Aurora pilot ep1!Ai3K6_7iITD3hI0p6WcpMb4m8hkDKQ!Ai3K6_7iITD3hMxy47cZh9atjz3xIg
In the beginning it said that there was light, there was light of the world until it was darkness...
An image of the earth standing still in the air of mid space as it slowly decays from fire coming around it corners it is engulfed into flames with a ring of fire that closes its light color into darkness slowly.
The title card Aurora.
In the beginning it all begin when the war of the world of the first civilzation was destroy by Aurora. The god from the first civilzation said to protect them, punished them for being non believers.
Picture of stars falling from the sky as they as they land as small orbs are within the meteorite.
It first begin with The orbs where scattered across the earth.
The rest is explained in stone tablets of hieroglyphics on walls of written language in a scribble language.
The world changed when they were collected by the first civilzation. And by Jidenna
Picture on a stone wall that of a black man holding an orb with a beard in front of large amount of people
The man said to control Aurora with the stones used it to defeat the great evil know as Xana.
Picture of a creature with horns. That stand on another wall
The two battled and become of destroying each other one leaving a map to the first civilzation and the other who disappeared into other dimensions. Now three thousand years into the future
Image of a eagle soaring over the sky of the city that looks like Athens and Greece and room with futuristic train going around it and flying machines.
The world is separated into different races the world is ruled under the Arcete nation founded by Paramon and Arcete rule over all through the land.
Views if other world like high mountain of with ancient Chinese temple and ancient Indian temples hover over the view of the bird as well a middle eastern country of city with a large temple and view of a destroyed city.
Man is machine nothing more than just nature. To know your human is to know your worth. And now you who are in world that seeks to create you is the greatest accomplishment, that why I say never let that stop you even though we are at war with other like the Khad.
A large desert area strewn with small mountains with a deep fog hovering over the area.
Location: Arkyen
Narration ends
Solomon a Mage there to watch over the children speaks to them.
SOLOMON and NOBLE SAGE MAN speaks to some slave children gathered around him in a circle.
We pan around a Small fire with boys SULAN(AFRICAN NATION BOYS) sitting around SOLOMON
Boys and girls and notice you all should be more aware there are those who fight for your freedom.
Don't say freedom.
Then what should I say?
Now now there. There should be much hope for your kind boys of Sula if you're able to find hope in a place that is full of a heart of darkness. You should be more grateful to notice there are those who care for you and that you're alive.
Will they ever let us and our parents go?
Not until the war is over. I’m sorry, I’m just here to preach to you.
That won't do any good.
Why do you say that sir if its possible for these children to find a home? Its possible.
Our hero Seneca Eros, a soldier covered in a cloak is standing on a hill writing and scribbles writting looking down upon some slaves walking with their legs chained together. All of them are line up in sections where they are carrying logs and rumble as small explosions appear from cave holes with dust clouds appearing in the sky from the mine that they work on. Seneca looks at the sun rise as he narrates.
It is the year 3030 and the world is at a part futuristic and a biblical. The world is divided into nations who all fall under The Arcete nation, battling it out with the Khad Regime for power over the anentus stones to find the machine Aurora which can control the world. we are the Peace knight preserve of keeping order and even though we dont make it truly we still do it because we have to. I look at my country though occupying this nation it holds my people in chains.
Looking at all this reminds me that I don’t know what pains is.
Boys pulling themselves in chains. As they carry logs the mine cell explodes.
Slaves caring others
A cave explodes as man whips a young boy
Like who am I. Who am I. Just hoping some day ill know. What is my purpose to this world and what reason does it hold to its form.
I look to them and I see that, they only matter. Only this matters all of this matters in some distance.
(Thinking and narrating)
Nothing seems possible for these kids who haven't seen there family. Not in this world. Not in a world that rewards wolves who feed on other ones.
You should go back to work now children.
He walks up to Seneca as the boys leave. Solomon holds his hand out for him to shake.
Solomon, and you are? A Peace Knight from Arcete
I am Seneca... I'm here in the land searching for an object that the Khad are using to make their armies stronger.
You protect the sulan workers?
Regimes like the Khad could attack them. The Arkyen’s hired us to protect them while they mine for their material. But for the war, the Khad regime seems to be on the rise. And you?
Missionary worker! On a search to find a new hope for the good land. What is a young lad like you doing out here searching for the reason to stop the Khad?
Well to be honest with you I don’t want to be out here. The Khad have secret agents that can kill me. Im trying to getting closer to their headquarters to their leader Tepez.
Hand him card
If you see anything let me know will you?
Walks off
Stares at him.
An ARKYEN SOLDIER approaches them.
Hello sir! Are you ready to search the mine?
Yes please take me there. We'll talk later Solomon.
Be sure of it!
Arkyen soldier walks Seneca to the mine door
Is this where you keep the slave families?
This is where we have the slaves rest when they're tired. Most of them try to bribe you with diamonds they find, and they never get further from the cellar. If one is injured, we don’t take care of them. We leave them in here hoping they heal and if they don’t then we put them out their misery.
It wasn’t long until I noticed the wars keep them gathered in here. They need to make a treaty soon.
He opens the door then lights his torch as they walk down.
A Dark and hollow cave with stares that leads down a darker tunnel of cages full of children woman and men.
You know ever since the Sulan surrendered in the wars they gave up their families and children like Arkyen’s did. Then they surrendered to Arcete like they said they would. Now Arcete is taking over the continent as the top country and thats why you have small regimes rising up like the Khad hoping to keep their country from being ruled by a bigger one. These kids over here are from people who were sent as prisoners and some of them are just slaves who where slaves.
Some of them... yeah. Really they wanted to find a home for their families but at the end they were captured and worked to pay off debt for entering the country. Now their families work here until they can find freedom unlike the war with the Khad They never seem to stop attacking their own kind preventing them from leaving.
I can't stand the Khad being a regime that is on the rise.
They arrive at a Young boy in a cage with others gathered around him.
Seneca shines a light on to them as they hold their hand out with diamonds from the mine. Some hold and hiding diamonds in their mouths.
See that there is them trying to bribe you to get out.
How sad...
He looks at a young boy holding a diamond in his hand and trying to bribe him.
They also believe in aurora... that old fable.
What is that?
Aurora. The fable that was said to be a god that would come a free the people and free them as they worshiped. That came from the first civilization. Now she never came and the people remain as prisoners. I guess that’s one thing where a god can leave you at, still having hope when nothing happens. You see those kids there here since there fathers where born. There is no hope there is just chains in their minds. You find anything yet?
Nothing... just nothing lets go ahead and go.
An open desert with fog as a small explosion goes off from a mine in a distance.
They walk out of the cellar as the Arkyen Soldier closes and locks it.
Seneca walk outside as he goes into his hunt seeing it was open. A KHAD SOLDIER a revial agaisnt the SENECA’s Organization the Peace Knights takes a glimpse in from behind a furniture with a rifle as Seneca sits down crossed as he meditates. A ARYKEN SOLDIER comes in.
Hello sir I’m sorry to say but you didnt take any diamonds from the boys did you?
No no i wouldn’t do that
The Khad spy hides behind the furniture aims his rifle as Seneca sees him in a reflection of a mirror. Seneca dodges quickly as he throws a knife the Khad spy shooting at him as The KHAD SOLDIER goes off twice hitting the ARYKEN SOLDIER and then hitting seneca on his arm.
A soldier from the khad comeS in with a sword as trieS to stab seneca on the ground seneca dodges as grabs his arm from the grOund pulling him down and hitting him on the ground and getting kick up by the second KHAD SOLDIER stands up in a fighting stance boxing with KHAD SOLDIER hitting him back in forth as he gives a kick to Seneca’s gut as seneca tackles the soldier in the stomach.
The first KHAD SOLDIER comes in taking the knife out of him as get ready to stab SENECA from behind without knowing. As Solomon comes in rushing into his hunt. Shooting the KHAD SOLIDER AND THE SECOND ONE.
And they say I an old man cant shoot with a bad back. Haha Seneca! get up! I want to speak to you about something.
Not now!
Gets up stumbling.
How was it in there.
Ugh how was what? Im not in the time to be disturbed...
Quick you can stay at my hunt.
Seneca sits with a him taking out the bullet from his arm as he wraps it with a bandges. Solomon getting hima some tea as he walks around hit hunt.
Before the war we used to travel across the land not a man in site was in danger but only those who spoke of violence for no reason. Now in days since the Khad have been on the rise everything is much worse now.
Hands him badge
Ugh it was upsetting in there... I saw children in chains who have never seen anything before. Bribing me to get out with diamonds they find and for nothing...
Wraps it around his arm
I wish there was something you could do for a world that doesn’t eat on it self, cause you know sometimes... evil wins, and when evils wins nothing is right. I don’t know... why this happens but I need and explanation. Like I’m still lost in this desert.
Solomon Sits down infront of him with a box next to him.
So what is it you want to do?
I never can understand why a would would be so unforgiving sometimes. You really cant expect to stop what coming. For it must be self pride holding you up to believe things will go your way. Even when it doesnt. Something right should happen!
Im not the first to say anger if not restrained is more harmful than what provokes it but Here, I can give you and explanation, not everything that is right is meant to happen. Sometimes at first we cant see how easy things can be but when we get to it its very possible for how they are meant to happen to also happen as a force, but for the for most its natural when we see evil things like that happen. It doesn’t mean everything is bad, it just things all should matter more...
Yeah well I don’t ever want to know why that happens, and yet things like that don’t matter.
Hmm...tell me this. Before, the war started between Arcete.
and a the Khad how was it before Arkyen took over it? Remember the people living in the street trying to develop a new life between the two cultures and then the Khad tore it apart trying to make their own nation against the Arcete faction.
Yeah blah blah blah... I'm stuck in a world where the world rewards wolves...the men are trying to eat each other alive for power and they cant seem to live on the same footing.
What if I told you there was a way for how men could be more united and the Khad really want to take advantage of that not make that happen.
Pulls out the anentus stone from box
Tell me. What is it?
What is Aurora?
Slave in his tent moans He goes to a slave sitting and heals him with the stone. His healing is instant.
Thank you
But for that it must also take life as well. It comes to a cost of power where our world is defined by our actions that determine our future. It even said that Jidenna the god that came before Aurora was human and he lived like that before a great evil came to his Civilization and for that he created the new world of Tyrian before it was destroyed. The world before was called earth and we all did look like this.
What can make something like that?
The stone glows up a hollow gram and shows him two individuals.
Before then there was great evil across the land that said to created our world with Jidenna and for that he had to banish it. Its name was Xana and It was close to him.
Hologram shows the two battling
The great evil that came before and of that it was able to control the minds of the leaders into betraying each other and was able to collect the stones and us them to control the minds of the world. Its men like us the good that defeats things like Xana.
Show hollow grab of the monster Xana
Men like your father who i knew
I knew him well. Being he was my brother.
You seem to have grown since you where a kid. Yet for that I cant say they must forgive you since they banished you back in sula.
You knew my father?
Yes I was his brother before he became the king. Right as before we were Mesa.... We protected this stone is as it is very precious it said to lead to a power that can control the world. A shield said to protect us from a certain evil like Xana. It was Called Aurora. This stone the blood diamond or the anentus stone some call it lead to a map to Aurora and the machine yet none have found it not even men like your father who were leaders.
. As Xana is still evil she would be able to dominate the world... If she ever had it. Even general like Tepez of the Khad today would work for it and even ones in your country Arcete.
Let me see it.
Solomon holds it out. Seneca tries to reach it. Solomon holds it away.
Nah I'm afraid its too dangerous for you to hold sense leader in your country could be close to Xana. Aurora is a key that can be a way to end the power of what is Xana. If we can collect them all we can end to what is happening here better what worse to ome if Xana xomes close. I have faith in bringing to you a message they gave it to me, to bring it to you..
Why me?
Soon you will know why but also one thing to I know those scars on your face. You are the son of Cain the banished prince from the land of Sula arent you?
How did you know this.
I know because I am Cain’s brother... your uncle seneca I know why your hiding. Its because your afraid to return home to your family. Even though you killed Cain your father.
Hmm... Your not my uncle your a crazy old mane giving more story than you should barging for!
No no wait please there more to tell you, you must journey on this mission!
Sees far off Khad solider his enemies putting on a mask and dropping a body off on the ground
Thats not good
No its not but listen please!
I noticed your face scar that came from the old tribe before, where you where they scared you and it was by your father and they banished you… I remember you can't return home even to where they made you fake your death to escape and even along with that they made your brother the king after you killed your father. I understand. but listen i need you to contiue your fathers mission... we have to collect more of these before The Khad uses them to power more of their armies and Tepez give this stone up to Xana. We have to hide and move soon before the Khad can reach us they might see us move in the day but at night we can escape to the city.
The Khad hidden assassins pull off their mask, soldiers come to Seneca and Solomon’s sleeping bags with knives. They stab them and only see stuffing.
In a distance Solomon and Seneca are spotted running off from the mountain, shots are fired at them. The sleeping bags explode.
Ready that will slow them down
Suddenly, a soldier with knife comes up from behind them as he tries to swing and stab Seneca. Seneca dodges, spin kicking him right in the jaw pulling out his two swords. Swiftly striking the other two Khad soldiers while blocking one and stabbing the other, then swinging down with both blades on one.
As five other Khad solider show up. Seneca starts fighting them off. He leaps into the air and with his spin attacks; fighting in capoeira style, spins on the ground kicks upward and two soldiers launching them to a distance away as the Solomon holds the weapon in fear.
Seneca fights off the other two taking one's gun, shooting and killing the first one on the left running and then shooting the last three fleeing away as he shoots each down one down.
He shoots the last one from far off as an army of soldiers on horses ride down there shoots guns.
Come on!
Seneca and Solomon rush to the horse.
A bell rings as the soldier lights fire from afar they here shooting at the workers as they run to there horses and escape and army as the Khad rush down through the camp an shooting the Akryen soldiers as they are fleeing.
The Khad attack shooting as they go after Seneca and Solomon as they ride down with their across shooting at them with blast of their guns
Seneca is riding farther as they rush down the desert as the deserts starts to rumble. The ground erupts from the floor and rises high above them they see and Arkyen high on the ground structure risen.
The Khad Soldier bends to control the rocks he launches down rumble to them as it merges into a large boulder of an animal creature that rush after Solomon For his anentus stone
They ride rushing away with there horse as they try to ride right past the large structure and then go in to fight as Seneca get on his horse and jump on another Khad soldiers as he stab him in the neck.
Then launches on to the next one as he jumps on to him then ride next to the animal as he jumps on the rhino creature trying to weigh it down as Solomon shoot off the other Khad soldier from behind. Solomon falls off his horse the two Khad soldier jump down from the structure.
Seneca stops the rhino rock creature and destroying it as he pulls its head down to the ground and breaks it to pieces. Seneca rolling down from the structure Solomon escapes as Seneca is stuck fighting the Arkyen as he then takes out his blades using his super speed he rushes up to the Khad soldier as the solider pulls up a rock Seneca runs right into it as he does a back flip off of the structure then spin kick it out the way as starts striking and swinging with the his blade as the The Khad soldier.
Seneca speed jumps over past the rocks cutting the Khad soldier and his comrade and killing the two off fast in one swipe.
Solomon are you okay?
Holds his horse down as it wines. A Khad soldier comes up from the ground jumps and strikes Solomon with a spear as Seneca speed jumps over.
The Khad soldier pulls up a rock and then is hit with Seneca’s blade as Seneca smashes right through the rock structure hitting the Khad solider in the gut..
Solomon are you okay?
Rushing over to him holding him
I need to tell you something those scars on your face i recognize them
Coughing up blood
Your the ash of Oman... My brother, your his son aren’t you
You know my father?
I should have known better than trust a Sulan, me being a half breed you can't save a world full of wolves who feed off each other. Seneca return home soon son. As your Uncle I want to say your not banished, you need to find the rest of these stones before Tepez collects more to raise his army. This weapon holds many powers to Aurora. In ones which much come with great responsibility. Take it and promise me you will find the answers you seek.
We are not men if who we are is we are lost, but men of who we are to be when found and revered. You will find your path Nephew. Sometime the weakness of man is that it is frail to not see what it can be. When it imagines in being reborn it must know it is unlimited.
Solomon dies.
The Sun rises as Night ends.
The Solider with their torches rush closer to Seneca as he gets up and leaves Solomon body, he rushes on his horse and rides off. Going into hiding in one mountain pass.
The Khads soldier leader arrives at Solomon's body and spits on him as Seneca looks down the passway. He holds the weapon as he opens the box to find an orb.
This I what Tepez wants, the anentus stone.
He touches it and then as it activate his whole body as it lights his eyes with a flash
It take him in front of a mirror with regular human eyes and wearing a suit as he looks at a bathroom and then goes outside where he listen in a new era with cars driving by and horns hocking
What is this place? The first civilization?
A large eruption occurs as the side of the city starts to burst and a large wall of fire collides destroying the buildings.
People rush screaming and running as Seneca runs in the middle of the street and sees a the wall of fire before him.
Dad dad!
He rushes to the girl and holds her as the fire engulfs them and closes in on him, killing them both.
Seneca wakes back up in his old body with his future armor on, as he look at the orb he sees and looks at it.
That was the first civilization, that was how they where destroyed. I need to get this back to Arcete. Tepez might use it as a weapon to control the masses.
He gets on his horse and rides off.
Seneca Continues his search for Aurora as he must find the hidden temple to counter the Khad in their holy war.
SENECA ENOCH the peace knight stands on a hill as he looks down to a small plain valley beneath him at the sunset as he sees two armies staring in silence. The peace knight verse the Khad. No sound is made they both stare blankly with a dead look of anger in there eyes and veins as one soldier a khad soldier looks into the air and then hells. As They rush.
Both of the armies collide in a extreme epic battle of weapons shot at each other and arrows thrown in the air and gun being shot as they rush to each other. Men on horses as they fall off being hit it as they rush and collide in a epic battle. It looks like madness and chaos to Seneca’s eyes as he turn on his horse then rides looks to the sunset.
(Narrating) We all are trying to find the keys to making the perfect future. All of us on our certain paths. As all try in different ways.
The sound of the fight rises as Seneca pulls out the orb.
All for this. (Holds up the orb) Aurora. What ever it is. I hope it makes differences making a change for the better than the lesser evils.
Seneca rides as a long shot of him from far away is given. He rides through the desert.
He then is seen on a scope and sniper of a woman who is a treasure hunter for the Crow regime an enemy. She looks with her scope as she then puts it up and see her on her stone a map that gives his movement to his as he is on the same course as her. Then Memphis gets on her hover bike as she then rides following him.
... Right on the pig.
As it then cuts to seneca arriving at the temple within a canvas area cave. He looks around, then sees the temple with it ancient look. Then enters into it as he walks through a the rooms seeing treasure and shrine with symbol until he holds out the orb as it shines connecting the line pattern on the wall. The light then follows to a passage that opens he approaches a wall when a door opens as he goes down the dark tunnel.
Seneca walks as he approach and open space area of the tunnel and then see a door with a large symbol on it.
This must be it. Aurora?
The tunnel then has a light down to it as memphis arrives. Looking at him as Seneca approaches the door as he holds the orb up and shines as the beam of light then goes on the walls and then connect to the door way that then opens as s light come out. A creature with pink and purple skin tone with horns coming out of its back and head walks out very tall but human size to seneca height, walks up to him as he steps up to approach the creature being named XANA.
Hello Cypher.
No better... It will be good to see that you have made it this far. Now that you are here you will bring things much close to the worlds new future. Im happy to say you have done everything as planned. Now accept your fate as a demise.
Xana holds out her hand as a pink beam comes from her palm as then Seneca speed jumps as it blast hitting the ground. Seneca comes at xana with two hits across the face from both directions two times until then grabbed by her snake tail that appear to grab him as it squeeze him tightly.
It has been very good meeting you Cypher you will serve well for the earth new future.
Xana shape shifts into a large snake creature and then open her jaw ready to eat seneca as then sudden she is shot with a beam and then three orbs role to the ground to her as they burst and then explode with smoke gas memphis enters as she shoots. Xana release seneca as she turn back in her form with still a tail for a bottom. Then slithers goes around a pillar.
Close the door!
Seneca gets up and speed jumps to it as he grabs the side of it then suddenly a sharp strike of claws swing at him. As he lunges back falling to the ground. Five and more creatures come out as they have sharp claws from the door portal and then try to jump on to seneca.
Look out!
As memphis shoots them and seneca gets up and pulls out his two blades speed jumping and kicking one in the jaw and cutting two as he spin kicks in the air and landing stabbing one in it head with two blades.
You will not stop us! We are many...
She fires a beam from her hand. Xana approaches them as memphis continues to shoot. They soon become surrounded with the creeper creatures all around them Seneca and memphis.
What do we do now? Were pinned!
Hold on I got and idea!
Seneca speed jumps and steals one of memphis’s bombs fast then cutting all of head of the creatures as he speed jumps all round them he jumps on ones skull up in the air as he throws it dodging xana beam as he jumps up kicking it higher as it burst blows a hole to the roof. Seneca lands then aims with his arm he uses his arrow as a grappling hook to hit the outer part of the top.
Hold on!
Seneca grabs her and then flies up out of the cave. As they land on the ground memphis drops another bomb as it falls down then hole as Xana see its then teleport out as her creeper die form the explosion with there skeletons shown as evaporation.
They both stare at each other as Seneca looks at her and then images slowly show of her when they where in there youth in the rain tougher looking at each other in the rain as young Seneca holds his hand out to young Memphis holding an umbrella an as she smiles.
....(Looking down with her arms around her legs and then looks up and sees Seneca.)
... Hey everything gonna be alright I promise.(With his hand out)
(smiles looking up to him.)
Both of them in there youth smile at each other as it turn back to seneca looking different now with scars on his face and memphis a hunter. Memphis then turns her eye power on that hypnotizes seneca and leave him frozen.
Maria...(then frozen)
...(Mind controlling him) Ghost who is this person?
Her A.I. Inner conscious GHOST speak to her by reading his information and his and her memories.
Memphis this is Roux Seneca Enoch Peace knight of Arcete. A Captain in the Blue battalion. He was formally known a Nudunda Enoch, son from the old Cain tribe.
Who is he to me?
There is a reading of him in your memories in your youth. He was the boy who saved you when your father died. In Arkyen.
... Roux.
He could have some connection to
the other world a of Arecte knight organization but he will soon compromise you if you give him any further detail of your mission. I recommend killing him.
Wipe his memory and make sure he forgets about me again me.
She enter his pocket and then take his orb and then touches his face and walk away as he stands there frozen as he goes.
Free him in seven hours...
Memphis put the orb back into his pocket.
She get on her hover bike and then rides as later, its night.
Seneca wakes up by his horse. He wonders into the desert with it until he looks at the orb that has other dots.
What other surprises can you give me?
He sees a fire from the distance as he approach it then walk up with his horse and then looks at an old mage woman who eating from a can of soup. She see him as he approaches her.
Hello stranger.
Hello... you seem very comfortable can I please join?
The fire might give you more company then I might but sure.
She puts her blow down and pours him one as later at the fire they stare into it. The fire in there eye with the moon light above them.
You know its time like these I wish life could be better as it was before. Looking into the past from all these scars... its hard to see beauty from so much darkness.
Beauty can be found in most things felt in the most scared places of a person, of anything like the heart, mind, or soul, but its like an art work that is life free from any type of judgement. Its unlimited.
Her painting on the side. As a view of the armies dead soldiers battle. As seneca looks at them.
Are pain and our miseries are all swept away in some great ocean of a painting that guides us. Even if unfair to the turmoil god gave you those scars to mean something.
God huh?
it might bring it will be all of for something. Like a fire is in the night, it grows the earth. Like a freedom is to a bird in the air. We all want that freedom its there even if not granted. Though our actions determine our outcomes it comes to be this sense that we are more focused on a path we do can control even as knowing it worth in forming it. Our lives are given to be some kind of game at first but truly they are something that is made to be painted as freedom we allow it we cant be over ruined by fear. You though must be heart broken. Yu must be strong enough to know it strongest in those broken place that will make it heal.
Im sure of that... sense Im am... I don’t know who a I am anymore after all these scars though.
You should love yourself still as who you are even with them, they complete and make you. No matter how bad... That’s something I always wanted to tell my grand daughter since the war tore us apart. Something much more before she died. Or to believe im dead.
You never know which last cup of water you feed to is something I said to mine.(drinks) It doesn’t matter. Were all in some sense fine in this connected life. We have our most greatest points and darkest ones found when lost. Then alive again. That must means the purpose of rebirth in some cases. We all are trying to be born again in every moment we exist. Even when torn apart with are scars.It mean something... even all of this darkness means something. Its amount to something being made from all this turmiol.
That means so much to me... even though these came from war.
Mine came from love.(Smiles)
... Im sorry my people destoryed yours.(Upset looking at her)
(Smiles) is it not odd how a person of war and person of its pain cannot share the same harmony and sight on one night or a moment together. It must be something made out of all of this like i said. All for a meaningful moment through a meaningless process. Like evil that never came.
They hit cups as they look into the sunset.
Later next day.
Where are you heading?
Oluen. The khad regime seems to run the laet power with e knight holding them back from their brigade. They will never stop as they will continue to push through there forces. Its not until tepez will loses power from his followers as he soon will give up the power god i suppose.
It wont matter were those crimmials go with there ideas. Its all just tranny at the end.
It wont matter... ill wait till the next regimes comes up after his finishes .this stuff seems to never end.
It will end someday. Who was your grand daughter
Who knows what happened to her she wont know me. Memphis was a good name of her.
... Thank you for the advice ill try to be more happy about my issues but still curious on were they might lead.
And be grateful god gave you those scars. that is the things that life has given you of a beatitude of. As god will deliver us to Elysium. (smiles) your strong no matter how awful it might seem. Thank you knight.
No... thank you.
Fade to Ancient Mesopotamian like city.
General Tepez the leader of the Khad Walk through his mansion and temple as he looks down upon the people he sees statue of him risen high over then crowd as they cheer.
People of Oluen! We are gather here today to see the rise of our own new world becoming greater than out enemies. We have grown to make monument of our power over these land and for that we shall grow stronger to become the new nation over all evil infidels around us!
The crowd bows to him as the solider aim there weapons
For that I will need your children and sons soon to be part our new regime! Take them now and become part of the new moon for the god Aurora!
The soldier go by Tepez commands as they walk into the crowd grab the sons and the daughters of the poor Arykens as they start to enlist them in as soldiers.
Memphis a woman agisnt the Khad regime stand in the crowd looking at him. Menzel her teacher tell her come close she holds another anentus stone
Its up there but we cant get it now. But Memphis here, this a ticket to the boat of to Arcete there you need to collect the stone before Tepez gets to it. I trust you. Board the Kinglaive Battleship
I know madam I will not fail you
Go and hurry and remember action always determine our future its your destiny to stop him.
Runs off from the crowd as she punch a soldier in the face who tries to grab her
Right there get her!
They chase her. As tepez continues his speech
This will be a great nation someday with our army a great nation for all and as well for the beginning of the newest nation The Khad Empire! Praise Aurora!
The crowd boos as there son and daughter are taken away. With families crying in the middle of the crowd. Tepez leaves as they start throwing items at him. As he enter he talks to his solider as he goes through a hallway with me all lined up on each side assaulting him in fear.
Hello general tepez we have new issue we still wont have enough solider to over through Arcete we will have to try something much more crafty her I must say we have options we have solider within the walls of there homeland and there we can infiltrate and take down the leaders.
Do so as you wish I need time alone in my quarter and send out a scavenger mission for the search of that treasure in the underground city.
Yes sir. Thank you your greatness
And also keep me updated on mission we will have our attack in Arcete in three days with our army and will go on continue as planned.
Yes sir.
Soldier come in with a chest as they open it reviling a anentus stone and place in right before Tepez throne as he then goes to it and open it.
What is this tepez?
I have deeper connection in Arecte there leaders aren’t fully truthful to each other as well I have more installed for this. With this you can make more than just a super solider you can become god.
As portal opens a creature pink with horns comes out slithering with spikes as an Alien part woman and parasite speak to tepez
Hello Cypher how are you today?
Haha Soldier this is xana she is the ancient god said to room the earth in control of it darkest secrete
You want to be connect to the Meta gods dont you?
I want more than power from these idiot people I want control over everything I want to know everything. I need to know what can do to control the world and power with this.
Allow me further to tell you Cypher this is time to be and the time to come when things will all end your world will be eaten by a greater one. The evolion of this palent must change inorder to be greater and for that everything that is weaker must be destroyed. As the will be someone who willc ome to change this change in power.
But for that we select one person to become the next great harvester called the ultimate guardian and for that they will run control over the whole planet, before the meta people alliance arrives and harvest the souls of the world. There we must take control over all
And it become the ultimate guardian one must
It is not you it is of someone else who is destined, and for that we must stop them before they change or turn around the function of the meta people. They will destroy us with a power source of a defense shield called Aurora we must stop them before them enter the it and take control to defeating the planet for that we must take advantage of the time that is idle now.
I see you have my full amount of resources. Aslong as you return in my favor our protection
You will receive the conglomerate of our greatest endeavour peace with the meta people and your place on the thrown as the remainder of the this earth period
Did she call this earth? It called Venum. and what does she mean shell devour us with a harvest
Tepez shoot his soldier as he is left alone in the room.
Xana creeper monster and monster with sharp claw s enter as it comes over devoring it.
Rest ashured Cypher much is the come of this way of the creation of rebirth the process will continue soon enough and we will have our victory like it or not.
There is location which you all are looking at now for treasure. I see it will serve us greatly if you retrieve it. At those precise coordinates.
Yes Xana i will do as you say my army is your army and our world is now yours
Hypnotized by her eyes site.
Excellent Cypher glad you must excel to know the limits of your stature is vermin underneath us. You will do well. Please find all other Stones that lead to this Aurora and we will continue to not be compromised...
She leaves as she enter back into her portal
And tepez if you ever try to cross me ill Kill you...(and deeper voice)
Glass breaks form her sound effect from her mouth. Tepez afraid responds
Yes! Yes! Yes madam! We understand. Solider come in
As the portal closes
We have the new mission find the treasure faster and hunt after who ever started that attack in Akryen. Our attack will be ready in time for Arcete for w shall be the new kings our reality. Go further and find it!
Seneca walking down the desert along with his horse as he approach an Osais and there he see only an image of his father standing in front of him as he bow to drink water he stares at his feet scared as his father swings a blade him seneca yells in terror as he grabs his face by his scars.
And you can neve return you can never return...
Seneca stars at the water. As He looks into his past then looks up as he sees his father talking to him as mirage.
It been long path way to find greatness to truly know yourself in a world that seeks to change you and yet remain is the greatest accomplishment... I wanted to say that to you. Never the less I couldn't.
... why? Are you here?
Im here to give you the other hand than the scars I gave you
Holds out his hand to seneca as he lifts him up.
To know real beauty is to find it in the achievement of going through adversity. To Find a jewel in the darkness require some pressure. In order for one to give light they must endure burning... I remember that scar I gave you when I banished you when first came up to me. The second one given by your brother... he now rules Sula and here you are a soldier for the enemy. I can understand want your going through but it no different than want coming that you must understand
I left casue i couldnt be a leader. Mostly cause didnt ewant the people to elect me as one. I dont need them or you.
Seneca your going to have to learn that you need to control your anger and also know forgiviness... even if the incite of what you wanted was to be the leader deeply you first need to know it them who elect you. Part of that I wondered years ago as a boy on why I wanted to become a leader. Wither it was to have the acknowledgement that I alone had power and people respecting me only truly was it that, the people had given me the power and to acknowledge me with respect and gave me the ability to be the leader was only way for that to happen. what I always wonder that lead me you hope or aberration. Success
Hmm... I’m not successful... I’m only a grunt... I cant be a leader... I really don’t know what I’m doing...
I still wonder was it worth it. My child Ndunda... nightdshade... your name represents the black berry . the blacker the berry the sweater the fruit, for all you know is what has created you in all the suffering you will go through in this cruel world. It will make you stronger and for that you will be of that nature that is stronger in you. Grasp of your own nightshade Ndunda... you must know to have the fire in you it must be a flame that rises to become of that nature of greatest for one cannot live to give light without burning first.
... are you mad at me because i had to kill you?
... As for faith is in assurance for what we might believe but do not know and for the substance for things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You shall come to understand your life is coming to correctly as everything that there is will be the truth as fate.
Faith hu? Faith...I have no faith for mirages... what is this thing
Looking at the anentus stone as it shines as it turn on
He body light up and disappear to the body of JIDENNA a scientist who looks like Seneca Walk I not room of other scientist and twin brother that LOCUST like him sitting on a table in the year of 2225
Well what ever this is it must be some gift from Satan. Its alien threat I believe. So far since my wife xana has touched it become of some kind of gene modifier it seems to have excel her biology. So far for what I want o see what happen to this become something great maybe we can turn it a weapon
His twin brother locust looks at him Annoyed
do you want o go back into the prison?
Ugh no...
Then let me work on your wife...
Get off of the table and walks away
The room change as it shift with an electric pulse arising from his eyes. We see what seneca is seeing the world is from a large view, and then blown up with fire wall that colliding into buildings to the whole city destroying it. Then only remaining is the a shield of covering the whole planet as it rebuilt with a colony Jidenna standing high over a mountain of people and then ordering them around building and cities are build isn mer second fast ads a montage. In Quick flashes then a moment with him and xana
Do you see it now? Do you understand who you are? Your more than just a person. Your their ultimate guardian for years I have searched for you. And for that I must say its granted to be something of the sort in amaze. I want to say thank you very much for you help and everything Seneca or should I say Cypher...
What? What is all this? What does it all mean?
I want you to know there is new state of mine for your species since you are all now Transhuman. Part machine and part human and still non of you do not know...
Show him vision of new life being rebirth again and again.
Part machine? What does that mean? I cant be part machine...
I know it sounds confusing but you all should know there is new threat coming we must find it Seneca you and I and everything. Aurora... all sense of rebirth and fix everything. W can control everything you will be able to make life and take life a the new leader and for that you shall say My name is my name and I am who I am... this your journey if you choose to take it become new part of it all and save everything for rebirth.
The visions end as he goes back to his spot in the desert.
I dont know what was that? hmm... I dont know what to do?
I’ll tell you hello!
What the?
We just spoke in there with the matrix. For that I want you to know you must be very strong and of a good courage and have faith. You see those dots there they lead to something of a treasure
I don’t want treasure i want o stop Tepez...
That great we both do. And for that I need you first to follow the map. And as you lead I will guide you...
Seneca get up as he walks down the desert
What are you
I will tell you later but first I want you get over your fear. You are the banished prince of Sula a fire emblem know as Seneca eros. You will be great... and for that I want you to break your fear Of being the chosen one... there along way to go but I want you be ready when we change everything. There will many task at hand many trials and tribulations afoot ahead. But you can do it.
What are you
It s not who am I is who are you? Seneca who am I.
What am i.
I am who i am and who I say I am. and for that you must know it take power to move with such fear i want you to know there is major force ahead of you and it will require you to go further into the heart of darkness that is deeper with the depth of the world. Seneca you are to be the ultimate Guardian. And for that you will be the next leader of the free world and for that seneca it is the call for the heros journey to become something.
What if I don’t want to become anything that your saying
Shocks him
Ah hey!
He picks it up
A true hero always accept change a real villain will always be close to staying the same that why we have the two one being bigger and the other being lesser not enough to adapt so what are you a villain? what do you want in this world?
I want free my Family in Sula...Maybe return home and see and old face?
You mean this one?
Shows vision of him and his brother with swords.The young seneca rushes him as his brother cute him in his face with one strike and then later the image shows of him with his father stabbing him.
You want o under that dont you. But you cant? Its because it the past well i say this much seneca you can do that. You can return and you can change everything that has happened.
Im the reason why those children are in slavery... ever since I killed my father they controlled the country. For that I need to see if I can do something.
You can do anything with love. Seneca the only one who stays in your way is you. And for that I must say you have to become greater than you where before and not afraid of what is to come. It your destiny to over come your fear.
Xana looking from her Orb
And for the foremost it will be pleasure with hunt you down Seneca and everything you make or move will be on our path to a great nation. Right meta lords of course it shall. This will be the new beginning of the Peace Knight search for Aurora.
Back to seneca
Aurora? What is Aurora?
Journey further and I will show you.
As memphis herself on a the boat rides on it talking to Jidenna
I wont let you down... I promise Father...(holding necklace)and you to Seneca...
He walks as he continues his journey.
The artifact stop glowing as seneca see a large black clouds hover over him as he walk to them.
Open to the option the universe I find only myself proclaimed of the sight I might see in me of my choices in the great things that i might accomplish. It must be of the action I choose to permit myself in it. In the journey to know what could lead. In hope I know of that nature of what of my graces maybe given through trails and tribulations I find to come across in my journey into the fray. I am not lost but found but reborn again in the form of light from it darkeners. I am just fine with the likely hood of what it might lead. I am free as I am with the Aurora.
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