
Twisting my reality makes me wander for days in a relentless struggle for what I want the most.

Im always taking many paths and to which one is wrong, or right I'm not sure I will ever know.

Sometimes walking in the silence of the dark in my own head gives me peace at times of struggle.

When I sit down I even go into a maze that takes me a long time to unravel.

I have many sides with so many walls however because it's a mechanism to keep my inner works inside like masonry working on his walls, I don't know how they can be taken down.

When I walk again it's like a breath of fresh air until the flood opens again.

My maze is puzzling even to me even if it's made by my choices and personal decisions I'm still trying to find the opening of this very long thing.

You see life can be so overwhelming and because of this these kinds of roads are made.

Some people pick one or the other or maybe even two, but some can't seem to find that one path that seems like the right path.

Sometimes to persevere it takes strength and consistency even if it will take awhile to find another road that leads to home.

Some places in mazes can even close or get blocked off, but even so maybe they were not worth exploring further.

Sometimes I find some secret doors that I haven't been in a long time but why not?

Memories can be so intricately delicate and can at times be hard to tap into because of some blockage that was put there for reasons I'm not even aware  of.

Even so it can be stagnant and hard to trudge through at some times Not wanting to remember.

Also the same way with doors that have roses but with a few thorns.

When I find my way out of the maze, then maybe just maybe things will open up like a blooming tree that always has blooming flowers in the spring.

Written by Inverted_poet29
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