St. Revered David of Hermopolis

Have you ever felt the desert?
A home of ashy camel hooves,
dangerous brigands, chief first,
kill amid God with countermoves.

This is where David thrives;
Blood on swords of wilderness.
Ferocious face that pities lives
less than chance deserving access.

Yet God's providence is loved,
he quite knowing murdered hearts,
no one erased but still unreproved,
fate unbiased, as choices are art.

No one crueler than David walked,
a head of over thirty restless,
he tortured till the victims locked
in countenance abandoned, zestless.

However, God alludes to mercy's ways.
The Father's clemency is long in time,
for patience replaces hasty plays,
when one is fed up with external crime.

Once this David reasoned in a mountain.
"Do I lead a life that's worth the mention?"
Suddenly, his heart became a fountain,
for a prophecy dawned on his intentions.

"I will be no one in the afterlife"
and suddenly he fear felt;
His mouth, now thirsty was to reconcile
with goodness, where evil dwelled.

"To a monastery I will head"
He thoughtfully considered changing;
"I'm still not lost and on my bed
I'll fall asleep with guiltless blaming"

So he travelled, metamorphosis along,
was staring to observe his vision;
and he reached the gate; intent was strong;
His Higher Self guiding his intuition.

The Abbot was sure in a factum;
the stranger was overdue initiation,
refusing his access to the sanctum,
but David would lose his patience.

The future saint, humility approaching,
emitted fiercely a call too worth the aching;
for the Abbot that was blockingly reproaching
him, would deprive him of awakening.

David threatened with a massacre,
if denied a welcoming reception;
so truly concerned, God's ambassador
let him enter the gate of the holy conception.

The brigand marched a serious path
of re-considering Life's fundamental laws;
slowly but steadily with values the wrath
he exchanged; humility testing his flaws.

With steady progress of his cloister,
he served as naked as a child of Christ...
All shadows tempering in trials this exploiter,
as persistence determines, if sufficed.

And suddenly, in a night's bridge on
the heavens to earth, St. Gabriel came
told him that his sins were forgiven;
But David still felt the past pain.

"How come am I forgiven so lightly?"
Ashamed, he repented, not to be gifted.
The authority before him scolded him nightly.
"For disbelieving God, your speech will be lifted!"

"You will lack the ability of voicing!"
Gabriel, dignified, uttered the Word.
"Only in liturgy you'll be rejoicing,
for you'll sing as no one has heard!"

So, mute, David lived in secrecy;
now able to heal sickness, to cure;
showing an example of decency
that, too late, was able to occur.

In silence ever centered, he rectified stood out,
and everyone awaited his canto again;
A villain remembered, attracted he huge crowds,
to follow him started hundreds of men.

One day he passed; away in the skies;
and he was there welcomed contently;
but his example - it never dies...
Improvement is never too late to be friendly.

Now he's observing from above the hosts,
concerned for these lost souls, scattered in vain,
in trivial games their scenarios too lost;
he never despairs, though, as God is in reign.

So never judge your enemies,
or envy your neighbour's possessions;
for God's put in action all remedies
to ensure the trip to home of aggression.

You can never be sure of One's hidden heart,
their past, future, present or pain...
So... make sure you find a meaning and start
to follow your mission;
you can do it!
Written by AaronBraveHeart (Boyana Popova)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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