Image for the poem [ NaPoWriMo - 2023 Collection ] Cosmologically Speaking

[ NaPoWriMo - 2023 Collection ] Cosmologically Speaking

In The Beginning

There was a Universal Shroud of Turin
a Matrix of crumbed vertebrate
stained with light and debris:

webbed particles
multicellular life
a mycelium
of unsolved mystery

plaguing humankind with a gravity
they were determined to defy

13.8 billion years of expansion
trillions of galaxies and stars
beyond their comprehension
ungrounded contentment
and magnified desire

Bridges of technological design
are manufactured—
fueled by resources
meant to sustain Life

The deeper they pilfer
the faster engineers develop
fearing Earth will disintegrate
into ash and dust
with nothing left to take

They seek a new destination
for the survival of a species
fleeing a mass destruction
of their own making

Part I: Planetary

i. Ra

“Let there be light”
— Genesis 1:3

Monarch of old reigned
claimed ancestral descent
a bloodline of the light, ruled
by dictates of this solar deity
called the Sun God, Sol
personified, sovereign

Creator and nourisher
of Mother Earth—
Father of Life
to fauna, flora
and sentient breath

Shield of Helios, Titan
charioteer between sunrise, Khepri
and set, Atum
arced across the sky
from east to west
Unconquerable force
of burning heat
desert lands, pyramids
Ancient Egypt

and beyond

ii. Mercurial

"So swift the years, so rapid rolls their race,
The same who brought me hither will replace,
This earth, this sun, these stars shall pass away,
And all their glories in one grave shall lay."
~ John Dryden

Hermes, fleet-footed
Olympian deity, trusted
herald of all the gods—
known as Roman Mercury
patron of cunning and artifice

Son of Maia and Zeus
born within an Arcadian cave
became mediator
between living and dead
now bears a golden wand
Caduceus—uniting in love
those divided by hate

Known historically
since 3rd millennium BC
Herdsman attributed
unexpected strokes of fortune
to only him

Inventor of the alphabet
overseer of electronic device
His retrograde motion undoubtedly
causing confusion and strife

His namesake planet mimics
his actions fast and swift—
only 88 days of solar orbit
before a new cycle begins

iii. Venusian

The atmosphere of Venus consists of ammonia,
sulfur, and nitric oxide. Man must have lived there once.

~ Andrei Brie

Second from the Sun
her slow and easy dalliance
brightest in the sky
shaming stars
since prehistoric times

Predated at 1600 BC
chiseled upon
her table of Ammisaduqa
a heliacal record
of her rise and fall

Morning and evening Star
Ancient Egypt proclaimed
Reference point for Mayan dates
noted on a calendar—
Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love;
“Venus” by Greeks renamed

Painters captured her essence
in oil, poets her light in words
Planet of Beauty and grace
dressed by thickened clouds

First love of Galileo's lens
traversing inner space
Yet such a hellish world is she
to burn sign of Life

iv. Earthen

We have forgotten how to be good guests,
how to walk lightly on the earth
as its other creatures do.

–Barbara Ward

Third rock from the Sun—
simply meaning "the ground"
Only planet unnamed
for an ancient deity
honored by Greece and Rome
thousands of years before  

Ground—as in the soil
we stand upon
nurturing seeds we sow
harvests we reap, or not  
from taking too much

A core of nickel and iron
molten heat forcing back
any attempt to excavate
the chambers of her heart

Harbor of galactic Life
Human and Alien Hybrids  
meant to save our race
from the ignorance of greed

Today is April 5th—First Contact Day
May we all "Live long, and prosper"

my Earthen kind

v. Lunation

“And now we rise/And we are everywhere.”
~ Nick Drake

Formed from a colossal impact
of planetary embryo
she is locked eternally to Earth
and remains, tonight Pink
the only natural satellite
in the Milky Way—
stabilizing the axial wobble
enabling balance and Life

The deepest bodies of water
offer, and in return, receive
their tidal dictates from her  
in much the same way
humans are magnetized
by her cyclic overture

Her dark side mirrors mystery
within its shrouded cloak
refusing the light of Sun
upon her ebony cheek

Regardless of her phase—
Fully bright to darkened New
our individual bodies of water
offer what no longer serves
and receive whatever we've sown

vi. Martian

“ [. . .] And if we are interested in Mars at all,
it is only because we wonder over our past
and worry terribly about our possible future.”

— Ray Bradbury, Mars and the Mind of Man, 1973

Greeks heralded him as Ares
Son of Zeus and Hera
a destabilizing force among men
The Romans named him Mars
son of Jupiter and Juno
ancient God of War
presiding over military campaigns
an agricultural guardian
of all sown and reaped  

A red planet once teeming
with life, now a cold, desert-world
containing empty cities
muddy remains
of water canals, seasons
extinct volcanoes

A recent destination
potential for colonization
for human propagation

Yet, I'm not so certain
it's not our origin

But then again
it is written: "All paths lead home"

vii. Jupitarian

Whom Jupiter would destroy
he first drives mad.
~ Sophocles

Zeus, Father of the Sky
God of Thunder, King of Gods
Jupiter, in ancient Rome
witness to sacred oath

Grecian sibling of Neptune
and Pluto, Roman brother
of Hades and Poseidon
the Giant gem
of the Solar System

Planet of benevolence
truth and expansion—
producing gurus and teachers
rarely patient with superficiality—
enhancing our sense
of life and spirituality

Yang, mutable fire—
Sagittarius—hot and moist
supporting our health
joy and luck

Amplifying optimism
challenging our growth
by risk
discovering new frontiers
to solely coexist

viii. Uranian

I have chosen Uranium as a memorial,
that the chemical discovery this metal
happened during the astronomical discovery
of the new planet Uranus.

— Martin Heinrich Klaproth

Heralded by discovery, Uranus'
planetary core of rock and ice
spin in a lopsided
illusion upon its side

Thirteen rings encircling
its outer presence
of Twenty-seven moons—
named after Shakespeare
Alexander Pope, Titania,
Oberon, and Ariel—
to name a few

Uranus, Greek primordial deity
husband to Terra—Gaia
and father of the twelve Titans

The only planet
to bear a Grecian name
among his Roman counterparts

Castrated by Chronos
destined to become a lesser god
among celestial bodies
and luminaries: Sun, Moon, and Stars

ix. Neptunian

He who is shipwrecked the second time
cannot lay the blame on Neptune ~ Proverb

Neptune—Son of Saturn
Birthed by mathematical calculation
rather than astronomical observation

Grecian god of water and sea,
Poseidon ruled—
trident in hand
second only to Zeus
in command

Summoner of wind and storm
roiling sea and crushing wave
sending many sailors
to watery graves

Plagiarized deity
of Roman hegemony
whose power diminished
under Christian weaponry  

Benevolent Planet
of Piscean decent—
illusion and deception
are but his basic tenets
along with escapism

Psychic mediums
visionaries, dreamers
and artists are its gift
to the world

xi. Plutonian  

I call Pluto the harbinger.

~ Alan Stern[/b]

Greek Plouton, epithet
God of wealth
rather than Underworld
as Hades,
who would visit misfortune
upon the mere mention
of his name

Pluto, his Roman counterpart
was revered much the same
to alternative monikers:
Orcus and Dis Pater

Ruling planet of Scorpio
Harbinger of destruction
and death—
does easily regenerate
new paradigms
from old constructs

Planetary target of Eris
Goddess of discord and strife
declassified as a planet
under her interfering eye  

As if she could
permanently subject
the God of Rebirth
to the status of dwarf

Part II. Asteroidal

i. “We sometimes call the asteroid belt
the blood spatter of the solar system.”

—William Bottke [/b]

Rocky crumbs dot the darkness
as interstellar debris—
cosmic leftovers, planetary
remains float
aimlessly locked in gravity

Interplanetary mediums
pervading regions of space
hydrogen, plasmid gas
electrically charged
dust particles, glimmering
in solar shafts

Remnants of history
their origin unknown—
scientists hypothesize
each ancestral home

Named after astronomers
Goddesses and Gods—
Roman and Greek descent
their mythological meanings
have not gone unobserved

ii. Demeter ( Ceres )

Thou wert always a true Country-
gentleman's Goddess.

—Thomas Moore

Greek Goddess
of Earth, Demeter
of the floating debris
between Mars and Jupiter

Monarch of agriculture
fertility, cyclic in nature
commanding life
and death

Considered a Dwarf
among giants

Sovereign of Seasons—
birth and growth
spring and summer
burgeoning forth  

Mother and Daughter
reunion, Persephone's
joyous return

Then comes autumn
and winter tides
when all hibernates
deep in the domain
of Hades

Mother Archetype
Empress of self-care
symbol of nurturing

Her genuine desire
our care and protection
that we express outwardly
such attributes to others

iii. Juno ( Hera )

High'st queen of state,
Great Juno, comes; I know her by her gait.


Grecian queen of gods
and goddesses
Goddess of love, deity
of feminine aspects:
relationships, marriage
and childbirth

Peaceful reflection
of Greek philosophy  
and artistic beauty
across humanity  

Juno, Roman counterpart
Humanities mantle of protection
placed atop her shoulders
as goat-skinned cloak
and shield
denoting authoritative presence  

Acknowledged as Great protector
of thunderous Roman state
upon bloody battlefield
raging their dire conquest

Harboring jealous anger
should lesser beings
cross a path
clearly marked her own

 iv. Vesta ( Hestia )

Greek Goddess of power
above altar and hearth—
Brightest known asteroid
visible from earth

Daughter of Saturn
and Ops
Immortal deity, pure
devoid of any myths

First honored in Lavinium
by Trojan refugees
supreme protectress
of domestic tranquility

Her image portrayed
an eternal element of fire—

Six Vestal virgins, Priestesses
of impeccable character
tend the sacred flame
of Vesta's holy temple—
punishable by death
should the breath of light extinguish
leaving the city of Rome

iv. Vesta ( Hestia )

Today, Vesta enters Taurus
Greek Goddess of power
over altar and hearth—
brightest known asteroid
visible from earth

Daughter of Saturn
some say mother Ops
Immortal deity
devoid of unkind myths

First honored in Lavinium
by Trojan refugees
labeled supreme protectress
of domestic tranquility

Her image conveyed
as the eternal element of fire—
so esteemed was she
no woman could compare

Six Vestal virgins, Priestesses
of impeccable character
tended the sacred flame
of Vesta's holy temple—
punishable by death
should the light extinguish
leaving the city undefended

Embrace all that's holy
within this earthen body
When Vesta enters Taurus
refocus on what's important

v. Pallas [Athena ( Minerva )]

"Of Pallas Athena I begin to sing.
[ . . . ]Hail, goddess, give us
good fortune and happiness!"
—Homeric Hymn 11 to Athena
(trans. Evelyn-White)

Virgin Goddess of wisdom
self-defense, and craft
King of Heaven's daughter—
believed by some
a common nymph

Artisan of fabric
skilled with needle and thread—
preserving weaving's essence
through astute craftsmanship

Warrior Queen of lore
mythologically Greek
never striking first
but defending all she protects

Astrologically an equal
to Sagittarius, philosophically
inclined within the ninth house
to reason theologically

When into battle we charge
'til Pallas' name we call
When under attack for choice
Pallas defends our resolve
When bullied behind the scenes
Pallas becomes our strength

Divine feminine placement
a true natal chart Gem
Pallas shall rise within us
with mighty sword and shield

[ . . . ]vi. Arachne (407):

"Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive"

—Sir Walter Scott

When one professes expertise
against a beloved goddess
and patroness of the craft
make certain your goal
isn't to shame
as much as it is to survive

Beware of Greeks
bearing strange gifts
or so the saying goes
For Troy did fall in arrogance
by King Priam's fatal choice

Arachne too, boastfully
upstaged Athena's hand
upon the loom
she wove her doom
by shaming the king of gods

And so her fate came to rest
upon a sticky web
that she should weave
throughout all time
as an arachnid with eight legs

Take care how Arachne lands
within your chart of birth
lest boastfulness
of craftsmanship
bring down the house you live

vii. Eris

[i]"What you seek is seeking you."


Ten billion miles from the sun
and medieval "Doctrine of Signatures"—
an ancient understanding of men

Eris—Xena, Warrior Princess—
equally eccentric
challenging the foundation
of the accepted ephemeris

Goddess of discord and strife
scrambling our magnum opus
supplying unknown points in the psyche
a distinct point of focus

An ageless search for meaning
is innate within each human—  
the chances of discovery increase
by the simple virtue of searching

Regardless of how she originated
Eris is here to stay:

Be aware of the unexpected
beyond what you visibly see
For I will evict your ignorance
from its dire complacency

viii. Hygeia  
"The greatest medicine of all
is teaching people how not to need it."

Medicine Woman archetype  
daughter of Asclepius
—though some believed his wife—
mythic god of medicine  
A chalice of limitless potentials
cupped within her hand
symbolizes this goddess
of medicinal contraband  
The stealthy serpent glides
its tongue prepared to taste
the contents of earthen plants  
ground into herbal delights  
Goddess of natural healing  
amplifying our own ability  
with prescriptions of the past  
meant to save humanity  
Absorb her ancient wisdom
as balm within your knowledge—  
free yourself of bondage
from the pharmaceutical kingdom  

Part III. Of Constellations & Signs

i. Aries

“You see, I’m an Aries. I never lose.”

— Bette Davis

Cardinal archetype
of the newborn Ram
creating the path untraveled

Inquisitive creatures
seeking amicable company

Heart of a knight
filled with fire—
aggressively impulsive

Fearless warrior, steadfast
and true—for Love
a blazing inferno

Born beneath a constellation
bearing his own name—
until precession shifted
its designated place

Tis now two fish, entwined
above spring equinox
yet Aries forges ahead
despite any change on earth

ii. Taurus

“Taurus won’t forget it.
Taurus doesn’t forget anything.”
– Linda Goodman

Archetype of the sensualist
within a horned body, stubborn
indulgent, yet compassionate

Grounded and steady
a heart of Venusian love
yet the memory of an elephant—
a Taurian will not let go

Beautiful and luxurious
their home is a sanctuary
flowers and bubbly bathes
become daily a ceremony

Anger not the sturdy bull
for if their bellows turn to snorts
their hooves and horns take control
and will direly land you underfoot

Earn a true Taurian's respect
you'll have a friend for life
a steadfast and loyal presence
are hallmarks of their belief

iii. Gemini

”Gemini is a lover and a fighter… rolled into one.”

– Anonymous

Mutable, fickle storyteller
socialite of the zodiac
ruled by trickster Mercury
who’s known for lack of tack

A communication guru
of literary works and words
yet two distinct archetypes:
as two faces on a coin

Outgoing and intelligent
their scattered brain does wander
without considering consequence
of such inappropriate behavior

A gregarious life of the party
so are affectionate and loving
but beware the toxic flipside
that can appear without warning

iv. Cancer

"The strongest love is the love
that can demonstrate its fragility.”

 — Paul Coelho

Mother archetype of the signs
a Cardinal nurturer, heralding
summer heat and outdoor fun
to become the daily offering

Such an innate paradox
is this sideways walking crab
with shells hard as coconuts
and hearts soft as pulp

Generous moon child of the earth
with cyclic ebb and flow
Emotionally sensitive, intuitive
and so often easily hurt

Such is Cancer among the stars
claws open and ready to pinch
any intruder who comes too close
with dark, nefarious intent

v. Leo

"I may be wrong
but I highly doubt it, I’m a Leo.”


Archetype of the Creator
ruled by the luminary Sun
Outgoing extrovert, playful
and warm—
yet don't be fooled
their shadow side
contains a bone-chilling roar

A desire to be seen and heard
they make their presence known
somewhat vain, showy too
not to mention egotistical

Where Leo falls within your chart
is where you're meant to shine
The Leo soul desires to evolve
preferably under the spotlight

vi. Virgo

“I am 100 percent Virgo, stubborn, over-organised,
slightly abstracted from the rest of the world.”

– Paulo Coelho

Archetype of the Healer
though many fail to know
their need for balanced alignment
behind that obstinate shadow

Altruistic and responsible
so deeply organized
their language seems too critical
but seeks to improve our lives

Perfectionism can override
their healing modality  
to the point of them obsessing
over every tiny thing

When Earthen logic dominates
balanced by their reason
You'll find no better companion
to guide you through each season

vi. Libra

“Libras can see both sides of the coin
but have difficulty determining
who is right and who is wrong.”

– Serina Cappucci

Diplomatic archetype
is Libra with her scales
Balancing all within her sight
as much as she possibly can

A strong sense of justice
of love and beauty too
avoids overt confrontation
even for beneficial use

Anger builds when unexpressed
into passive-aggressiveness
avoiding their own frustrations
they lack decisiveness

Overall, a gentle soul
when their boundaries are set
and opinions freely given
sans any feudal backlash

vi. Scorpio

“Scorpios are always looking for the truth.”

– Unknown

The Alchemist archetype
soul-level transformative, deep
passionate, perceptive, intense
a reborn phoenix rising
from the depth of an ashen pit

to reinvent themselves
over and under, ever-evolving
beneath a calm, visible surface
of outwardly perception

Destructive, jealous
vindictive at their worst
they are always forces
to be reckoned with

Also a firm reminder
that healing isn't all light
or gentle goodness
but sometimes of a truth
that’s painful and complex

Ruled by Pluto
the planet of power
and Mars the God of War
they carry on regardless
of any stumbling blocks

ix. Sagittarius

“Sagittarians are aliens disguised as humans.”

– Ramana Pemmaraju”

The Explorer Archetype
of the signs, philosopher
globetrotter and guide—
fire sign Archer

A bit too chill at times
restless, direct, and tactless
and most often unfocused

But always adventurous
optimistic and enthusiastic
they are the wanderers
of the entire zodiac

In constant search
for the meaning of life
they exert a lot of drive
With lucky Jupiter
at the helm, expansion
will polish their shine

x. Capricorn

“If you are offended by Capricorn’s words,
know that they only let out 1%.”

– Unknown

The Ruler Archetype—
Sea Goat, climbing
toward the mountaintop

A master of great work
with Saturn at the helm
disciplined and structured
well-known for accomplishment

Hard working, ambitious
at times much too serious
workaholic until burnout
forces them into deep rest

Yet they are driven
motivated, most successful
signs in the zodiac
they're all about focus
intention, figures and facts

Steady they go
to achieve their prize
God willing
and the creek don't rise

xi. Aquarius

“Aquarius loves to socialize
and knows a lot of people
but has very few friends.”

– Unknown

The Maverick archetype
innovator and humanitarian
vessel of water bearer
washing away the past
to make room for the new

Future maker, soul changer
growth oriented is their goal
a vision of equality
and individuality to all

The dispensation of knowledge
to create an alternate view
by playing the devil's advocate
is certainly nothing new

Beware the Aquarian temper
explosive and destructive
hotheartedness becomes the front
of their violent discursive
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
Published | Edited 30th Apr 2023
Author's Note
30 of 30. Go me.
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