“Frame” ... A Poem written By Big Virge 17/7/2020

Now This Piece of Wordplay’s ...
Gonna Speak On ... FRAMES ...

But Has NOTHING To Do ...
With A ... Snooker Game ... !!!

Or Where Pictures Are Placed ...
To Make Them Look GREAT ... !!!

The Frames That I Speak Of ...
Go A LONG WAY BEYOND ............
THAT Kind of Stuff ... !!!!!

Like The Frame of Mind ...
That You Have To Find ...
To Write Great Rhymes ...
Like The Kind That I ...
Now Sit And Write ... !!!

About How ... Frames ...
Can Be What ... SHAPES ...

EXACTLY How It Is ....
That You Choose To Live ...

And Who It Is That You Pick ...
To Have RELATIONS With ... !!!

It’s A Funny Old Thing ...
When You Really THINK ... !!!

Because It’s Just A Word ...

But When It Is OBSERVED ... !!!

Can Prove To DISTURB ...
The CALMEST of Nerves ... !!!

When Frames ENCASE ...
MORE Than Your Brain ... !!!

You See THAT’S A Frame ...
Where Going INSANE ... !!!

ISN’T Far Away ...
From Where You Stay ...
And Choose To Lay ... !!!

It’s A DANGEROUS Place ... !!!

When Being Framed ...
Can ... “LOCK Away” ...
A DERANGED Mind State ... !!!

Or ... Leave You To Face ....
The Type Of Court Case ...
Where Police Accusations ...
Bear ... NO RELATION ...
To What Is ... TRUE ... !?!

EVEN WHEN There Are Clues ...
That Provide CLEAR PROOF ...

That Police Have Played ...
The ... Framing Game ...

To Convict By The Use ...
of FRAUDULENT Moves ... !!!

You See Frames Are DEEP ... !!!

And REALLY Do Reach ...
WAY BEYOND The Beach ... !!!

And Indeed Can Feed ...
........ HUMANITY .......

In Various Ways ...
That AREN’T Always GREAT ...
Like ... BEAUTIFUL Lakes ... !!!

Because Frames EXIST ...
In A LOT of Things ...
From Home To Abroad ...
Frames Create ACCORDS ...
As Well As ... WARS ...

And That’s For SURE ... !!!

They’re A POWERFUL Force ... !!!
That SHOULDN’T Be Ignored ... !!!

As I Said ... BEFORE ...
When It Comes To The Law ...
And Those Who ENFORCE ... !!!

And What About The Frame ...
Where Politicians ROAR ...
In The Commons And Lords ... ?!?

Because I’m Really NOT SURE ...
What They’re Roaring For ... ?!?

Is The Frame That They’re In ...
Really Worth ANYTHING ... !?!

To Those In The Frame ...
of The Modern Slave ...
Who Works EVERYDAY ...
For A Paltry Wage ... ?!?

While These Heads of State ...
Try To Make The Case ...
That Their Policies Frame ...
A Way For Them ...
To Avail MORE PAY ...

When What They Relate ...
RARELY EVER Demonstrates ...

That What They CLAIM ...
In The Things That They Say ...
Are Things In The Frame ...
Or ... REALMS of TRUTH ... !!!

That ... Help To Improve ...
How Society Moves ... !!!!!!!

Because To My Mind ...
What They Frame Are LIES ... !!!

Pretty Much ... ALL THE TIME ... !!!!!

Which I Guess Is WHY ... ?
Within Human Kind ...
SO MANY ... Try ...
To ... Hide Behind ...

The Frame of Deceit ...
And Of Course DENIAL ...

Well My Frame DEFINES ...
An ... HONEST Guy ... !!!

Who NO LONGER Has Time ... !!!

To Join The Frame ...
of Those Who Play Games ...
With OTHER Peoples’ Lives ... !!!

Because They LIKE To Play ...
With ... Peoples’ Brains ...

In Ways That Are ...

It’s Such A SHAME ...
That ... ALL They Do ...

That Prove That They ...
Really Have NO SHAME ...

Which Is Why These Days ...
The Decision I’ve Made ...
Is To Keep These People ...
OUT of My Head Space ... !!!

As Well As The Place ...
That I Have Made ...
That Keeps Me SANE ... !!!

And Now Is The Name ...
of This Poetic Wordplay ...

That Is Simply Called .........

....... “ FRAME “ .......
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
Author's Note
A broader subject, than it, at first appears........
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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