And on top of that, it's "PICK YOUR SIDE!" ...and by doing so you pick your enemies and your friends. Short. And. Sweet.
Well, newsflash: MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO! MAYBE I'M PERFECTLY FINE DECIDING PER ISSUE!? Maybe I'm PERFECTLY FINE with being friends/enemies with people on both sides?!
MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, I prefer not to be told what to do!
This fiasco is ripping our country apart!
And there is NO WAY that Trump, Biden or ANYONE IN EITHER of their parties is going to bring us back together! They are nothing but bullies! It starts with SELF! It starts with our neighbors and in our neighborhoods! It starts with rejecting spoon-fed narratives based on stereotypes!
"Unity....or you're selfish and racist" "Unity...or you're not American"
Perhaps there are issues?!
The greatest thing about being American is our freedoms...and yet...