“Well, my good people. We are at the threshold of entering dangerous times and within this detrimental incoming Democratic Political Administration. In spite of that, I do hope the second half 2022 will be a prosper year for you, as well as your family.
There is something wicked this way cometh, and I cannot stress that notation enough.
Some actual facts to take into consideration, times are returning to standing on your own, your own ground. Under the new gun laws, it is not unethical to buy a gun with no proper training and no classroom training.
When I applied for my concealed carrying permit, I had to take a test, and then go to a gun range to show that I am equipped to use my weapon and know how to take the structure apart, and then reassembled to be issued a permit.
Now the laws are in favor of more gun violence, more deaths by law enforcement, mainly to the African American Communities, I say that in regard to our constitution right to bear arms somehow gets altered between an unlawful traffic stop and protecting of self.
This administration you voted into office, is only a smoke screen for an agenda that should have taken place sooner if Donald Trump was not elected.
Do you really think the baby formula shortage was a coincidence, no it is part of a bigger conspiracy, you eradicate the roots of a tree and its leaves are bound to fall, during that time frame we all turned our back on the case of Dolby versus Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which was argued in 2021 and decided in favor on June 24, 2022 as saying the Constitution of United States does not confer any right to abortion.
That case was the sole culprit to overturn the Roe versus Wade ruling set back on January 22, 1973.
Therefore, the higher courts overturned a women’s fourteen amendment and that is a right to privacy’ which ultimately once protected a pregnant woman’s rights to an abortion. Giving states the advantage to say what is deemed ethical or unethical when it pertains to the free will of a woman’s body.
In the same right pushing vaccines on infants and children, the last leg of implementing a New World Order.
It is ironic you can now go into a gas station, and no one is serving, everything is by computerized.
To get a better summary of a diabolical plight
Covid vaccine with several variants, loss of life; jobs, recreational pleasure, and exiled of families.
Restrict traveling, most have a Covid passport per say or show you were vaccinated at least with one shot
Involving our nation in someone else’s war, by send billions of dollars to repair which has been destroyed.
Escalated gas prices-blamed on oil supply and demand from Russia
Baby Formula Shortage (Panic and Chaos)
Women Tampon Shortage
Thousands of cows suddenly died, blamed on heat
Chicken and Turkeys dying-blamed on Bird Flu
No carry permit or gun training for private citizens (Marshall Law).
Roe-v-Wade overturned (Strip away the freedom to choose for women).
Everything within the government confinement has an interior motive. It’s how this country operates, we are all so contrived on the Blue and Red political parties, and not taking into account both parties are of the same cloth, meaning it only matters which flag is raised during the time of crisis, chaos, implanting law or ordinances that hurts society, or hinder the growth of success.
In my observation to many incidences are coming into play, such as the death of thousands of cows, stifling the dairy products; beef, milk, ice cream, then as of recent, thousands of chickens have succumbed to the bird flu, there goes your egg supply.
I do hope America does not adopt the same creed as in making altered foods and then serving it to the masses as China has.
This nation and any nation under the WHO (World Health Organization) has been sold and slowly poisoning society with cancer causing foods, dipped in pesticide, most topical emollients are not safe to the skin, for one, deodorants please stay away for that product if it contains ‘aluminum, parabens or artificial fragrances' it is not good, makeup that contains lead, or have been tested on animals is not good to the outer service of the skin.
The concept with the baby formula have never sat right with me. I still ponder how baby formula and the government’s intervention crossed paths.
Abbotts Pharmaceutical is a well known pharmaceutical company, and to stop exporting to stores shelves infant formula due to first a recall and then refusing due to an FDA injunction is preposterous and beyond me.
As an optimistic person of many words and good deeds. There are a few things I label, ‘My Survival Kit for the Future”
1. Bottled Water by the droves (The Flint, Michigan Ordeal, could happen anywhere. You poison the water…you poison the masses).
2. A Water Purifier (I think everyone should have one of these on their faucet as we speak, or better yet, five gallons of spring water with the cooler form a reputable bottled water supply company).
3. Plenty of Seeds (You may have to someday plant for your own food. I am hearing more about Fake Foods, Or Chemical Altered Foods).
4. Start buying Organic/Farm Feed Food (Still make sure you read the labels). I am a vegan, and I am a huge seafood eater, as long as the fish is farm raised-due in part they are usually fed a controlled diet and is very low in mercury.
5. The old Kerosene Heater, Radio, Candles, Box of Wooden Matches Plenty of Batteries and a battery recharger, and A Flashlight (If your stove goes out at least you could warm your household, and cook a great pot of Beans on it, have tested that theory and you can.
6. Several bags of Dry Beans, Flour, Bags of Rice, and Powder Milk.
7. Canned Vegetables (Make sure you rotate and check the expiration dates, monthly).
8. A Family Piggy Bank (If we are to hit a major Recession, the first thing disappears, is your Monetary Funds. (The Federal Reserve could only insure your money to a certain amount).
9. For some of you who could afford it, An Underground Missile Silos (Rumor of Wars in Divers Places, and yes that includes America).
In Matthew 24:6-9, Jesus said: And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places.
10. Gas mask(s) Antibiotics, and Weapons and several rounds of Ammunition (It is better to come prepared then wishing for later).
I hope this concept, will allow your 2022 year to remain to be productive; physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
I did not know it takes so much to become a citizen of another country until I did research to document it in writing. The first thing any American citizen or parent should get for the family unit is a Passport. It is better to have the ability to board any airline and flee your country if the time arises, then getting caught up in it unprepared.
I tell you, the thing for the average American to succeed in life should be taught in high school; how to invest your money wisely, how to play/invest in the stock market, stocks, bonds, CD’s, the art of trading, how to start up a small business, drafting a business plan, the proper way to apply for a mortgage, and how to invest in your retirement plan, 401K plans, and last, how to apply for a Passport. I think these essentials to survive in life should be taught in the 11th and 12th grade under a new class, Economics 101.
Parents I beg you to invest time and energy in your kids. They are our future, and when I mean invest, I mean from a scientific point of direction: A Doctor, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Psychologist, Chemist, Agricultural, Criminal Justice, Politics, and an Architect.
These are the immerging field of studies that is lacking in the African American communities. Until we build on our own principles, we will always fall under everyone else’s.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste; therefore, parents please invest in your children’s future.”
Until our souls come together, keep your head up and your hopes higher
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
There is something wicked this way cometh, and I cannot stress that notation enough.
Some actual facts to take into consideration, times are returning to standing on your own, your own ground. Under the new gun laws, it is not unethical to buy a gun with no proper training and no classroom training.
When I applied for my concealed carrying permit, I had to take a test, and then go to a gun range to show that I am equipped to use my weapon and know how to take the structure apart, and then reassembled to be issued a permit.
Now the laws are in favor of more gun violence, more deaths by law enforcement, mainly to the African American Communities, I say that in regard to our constitution right to bear arms somehow gets altered between an unlawful traffic stop and protecting of self.
This administration you voted into office, is only a smoke screen for an agenda that should have taken place sooner if Donald Trump was not elected.
Do you really think the baby formula shortage was a coincidence, no it is part of a bigger conspiracy, you eradicate the roots of a tree and its leaves are bound to fall, during that time frame we all turned our back on the case of Dolby versus Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which was argued in 2021 and decided in favor on June 24, 2022 as saying the Constitution of United States does not confer any right to abortion.
That case was the sole culprit to overturn the Roe versus Wade ruling set back on January 22, 1973.
Therefore, the higher courts overturned a women’s fourteen amendment and that is a right to privacy’ which ultimately once protected a pregnant woman’s rights to an abortion. Giving states the advantage to say what is deemed ethical or unethical when it pertains to the free will of a woman’s body.
In the same right pushing vaccines on infants and children, the last leg of implementing a New World Order.
It is ironic you can now go into a gas station, and no one is serving, everything is by computerized.
To get a better summary of a diabolical plight
Covid vaccine with several variants, loss of life; jobs, recreational pleasure, and exiled of families.
Restrict traveling, most have a Covid passport per say or show you were vaccinated at least with one shot
Involving our nation in someone else’s war, by send billions of dollars to repair which has been destroyed.
Escalated gas prices-blamed on oil supply and demand from Russia
Baby Formula Shortage (Panic and Chaos)
Women Tampon Shortage
Thousands of cows suddenly died, blamed on heat
Chicken and Turkeys dying-blamed on Bird Flu
No carry permit or gun training for private citizens (Marshall Law).
Roe-v-Wade overturned (Strip away the freedom to choose for women).
Everything within the government confinement has an interior motive. It’s how this country operates, we are all so contrived on the Blue and Red political parties, and not taking into account both parties are of the same cloth, meaning it only matters which flag is raised during the time of crisis, chaos, implanting law or ordinances that hurts society, or hinder the growth of success.
In my observation to many incidences are coming into play, such as the death of thousands of cows, stifling the dairy products; beef, milk, ice cream, then as of recent, thousands of chickens have succumbed to the bird flu, there goes your egg supply.
I do hope America does not adopt the same creed as in making altered foods and then serving it to the masses as China has.
This nation and any nation under the WHO (World Health Organization) has been sold and slowly poisoning society with cancer causing foods, dipped in pesticide, most topical emollients are not safe to the skin, for one, deodorants please stay away for that product if it contains ‘aluminum, parabens or artificial fragrances' it is not good, makeup that contains lead, or have been tested on animals is not good to the outer service of the skin.
The concept with the baby formula have never sat right with me. I still ponder how baby formula and the government’s intervention crossed paths.
Abbotts Pharmaceutical is a well known pharmaceutical company, and to stop exporting to stores shelves infant formula due to first a recall and then refusing due to an FDA injunction is preposterous and beyond me.
As an optimistic person of many words and good deeds. There are a few things I label, ‘My Survival Kit for the Future”
1. Bottled Water by the droves (The Flint, Michigan Ordeal, could happen anywhere. You poison the water…you poison the masses).
2. A Water Purifier (I think everyone should have one of these on their faucet as we speak, or better yet, five gallons of spring water with the cooler form a reputable bottled water supply company).
3. Plenty of Seeds (You may have to someday plant for your own food. I am hearing more about Fake Foods, Or Chemical Altered Foods).
4. Start buying Organic/Farm Feed Food (Still make sure you read the labels). I am a vegan, and I am a huge seafood eater, as long as the fish is farm raised-due in part they are usually fed a controlled diet and is very low in mercury.
5. The old Kerosene Heater, Radio, Candles, Box of Wooden Matches Plenty of Batteries and a battery recharger, and A Flashlight (If your stove goes out at least you could warm your household, and cook a great pot of Beans on it, have tested that theory and you can.
6. Several bags of Dry Beans, Flour, Bags of Rice, and Powder Milk.
7. Canned Vegetables (Make sure you rotate and check the expiration dates, monthly).
8. A Family Piggy Bank (If we are to hit a major Recession, the first thing disappears, is your Monetary Funds. (The Federal Reserve could only insure your money to a certain amount).
9. For some of you who could afford it, An Underground Missile Silos (Rumor of Wars in Divers Places, and yes that includes America).
In Matthew 24:6-9, Jesus said: And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places.
10. Gas mask(s) Antibiotics, and Weapons and several rounds of Ammunition (It is better to come prepared then wishing for later).
I hope this concept, will allow your 2022 year to remain to be productive; physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
I did not know it takes so much to become a citizen of another country until I did research to document it in writing. The first thing any American citizen or parent should get for the family unit is a Passport. It is better to have the ability to board any airline and flee your country if the time arises, then getting caught up in it unprepared.
I tell you, the thing for the average American to succeed in life should be taught in high school; how to invest your money wisely, how to play/invest in the stock market, stocks, bonds, CD’s, the art of trading, how to start up a small business, drafting a business plan, the proper way to apply for a mortgage, and how to invest in your retirement plan, 401K plans, and last, how to apply for a Passport. I think these essentials to survive in life should be taught in the 11th and 12th grade under a new class, Economics 101.
Parents I beg you to invest time and energy in your kids. They are our future, and when I mean invest, I mean from a scientific point of direction: A Doctor, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Psychologist, Chemist, Agricultural, Criminal Justice, Politics, and an Architect.
These are the immerging field of studies that is lacking in the African American communities. Until we build on our own principles, we will always fall under everyone else’s.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste; therefore, parents please invest in your children’s future.”
Until our souls come together, keep your head up and your hopes higher
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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