four long minutes
(all napo2022 entries so far)
as ten to one
This con,
Glistening on the April sun
All millstone-above-the-dawn,
Cushioned on a blossoming twig.
This past has not passed
Refuse no joy
Where the spindly
chord withers
Habits expect that..
you are so far away
from the end of your journey
And with no morning word
scarless martins
ascend their pillow
as mute as the house
As mute as a mouse
all Downy
All rising sun
All slander to the white fur,
the milk-jewels
Of a fashion show
Your pale blue dress
A cut-up liner torn from the bottom drawer
pulled apart,
The collar lace stained
eternal as newly thatched lawn.
You shut up shop on a badgered verse
Your palm oil, your fingered hair-triggered line
like glue from the creatures tongue,
its shattered vein, its punctured lung
You slept in a hungry dust bowl
All accumulations
over winter dry linen
Awoke with jellyfish above your mind
and your dress catches
and floats
It swims upon their pool.
Seraphic nuthin’
As your beluga eye,
a single caviar
caresses the shale,
undresses by the breccia
in the stream,
and recovered for air
for dredging,
awful, lawless men
and their funnel nest
hairless ideas
There you would towel their backs
And shake their hands
pickpocketing, cut pursing
feasting through cracks in a performance.
And all the time I saw you looking
I was
cloaked in burrs,
gasping cod English oil,
gagging on some smog too sore for sound
and too limbless starving
to dine with you.
RE post quiet
I bought from the close
A marauding luck
And I am blind to its post
I saw a life go
Held its hand
The room was breath-white
With morning rising
to a last hum and hurl
In fields, an excavation
Hawks are throwing down pennies
Morels of coal,
Lustreless watches,
In the backpack twisted open
Catching whatever was pardoning …
I was never ever rich enough
To walk you home
Answer your questions
slow down
I saw you rip
the gauze from the horizon
And fall and stay and dress-up in doubt
When your legs are crossed
The limeade drips and stings
And runs down your knee
This polaroid blur
As you stand
And shake your skirt
Your 16mm haven
Sharing with white bears
their black-out last snowstorm of the year
Driving in and out,
in blips and bleeps
Always rambling, mooring
On arbor arms
When I last saw your paw print sticky
And jam soaked
Jesus had held his cross
With a bottle
With weeds
black spring
If I ever saw past your roslyn blinking,
yearning under-claw,
Past the soft gargoyles leaning, lurking,
over the holloway
through the church yard
to the park, I would join you
where trefoil in stupor coil
for baby willow herb,
And meadowsweet, Lornica
hoover their languid November slips
And spacious orchids cut their moon-early cloth,
turn down their ankle socks
rearrange the clovers bitter cargo
and sullenly
place opal and wine for the pyramid.
The Rainbow
That harbouring spot,
two hundred lifetimes
renegotiating a contract,
pondering what final lisp
from the breath of
his decaying golden smudge
would witness, validate then end me.
A harmful fluttering wave,
a collapsed lung,
A finger and thumb
caked in mud
pinning my aorta to a blackboard.
Though I imagine
I would sniff every brittle anima gland
of his traumatised touch and pat
on the curlicue’d form of corpus Mundi.
Cracking and frostbitten,
like stick snaps
echoing in the woods.
Keep it - remain pure
With the lapsang dripping from my tongue
Into a coiled measure, a 6 6 sick tumblerful.
I would drown in an image.
As the eyeball is
a coal pit which is a playground
I would await the attendant.
Recording angels surround you
They say that there can never be two absolutes.
Their caryatid wallpaper, an air apparent
With eternal palimpsests,
Scribbles of a child, sartorial
honest and laughing
Then overwritten, scratched- out
All photograph destroyed.
Each manifestation a solid
configuration formed by chance events
The mislaid manuscript concludes…
coats of glass and metal
The bleak taps on the shoulder;
the dusty sill and saw of little reminders
on every noted moment
cull the cold cliff from each desire
without your wet plate hair,
your collodion stare,
without your flower-chain dangling over me
and your sugar breath
laying eggs a millimetre on my neck,
I cannot open the blinds,
unlock the door,
discern a plausible form
under the violence of artificial light.
I throw pales of silver nitrate
over hanging sheets
in hope of your silhouette.
the cleaners chorus
wipe away the steam from your fingertips,
flush the congealing wake from your eyes,
mop up the butcher’s floor…
the lights are flickering.
brighten the corners
learn to breathe out
call your boss
phone in dead
understand all expiry dates
of a poem, a love letter
and if the shiver of its piano
stills brings you to your knees
slip back the shoplifted book,
lift another, hollow it out,
as you would hollow
out your prayers, accidental
or otherwise
and make it as a tin-whistle
with a song like a fox with all its teeth bare.
a nurses salutation
an unrighteous day ahead
carefully trying to walk the right spell
this hollow yellowhammer path,
mute as a tomb
with wood anemones tracing
and their woody lunar yearns
crowbarring my claw toes,
brushing the heel spur,
pinching the hangnails and narwhals,
the porpoise and wren.
silver bunting birds
are alive wondering
how to return in favor
their Asia God and river,
to answer in pitch perfect bluebell hay
a ringing, long soft good morning.
orange ink on pleats
you fell holy onward
over fences
with thunder claps in your ears
I saw the deepening running prints
in drained and monoculture’d fields,
the sunning moon,
a pearl-strained starfish light,
cursing dirty and pregnant clay.
you asked that
I remove my paint speckled glasses
and through a fumidor’d reluctance
you gave a compliment
with a tone so ornery, testy and moored.
and the last time I heard your voice
your dress was so muddy,
you wore boots
a shellac cane,
percival gloves
wide-eyed assurity
you fell again
and stumbled again
and fell
and gods I had to know.
I could hardly spit out
the liquid
that had gathered
in the plaque covered,
honey-glazed cavities
of my wisdom teeth.
though the tongue may have a white coating
hold a hand high and repeat
pop the pill and insist
the strep tongue lie
about my self.
you poetic bore
you poet bore
unknown in a lettuce field,
huddled under paint buckets,
waxpaper, albumen.
I once had culture.
It gratefully slid through my fingers,
the waxed corner
of a screwed-up, piece of paper
from a notebook of cave drawings
I made
two council estate garages.
you said something special
I sleep soullessly,
exhausted imbition and functionless
I wake-up one cigarette dry,
one bible quote damned
one wet dream away
from a smidgeon of confidence.
the stairwell down echoes a catholic hum
some cut lamb dripping
some innocence dominated.
I mop up a breakfast,
wonder if I constantly pray
until I can find the earth,
the earth on a plug.
I have no jewellery, no tattoos,
no hair, no scars, no politics,
no culture, no opinions.
I still have the cut-outs
from the porn mags
I stole from my dad.
I fell unbearably in love
too many times
before I turned 10.
My cup is empty.
I have no cups.
What the seeds will meet
Confiscated and put-away,
a passage of time
reserved for a later date.
And eloquence, my darling love
you half-step moan lightly,
a parchment rising belly,
a flat pressed stamen sigh
from an anemone cup.
It lifts and …
loss of faith interruption.
Fermenting void poloroid,
destroyed, implored and should
the fever beans spill onto your lap,
my arrested head collapsed.
A black-tape soul
deafening overdose.
you are a cinematographer
see me through
without presumptions.
a scent of
the stream with its path alongside,
it curls through into another
and along the edge of a field to where
it leads to the damn,
named the Third damn.
Two swans foggy in a net curtain
and three cygnets, grey in duff down,
circle and glide and graciously
draw the windows of the sky down.
I place
my tent, cloister and flask
my camera and want
and tea in monochrome,
and hope in patience for
an unknowable inkling or urge.
A scythe that could hollow me
so the outer could stuff the inner.
I take twenty-five photographs in all,
twenty-five breaths.
Twenty-five delicate other thoughts.
heavenly cavaties
the last time
I sat waiting there,
accidentally catholic,
absent mindedly indoors,
so inside,
that the pallbearers
would write goodbye notes
on every upturn of a lisping fuck,
I noticed seventeen
moles in parade,
in plum ostrich,
in shoes and collars
and ties loose,
dig hungrier and deeper
for one morsel more.
for one thing lacking more
for one unstable golden filling more.
and on my knees,
the topsoil is turned and ploughed,
the wild shrubs raised,
and piles of excavated soil
slip back into the lake.
eys’r glycerin
as it all pans wide,
mirroring lunatic starlight,
the land sleeps
lightly on the arboretum
the slight of hand
to brush the focus lake and pale,
to single out the lightness of pneuma
neatly under-exposed,
study the form,
the speckle underlying the process
and print / press on paper.
i am bound to a collage
of tenuous glue
and linen thread
wrapping the surface
of the drama of spectacles
in a ram’s tail
of velour drone
and venusian fur.
drawing room
laying at low tide
my jawbone under your sugar lip
no expression should grow back again
and to think you can just stop studying
touching your shirt
the ink stains and bleached-out spider webs
no pins or needles in your fingers
they are how your hands tangle
with the daylight movement
and the curtain’s sun
closing the door
when it was dark you came
never drawing a murmur
hushed a sweet child
to peace and was gone
A dove the Fly
She swallows the kingcup
if not all at once
then morsel-by-morsel
by each birth
of a waterfall,
and each dawn of a shiver
in quieting rapture.
The course of the moment
resembling falling,
falling suspended
like a feather in a memory
or the soft gong of
buddha-child tripping
The lameness and halting
of recognising the genius
of a finished flower by its pallor.
I swallow the fly
and the sun is capsizing,
To taste the yoke
of each wing
the subtle virgule
of each leg,
the scripture on her abdomen.
the zari spun
the april soma
a foals belly,
laboratory rats
frequently ask
their knowledge out
of here.
a bloody soil on my boots, my hands
with a slap of sticky tape
over my eyes
only now I wonder
what is acceptable.
They, they they,
blot out the sun
they turn one face away
over their mono-cultured field
and it’s inheretance.
A chosen one is sustainable.
Is it worth so much when I taste it.
i catch a silver thread
spun through the beluga
to the forest floor
screaming, get out of the water,
get out of the woods.
ascension in,
funeral cloth out
i wonder when the air apparent
and its needle fingernails
finally washes me
as acid leaching,
that it would pin-pick each cell
down to its naked bone,
to its tinder
then dress me,
coat me heavy with a tie and links,
around the neck and wrist,
along the voice and choicelessness.
with a slack leather for my pudgy form
and my clueless posture
every millimetre, microscopic
particle screaming
for its other
of which the phantasm gazes
and repeats and repeats.
one sins and be’s the other.
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
the sound of the key in the lock
twisted to the chill
and I wanted to steer
and return to the highlands
all the fault-lines and fissures,
the hegemony of this inheritance.
It had stuck on my veins
this airy evidence,
a lead feather floating in a memory
and I postulate its existence now
every mini-skirted,
sexy milisecond
the hands around my neck,
the crease, the expansions,
the mass swelling of a child’s world view
and still the dumb rubber
of believing
that you were sent to me, honey
solstice bows
you are able to conjure
from under your skin
the trees sycamore name and spread
in the fields of a burnt umbering recital,
and the bramble paths between
too original
for cowardly flakes to take.
and from over the porch,
your voice swings and sings
with an unction seeping
into the greenfinch sleeping,
for the robin’s weeping
and a blackbird’s keeping.
the sad sneer in your face,
watery and baggy eyes,
always a silent word slips out
your throats
are thirty years and thirty centuries
old, with your hair
swathed around
chestnutting around butter,
wild barley in the air.
re-entering church
There was a sound,
a stroking hymnal wave
like a hand that would paw the skin
for malicious knots,
for burrs or mud.
It was a mothering,
cosseting sound
that one could hum
to a dirty child,
to clear the corners of the mouth
and scrub behind the ears
untie the grass stains
whiling over the knees.
And this gently admonishing
reverb would echo
in the chancels
of our streets.
As a boy I tried to kill another boy
with a knife.
And behind
the collar I wore
and the lamb stew that I ate,
and the hare I was told to strangle,
and the shaking
and the reverance
and the lead-heavy dreams;
the gaggle of church bells
entreating in their lay.
on palms
in sense,
seen wondering
about our bodies.
in poor posture,
just the ground
on which we lay
and the desert
in which we walk.
in crowds
you swear there is nobody present,
we kept the postcards,
the views
of a deserted island.
in the cul-de-sac,
you do not like leaving,
I could not do the same again today.
The self-defence,
the self-defence will
punch me in the face.
in small white lies,
in hand-me-down,
off-white bed sheets,
the instagrams of dirty, dirty laundry
lustrating in baptismal waters.
vacant neighbourhoods
I lift cement,
I slowly slow
the salesman
from the porch
aquí las autoridades
están alerta
the origins
of sucking the airgun
from birds
my mind is a tin foil paste
of lemonade and bacteria
I am constantly under prepared
y mis sueños
son hermosos
pero improbables
the senile graduation gowns
the choral flutes and sutures,
invest in the futures,
we are a growing human species,
speciously plausible
but underused.
Adventures in the steelworks
I wait in dark, dusty rooms
overlooking furnaces,
life has no form here
and a tepid fester in the air.
A buzz parades the passage
Dank windows, yellow and haunted
with mantel dust, ancient and grey
Litter decorates the lids on the furnaces below
thrown from these windows.
I sit on a table, my head
leaning against one of the windows,
watching the cranes unload the soakers
with glittering orange billets,
The room rumbles with every movement
and I silently pile the dust on the ledge
into small mounds.
I rub my finger hard into the wood
attempting to create a small clean area
no matter, the dust stubbornly remains
grey-green, grey-blue, grey-yellow.
Two saucepans sit beside me on the table
each half-filled with dirty, grubby water.
The saucepans themselves were rusty, dead,
surreal and belonging to ghosts.
Behind me a two ring stove,
brown and feeble.
I am in a ghosts kitchen playing
with the ashes of a dead cook,
overlooking rotten teabags
decaying on the rooms
of fiery hell.
One of the workers enters,
greets me with an ‘arrate pal?’
He opens, then flings something
out of the window
He walks towards me on the table,
I excuse myself and watch him
pick up one of the saucepans.
In his hand is a tin of something.
I spit and walk out of the room.
flat out
on an island,
a feather bed of autumn leaves.
The choir of encircling bluebells
are nodding, I am old unlocking...
upholstered cloisters
with their chintz
hanging a gothic chime.
My eyes are goose-lips,
a random patchwork,
mistaken for
sutures on a face.
There lay no depth of culture
within our antiphony
Both our shallow roots
vulnerable to jack boots,
piss rash and cliche.
Our angry kitsch,
(a finger loosens my shirt)
asks for a frenzy,
for a soft collar
and leash to drag us apart.
as ten to one
This con,
Glistening on the April sun
All millstone-above-the-dawn,
Cushioned on a blossoming twig.
This past has not passed
Refuse no joy
Where the spindly
chord withers
Habits expect that..
you are so far away
from the end of your journey
And with no morning word
scarless martins
ascend their pillow
as mute as the house
As mute as a mouse
all Downy
All rising sun
All slander to the white fur,
the milk-jewels
Of a fashion show
Your pale blue dress
A cut-up liner torn from the bottom drawer
pulled apart,
The collar lace stained
eternal as newly thatched lawn.
You shut up shop on a badgered verse
Your palm oil, your fingered hair-triggered line
like glue from the creatures tongue,
its shattered vein, its punctured lung
You slept in a hungry dust bowl
All accumulations
over winter dry linen
Awoke with jellyfish above your mind
and your dress catches
and floats
It swims upon their pool.
Seraphic nuthin’
As your beluga eye,
a single caviar
caresses the shale,
undresses by the breccia
in the stream,
and recovered for air
for dredging,
awful, lawless men
and their funnel nest
hairless ideas
There you would towel their backs
And shake their hands
pickpocketing, cut pursing
feasting through cracks in a performance.
And all the time I saw you looking
I was
cloaked in burrs,
gasping cod English oil,
gagging on some smog too sore for sound
and too limbless starving
to dine with you.
RE post quiet
I bought from the close
A marauding luck
And I am blind to its post
I saw a life go
Held its hand
The room was breath-white
With morning rising
to a last hum and hurl
In fields, an excavation
Hawks are throwing down pennies
Morels of coal,
Lustreless watches,
In the backpack twisted open
Catching whatever was pardoning …
I was never ever rich enough
To walk you home
Answer your questions
slow down
I saw you rip
the gauze from the horizon
And fall and stay and dress-up in doubt
When your legs are crossed
The limeade drips and stings
And runs down your knee
This polaroid blur
As you stand
And shake your skirt
Your 16mm haven
Sharing with white bears
their black-out last snowstorm of the year
Driving in and out,
in blips and bleeps
Always rambling, mooring
On arbor arms
When I last saw your paw print sticky
And jam soaked
Jesus had held his cross
With a bottle
With weeds
black spring
If I ever saw past your roslyn blinking,
yearning under-claw,
Past the soft gargoyles leaning, lurking,
over the holloway
through the church yard
to the park, I would join you
where trefoil in stupor coil
for baby willow herb,
And meadowsweet, Lornica
hoover their languid November slips
And spacious orchids cut their moon-early cloth,
turn down their ankle socks
rearrange the clovers bitter cargo
and sullenly
place opal and wine for the pyramid.
The Rainbow
That harbouring spot,
two hundred lifetimes
renegotiating a contract,
pondering what final lisp
from the breath of
his decaying golden smudge
would witness, validate then end me.
A harmful fluttering wave,
a collapsed lung,
A finger and thumb
caked in mud
pinning my aorta to a blackboard.
Though I imagine
I would sniff every brittle anima gland
of his traumatised touch and pat
on the curlicue’d form of corpus Mundi.
Cracking and frostbitten,
like stick snaps
echoing in the woods.
Keep it - remain pure
With the lapsang dripping from my tongue
Into a coiled measure, a 6 6 sick tumblerful.
I would drown in an image.
As the eyeball is
a coal pit which is a playground
I would await the attendant.
Recording angels surround you
They say that there can never be two absolutes.
Their caryatid wallpaper, an air apparent
With eternal palimpsests,
Scribbles of a child, sartorial
honest and laughing
Then overwritten, scratched- out
All photograph destroyed.
Each manifestation a solid
configuration formed by chance events
The mislaid manuscript concludes…
coats of glass and metal
The bleak taps on the shoulder;
the dusty sill and saw of little reminders
on every noted moment
cull the cold cliff from each desire
without your wet plate hair,
your collodion stare,
without your flower-chain dangling over me
and your sugar breath
laying eggs a millimetre on my neck,
I cannot open the blinds,
unlock the door,
discern a plausible form
under the violence of artificial light.
I throw pales of silver nitrate
over hanging sheets
in hope of your silhouette.
the cleaners chorus
wipe away the steam from your fingertips,
flush the congealing wake from your eyes,
mop up the butcher’s floor…
the lights are flickering.
brighten the corners
learn to breathe out
call your boss
phone in dead
understand all expiry dates
of a poem, a love letter
and if the shiver of its piano
stills brings you to your knees
slip back the shoplifted book,
lift another, hollow it out,
as you would hollow
out your prayers, accidental
or otherwise
and make it as a tin-whistle
with a song like a fox with all its teeth bare.
a nurses salutation
an unrighteous day ahead
carefully trying to walk the right spell
this hollow yellowhammer path,
mute as a tomb
with wood anemones tracing
and their woody lunar yearns
crowbarring my claw toes,
brushing the heel spur,
pinching the hangnails and narwhals,
the porpoise and wren.
silver bunting birds
are alive wondering
how to return in favor
their Asia God and river,
to answer in pitch perfect bluebell hay
a ringing, long soft good morning.
orange ink on pleats
you fell holy onward
over fences
with thunder claps in your ears
I saw the deepening running prints
in drained and monoculture’d fields,
the sunning moon,
a pearl-strained starfish light,
cursing dirty and pregnant clay.
you asked that
I remove my paint speckled glasses
and through a fumidor’d reluctance
you gave a compliment
with a tone so ornery, testy and moored.
and the last time I heard your voice
your dress was so muddy,
you wore boots
a shellac cane,
percival gloves
wide-eyed assurity
you fell again
and stumbled again
and fell
and gods I had to know.
I could hardly spit out
the liquid
that had gathered
in the plaque covered,
honey-glazed cavities
of my wisdom teeth.
though the tongue may have a white coating
hold a hand high and repeat
pop the pill and insist
the strep tongue lie
about my self.
you poetic bore
you poet bore
unknown in a lettuce field,
huddled under paint buckets,
waxpaper, albumen.
I once had culture.
It gratefully slid through my fingers,
the waxed corner
of a screwed-up, piece of paper
from a notebook of cave drawings
I made
two council estate garages.
you said something special
I sleep soullessly,
exhausted imbition and functionless
I wake-up one cigarette dry,
one bible quote damned
one wet dream away
from a smidgeon of confidence.
the stairwell down echoes a catholic hum
some cut lamb dripping
some innocence dominated.
I mop up a breakfast,
wonder if I constantly pray
until I can find the earth,
the earth on a plug.
I have no jewellery, no tattoos,
no hair, no scars, no politics,
no culture, no opinions.
I still have the cut-outs
from the porn mags
I stole from my dad.
I fell unbearably in love
too many times
before I turned 10.
My cup is empty.
I have no cups.
What the seeds will meet
Confiscated and put-away,
a passage of time
reserved for a later date.
And eloquence, my darling love
you half-step moan lightly,
a parchment rising belly,
a flat pressed stamen sigh
from an anemone cup.
It lifts and …
loss of faith interruption.
Fermenting void poloroid,
destroyed, implored and should
the fever beans spill onto your lap,
my arrested head collapsed.
A black-tape soul
deafening overdose.
you are a cinematographer
see me through
without presumptions.
a scent of
the stream with its path alongside,
it curls through into another
and along the edge of a field to where
it leads to the damn,
named the Third damn.
Two swans foggy in a net curtain
and three cygnets, grey in duff down,
circle and glide and graciously
draw the windows of the sky down.
I place
my tent, cloister and flask
my camera and want
and tea in monochrome,
and hope in patience for
an unknowable inkling or urge.
A scythe that could hollow me
so the outer could stuff the inner.
I take twenty-five photographs in all,
twenty-five breaths.
Twenty-five delicate other thoughts.
heavenly cavaties
the last time
I sat waiting there,
accidentally catholic,
absent mindedly indoors,
so inside,
that the pallbearers
would write goodbye notes
on every upturn of a lisping fuck,
I noticed seventeen
moles in parade,
in plum ostrich,
in shoes and collars
and ties loose,
dig hungrier and deeper
for one morsel more.
for one thing lacking more
for one unstable golden filling more.
and on my knees,
the topsoil is turned and ploughed,
the wild shrubs raised,
and piles of excavated soil
slip back into the lake.
eys’r glycerin
as it all pans wide,
mirroring lunatic starlight,
the land sleeps
lightly on the arboretum
the slight of hand
to brush the focus lake and pale,
to single out the lightness of pneuma
neatly under-exposed,
study the form,
the speckle underlying the process
and print / press on paper.
i am bound to a collage
of tenuous glue
and linen thread
wrapping the surface
of the drama of spectacles
in a ram’s tail
of velour drone
and venusian fur.
drawing room
laying at low tide
my jawbone under your sugar lip
no expression should grow back again
and to think you can just stop studying
touching your shirt
the ink stains and bleached-out spider webs
no pins or needles in your fingers
they are how your hands tangle
with the daylight movement
and the curtain’s sun
closing the door
when it was dark you came
never drawing a murmur
hushed a sweet child
to peace and was gone
A dove the Fly
She swallows the kingcup
if not all at once
then morsel-by-morsel
by each birth
of a waterfall,
and each dawn of a shiver
in quieting rapture.
The course of the moment
resembling falling,
falling suspended
like a feather in a memory
or the soft gong of
buddha-child tripping
The lameness and halting
of recognising the genius
of a finished flower by its pallor.
I swallow the fly
and the sun is capsizing,
To taste the yoke
of each wing
the subtle virgule
of each leg,
the scripture on her abdomen.
the zari spun
the april soma
a foals belly,
laboratory rats
frequently ask
their knowledge out
of here.
a bloody soil on my boots, my hands
with a slap of sticky tape
over my eyes
only now I wonder
what is acceptable.
They, they they,
blot out the sun
they turn one face away
over their mono-cultured field
and it’s inheretance.
A chosen one is sustainable.
Is it worth so much when I taste it.
i catch a silver thread
spun through the beluga
to the forest floor
screaming, get out of the water,
get out of the woods.
ascension in,
funeral cloth out
i wonder when the air apparent
and its needle fingernails
finally washes me
as acid leaching,
that it would pin-pick each cell
down to its naked bone,
to its tinder
then dress me,
coat me heavy with a tie and links,
around the neck and wrist,
along the voice and choicelessness.
with a slack leather for my pudgy form
and my clueless posture
every millimetre, microscopic
particle screaming
for its other
of which the phantasm gazes
and repeats and repeats.
one sins and be’s the other.
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
the sound of the key in the lock
twisted to the chill
and I wanted to steer
and return to the highlands
all the fault-lines and fissures,
the hegemony of this inheritance.
It had stuck on my veins
this airy evidence,
a lead feather floating in a memory
and I postulate its existence now
every mini-skirted,
sexy milisecond
the hands around my neck,
the crease, the expansions,
the mass swelling of a child’s world view
and still the dumb rubber
of believing
that you were sent to me, honey
solstice bows
you are able to conjure
from under your skin
the trees sycamore name and spread
in the fields of a burnt umbering recital,
and the bramble paths between
too original
for cowardly flakes to take.
and from over the porch,
your voice swings and sings
with an unction seeping
into the greenfinch sleeping,
for the robin’s weeping
and a blackbird’s keeping.
the sad sneer in your face,
watery and baggy eyes,
always a silent word slips out
your throats
are thirty years and thirty centuries
old, with your hair
swathed around
chestnutting around butter,
wild barley in the air.
re-entering church
There was a sound,
a stroking hymnal wave
like a hand that would paw the skin
for malicious knots,
for burrs or mud.
It was a mothering,
cosseting sound
that one could hum
to a dirty child,
to clear the corners of the mouth
and scrub behind the ears
untie the grass stains
whiling over the knees.
And this gently admonishing
reverb would echo
in the chancels
of our streets.
As a boy I tried to kill another boy
with a knife.
And behind
the collar I wore
and the lamb stew that I ate,
and the hare I was told to strangle,
and the shaking
and the reverance
and the lead-heavy dreams;
the gaggle of church bells
entreating in their lay.
on palms
in sense,
seen wondering
about our bodies.
in poor posture,
just the ground
on which we lay
and the desert
in which we walk.
in crowds
you swear there is nobody present,
we kept the postcards,
the views
of a deserted island.
in the cul-de-sac,
you do not like leaving,
I could not do the same again today.
The self-defence,
the self-defence will
punch me in the face.
in small white lies,
in hand-me-down,
off-white bed sheets,
the instagrams of dirty, dirty laundry
lustrating in baptismal waters.
vacant neighbourhoods
I lift cement,
I slowly slow
the salesman
from the porch
aquí las autoridades
están alerta
the origins
of sucking the airgun
from birds
my mind is a tin foil paste
of lemonade and bacteria
I am constantly under prepared
y mis sueños
son hermosos
pero improbables
the senile graduation gowns
the choral flutes and sutures,
invest in the futures,
we are a growing human species,
speciously plausible
but underused.
Adventures in the steelworks
I wait in dark, dusty rooms
overlooking furnaces,
life has no form here
and a tepid fester in the air.
A buzz parades the passage
Dank windows, yellow and haunted
with mantel dust, ancient and grey
Litter decorates the lids on the furnaces below
thrown from these windows.
I sit on a table, my head
leaning against one of the windows,
watching the cranes unload the soakers
with glittering orange billets,
The room rumbles with every movement
and I silently pile the dust on the ledge
into small mounds.
I rub my finger hard into the wood
attempting to create a small clean area
no matter, the dust stubbornly remains
grey-green, grey-blue, grey-yellow.
Two saucepans sit beside me on the table
each half-filled with dirty, grubby water.
The saucepans themselves were rusty, dead,
surreal and belonging to ghosts.
Behind me a two ring stove,
brown and feeble.
I am in a ghosts kitchen playing
with the ashes of a dead cook,
overlooking rotten teabags
decaying on the rooms
of fiery hell.
One of the workers enters,
greets me with an ‘arrate pal?’
He opens, then flings something
out of the window
He walks towards me on the table,
I excuse myself and watch him
pick up one of the saucepans.
In his hand is a tin of something.
I spit and walk out of the room.
flat out
on an island,
a feather bed of autumn leaves.
The choir of encircling bluebells
are nodding, I am old unlocking...
upholstered cloisters
with their chintz
hanging a gothic chime.
My eyes are goose-lips,
a random patchwork,
mistaken for
sutures on a face.
There lay no depth of culture
within our antiphony
Both our shallow roots
vulnerable to jack boots,
piss rash and cliche.
Our angry kitsch,
(a finger loosens my shirt)
asks for a frenzy,
for a soft collar
and leash to drag us apart.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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