Image for the poem IT


Just those few little words, keep on staying there as it holds so much, more meaning than you or I think 🤔 Let's stop and listen and look at the deepness, that still exists in our hearts and minds. Have you ever ask thyself. When things come up and you begin to doubt what you really want and need in your life. For you have to be able to see and feel some kind of way overtime. So why do you think that way, is it things have changed and you feel differently. So why do you keep on staying there, if you are not feeling  nothing, like the real honesty and truth and trust. For we've all have asked that to ourselves that same question, sometimes over and over again and why do we Keep on staying there, when there is no honesty and truth and trust that should be in between us???  
    🐺 WOLF  BAY 33
Written by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
Author's Note
Sometimes as a writer we have to explore, the deepness of the mind and heart and spiritual soul, to get more deeper then deep...
     SHAMAN 111
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