The Maids Adventures chapter 9 part 2
The Maids Adventures chapter 9 part 2
"Shhh, sweetheart, everything's fine, you did wonderfully," he murmured into Bridget's ear as he stroked her back soothingly. He continued to murmur soft words of encouragement in her ear, feeling quite sure that she wasn't truly listening but that his tone and general support would get through to her. Really she'd done wonderfully some men didn't have the presence of mind that she had. It was just another reason he admired her, and dare he even think it? Loving her in his life he'd been with many women, some for pleasure, some to cement his identity with the bandit gang, but never before had any wormed their way into his heart quite like Bridget had. She made him ashamed of the part that he'd played with Patrick and the other men and she also made him want to be a better man.
It might be time to quit his job. Or ask for reassignment. He thought of the papers tucked away inside of his tunic. Once he handed those over, he would be done with this assignment, so it was an ideal time to make a change.
"Are we staying or leaving?" asked Samuel, his voice careless.
"Leaving," said Garrett, glancing at Blaine's still body. "Is he dead?"
Still breathing but he'll be out for a while.
Then we'll leave him with some loot and food, if he wakes he can use it. We won't miss it. Blaine was a terrible tracker so Garrett had no worries that he might be able to find them once they left, especially if they got enough of a head start particularly since he was injured.
Samuel shrugged. I might miss the loot.
I'll pay you enough to make up the difference, said Garrett and my father will probably give you a bonus for saving my life.
The cruel blonde man grinned. Why else do you think I did it?
They looked at each other and Garrett smiled. At one point in his life he might have looked down on Samuel's ethics, but he'd lived too long with the same ones to truly judge him. The man was mercenary through and through, but it seemed that he had his own sense of honor - once bought, he stayed bought. And right now, Garrett's father had done the buying.
Looking down he became aware that Bridget had worked her way out of her sobs and was starting to pay attention to their conversation. Pack up whatever you want to take with you, he told her. We're leaving within the hour.
Where are we going? she asked.
By the time they made camp that night, Bridget was starting to feel slightly more human again. Garrett sat her down by the fire which he hastily made, across from the Princess, and he and Samuel made the camp ready. She shivered convulsively, unable to think of anything but the feel of Patrick's body against hers, shuddering and weakening. A blanket draped over her back and arms and she looked up to see Garrett frowning down at her.
Here, he said, handing her a flask. Drink this.
In a bit of a daze, Bridget brought the flask to her mouth and swallowed the liquid. It burned, surprising her, and she coughed and sputtered. Garrett's dark eyes crinkled as if he wanted to laugh at her and she glared at him before taking another swallow of the alcohol. Although it had been unexpected, this was not the first time that she'd tasted spirits and she welcomed the warmth in her belly, the heat that spread through her limbs, and especially the dampening of her overwhelming emotions.
After she'd taken four long pulls on the flask, Garrett took it away from her. That's enough, he said gently. You can have more after you've eaten something.
She felt a small spurt of anger that he was still ordering her around, but the alcohol was already doing its work through her system, she felt too good to truly be angry. Instead she just watched him move about the fire, cooking and speaking in occasional mutters with Samuel. Once dinner was ready, Garrett brought her some food and she ate, although she insisted that he hand over the flask so that she could take a few more swallows from it.
"Don't make yourself sick," he cautioned, watching her with worried eyes.
"Don't tell me what to do," Bridget muttered and was surprised to see a small smile curve his lips. They were such nice lips really, so soft and talented. Bridget licked her own lips as she stared at Garrett's mouth. Did he know what an incredibly handsome man he was?
The liquor was moving through her veins, making everything seem almost hazy, dream-like, and she found herself enjoying Garrett's warmth beside her. It was so easy, under the influence of the warm fuzziness in her body, to forget that she was angry with him and so she leaned into his side, sighing happily as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.
Come on Princess, she heard Samuel say, his voice cruel and eager. Blinking muzzle she stared across the fire, where the two people-shapes seemed to blur and multiply as they moved towards the tent. They were going to have sex.
Heat spread from her belly down to her core, kindling sweet need between her legs as Garrett's fingers stroked her side.
Watching Samuel take the Princess off to the tent, he wondered if he should try to stop them... but that would just lead to another fight and he was pretty sure it was a fight he would lose. Besides, in many ways Samuel would be easier on the Princess than Patrick had been, and Garrett had already seen for himself that the Princess like roughness and pain with her pleasure. It eased his conscience somewhat, a conscience that hadn't bothered him in far too long before the woman beside him had come into his life.
Even now, obviously drunk, he found her incredibly admirable. She'd ridden all day without complaint and had even had the fortitude and spirit to stand up to him when he'd given her his flask. After the shock of killing a man - he was quite sure that it was her first - he figured that she'd need as little anesthetic to help her get to sleep. Although he hadn't expected her to drink perhaps quite so much, but he didn't want to deny it to her if she needed it. Not after today.
Stroking her side softly, he wondered how on earth he was going to explain himself to her, what excuse he could make to her that she would find reasonable, justifiable, for the way that she had been treated. Even rescuing her from the situation didn't seem like quite enough. And he was sure that it would be enough to convince her to go with him. But he wanted her to. He'd never met another woman like her, and already knowing her had turned him into a better man - or at least started him back on the road towards the good man that he'd used to be.
Somehow all his priorities had changed over the time that he'd come to know her, from the desire to serve his father, king and country, to wanting to settle down on his own piece of land, to take advantage of the promise his father had made him. Of course, he'd meant to take that land eventually anyway, but he'd thought he'd had a few more years left in his current business at least one or two more, assignments although none of them would have been quite as personal as this one.
Garrett, murmured the beauty at his side, breaking through his thoughts, and he looked down into her big doe-eyes, glimmering in the campfire light. Kiss me.
She was definitely drunk... but what could it hurt? And her berry-ripe lips were far too irresistible as she flicked her little pink tongue out at him. Besides, he took it as a good sign that she still wanted his kiss.
Lowering his head he met her lips gently, intending to give her a brief kiss, but her hands came up to his neck and pulled him against her hard, her tongue thrusting into his mouth in the most wanton manner and Garrett groaned as his body responded. She kissed him with an intensity and fervor that she had never displayed before, taking control of his mouth and sucking his tongue into hers. It was a passionate, heady kiss, and it took every ounce of willpower he possessed to break it off, his cock rock hard and pressing against the inside of his breeches.
But Bridget was drunk. More than drunk, she'd killed a man today and he'd died practically on top of her. That kind of adrenaline and near death experience was often followed by a need for love making, Garrett was feeling it himself, but he didn't want her like this. Tomorrow she would wake... and what if she regretted their joining? He didn't want her filled with regret or shame when he asked her to come with him, because then of course she would say no. So he pulled away, leaving her panting and breathless and himself aching with need for her.
Come on little maid, he said brusquely, standing quickly it’s time for bed.
The slow seductive smile that she gave him as she wobbled to her feet didn't leave him any doubt that she was done trying to get what her body was craving in its inebriated and confused state, but he hoped that once he got her to the tent she would lie down and fall asleep. Ushering her to the tent not being used by Samuel and the Princess, doing his best to ignore the moans and squeals coming from the other tent, Garrett ducked in behind her just as she began taking off her clothes.
"Bridget, stop, lie down sweetheart," Garrett said, gripping her wrist.
Irritated, Bridget pulled away from him. She wanted her clothes off. Too hot.
With a sigh Garrett helped her disrobe as she giggled dizzily, her head spinning. Her pussy was damp with arousal, her body pulsing now that he was so close and she was naked, her nipples hard and ready for his mouth and fingers. Stumbling forward, she pressed her naked body against his, wanting to feel the heat and warmth of him, the life and vitality. It helped to press away the memory of Patrick's dying flesh, replacing it with living man. Pressing her lips to his, she tried to thrust her tongue into his mouth, wanting him to blot out the memories, but he pulled away and Bridget made an aggravated noise.
Sweetheart, lie down, you don't want to do this.
Don't tell me what I do and don't want, she said, anger flashing in her eyes. She went for him again and as he tried to pull away they got tangled up in each other.
Garrett twisted as they fell, arranging it so that Bridget landed on top of him, knocking his breath out a bit as she giggled and wriggled around, rubbing her body against his. Ooooo... you can't pretend you don't want this. Rubbing her mound against the large bulge at the front of his breeches, Bridget pressed her lips to his again. She could feel the shuddering sigh that went through him as they kissed. Being on top gave her a sense of power, even more so than the last time she'd been on top of him because she could feel his resistance and the way it wavered as she squirmed and kissed.
Heat and need shivered up her spine as she felt him trying to lift her off of him. Angry, she allowed him to push her upwards, and then she shimmied up his body, pressing her shins down over his biceps so that he was trapped. Of course she knew that he could push her off if he really wanted to, but she was going to do her best not to let him. With her pussy splayed open over his face, Bridget reached down and grabbed his hair, pushing his mouth into her wetness.
To be continued
"Shhh, sweetheart, everything's fine, you did wonderfully," he murmured into Bridget's ear as he stroked her back soothingly. He continued to murmur soft words of encouragement in her ear, feeling quite sure that she wasn't truly listening but that his tone and general support would get through to her. Really she'd done wonderfully some men didn't have the presence of mind that she had. It was just another reason he admired her, and dare he even think it? Loving her in his life he'd been with many women, some for pleasure, some to cement his identity with the bandit gang, but never before had any wormed their way into his heart quite like Bridget had. She made him ashamed of the part that he'd played with Patrick and the other men and she also made him want to be a better man.
It might be time to quit his job. Or ask for reassignment. He thought of the papers tucked away inside of his tunic. Once he handed those over, he would be done with this assignment, so it was an ideal time to make a change.
"Are we staying or leaving?" asked Samuel, his voice careless.
"Leaving," said Garrett, glancing at Blaine's still body. "Is he dead?"
Still breathing but he'll be out for a while.
Then we'll leave him with some loot and food, if he wakes he can use it. We won't miss it. Blaine was a terrible tracker so Garrett had no worries that he might be able to find them once they left, especially if they got enough of a head start particularly since he was injured.
Samuel shrugged. I might miss the loot.
I'll pay you enough to make up the difference, said Garrett and my father will probably give you a bonus for saving my life.
The cruel blonde man grinned. Why else do you think I did it?
They looked at each other and Garrett smiled. At one point in his life he might have looked down on Samuel's ethics, but he'd lived too long with the same ones to truly judge him. The man was mercenary through and through, but it seemed that he had his own sense of honor - once bought, he stayed bought. And right now, Garrett's father had done the buying.
Looking down he became aware that Bridget had worked her way out of her sobs and was starting to pay attention to their conversation. Pack up whatever you want to take with you, he told her. We're leaving within the hour.
Where are we going? she asked.
By the time they made camp that night, Bridget was starting to feel slightly more human again. Garrett sat her down by the fire which he hastily made, across from the Princess, and he and Samuel made the camp ready. She shivered convulsively, unable to think of anything but the feel of Patrick's body against hers, shuddering and weakening. A blanket draped over her back and arms and she looked up to see Garrett frowning down at her.
Here, he said, handing her a flask. Drink this.
In a bit of a daze, Bridget brought the flask to her mouth and swallowed the liquid. It burned, surprising her, and she coughed and sputtered. Garrett's dark eyes crinkled as if he wanted to laugh at her and she glared at him before taking another swallow of the alcohol. Although it had been unexpected, this was not the first time that she'd tasted spirits and she welcomed the warmth in her belly, the heat that spread through her limbs, and especially the dampening of her overwhelming emotions.
After she'd taken four long pulls on the flask, Garrett took it away from her. That's enough, he said gently. You can have more after you've eaten something.
She felt a small spurt of anger that he was still ordering her around, but the alcohol was already doing its work through her system, she felt too good to truly be angry. Instead she just watched him move about the fire, cooking and speaking in occasional mutters with Samuel. Once dinner was ready, Garrett brought her some food and she ate, although she insisted that he hand over the flask so that she could take a few more swallows from it.
"Don't make yourself sick," he cautioned, watching her with worried eyes.
"Don't tell me what to do," Bridget muttered and was surprised to see a small smile curve his lips. They were such nice lips really, so soft and talented. Bridget licked her own lips as she stared at Garrett's mouth. Did he know what an incredibly handsome man he was?
The liquor was moving through her veins, making everything seem almost hazy, dream-like, and she found herself enjoying Garrett's warmth beside her. It was so easy, under the influence of the warm fuzziness in her body, to forget that she was angry with him and so she leaned into his side, sighing happily as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.
Come on Princess, she heard Samuel say, his voice cruel and eager. Blinking muzzle she stared across the fire, where the two people-shapes seemed to blur and multiply as they moved towards the tent. They were going to have sex.
Heat spread from her belly down to her core, kindling sweet need between her legs as Garrett's fingers stroked her side.
Watching Samuel take the Princess off to the tent, he wondered if he should try to stop them... but that would just lead to another fight and he was pretty sure it was a fight he would lose. Besides, in many ways Samuel would be easier on the Princess than Patrick had been, and Garrett had already seen for himself that the Princess like roughness and pain with her pleasure. It eased his conscience somewhat, a conscience that hadn't bothered him in far too long before the woman beside him had come into his life.
Even now, obviously drunk, he found her incredibly admirable. She'd ridden all day without complaint and had even had the fortitude and spirit to stand up to him when he'd given her his flask. After the shock of killing a man - he was quite sure that it was her first - he figured that she'd need as little anesthetic to help her get to sleep. Although he hadn't expected her to drink perhaps quite so much, but he didn't want to deny it to her if she needed it. Not after today.
Stroking her side softly, he wondered how on earth he was going to explain himself to her, what excuse he could make to her that she would find reasonable, justifiable, for the way that she had been treated. Even rescuing her from the situation didn't seem like quite enough. And he was sure that it would be enough to convince her to go with him. But he wanted her to. He'd never met another woman like her, and already knowing her had turned him into a better man - or at least started him back on the road towards the good man that he'd used to be.
Somehow all his priorities had changed over the time that he'd come to know her, from the desire to serve his father, king and country, to wanting to settle down on his own piece of land, to take advantage of the promise his father had made him. Of course, he'd meant to take that land eventually anyway, but he'd thought he'd had a few more years left in his current business at least one or two more, assignments although none of them would have been quite as personal as this one.
Garrett, murmured the beauty at his side, breaking through his thoughts, and he looked down into her big doe-eyes, glimmering in the campfire light. Kiss me.
She was definitely drunk... but what could it hurt? And her berry-ripe lips were far too irresistible as she flicked her little pink tongue out at him. Besides, he took it as a good sign that she still wanted his kiss.
Lowering his head he met her lips gently, intending to give her a brief kiss, but her hands came up to his neck and pulled him against her hard, her tongue thrusting into his mouth in the most wanton manner and Garrett groaned as his body responded. She kissed him with an intensity and fervor that she had never displayed before, taking control of his mouth and sucking his tongue into hers. It was a passionate, heady kiss, and it took every ounce of willpower he possessed to break it off, his cock rock hard and pressing against the inside of his breeches.
But Bridget was drunk. More than drunk, she'd killed a man today and he'd died practically on top of her. That kind of adrenaline and near death experience was often followed by a need for love making, Garrett was feeling it himself, but he didn't want her like this. Tomorrow she would wake... and what if she regretted their joining? He didn't want her filled with regret or shame when he asked her to come with him, because then of course she would say no. So he pulled away, leaving her panting and breathless and himself aching with need for her.
Come on little maid, he said brusquely, standing quickly it’s time for bed.
The slow seductive smile that she gave him as she wobbled to her feet didn't leave him any doubt that she was done trying to get what her body was craving in its inebriated and confused state, but he hoped that once he got her to the tent she would lie down and fall asleep. Ushering her to the tent not being used by Samuel and the Princess, doing his best to ignore the moans and squeals coming from the other tent, Garrett ducked in behind her just as she began taking off her clothes.
"Bridget, stop, lie down sweetheart," Garrett said, gripping her wrist.
Irritated, Bridget pulled away from him. She wanted her clothes off. Too hot.
With a sigh Garrett helped her disrobe as she giggled dizzily, her head spinning. Her pussy was damp with arousal, her body pulsing now that he was so close and she was naked, her nipples hard and ready for his mouth and fingers. Stumbling forward, she pressed her naked body against his, wanting to feel the heat and warmth of him, the life and vitality. It helped to press away the memory of Patrick's dying flesh, replacing it with living man. Pressing her lips to his, she tried to thrust her tongue into his mouth, wanting him to blot out the memories, but he pulled away and Bridget made an aggravated noise.
Sweetheart, lie down, you don't want to do this.
Don't tell me what I do and don't want, she said, anger flashing in her eyes. She went for him again and as he tried to pull away they got tangled up in each other.
Garrett twisted as they fell, arranging it so that Bridget landed on top of him, knocking his breath out a bit as she giggled and wriggled around, rubbing her body against his. Ooooo... you can't pretend you don't want this. Rubbing her mound against the large bulge at the front of his breeches, Bridget pressed her lips to his again. She could feel the shuddering sigh that went through him as they kissed. Being on top gave her a sense of power, even more so than the last time she'd been on top of him because she could feel his resistance and the way it wavered as she squirmed and kissed.
Heat and need shivered up her spine as she felt him trying to lift her off of him. Angry, she allowed him to push her upwards, and then she shimmied up his body, pressing her shins down over his biceps so that he was trapped. Of course she knew that he could push her off if he really wanted to, but she was going to do her best not to let him. With her pussy splayed open over his face, Bridget reached down and grabbed his hair, pushing his mouth into her wetness.
To be continued
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