Image for the poem Liberated Madness

Liberated Madness

- Liberated Madness -

The whispers in the dark keep reminding me of dark hurts...
   the voices, of all those who have made me cry, remembered.
So many times I cut myself until the blood did even squirt,
   because I longed to see those who harmed me dismembered.
The cuts healed, but the memories of past tragedies remain,
   until I laugh when I mean to cry, and cry when I should laugh.
Did they want to make me a monster, through so much pain,
   those who bullied me and tortured me with such hellish craft?
Is this why I have such adoration for children as I always do,
   because their innocence reminds me that mine is not fully lost...
No matter how people have tried to bury it as torments ensue,
   that light remains a part of me, and I keep it no matter the cost!
This is what I see in her, and in others like her as I have loved,
   a radiance undimmed, a perfection that cannot be extinguished.
It is what I would most preserve of humanity, and not remove,
   if I could remake the universe, complete what was unfinished.
That purity children possess, that capacity for wonder as well,
   and the sort of bravery that laughs in the face of dire challenge.
If all were like that, there would be no torments and not a hell,
   for all would be filled with joy, even if that may sound strange.

It is not wrong to want to make people smile and know of joy,
   instead of sadness, and yet people say I am the one who is mad.
For being myself, they would see me gone, see me even to die,
   claiming that me being different is something unnatural or bad.
If sanity is the abandonment of magic, wonder, and all smiles,
   then I would rather be insane, and at least be able to be content.
She is just like me, the one I love, in her lunacy and her styles,
   ever laughing, even through tears; ever love's ecstatic celebrant.
We are both damaged beyond repair, both lost in wonderlands,
   that only we can fully appreciate, and fathom the magic therein.
Yet, I feel whole when I am with her, holding her small hands,
   kissing her soft lips, and relishing the deliciousness of our sins!
We are not more damaged than this world that made us suffer,
   not more sinful than the society that claims love to be a shame.
To love without limitations, to live without restriction so sure,
   is a delightful madness, and one that fills two hearts with flame.
Better to burn and blaze in ecstatic glory than to be snuffed out,
   by those whose minds cannot comprehend the grandeur of love!
Let them rage against us, for in them is foolish fears and doubt,
   whilst we shall be laughing at the end like a pair of sweet doves.

It is better to defy the world, than to live enslaved by any system...
   and live and die with liberty, than in servitude to be condemned.
Only one who is like unto a child, can appreciate my mad heaven!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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