Sweet time “Brother Licks Little Sister mmmmm ”…

Ever since I went down on her, my little sister Nisha and I had become quite open with each other but an opportunity to further our fun never presented itself. I always envisioned her naked and she probably thought about my cock too but we never really got it on. She got busy with school, I found a job and somehow, our schedules never matched. Hard to believe but we never even touched each other after that for about a couple of months. We never found time alone and mom and dad or somebody else was always there.

Even if we found a short amount of time alone, I didn’t want to pressurize her into doing anything really quick. First, I didn’t know if she would be willing to do it, and then I didn’t want to get caught either. She hadn’t given me any signals and I was kind of getting worried. One day, however, all my worries were quelled.

It was her birthday. We were throwing a little party for her and all her friends and some of our relatives were invited. As Indian girls do, she was planning to dress up for the occasion in a traditional manner. All of her friends were going to wear Indian clothes and get made up in a traditional style. Indian make-up includes Henna tattoos as an essential element.

To understand what happened this day between me and her, it is really important to understand the concept of Henna tattoos.

For those of you not familiar with Henna tattoos, I will explain a bit. Henna tattoos are temporary decorations done on the body with a natural paste made with leaves from a special kind of tree. The designs are usually made on the hands and feet. After the wet paste is applied to the body, it takes about 4 or 5 hours for it to dry and then it peels off by itself, leaving behind beautiful traditional designs on the body. During these 4-5 hours, girls usually either go to sleep or relax somewhere since they don’t want the paste to be moved and the designs to get ruined. If they need to go to the bathroom, they either go and reapply the paste if it was moved, and if they don’t want to take that chance, they just don’t go! They cannot touch anything or wash their hands.

So she and her friends decided to get these tattoos done on their bodies. They all went to their favorite beauty salon and got the paste applied to their hands, arms and feet. Nisha came home around 2 o clock in the afternoon with Henna on her arms. She was getting very agitated since she wasn’t able to use her hands and feet too much and it was afternoon so she couldn’t really go to sleep either. Every time she had to go to the bathroom, she was taking mom with her who would slide down her shalwar (lose Indian pajamas), look the other way while she peed and then helped her put it back on. Needless to say poor Nisha couldn’t defecate while the wet Henna was on her hands. I was getting aroused just by the thought of mom undressing Nisha and seeing her grown daughter naked. Nisha and mom of course did not have any of these thoughts in mind since they were just following a routine.

It was about 4 hours left in the party and the set up was almost complete. It was then, that my luck struck gold!

Mom and dad suddenly realized that they had forgotten to get fresh roses for the party, which they would use to hang on walls and put on the tables, and even shower the birthday girl (my sis Nisha) with rose petals in a traditional Indian manner. They asked me to drive to downtown Boston to get roses but I was busy decorating the walls, and I also had to wait for the catering people to arrive and arrange the food. Mom wanted dad to go buy the roses but she was afraid he would get dry ones and might even pay too much. Without thinking anything, I suggested that they both go and get the roses, while I decorated the house and waited for the food caterers. Nisha obviously couldn’t do anything since she had Henna on her hands and was waiting for it to dry so the prints came out as dark and clear as possible. Mom and dad took my advice and left to get the roses.

Nisha was watching TV in the living room and I was cleaning up and putting the decorations on the walls. As horny as I was being alone in her presence, I knew she had the Henna on her hands and was in no mood to touch anything, let alone make sexual contact! We were just making small talk as she hung around and I was busy doing my stuff, when she suddenly said:

“Bhai I have to use the bathroom”

“Then go use it,” I said without thinking.

“Um.. Hello! I have this mehndi (another name for Henna) on my hands.” She said.

“So?” I pretended as if I didn’t understand.

“If I touch anything, the Henna will move and the design will be ruined,” she explained.

“Nisha then can’t you just wash the Henna off? It’s been so long, the design is dark enough I think.”

“No way bhai. There is still a couple of hours left till I wash it off or it dries by itself.” She said.

“Oh ok, but then how will you go use the bathroom?” I asked matter-of-factly.

“Bhai, can you please help me go?” She dropped the bomb!

I knew she loved it when I had licked her pussy but she hadn’t given me any signals ever since and I was kind of getting worried there would be none of that stuff happening between us again. Was this a signal? Did she want another sexual encounter?

“N… Nisha, you mean… take you to the bathroom and help you inside??” I stuttered.

She started to laugh.

“Tu aur kiya?” (What else, dummy)

“Ohh.. ok”, I was still stammering.

“Yes Bhai, just like Mom. Just come with me, I can’t touch anything, you can raise my qameez (long Indian shirt), lower my shalwar (Indian pajamas), I will pee and then you can help me tie the shalwar back.” She explained.

“Are you sure you are ok with it?” I asked.

“Pagal,” she giggled. “Of course, aap mere bhayya hain!” (You are my loving brother!)

Even thought there were no taboos remaining between us, I wanted to make sure she was OK with it because I didn’t want to appear too horny or desperate.

“Chalo theek hai Nisha”, I said candidly. (OK Nisha, let’s go).

“Thank you Bhai, I love you…” she walked over and gave me a peck on my cheek.

We then started walking towards the bathroom. She was ahead of me and I was staring at her sweet ass. I had seen it naked a month ago and how I had longed to see it again! She started first and tried to clear the air:

“Bhai don’t worry, it is nothing you haven’t seen before.” She referred to our first sexual episode. “Mein jahan se pee karoongi, aap ne uss ko chata bhi tha”. (You licked the spot where I pee from)

This was a demeaning comment, I didn’t know what to say and I was kind of pissed. It wasn’t funny to me.

“Ok ok chalo chalo, jaldi karo.” I said. (hurry up, I don’t have much time. ) I was acting like this was routine and I wasn’t interested. Indian girls like it when the guy plays a little hard to get. Or so I thought at the time.

She laughed and let me open the bathroom door. I turned the light on and lowered the seat for her. She walked in and turned around so she could face me. I was a little hesitant and was staring at her, waiting for her cue. She said:

“Shalwar utaro na Bhai, jaldi se! mujhe karna hai jaldi”. (take my pajamas off quickly brother, I have to really pee!)

“Ok ok Nisha!” Saying this, I lifted her long Indian dress shirt up and put it above her shoulders. Her bra-covered tits were visible now as the hem of her shirt was now all the way up. Her cute little belly button was right there and I was just staring at it. I noticed her breathing had increased. I kept staring at her boobs and the flat stomach when she yelled:

“Aray jaldi karo warna shalwar mein nikal jayega!!!” (Hurry if you don’t want me to pee in my pants!)

I broke my trance, untied her shalwar and let it drop. The lose pajamas just feel to the floor and now her panties were visible. I smelled the smell of heaven again just like I had a couple of months ago. I wanted to see her pussy again!

“Nisha, the panties?”

“Yes bhai, I can’t pee with them on now, can I?” she said sarcastically.

I was still hesitant.

“Mein udhar muun kar luun?” I asked. (should I turn away?)

“UFF! Bhai! Aap ne pehle dekha tha mujhe nanga! Hain na?” She said, frustrated at my timidness. (Geez bro! Didn’t you see me naked before? Did I say anything?)

“No,” I said in a low voice.

“Theek hai jaldi utaro phir,” she urged. (OK then take my panties off already)… “pagal!” (you are crazy), she said.

My breathing had increased and so did hers. I grabbed the top of her black lace panties and started to pull them down slowly. They rolled off her ass but this time, unlike the previous time, the pubic hair didn’t show up at the top. Oh my!!! She had shaved! Why would she shave if she didn’t want her dear brother to lick her again? And why would she wear these sexy black lace panties if she didn’t want her dear bhayya (bro) to take her right there? Oh yes! These were all signals. She wanted me.

She was totally clean. As I rolled her panties down, I saw the line of her pussy become visible. It was wet and swollen red. She was horny! Why wouldn’t she be? She was in the presence of her dear brother who had licked her dry just a few weeks ago and whom she had confessed to that she had the greatest orgasm of her life. The panties were off now and were near her ankles. I was entranced by the clear shot of my sister’s pussy right in front of my eyes. I was literally 6 inches away from this doorway to heaven that I had sucked before. The smell was sweet, and oh so inviting.

She quietly saw the panties roll of and sat down on the toilet seat. I moved my hand around her back so I could lift the back of her long shirt above her shoulders also. Doing so, I brushed her ass. She let out a little sigh, I was staring at her pussy and she was sitting down, this was so hot:

“ok I am gonna pee now”, she declared and out came the stream of yellow pee from her pee hole. I was amazed. The pee slowly came out but she was done in only about 10-15 seconds. She didn’t have to pee too much!!! This was all a set up. And I knew it all along.

“Buss Nisha?” I asked. (that’s it Nisha?)

“Haan to aur kiya. Bhai… mere pyaray bhai… iss ko poonch do na tissue ley ke?” (yes, bro, my dear bro, can you please wipe it off a little bit with some toilet paper)

This was crazy! I was amazed at how horny she was and how dirty she could get. My sister was slowly turning into a young and dirty little whore.

I grabbed a couple of toilet paper pieces and made a thick set. All this while, she had her hands raised above her head since she had the Henna on her hands. She couldn’t touch anything at all.

I took the toilet paper and touched her pussy with it. I made sure it absorbed as much piss as it could. When I felt the other side of my finger get a little wet, I stopped and threw that toilet paper into the bowl. Then I looked up at her.

“bhai abhi bhi geela hai, saaf karo do na please…” (it is still wait, bro please can you wipe it more?)

I knew her pussy was pretty dry but I wasn’t about to say no to this! I grabbed some more toilet paper and touched her pussy again. This time, I didn’t press in to dry it, but I rubbed the toilet paper up and down. She moaned. I could see her pussy was on fire now. It was throbbing up and down and it was very red. But I was in a teasing mood. I stopped.

“bhayya karo na saaf!” she begged. (clean it more!)

“Nisha, it is already dry!” I teased.

“Bhayya! Come on!!! Hai na geelii…dekho “ (bro come on please… it is still wet! Look!)… she was moaning now.

“Geeli hai? Haan dikhao,” (Oh is it wet? Lemme see), I said and hunched over.

I put my hand on the top part of her clit and rubbed it gently. I lifted up her throbbing wet pussy. It was wet with pussy juice and pre-cum. She was still holding her hands raised above her head and moaning loudly. I rubbed the sides of her pussy and probed it all over. It was totally devoid of pee but wet with pre-cum oozing out of her clit in anticipation of sexual activity. Man this was hot!

“Nisha pee tu nahi hai ab lekin phudy geeli hai tumhari,” I said. (Nisha there is no pee but your pussy is still wet).

It was crazy how we were teasing each other with this ridiculous conversation and only delaying the inevitable. But I realized the build up, foreplay and setting the mood are essential parts of sex in Indian culture. It is much more enjoyable that way and the principles of Kama sutra also stress the set up before sex. The man and the woman have to be highly teased and highly sexed up before they cut to the chase and have actual intercourse. I believe this is the reason why impotence rates in India and in the East in general are much low, since they stress the build up so much and sex is considered to be the apex of pleasure, not a means to gain pleasure. An orgasm is holy and cherished and shouldn’t be wasted. Often both partners have most fun this way and no external toys are needed. At least those are my observations and experiences. I may be wrong.

“Bhai pussy geeli hai phir mein panty kaisey pehnuungi?” she asked in an innocent manner. (How can I wear my panties if my pussy is still wet?)

“Aao mein andar jaa ke ponch duun?” (You want to come inside the bedroom, I will dry it there?), I asked.

“Andar kiya karogay?” (What will you do inside?), she asked, puzzled.

“Buss bed pe tum lait jana, takay mein neechay sey achi tarah dekh luun, theek hai?”, I replied. (I will put you on the bed so I can have a better view and clean it properly, ok?).

This conversation was getting silly and I think she was sick of it too, she just wanted her pussy to the quelled of the throbbing agony it was in! So she agreed:

“Ok theek hai, mere haath bhi thuk gaye hain,” she confirmed. (Ok, fine, my arms are tired too, I am sick of holding them up like this because of the Henna!)

She got up and stepped out of the lose shalwar (pajamas). Then she looked at me, as if asking what I was waiting for. I bent over and helped her step out of her panties. As she stood up, her long Indian shirt feel off her shoulders and its hem was now covering her crotch and ass. I could see her sexy legs from where the shirt ended.

“Bhai please yeh qameez utaar do gey? Mein nahi chahti key eh bhi wet ho jaye neechay lag key” (Bro can you pleasetake off my shirt? I don’t want it to get wet if it touches my pussy).

“Sure,” I said and helped her take the shirt off, all the while being careful it didn’t touch her hands so the Henna didn’t get ruined.

She was now standing naked in front of me, with only her bra on and her shaved pussy staring at me, calling my name.

“Chalein?” she asked. (Let’s go?)

“Aao”, I said (Let’s go.)

I put my hands on her shoulders and gently walked her to the bedroom. Her pussy was so wet that it was dripping pre-cum and some pre-cum oozed out and fell on the bathroom floor. I figured I would clean it later.

I was now walking behind her naked ass, with my cock throbbing inside my pants. I was wearing lose jeans and a t-shirt. I helped her lay down on her bed, flat on her back with her hands above her head to protect the Henna.

“Bhai aap kitney achay ho, I love you. Ammi to kuch bhi help nahi karteen, aisey he geela chor deti hain,” she said in a low voice, almost moaning with anticipation. (Bhai I love you, you are so nice! Mom doesn’t help me at all when I have Henna on my hands. After I pee, she doesn’t even dry me and just leaves me like that).

“Nisha I love you too and I wanna do anything to make you happy.” I smiled.

“Bhai dekho zara na kitni geeli huun mein,” she moaned. (Bro look how wet I am! Clean me!)

“Zara tangein kholo, dekhnay do,” I said wickedly. (Spread your legs a little so I can get a better view).

The sister after whom I had lusted after for so many years was now spreading her legs for me open wide and I had a clean view of her doorway to heaven. It smelled fresh and sweet, so lickable and seducible. It was throbbing lusciously, up and down, with her breathing, waiting for me to enter it and give it the ultimate kind of pleasure.

She spread her legs, I came closer to ‘look’ and sank my mouth in to her pussy! I couldn’t wait any longer! Enough was enough!

“Aray Aray Aray! Kiya kar rahay ho bhai?,” (whoa bro what are you doing?) She let out a huge moan which was a mixture of pain and pleasure, her giggling made my cock throb inside my pants.

“Phudy saaf karney do Nisha!” (let me clean your pussy Nisha!) I yelled as I panted and went down again.

I licked and lapped like a dog, my face buried inside her crotch. My tongue was now way inside her hole and I was drinking all her cum that oozed out. I was licking the sides of the pussy, twisting my tongue inside and tasting every single millimeter of it. Her moans were becoming louder and louder. She was practically yelling:

“Ahh! Ooooeeeee, meri ammaaa, haii,” she yelled.

I kept sucking away till her body tensed up. I knew she was close to cumming now. She let out a huge shriek, and came full force into my face. Her pussy hit my nose as she sprayed her juices all over my face.

“Oh God! Bhayya!” she moaned.

“Nisha I love you”

“Aahhhhhhh! Bhai I love you too!!!” she panted.

Her body was still experiencing the after shocks of the orgasm and she was trying to bend her face and lick her bra covered tits. She had Henna on her hands and couldn’t use them at all.

I got out from under her pussy and smiled:

“Maza aya?” (Had fun?)

She smiled too:

“Bhayya aap buhat buray ho! Aise saaf kartey hain? Muun se?” (Bro you are so bad! Is this how you clean up? You lick it off?)

I smiled at her. She was now resting calmly on her back. This time was going to be different. I think she realized it too that I had helped her cum twice and I hadn’t gotten off myself. Did she want to pay me back for the favors I had done to her?

“I love your taste Nisha”, I said seductively, staring at her pussy while she noticed the hard on I had bulging out of my pants. She immediately turned her attention to it.

“Bhai aap ka lun bhi geela hota hai?” (Bro does your dick get wet too?) She asked in her usual innocent manner.

“Haan buhat, dekho!” (Yes, very, look) I said and showed her the wet patch on my crotch.

“Itna ziada?” she laughed shyly. (So much?)

“Haan dekho meri pant geeli kar dee salay nay, itna sukht aur geela hai” I laughed too. (Yeah the bastard made my pants all wet it is so hard and wet!)

“Haan mein bhi buhat geeli thee, shayed issi ko dekh ke!” she smiled wickedly. (Yes, because I was so wet too, that’s why your cock got wet)

“Nisha your pussy is so lickable, I want to eat it all the time.” We were really talking dirty now.

“Yeah you told me it’s delicious”, she giggled and continued, “Bhai aap ka lun buhat sukht ho raha hai, zara dikhao to”. (Bro your cock is so hard, it is about to burst out of your pants, lemme see).

I was waiting for her cue. The build up so far was going just fine, and it was all consensual. Actually, she was kind of leading the way, which was OK by me! I didn’t want to force her into anything she didn’t want.

As of now, I was standing near the foot of the bed while she was spread naked on it except for her bra. As soon as she asked to see my dick, I got closer and started to unzip my pants. I let them fall down, then took off my t-shirt and then went for my boxer shorts which were barely holding my cock in.

Last time I had surprised her with my peeking cock, but this time she didn’t want any surprises. She wanted to hold it, caress it, take care of it herself like her brother had done to her, but she had the Henna on her hands. I stepped out of my boxers and let my cock throb in open air. It was vibrating up and down, as if it was breathing on its own.

Love sucking clit Pussy mm your pussy wet and hot and mm my dick in your pussy hot and ass
Written by CrazyPenisPoet
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