How Was the Show.

Come one, come all.
Let's all gather around.
Peer into my heart,
see the hate to be found.

You defiled my life,
held my world on a string.
You dropped me in spite,
no thoughts of what it could bring.

Boy, you messed up.
This applause is for you!
Watch my love disappear,
while the curtains fall, too.

I've got scars on my arms,
and a break in my heart.
But I'm ultimately happy,
'cause I can pick up the shards.

In the background
music fades and fire's blown.
My love's gone, you're shellshocked.
So tell me, how was the show?
Written by BleedingInferno219 (Kristyn Ashley.)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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