Becoming a mother

It's been a tough day.
It's been a rough couple of months.
How I carried you while ignoring all the stress.
Dodging humans like a quest.

A vow to protect you.
A vow to care for you.
A vow to love you.
A vow to birth you.

Its been a beautiful day.
Its been a beautiful nine months.
How I carried you with so much love.
Forgiving and learning from humans jests.

Promises I make, for yours, my life I give on a plate.
You take away all other aches, yet I know it simmers... awaiting the day, me and my pain come face to face.

A vow to stay strong.
A vow to rise above.
A vow to be your mother.
A vow to be no other.

Its been uphoric and beautiful, you fill me with ease.
There is so much more to come for us while we make our special memories.
Written by shannonJane (Lost poet - Day dreamer)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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