time now 11:23am
I'm just daydreaming
And glancing out of my window
looking at cloud formations
there's just been a massive flash
it's filled up the whole of the sky!
it's like a kind of guillotine lightning
either that
Or i'm having some kind of fit?
just turned the radio off
and can sense an uncanny silence
oh crap, a massive sonic boom!!
And the glass on my window is bulging inwards
just as i dived to to floor by my cabinet
it exploded!!! oh crap crap crap!
the glass flew over me!
i thought the cabinet was going to fall on me
but i managed to kick it back
my ears are ringing
and my heart is beating hard
feels like a million beats per minute
i'm wondering what's coming next
I'm already guessing that a nuclear warhead
has exploded somewhere
if so, there may be worse to come
but surprised that there are no flames
time check, it's now 11:28am
has that only been 5 minutes?
11:31am another flash, similar to the first
but not quite as bright
so maybe further away?
11:32am the sonic boom didn't feel as bad, but still bad
11:34am supermassive flash just now!!!!!!!
like it's just on my doorst......
the end

by Jemia
Written by missjem56 (Jemia de Blondeville)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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