When delusional white supremacy literally goes into overly self-destructive overdrive!
By Stanley Collymore
Keep this shit up and there'll be no
need for Black retaliation as you
white supremacist cunts will
certainly wear yourselves out from
delusional exhaustion. How really
asinine! A clear successful stalker
and an apt social climber clearly
assertively, with mummy's very
specific encouragement and as
well, her quite keen assistance
both with the clear cut aim, of
acquiring a clearly inheritedly
discernibly Windsor husband
which she naturally acquired
breezilly goes off dressed up
to the nines, aptly insultingly
and quite inappropriately to
the rather bemused citizens
of three former, egregiously exploited British colonies to
seek and persuade them to
actually, refrain from those
credibly, serious plans they
had, pertinent to removing
Elizabeth Windsor her own
marital grandmother from
their chosen head of state.
Actions most praiseworthily
lauded by all of you white
sycophantic assholes to
high heavens for what this woman
specifically and essentially also in
the Caribbean is unquestionably
glaringly and too, incongruously
wearing. But discernibly, unlike
Kate Middleton's situation, Eric
Boateng-Taylor: a Black British
quite honest, tax paying bloke
and too, a genuinely business
entrepreneur, legitimately on
his way to work, and crucially
literally doing nothing wrong;
is very arbitrarily insufferably
so even by their noxious low standards asininely stopped
then subsequently detained
by Metropolitan Police, that
handcuffed and afterwards
also basically searched him
thoroughly but found nowt.
However on this victim Eric
Boateng-Taylor coherently
and quite understandably
asking these officers, why
they're evidently, treating
him in the manner which
they're doing; their reply,
even for rather distinctly
intellectually challenged,
Met police wasn't in any
regards, foreign to their
usually inured stupidity
quite laughably really if
it evidently, wasn't that
sick and totally twisted.
For essentially, in clear
view of their regarded
perception that it was
warm; essentially Eric
Boateng Taylor rather
criminally adorn then
In wearing a jacket in
Aryan - Metropolitan
Police held - London
was irrefutably so in
the 'wrong' clothing!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 March 2022.
Author's Remarks:
Perfectly OK for today's representatives of an ongoing hereditary institution that irrefutably profited massively financially and in every other conceivably beneficial and even barbaric fashion from the Transatlantic Slave Trade; and what's more, an institution that successfully lobbied every UK regime to ongoingly exempt it and its extensive, incestuously inbred family from the lawful constraints of the British Race Discrimination Act, essentially enabling themselves from sullying their palatial environs and other lavish dwellings with perceived inferior Blacks and other non-whites, thus maintaining them as exclusively all white entities, to still arrogantly want to lord their endemically instilled as well as their delusionally believed superiority over such people, and most curiously so, within their own countries!
On recognizing that the affected citizens of these former colonies have never received any apologies for what most egregiously happened to themselves and worst still their direct ancestors; nor have any of them received a single penny in reparations, even collectively, for what indisputably they suffered - never mind all the lying and dishonest crap about Britain not owing these former colonies anything, and today's white Brits: whoever the hell they supposedly are, when the vast majority of them aren't even British but are essentially the refugee descendants of those who fled the pogroms of Eastern Europe, Russia, and significantly as well, Europe's holocaust for places like Britain; and for which even though these current assholes weren't born at the time and couldn't in anyway have been affected by Europe's holocaust, still nevertheless profit enormously from German compensations paid ongoingly by people like my German partner and her parents, who weren't born during World War II!
Likewise too my Partner's grandparents who clearly in two cases were mere infants, while the other pair of her grandparents were born after World War II ended; so in the case also of both sets of my Partners grandparents can it realistically be said of them that they were in anyway culpable for what took place across Europe effectively between 1933 to 1945, with the emphasis put on the 6 years before World War II actually ended. And it's exactly the same situation with all of my Partner's and my own joint German friends, as well as every single one of current and past German students! Yet there are essentially, literally millions of you racist white, allegedly British, idiots vitriolically berating every morally and justifiably expressed notion or opinion regarding the payment of slavery reparations to the descendants of enforcedly made Black slaves, the direct consequence of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and as a consequence of which their slave ancestors got no compensation regarding what happened to them, while in marked contrast their white explorers and the European countries they came from, and most notably Britain, profiited massively and is still doing so 400 years later later from the barbaric excesses of these most egregious and barbaric acts of avaricious greed and human exploitation.
A despicable and dehumanizing Trade into wilfully and barbarously made into generally hapless lives as earlier pointed out for 400 years ongoingly; not the SIX years from 1939 to 1945 as occurred in Europe and which you continuously, most exaggeratedly and, of course, discernibly and also religiously eulogized, without a solitary word of dissent amongst any of you. And always solidly so, reinforced by the mantra that you, your offspring and the world in general "should never forget" what happened. But when it comes us Blacks and slavery, it's a wholly different attitude and mantra from you; which literally boils down to this: "Get a life and move on! Forget it! It's in the past; you weren't there, and the world owes you nothing!" Interestingly enough though, Europe's holocaust, and as it impacted on certain people - never mind the rest of them who quite unconscionably should be permanently ignored - must however NEVER be forgotten!
While it's well known, and equally contemporaneously documented, that the white slave owners were massively compensated, on the emancipation of these Black slaves for the loss of their "chattel", an old English word for property, as our Black ancestors were legally and generally regarded as, and by many whites in the 21st Century still are and never as human beings; the actual slave owners future descendants, like David Cameron, his wife Samantha, Benedict Cumberbatch and multiple others are rather ludicrously, and most insultingly to us Blacks, receiving enormous amounts of compensation distinctly and exclusively so for their purported ancestors having had to actually give up their slaves; while additionally like you, because they're Zionist Yids and effectively bogus "Jews" to boot, who would be at a loss to describe what the inside of a synagogue looks like, as in essence they're NOT and never were bona fide Jews: practising, lapsed or otherwise, and are essentially avaricious freeloaders again like yourselves that have expediently and most expeditiously climbed aboard this beneficent German European holocaust compensation payments bandwagon and because of whom they exaggeratedly claim that they are, claims that have no substance whatsoever in reality, proceed to assiduously, fervently and most profusely milk this German holocaust compensation scheme for essentially every Deutsche Mark/Euro that they can get away with! And which continuously cover the last 80 years amounts to several billions in total!
So using your rather sick and twisted argument, which is that you weren't actually born during the ongoing profiteering period of the Transatlantic Trade, so basically didn't have any slaves of your own and significantly cant be held responsible for what too place then, using your selectively employed, skewed, disingenuous and insufferably dishonest assumptions that you asininely think are and moreover should be accepted as rational arguments, while conveniently also putting aside and distancing yourself from the glaringly obvious fact that Britain: the country you live in and sycophantically to your perceived hereditary and monarchically societal betters consider yourself to be a dutiful subject to, benefited massively and directly from slavery during its extensive centuries long existence and still does so along with yourselves in the 21st Century from the irrefutably rather enormous proceeds of slavery itself; correspondingly so - and were I to equally dimwittedly use your puerile assumptions ludicrously being passed of as sound "arguments" that they patently are not, shouldn't my German Partner, her family, our mutual friends, my students and every single German born after 1945 and as well were irrefutably infants when World War II ended, be entitled to use to same bigoted argument as well distinctly in relation to their European holocaust compensation payments?
But thankfully, unlike graspingly avaricious and idiotic pillocks like yourselves the Germans don't behave that way, as they have a strong moral compass and an attendant conscience in terms of their recognition as to what their country along with its Axis allies like Nazi Ukraine did. You, on the other hand, don't have any such moral compass and are wholly incapable of doing so! But assuredly were today's Germans to behave exactly like you do, you moronic assholes would be the first to scream blue murder, while calling all such likeminded Germans everything nasty, that you can think of, under the sun. Which essentially in your thoroughly sick and twisted minds simply means that every German, those in 2022 that are still unborn as well as all future generations of Germans are somehow to be indefinitely held culpable for Europe's holocaust. But you and your verminous lowlife kind that so bogusly call yourselves white Brits, even if rarely you actually are British, as you usually exaggeratedly assert that you are, don't and must never have any such moral obligations; nor similarly so such similarly likeminded and monumental beneficiaries like the Windsors who also like to pretend that they're indigenous white Brits, which self-evidently they're not! While at the same time cowardly but none the less arrogantly eschewing all responsibility for the massive amounts of wealth they inherited from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the distinctively odious treatment of our Black ancestors who enforcedly generated it for them to vaingloriously profit from. A state of affairs collectively that significantly transformed this insignificant and cesspit offshore European island you call Britain into the rather prosperous country which it resultantly became and unquestionably still is!
And although people die wealth, even the stolen variety, can and invariably does profitably prosper! Likewise too, such wealth can and distinctively also is customarily, however much that it's knowingly tainted, readily passed on to ensuing generations. So it actually and very sickeningly, categorically insults the intelligence of decent people and, too, says a lot about your moral turpitude and likewise that of the likes of your perceived divine and societal betters like the Windsors who've all hugely benefited from the noxious proceeds of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, to then asininely pretend you owe nothing whatsoever to the Black descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
Even the benefits you enjoy in Britain weren't in anyway derived through your endeavours, bearing in mind that significant numbers of you and your surfeit of bastard kids exist on the dole and social security generated by institutions and large corporations whose creations were initially and principally brought about wholly on the basis of slavery and its derivative industries. So essentially educate yourself and learn from history, as you quite ironically keep telling us Blacks that we should; and while you essaying to do so, likewise get real; and crucially get yourself a meaningful life!
Meanwhile, with Kate Middleton all dressed up to the nines, most incongruously, rather distinctively and expensively so in the tropics and distinctively having all the clearly gullible, braindead and brownnosing sycophants drooling over this display of wealth to the "natives"; back in the UK however, the Metropolitan Police, exuding their customary racist arrogance, stopped, handcuffed and publicly searched a patently innocent, Black British male entrepreneur, who was doing nothing wrong, untoward or that in anyway on this man's part could be construed or sensibly regarded as illegal or criminal, did this as he was legitimately on his way to work. And why did these police officers submit this man, Eric Boateng Taylor, to this unseemly humiliation when he understandably asked them why they were doing it to him? Well apparently in their sick, twisted, inured racist minds and, too, working for an institutionally racist body like the unquestionably unfit for purpose and corrupt Metropolitan Police force, these officers knew that they could and would get away with what they were vilely doing, despite their egregious actions being contemporaneously filmed both by the victim himself and similarly these police officers own body cams.
These police officers ludicrous and insulting explanation for stopping Eric Boateng Taylor when they found nothing suspicious on his person and he questioned them about their actions? Mindbogglingly Eric Boateng Taylor was told that he was actually wearing the "wrong" clothing. He had a jacket on but the weather was warm!
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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