Doctor knew of his machines. He might try to terminate him before he gets very far.
Stopping a moment, Triot thought of what the Lord Doctor had said. Don't think that your little toys will save you. Unlike the Clive Stones, we are not affected by the shields. Triot's eyes were wide; did the Lord Doctor know of all his new machines? Was he aware of Triot's heightened power?
Nodding his head, Triot knew he had better go even more carefully. The Lord Doctor didn't joke if he was thinking of eliminating him, then there wasn't all that much he could do now.
Sighing in anger, Triot knew there wasn't much he could do right now, especially with that bitch Clive Stone.
Sam had felt Thantas's pain rushing across the vast expanse to the station again. Again, he was met with a wall that he couldn't penetrate. Looking at the shield, I saw something vaguely familiar about it. Looking closer, he was sure of it; damn if he knew why, though. Not being able to feel it was hampering him also physically.
Thinking for a moment, an idea struck him. he thought, why not? Backing up a few thousand miles, he again approached the station, pushing himself to as much speed as he could muster. Smiling as the station came, he smashed into the shield as hard as possible. The station was rocked off kilter for a moment.
Nodding, Sam was pleased, and it was as he thought. The action had caused no pain. He felt it had been slightly exhilarating. Looking over the shield, he could see that where he'd hit, there were minute cracks. So it was an actual physical shield, though, for his life, he still couldn't figure out what it was made of. There was also the fact that he was weak as hell against it.
Smiling, Sam again backed up; this time, he would put a hole in it.
Triot was still going over all the machines in the room when several alarms started to wail. Then, the entire station was rocking off-kilter.
"What in the hell is going on!?" Triot snarled into his com.
"Sub-Commander! There was a collision on the port side. The Clive Stone shield has been slightly damaged. Reports say that it was Clive Stone.
SIR! It appears that he is going to attempt it again! Orders, sir?" The panicked voice on the com stated.
"Damn it!" Triot shouted. "I want an infusion of energy throughout the Clive stone shield; if the bastard breaks it this time, it will cost him."
There was a series of shouts, and then the com went dead. What in the hell was he trying to do? The idiot should know by now he couldn't penetrate the shield. It was the one thing that this Sam bastard didn't have immunity against. 'Bout as good a place as any to start figuring a way to defeat or destroy him.
Pulling up an image of the outside of the station, Triot smirked when he saw that Sam had backed off. Looking closer, Triot could see that this wasn't the physical Sam. No wonder the shield wasn't having the desired effect. That's when he saw that saw was accelerating toward the station.
The energy he was building up was starting to reach dangerous levels.
Almost too late, Triot saw that this time Sam was going to get through, damn it! Quickly donning a mind shield, Triot watched in horror as Sam hit the security with twice the speed and energy he had before. There was a sickening cracking, and a hole appeared in the shield.
Where are you, Thantas? Sam's thoughts shouted. I've made a hole in the shield; I can take you out of here.
No Sam. Came the weak thoughts of Thantas. I am far too soft if you can sever a few more.
A great relief flooded Sam's thoughts as he felt Thantas flow into her body. Reaching out, he started to snap a few of the remaining connections.
Thanatos smiled as she felt her body starting to respond more than she'd felt in a long time. Quickly, she brought her power up, feeling it begin to increase. Ah, good, she thought I was finally getting more muscular. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as Thantas was again sucked back into the machine that was her prison.
Go, Sam; I have increased a bit, not a lot, though I can resist Triot more now. For that, I thank you. Thantas told Sam, then was cut off as another shield slammed in place.
Triot was walking through what was left of the command center. Both Clive Stones had killed well over half of the IP on the station. Growing up, he'd have to make a report to the council. As useless as they were, he could sometimes manipulate them for what he needed.
Stepping into his conference room, he knelt. Honored council. The male Clive Stone attacked the station. The female was released for a minute. I am reading that her power has increased by another one percent. Half of the station personnel have been terminated. Triot thought, never raising his head.
So, the Clive Stone male will make good on his promise to bring a war to us. The thoughts of the first councilor stated. What the Lord Doctor advised us of appears to be coming to fruition.
There was murmured agreement among the rest of the councilors, which shocked Triot. As far as he knew, they had never agreed to anything. If they were this time, then it would be a monumental occurrence.
With the blessing of the Lord Doctor, it is decided that the full force of the collective will unite to destroy this threat. The first councilor stated.
You not only have my blessing, you have the go-ahead to take this Sam out. It will take all the power that you have. He has grown far more robust than the female. The Lord Doctor said, then was quiet.
Mellos Thymp was pacing the deck as she tried to formulate a plan. She had to fight Sam again. The most recent readings let her know that well over half of her body's problems were starting to disappear. The thing was, though, even though she was better, she still needed a lot more if she was going to live.
Looking over the readings again, she saw that three of her organs were completely healed. The thing was, though, she needed the ones around those three functioning normally if she would survive.
So far, Sam hadn't left the third Grey world, which was a bonus in her favor. Still, she had to get to him again. How many more times, she thought? She remembered going to the waste center. That had only been the second time in her life. Even though it felt strange, it left her feeling almost euphoric.
Finally, an hour later, she made a decision. "Alright, Slave," she ordered. "Open a wormhole, and we're going back. If I am going to normal, I'm going to have to try and kill him. That's the only thing that will get him mad enough to fight me."
Her tall male slave grimaced as he moved to follow her orders. Within an hour, they exited the wormhole far from the grey world. A small smile crossed Mellos's face as she saw that both the IP bitches were still there also. No sense in attacking them as last time proved they had a damn good set of shields.
Getting as close as possible, they slipped to the other side of the planet. Mellos activated her transit beam, setting down a good way from Sam.
Now she thought, let's see if I can get any speed. Lifting, she was a few feet off the ground; nodding, she willed herself to move forward.
Then she started to push as hard as she could, finally going much faster than before.
Sam had just 'arrived' back in his body when he felt something or someone powerful approaching. Though not as powerful as him, it had significant power. He thought it also appears to be slowly growing more robust as it gets closer.
A few minutes later, Sam looked behind him as he felt the power drawing very close. Too late, he realized it was Mellos, even as she connected with his jaw, sending him flying face down on the ground. Snarling, he came up, both fists balled when she punched him as hard as she could, sending him to face down again.
"I am through with playing with you, bastard! I'm going to kill your ass this time!" Putting all she had into a third punch, she was surprised when Sam caught it. Screaming, she kicked Sam in the side, eliciting a loud grunt from Sam, almost knocking herself loose. Switching tactics, Mellos raised both knees as hard as she could into Sam's stomach, doubling him over.
By now, Sam was seething; Mellos had lost her mind. Forgetting what he thought she had been trying to do, Sam reared back, slamming his fist into Mellos's stomach and knocking her back through the nearby forest.
Screaming, she flew out of the plants, accelerating toward a surprised Sam. Almost catching him with her fist, Sam shook his head, grabbing her arm and slinging her to the ground as hard as he could. Damn it, this bitch has lost her mind, he thought.
Mellos came up swinging, catching Sam in the jaw again. Growling, Sam hit her in the stomach, then uppercut her, sending her back toward the forest again. Reaching down, she smiled as she pressed a transport button, feeling the world slip away as her eyes closed. A moment later, she was on the deck of her ship.
Her male slave could only shake his head at the bruises that were starting to appear on her face. When he began to lift her, hearing her whimper slightly, he saw that her stomach also had bruises. Was she trying to get herself killed, he thought? He could not do much but place her in the healing machine.
Sam could feel the red-hot anger that was boiling in him. A moment of clarity hit him as he realized that he'd fallen into doing just what Mellos had wanted him to do. He shook his head and approached Drivas' ship; perhaps Drivas could help him understand.
To be continued
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