Jemia et Juliet
Jemia et Juliet - Part Une
A clear azure blue sky
No clouds to cry
No wind, or zephyr breeze
No Aeolian Harp to please
An opaque blue, and gentle sea
A picture of calm tranquility
Whilst the sun produces a gentle haze
A gladdening warmth, in which to laze
Then before my very own eyes
A pirouetting fairy, dropped down from the sky
Beating wings, a myriad of sheens
As it lands upon my jeans
She then speaks in a whispering voice
About love, and laughter, with a lovely poise
She asks me to join her on her magical flight
To visit her land, for one day, and one night
How could i resist such a curious thing
Before i knew it, i'd grown some wings
And went flying off, into where i knew not
To a place us mortals, had oft forgot
After some time, day had turned night
As the glaring full moon, aided our flight
And before to long, we had landed at last
Although i crashed, as i was going to fast!
My knee know mended, and blood soon gone
I examined the land that i was now on
This was no fairy tale, or fantastical dream
As i espied sirens swimming, in a nearby stream
I turned to Juliet, who was lost in thought
As i enquired about, what i ought
I told her, i had no idea
Although my thoughts were becoming increasingly clear
I asked Juliet, in a quizzical tone
Who currently sat upon the royal throne
It was Oberon, and Titania, she said with a smile
And they've been our sovereigns for quite a while
I was thinking, they must be really old
For centuries their stories had oft been told
Especially from Shakespeare, and the like
And apparently from someone, whose name was Mike
I asked Juliet, if Puck was real
Puck who? she could not reveal
A ficticious character, from fantasy, and fate
Juliet knew of someone similar, whose name was Kate
I asked Juliet, if it were possible to meet
Oberon, Titania, and their fairyland fleet
She said of course, she'd arrange it this night
For by sunset next day, we'd have to take flight
I asked Juliet further, as to where she was born
And were they the wings, she'd always worn
She showed no hesitation, naming her place of birth
It was in Londinium, here on planet Earth!
I was quite surprised at hearing this
Even more so, when she gave me a kiss
I glanced into her fairy eyes, and beautiful face
And felt that this was a truly lovely place
My eyes glazed over, my heart missed a beat
As i knew she was the one, i was destined to meet
We embraced each other, and kissed for a while
I was totally enamoured of her beautiful smile
Then she spoke of the feast that lay ahead
As we strolled on by, a fairy flower bed
Where Titania, and Oberon, would be my hosts
Come alive, like Shakespearian ghosts
We were to venture, to their palace of gold
Where the night's festivities, were due to unfold
A huge banquet, with much music, and dance
And beautiful Juliet, to add the romance
I was supplied with ornate skirts, and jacket
Embroidered with gold, and jewels, worth a pretty packet
Then i noticed, with a greatness of surprise
Juliet was now my height, as i gazed into her eyes
What kind of magic had occurred, i knew not
The hows, and the wherefores, and the who's, and the what
I was none to sure, that maybe i had shrunk
Or imagine the whole thing, because i was drunk
Perhaps it was all part of a Midsummer Night's Dream
Yet as it was April, it could not be, all that it seemed
The whole thing was wonderfully bizarre, and surreal
So i decided to concentrate, on the forthcoming meal
Juliet guided me, to the Palace of Gold
As i readied myself, for what was to unfold
The drawbridge now down, with wide open gates
As i drew in my breath, to see what awaits
A myriad of colours, were out on display
As we followed the carpet, that showed us the way
Right at the end, of this hall of marble, and stone
Sat the king, and the queen, upon a gold throne
I bowed down before them, as a mark of respect
They asked me to join them, in a strange dialect
Juliet translated this curious, very ancient tongue
As each, and every word, was beautifully sung
Yet shortly, and strangely, i soon understood
This obscure language, from the ancient fairy wood
They enquired generally, about my present history
My life had been curious, i quipped, but never a mystery
Jemia et Juliet - Part Deux
Titania clapped her hands gently, without a sound
Yet the result of this, was most profound
As the fairy flok, from within this great hall
Began singing, and dancing, there was much to enthrall
Yet despite all the sounds of great celebration
Titania's voice, was heard with great clarification
She spoke of wondrous things, now long past
But i was sworn to a secrecy, forever to last
Then we were talking, about a variety of things
About the once watery Moon, and Saturns rings
How the core of the Earth, was hotter than the Sun
And why did people have four fingers, but only one thumb
Oberon interceded, a rue smile upon his face
He had observed, with open heart, that at Juliet i gazed
He then spoke out, as his eyes shone an emerald green
"Your love of Juliet, is so easily seen"
Juliet spoke to Oberon, her soft lips parted
I love her my king, she said open hearted
Oberon, and Titania, looked each other in the eyes
Then Titania spoke "true love never dies!"
So we have decided, to let your love live
You have twenty-four hours, this we will give
A chance for you both, to be forever togetther
Be it here, or on Earth, or never! never! never!
But you must be in one place, or the other
You'll agree, if she truly loves you, or the other
These are the conditions, that we now place
Whether you agree, or disagree, do it with grace
And so we both knew, When we looked into our eyes
That true love like this, never ever dies
Juliet would come back to Earth, with me the next day
At that moment, We'd hopefully agree, where we would stay
We still had quite a long night ahead
We drank wine, ate, and into a merry dance we were led
At the end of the night, we were given a variety of berries
Specially produced, in the land of the fairies
We snuggled up close, in a gentle embrace
As i lay with her, face to face
I knew then, that she had taken my heart
Be here, or on Earth, we'd never ever part
We slept a peaceful, happy sleep, for quite a while
When i awoke, she was there with her smile
Wonderful birdsong, then filled the air
As i looked at Juliet, my fairy so fair
We were to spend, the light of day here
And twenty-four hours, to begin with sunset near
We would see quickly, as it began to unfurl
This twenty-four hours, on my home world
Nature is profound, beautiful here, and on Earth
As Gaia's magic, creates a host of fresh birth
A myriad of colours, and birdsong galore
And flying fairy folk, no longer folklore
A rather interesting, and curious fact
Fairies always danced in circles, to interact
Linking hands together, twirling side by side
Earth's powerful gravity, seemed magically defied
I glanced at these fairies, all in a whirl
It was quite hypnotic, i was lost in their world
There were hoots of laughter, and screams of delight
But we had to leave, before the night took the light
We were summoned, Oberon, and Titania, bid us adieu
As the clouds, and sky, were of a violet hue
We spread out our wings, making sure they were dry
As we soared upwards, to the beautiful sky
Escorted by a dragon, to show us the way
With it's magnificent wings, spread out in display
We followed our guide, his wings of great girth
As he led us back safely, to planet Earth
And as if by magic, we pirouetted down
Before we knew it, we were on solid ground
I'm still amazed, how their magic was able
But i found myself seated, at the very same table
And facing me, on the opposite seat
Sat Juliet, with her beautiful heartbeat
Although she had not wings, her smile was the same
Her eyes were glazed with an intrigue, i couldn't yet name
Now reversed, she was still the same height as me
And she showed no signs, of the land of fairy
She then kissed me, in her own beautiful way
As we whispered sweet somethings, for the rest of the day
This strange choice, that we had to make
As we gazed upon a concrete lake
If we stayed there, or stayed here
All memories of us would disappear
So whichever world we would forsake
No memories of us, would lie in our wake
So no-one would miss us, or have any sorrow
No hearts would mourn, for the next tomorrow
Only we would know vaguely of our distant past
As it would only stay in our own memories to last
So family, and friends, from one world, or the other
Would forget our existence, including our mothers
So despite the powerful feelings, that we now had
There was a side to this magic, to make us feel sad
We sat there dwelling, for quite a while
As our emotions tried to reconcile
Yet suddenly, and curiously, we took each others hands
As we both reached a decision, betwixt the two lands
Both eaten the berries, and made our choice
Hoping we shared the same inner voice
Jemia et Juliet Part Trois-Fin
I was pondering, whether to have another drink
I'd been lost in thought, or so i think
There was something, somewhere, that was now missing
And someone, somewhere, i should be kissing
I must of been, in some kind of daydream
A fantasy now lost, or so it would seem
I felt like a part of my life was now gone
Like forgotten words, of a favourite song
Days, and weeks, then passed me by
That haunted me, like an infinite sigh
I felt alone, and lost, and totally forlorn
From sunset, and twilight, and then to the dawn
Yet a strange force, gave me hope for the 'morrow
And i didn't feel quite so alone in my sorrow
As a distant echo, tried to enter my brain
Of something i'd lost, but couldn't regain
Then at night in my sleep, came the dreams
Of fantastical, magical beings
During these dreams, bi felt less sad
Although by now, i thought i'd gone mad
I began to sleep more, as this was my only release
As i began to pirouette, and flutter along the trees
My sense of well being, and inner peace
Seemed to set my aching heart, a little at ease
Yet even in my dreams, i was alone at first
And still believed, that my heart would soon burst
Although one day, i sensed a feeling of bliss
As a soft gentle breeze, gave me a kiss
And just out of the corner, of my eye
A beautiful fairy, i did espy
Silken wings, of gold, and green
And a look on her face, that was so serene
But as i blinked, my starry eyes again
The vision vanished, from my weary brain
I then awoke, with quite a start
As i felt this longing, within my heart
I soon realised, that the dreams were the key
That in time what was missing, that i'd soon see
I had no desire, to live for the day
It's this dreamworld, i wanted to stay
Only once, that i'd had the vision, and kiss
Soon this was in time, all that i missed
As the years rolled by, i began to age
My mortal soul, now trapped in this cage
I made a decision, on which i would act
As to myself, i made a pact
I caught a train, and headed for the coast
As with champagne, bid farewell to my earthly ghost
I then stepped to the edge of a cliff
And thought of the world, in which i lived
Then stretching out, my arms to the sky
Jumped off, and hoped to fly
Wings appeared, as if by more magic
And my life suddenly felt less tragic
I soared just above the ocean waves
Riding the crests, of this watery grave
Within moments, flying by my side
Was Juliet, with joy we cried
She greeted me mid ride with a kiss
We were both soon, in a state of bliss
The opaque blue, and gentle sea
A picture of calm tranquility
As we soared toward, the midday sun
Thoughts of our past became long gone
by Jemia de Blondeville
A clear azure blue sky
No clouds to cry
No wind, or zephyr breeze
No Aeolian Harp to please
An opaque blue, and gentle sea
A picture of calm tranquility
Whilst the sun produces a gentle haze
A gladdening warmth, in which to laze
Then before my very own eyes
A pirouetting fairy, dropped down from the sky
Beating wings, a myriad of sheens
As it lands upon my jeans
She then speaks in a whispering voice
About love, and laughter, with a lovely poise
She asks me to join her on her magical flight
To visit her land, for one day, and one night
How could i resist such a curious thing
Before i knew it, i'd grown some wings
And went flying off, into where i knew not
To a place us mortals, had oft forgot
After some time, day had turned night
As the glaring full moon, aided our flight
And before to long, we had landed at last
Although i crashed, as i was going to fast!
My knee know mended, and blood soon gone
I examined the land that i was now on
This was no fairy tale, or fantastical dream
As i espied sirens swimming, in a nearby stream
I turned to Juliet, who was lost in thought
As i enquired about, what i ought
I told her, i had no idea
Although my thoughts were becoming increasingly clear
I asked Juliet, in a quizzical tone
Who currently sat upon the royal throne
It was Oberon, and Titania, she said with a smile
And they've been our sovereigns for quite a while
I was thinking, they must be really old
For centuries their stories had oft been told
Especially from Shakespeare, and the like
And apparently from someone, whose name was Mike
I asked Juliet, if Puck was real
Puck who? she could not reveal
A ficticious character, from fantasy, and fate
Juliet knew of someone similar, whose name was Kate
I asked Juliet, if it were possible to meet
Oberon, Titania, and their fairyland fleet
She said of course, she'd arrange it this night
For by sunset next day, we'd have to take flight
I asked Juliet further, as to where she was born
And were they the wings, she'd always worn
She showed no hesitation, naming her place of birth
It was in Londinium, here on planet Earth!
I was quite surprised at hearing this
Even more so, when she gave me a kiss
I glanced into her fairy eyes, and beautiful face
And felt that this was a truly lovely place
My eyes glazed over, my heart missed a beat
As i knew she was the one, i was destined to meet
We embraced each other, and kissed for a while
I was totally enamoured of her beautiful smile
Then she spoke of the feast that lay ahead
As we strolled on by, a fairy flower bed
Where Titania, and Oberon, would be my hosts
Come alive, like Shakespearian ghosts
We were to venture, to their palace of gold
Where the night's festivities, were due to unfold
A huge banquet, with much music, and dance
And beautiful Juliet, to add the romance
I was supplied with ornate skirts, and jacket
Embroidered with gold, and jewels, worth a pretty packet
Then i noticed, with a greatness of surprise
Juliet was now my height, as i gazed into her eyes
What kind of magic had occurred, i knew not
The hows, and the wherefores, and the who's, and the what
I was none to sure, that maybe i had shrunk
Or imagine the whole thing, because i was drunk
Perhaps it was all part of a Midsummer Night's Dream
Yet as it was April, it could not be, all that it seemed
The whole thing was wonderfully bizarre, and surreal
So i decided to concentrate, on the forthcoming meal
Juliet guided me, to the Palace of Gold
As i readied myself, for what was to unfold
The drawbridge now down, with wide open gates
As i drew in my breath, to see what awaits
A myriad of colours, were out on display
As we followed the carpet, that showed us the way
Right at the end, of this hall of marble, and stone
Sat the king, and the queen, upon a gold throne
I bowed down before them, as a mark of respect
They asked me to join them, in a strange dialect
Juliet translated this curious, very ancient tongue
As each, and every word, was beautifully sung
Yet shortly, and strangely, i soon understood
This obscure language, from the ancient fairy wood
They enquired generally, about my present history
My life had been curious, i quipped, but never a mystery
Jemia et Juliet - Part Deux
Titania clapped her hands gently, without a sound
Yet the result of this, was most profound
As the fairy flok, from within this great hall
Began singing, and dancing, there was much to enthrall
Yet despite all the sounds of great celebration
Titania's voice, was heard with great clarification
She spoke of wondrous things, now long past
But i was sworn to a secrecy, forever to last
Then we were talking, about a variety of things
About the once watery Moon, and Saturns rings
How the core of the Earth, was hotter than the Sun
And why did people have four fingers, but only one thumb
Oberon interceded, a rue smile upon his face
He had observed, with open heart, that at Juliet i gazed
He then spoke out, as his eyes shone an emerald green
"Your love of Juliet, is so easily seen"
Juliet spoke to Oberon, her soft lips parted
I love her my king, she said open hearted
Oberon, and Titania, looked each other in the eyes
Then Titania spoke "true love never dies!"
So we have decided, to let your love live
You have twenty-four hours, this we will give
A chance for you both, to be forever togetther
Be it here, or on Earth, or never! never! never!
But you must be in one place, or the other
You'll agree, if she truly loves you, or the other
These are the conditions, that we now place
Whether you agree, or disagree, do it with grace
And so we both knew, When we looked into our eyes
That true love like this, never ever dies
Juliet would come back to Earth, with me the next day
At that moment, We'd hopefully agree, where we would stay
We still had quite a long night ahead
We drank wine, ate, and into a merry dance we were led
At the end of the night, we were given a variety of berries
Specially produced, in the land of the fairies
We snuggled up close, in a gentle embrace
As i lay with her, face to face
I knew then, that she had taken my heart
Be here, or on Earth, we'd never ever part
We slept a peaceful, happy sleep, for quite a while
When i awoke, she was there with her smile
Wonderful birdsong, then filled the air
As i looked at Juliet, my fairy so fair
We were to spend, the light of day here
And twenty-four hours, to begin with sunset near
We would see quickly, as it began to unfurl
This twenty-four hours, on my home world
Nature is profound, beautiful here, and on Earth
As Gaia's magic, creates a host of fresh birth
A myriad of colours, and birdsong galore
And flying fairy folk, no longer folklore
A rather interesting, and curious fact
Fairies always danced in circles, to interact
Linking hands together, twirling side by side
Earth's powerful gravity, seemed magically defied
I glanced at these fairies, all in a whirl
It was quite hypnotic, i was lost in their world
There were hoots of laughter, and screams of delight
But we had to leave, before the night took the light
We were summoned, Oberon, and Titania, bid us adieu
As the clouds, and sky, were of a violet hue
We spread out our wings, making sure they were dry
As we soared upwards, to the beautiful sky
Escorted by a dragon, to show us the way
With it's magnificent wings, spread out in display
We followed our guide, his wings of great girth
As he led us back safely, to planet Earth
And as if by magic, we pirouetted down
Before we knew it, we were on solid ground
I'm still amazed, how their magic was able
But i found myself seated, at the very same table
And facing me, on the opposite seat
Sat Juliet, with her beautiful heartbeat
Although she had not wings, her smile was the same
Her eyes were glazed with an intrigue, i couldn't yet name
Now reversed, she was still the same height as me
And she showed no signs, of the land of fairy
She then kissed me, in her own beautiful way
As we whispered sweet somethings, for the rest of the day
This strange choice, that we had to make
As we gazed upon a concrete lake
If we stayed there, or stayed here
All memories of us would disappear
So whichever world we would forsake
No memories of us, would lie in our wake
So no-one would miss us, or have any sorrow
No hearts would mourn, for the next tomorrow
Only we would know vaguely of our distant past
As it would only stay in our own memories to last
So family, and friends, from one world, or the other
Would forget our existence, including our mothers
So despite the powerful feelings, that we now had
There was a side to this magic, to make us feel sad
We sat there dwelling, for quite a while
As our emotions tried to reconcile
Yet suddenly, and curiously, we took each others hands
As we both reached a decision, betwixt the two lands
Both eaten the berries, and made our choice
Hoping we shared the same inner voice
Jemia et Juliet Part Trois-Fin
I was pondering, whether to have another drink
I'd been lost in thought, or so i think
There was something, somewhere, that was now missing
And someone, somewhere, i should be kissing
I must of been, in some kind of daydream
A fantasy now lost, or so it would seem
I felt like a part of my life was now gone
Like forgotten words, of a favourite song
Days, and weeks, then passed me by
That haunted me, like an infinite sigh
I felt alone, and lost, and totally forlorn
From sunset, and twilight, and then to the dawn
Yet a strange force, gave me hope for the 'morrow
And i didn't feel quite so alone in my sorrow
As a distant echo, tried to enter my brain
Of something i'd lost, but couldn't regain
Then at night in my sleep, came the dreams
Of fantastical, magical beings
During these dreams, bi felt less sad
Although by now, i thought i'd gone mad
I began to sleep more, as this was my only release
As i began to pirouette, and flutter along the trees
My sense of well being, and inner peace
Seemed to set my aching heart, a little at ease
Yet even in my dreams, i was alone at first
And still believed, that my heart would soon burst
Although one day, i sensed a feeling of bliss
As a soft gentle breeze, gave me a kiss
And just out of the corner, of my eye
A beautiful fairy, i did espy
Silken wings, of gold, and green
And a look on her face, that was so serene
But as i blinked, my starry eyes again
The vision vanished, from my weary brain
I then awoke, with quite a start
As i felt this longing, within my heart
I soon realised, that the dreams were the key
That in time what was missing, that i'd soon see
I had no desire, to live for the day
It's this dreamworld, i wanted to stay
Only once, that i'd had the vision, and kiss
Soon this was in time, all that i missed
As the years rolled by, i began to age
My mortal soul, now trapped in this cage
I made a decision, on which i would act
As to myself, i made a pact
I caught a train, and headed for the coast
As with champagne, bid farewell to my earthly ghost
I then stepped to the edge of a cliff
And thought of the world, in which i lived
Then stretching out, my arms to the sky
Jumped off, and hoped to fly
Wings appeared, as if by more magic
And my life suddenly felt less tragic
I soared just above the ocean waves
Riding the crests, of this watery grave
Within moments, flying by my side
Was Juliet, with joy we cried
She greeted me mid ride with a kiss
We were both soon, in a state of bliss
The opaque blue, and gentle sea
A picture of calm tranquility
As we soared toward, the midday sun
Thoughts of our past became long gone
by Jemia de Blondeville
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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