Fuck your self

My wishful feelings on how I wish I could think unfortunately I still love her I know how fucking stupid does that make me?

Go fuck off and go get fucked you low life scum bag slut you should go fuck yourself with an iron bar soaked in turpentine you piece of shit I would not fucking piss on you if your ass was on fire if you died I fucking would not buy you ice let alone if you was alive I would not waste my money and buy you lice I fucking hate you,
You are nothing more than a spiteful fucking cunt, a bitch who loves watching the ones your supposed to be in love with in pain you need to go swallow a whole mouthful of pills and wash it down with a whole fucking mouth full of lighter fluid then light the fucker up for good measure you deserve no less,
If I had one wish and it come true I would wish that the ceiling would fucking fall down around you and you be fucking trapped up in there with no fucking way out and see how that fucking feels then when all hope is lost it just closes in on you just a little fucking tighter now how does that fucking feel great hey but no your just too good for me,
You just fucked me over you fucking left me for dead how could you not see the fucking pain that I was in you said you loved me you even fucking said that you was sorry then you fucked me over again because I let you back in how fucking could you leave me like that the way that you fucking did you fucked him then came home and made love to me how fucking sick is that shit,
The whole fucking time you did not fucking seem to care what it would do to me if I found out maybe you only fucking cared for yourself and never really fucking cared for me let alone someone else you kept me fucking waiting by the phone you knew you were never going to fucking message me you just gave me enough to keep believing in your fucking lies,
Maybe you are just fucking heartless and the only person you really ever cared about was your fucking self the whole fucking time you knew that you was going to dump me why would you fucking do that I came half way around the fucking world to be with you and you fucking let me go ever so easy him or me I fucking thought that would of been so fucking easy well it fucking was for me you are just cold how cold stone fucking cold that's easy to see,
I have a rage that sits in silence waiting for fucking something that will never fucking be you chewed me up and you fucking spat me out if I fucking could I would fucking warn any one against coming anywhere near you and that's not because I'm jealous it's because I don't fucking want someone to go through the same fucking bullshit as me,
You are poison like a fucking snake you slither your way into someone's fucking heart and when you know you've got them then bam you rip it fucking out and leave them all alone to cry then fucking die I have no fucking pity for whatever might come your fucking way I'd call that karma from all the men that you have fucked over and will fuck over on the future enough fucking said.
Written by EpicUtester69 (Just a simple poet)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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