Drowning in Full Rhymes


On being tempest tossed upon a dream,
my feet from off a tiptoe giddy tripped
to tumble into billows gold agleam
ere slowly unto depthless sands they slipped;
where scattered round the continental slope,
arose a frightful wrack of half-rhymes drowned
with heaps of every sort of sunken trope
mid peakèd piles of slime-wooed puns profound;
some bawdy wordplays deep enmired in muck
inestimable gems unvalued stones;
some priceless ice in dead men's sockets stuck
as if to mock the rhymesters' fish-picked bones;
so surfaced I in one quick flutter kick --
my feet sans any bones with fish to pick.

Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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