The word “Reflection” as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary means
A. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
B. Something produced by reflecting: such as an image given back by a reflecting surface.
C. A thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation.
D. The production of an image by or as if by a mirror.
E. an often obscure or indirect criticism: reproach a reflection on his character
The law of reflection states that the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface of the mirror all lie in the same plane. Furthermore, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence . Both angles are measured with respect to the normal to the mirror.
The headlines read “ Sister charged with murder after crash off Maui cliff that killed twin.”
Directly below the headline was a news video with witnesses who stated they saw the twin sisters fighting inside the vehicle right before the crash. The first sentence at the bottom of the video and the start of the article continued to elaborate on the headline. “A woman who was driving a vehicle when it plunged off a Maui cliff has been charged with second degree murder in the death of her twin, who was in the passenger’s seat.” She taught her real twin sister was replaced by a clone.
Stories of car crashes whether deliberate or accidental involving twins in this year, thousand and seventeen are finding their way into newsrooms, newspapers and the internet with consistency. Here are some more headlines with the links to the stories below.
Man, 10-year-old girl killed when car is rear ended at Linwood, Glendale in Detroit
Girl’s twin is in critical condition
Rollover car crash kills one 20-year-old twin, critically injures the other
Men are the sons of Arapahoe County judge Anne Ollada
‘They came into this world together and they went out together’: Twin sisters die in car crash
Twin, 16, dies after crash in Shelby Township
The targeted individual scripts are personalized psychological profiles that are gathered after tailored events and circumstances throughout the life of individuals which are meant to destroy their social standings, economic freedoms, health, psychological stability and ultimately their liberty and/or life of those being experimented on.
The twin script is one such that I have had plenty of experience with being that I am one of many who is to be a kind of blueprint if the script succeeds to be used in future psyops (Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals) operations.
To get to the point, the script dealing with me is meticulously rooted in cointel pro, short for Counterintelligence Program. Religious ritual abuse, and a half baked scheme to hide a series of heinous and sinister experiments. These narcissistic personality type individuals of the Central Intelligence Agency have had a long history of infiltrating small religious groups all over the world, taking advantage and subverting those groups. They study the history of a nation, the people, their capacity to be moral and to commit amoral acts. They create strife and ill where there was none. Always plotting to destabilize nations, families, and individuals.
The reflection script is one that as I have been experiencing is about me being assassinated and an attempt is being made to keep me safe by either having plastic surgery to change my look while my supposedly twin brother Nigel, when he was arrested in Spring Valley in Upstate New York was switch with our other twin whom we had no idea even existed to take his place. Nigel nicknamed spider as the legend goes my friend Gary aka Indian told me that it was he who knighted my twin brother with the name. "Yo twin you should seen Nigel climb up the wall like spiderman when the chick he was smashing gave him a batty wash. Yo don mi point me two gun finger inna di air and squeeze off two, Pram Pram. After we left the chicks crib I started calling him Spider for real breddren." who the CIA covertly took out of the United States by way of Canada leaving behind a son behind. A son that I nor anyone in my family knew of. Making his through Alaska ending up secretly in Russia where he was trained in the art of warfare to be one of the best and most efficient assassins the likes of which no one has ever known. While on assignments in the jungles of Thailand, Cambodia, and India, Nigel had to go from being heterosexual to bisexual in order to get with the in crowd of the high society folks and had since become that way living the best of both worlds. Talk about a Jason Bourne, Jackal, Lady Gaga, Atomic Blonde, Ethan Hunt kind of weapon. Now and for some time there is a plot on my life and the real Nigel, the one who left at the age of seventeen without being seen by no one in the public has returned to America and he is to take my place becoming Neil and adopt his son. I’m pretty sure his son would be a grown ass man who wouldn’t need to be adopted at all.
As for me, I would have to be turned bisexual to help him as he becomes me without arising any suspicions. After the life style transformation and the switch of which I would be shot in the side of the face during a robbery attempt (the area below the cheek and above the jaw as to not damage an major flesh tissue. I would lose some teeth but that can easily be replaced with false ones) with a twenty two hand gun and after the surgery a new identity is to be given and I am to be sent off somewhere in the United Kingdom with two hundred million dollars in cash to live a nice cozy life surrounded by CIA type body guards for the rest of my life. Just in case I get the crazy notion to return and exact revenge on all those whom had done me all kinds of wrong. For this I must be mind controlled, tracked, my privacy violated and sterilized to avoid any attachments to any children I might have to leave behind. The consequence which I am being made to be aware of since the events of my life, having been tortured, my dna altered and infected with some form of cancer are premeditated. If I do not comply by agreeing to terms of the cia/nazi I will not receive treatment for the cancer and they will set me up to be locked away in prison by planting drugs (Marijuana). I have not even touch on the religious aspect of this kind of abuse in this story because I do not want to overwhelm the readers with all the different aspect of the scripts. I prefer to write them separately for ease of understanding. I will save that for another story based on the Catholic Churches wanting to use me as their Oracle/prophet/messenger and Biblical sacrificial Seal/lamb as written about in Revelations about the world at war for the final time. The great war to end all wars. The title of that story will probably be "You Cannot Save The Mankind By Destroying Lives." Make no mistake the world is still at war with the Nazi regime.
The lawyers beat the case against my brother based on a technicality. The detectives that arrested him made a grave error and made every attempt they could to conceal their mistake but it was to no avail. At seven and being a minor, his arrest record was sealed and he was released by the courts. Nigel never mentioned to me that he was leaving or if he did I do not remember. While he was locked up my mom and the rest of my family was scurrying to get bail money together for him to be released. I went to my partner and told him I needed to sell my Technique twelve hundreds to help with getting his bail money. Of course I was not expecting any resistance after all it was my twin brother we were talking about. The words shocked me when I heard it from Tony’s mouth, “your brother knew what he was getting into why should the Sound System have to suffer on the cause of him.” Then he said "I'm just fucking with you," and I began to breathe a sign of relief. I knew the money from the turntables would help greatly after all those Techniques at that time in nineteen eighty eight cost exactly twelve hundred dollars a piece brand new. Mine were considered mint because they were well taken care of and I housed them in protective flight cases.
The previous summer I had worked at Kings County General Hospital through employment gained by the City Of New York Summer Jobs Program for teens sixteen years and older. Primarily High School kids. I bought the turntables from my sister Lisa first husband Nelson Padilla along with a NuMark PPD DM1750RM four channel DJ Cross fader mixer which was once the top of the line mixer and installed in all the major clubs in NYC. However once he came home I took him under my wing and taught him how to DJ. I literally handed him roughly eighty six percent of my pay every time I received a check over the summer months I spent working. Parting with them was not easy but it was a no brainer. I took the turntables and headed home with them. When I arrived home I placed the twelve hundreds down in the hallway next to the door and walked into the living room. There was Nigel sitting on the couch looking directly at me. I was hiding how excited I was to see him and gave him a smile and said good to see you bro. After a few hours of chatting I returned the turntables to the building where we house our dj equipment. The next day I asked him to get dress and we walked a few block over to Troy Avenue and Lincoln Place and told him that I was going to teach him how to dj that way he could earn some money. That way he would not be lured into the dangers of being involved in the flashy lifestyle of doing anything illegal. I felt I was leading him over there not thinking that he already knew how to get to Troy and Lincoln. He stayed silent, listened and started learning how to spin music. It was kind of strange, he had a blank look to him, perhaps the shock of having been in a jail cell for the first time would make allot of teenagers humble in a sense. As for how I felt. I felt disconnected in some way like the twin brother I had known all my life, the twin brother who did not want to leave my side and spent the nights sleeping in a chair at the hospital in Grenada when I had my two surgeries was not the same person who came home from his ordeal.
The funny thing after he came home was that every time I got next to a mirror or a window I find myself looking out of the corner of my right eye as if I was peeping at myself. It was not something I was doing conscious and it was something I could not control doing either. I still do it up to this day and I had no idea why until now. The reflection was looking in. The split personality which the CIA had Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie with help from the Catholic Church attempted to create lingered still. I guess my mental capacity to resist these kind of psychological intrusions was something innate and instead of destroying this reflection they tried to merge this second personality with the always present and dominant me.
The Nazi Infiltration In Hollywood and the American Mainstream Media
A. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
B. Something produced by reflecting: such as an image given back by a reflecting surface.
C. A thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation.
D. The production of an image by or as if by a mirror.
E. an often obscure or indirect criticism: reproach a reflection on his character
The law of reflection states that the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface of the mirror all lie in the same plane. Furthermore, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence . Both angles are measured with respect to the normal to the mirror.
The headlines read “ Sister charged with murder after crash off Maui cliff that killed twin.”
Directly below the headline was a news video with witnesses who stated they saw the twin sisters fighting inside the vehicle right before the crash. The first sentence at the bottom of the video and the start of the article continued to elaborate on the headline. “A woman who was driving a vehicle when it plunged off a Maui cliff has been charged with second degree murder in the death of her twin, who was in the passenger’s seat.” She taught her real twin sister was replaced by a clone.
Stories of car crashes whether deliberate or accidental involving twins in this year, thousand and seventeen are finding their way into newsrooms, newspapers and the internet with consistency. Here are some more headlines with the links to the stories below.
Man, 10-year-old girl killed when car is rear ended at Linwood, Glendale in Detroit
Girl’s twin is in critical condition
Rollover car crash kills one 20-year-old twin, critically injures the other
Men are the sons of Arapahoe County judge Anne Ollada
‘They came into this world together and they went out together’: Twin sisters die in car crash
Twin, 16, dies after crash in Shelby Township
The targeted individual scripts are personalized psychological profiles that are gathered after tailored events and circumstances throughout the life of individuals which are meant to destroy their social standings, economic freedoms, health, psychological stability and ultimately their liberty and/or life of those being experimented on.
The twin script is one such that I have had plenty of experience with being that I am one of many who is to be a kind of blueprint if the script succeeds to be used in future psyops (Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals) operations.
To get to the point, the script dealing with me is meticulously rooted in cointel pro, short for Counterintelligence Program. Religious ritual abuse, and a half baked scheme to hide a series of heinous and sinister experiments. These narcissistic personality type individuals of the Central Intelligence Agency have had a long history of infiltrating small religious groups all over the world, taking advantage and subverting those groups. They study the history of a nation, the people, their capacity to be moral and to commit amoral acts. They create strife and ill where there was none. Always plotting to destabilize nations, families, and individuals.
The reflection script is one that as I have been experiencing is about me being assassinated and an attempt is being made to keep me safe by either having plastic surgery to change my look while my supposedly twin brother Nigel, when he was arrested in Spring Valley in Upstate New York was switch with our other twin whom we had no idea even existed to take his place. Nigel nicknamed spider as the legend goes my friend Gary aka Indian told me that it was he who knighted my twin brother with the name. "Yo twin you should seen Nigel climb up the wall like spiderman when the chick he was smashing gave him a batty wash. Yo don mi point me two gun finger inna di air and squeeze off two, Pram Pram. After we left the chicks crib I started calling him Spider for real breddren." who the CIA covertly took out of the United States by way of Canada leaving behind a son behind. A son that I nor anyone in my family knew of. Making his through Alaska ending up secretly in Russia where he was trained in the art of warfare to be one of the best and most efficient assassins the likes of which no one has ever known. While on assignments in the jungles of Thailand, Cambodia, and India, Nigel had to go from being heterosexual to bisexual in order to get with the in crowd of the high society folks and had since become that way living the best of both worlds. Talk about a Jason Bourne, Jackal, Lady Gaga, Atomic Blonde, Ethan Hunt kind of weapon. Now and for some time there is a plot on my life and the real Nigel, the one who left at the age of seventeen without being seen by no one in the public has returned to America and he is to take my place becoming Neil and adopt his son. I’m pretty sure his son would be a grown ass man who wouldn’t need to be adopted at all.
As for me, I would have to be turned bisexual to help him as he becomes me without arising any suspicions. After the life style transformation and the switch of which I would be shot in the side of the face during a robbery attempt (the area below the cheek and above the jaw as to not damage an major flesh tissue. I would lose some teeth but that can easily be replaced with false ones) with a twenty two hand gun and after the surgery a new identity is to be given and I am to be sent off somewhere in the United Kingdom with two hundred million dollars in cash to live a nice cozy life surrounded by CIA type body guards for the rest of my life. Just in case I get the crazy notion to return and exact revenge on all those whom had done me all kinds of wrong. For this I must be mind controlled, tracked, my privacy violated and sterilized to avoid any attachments to any children I might have to leave behind. The consequence which I am being made to be aware of since the events of my life, having been tortured, my dna altered and infected with some form of cancer are premeditated. If I do not comply by agreeing to terms of the cia/nazi I will not receive treatment for the cancer and they will set me up to be locked away in prison by planting drugs (Marijuana). I have not even touch on the religious aspect of this kind of abuse in this story because I do not want to overwhelm the readers with all the different aspect of the scripts. I prefer to write them separately for ease of understanding. I will save that for another story based on the Catholic Churches wanting to use me as their Oracle/prophet/messenger and Biblical sacrificial Seal/lamb as written about in Revelations about the world at war for the final time. The great war to end all wars. The title of that story will probably be "You Cannot Save The Mankind By Destroying Lives." Make no mistake the world is still at war with the Nazi regime.
The lawyers beat the case against my brother based on a technicality. The detectives that arrested him made a grave error and made every attempt they could to conceal their mistake but it was to no avail. At seven and being a minor, his arrest record was sealed and he was released by the courts. Nigel never mentioned to me that he was leaving or if he did I do not remember. While he was locked up my mom and the rest of my family was scurrying to get bail money together for him to be released. I went to my partner and told him I needed to sell my Technique twelve hundreds to help with getting his bail money. Of course I was not expecting any resistance after all it was my twin brother we were talking about. The words shocked me when I heard it from Tony’s mouth, “your brother knew what he was getting into why should the Sound System have to suffer on the cause of him.” Then he said "I'm just fucking with you," and I began to breathe a sign of relief. I knew the money from the turntables would help greatly after all those Techniques at that time in nineteen eighty eight cost exactly twelve hundred dollars a piece brand new. Mine were considered mint because they were well taken care of and I housed them in protective flight cases.
The previous summer I had worked at Kings County General Hospital through employment gained by the City Of New York Summer Jobs Program for teens sixteen years and older. Primarily High School kids. I bought the turntables from my sister Lisa first husband Nelson Padilla along with a NuMark PPD DM1750RM four channel DJ Cross fader mixer which was once the top of the line mixer and installed in all the major clubs in NYC. However once he came home I took him under my wing and taught him how to DJ. I literally handed him roughly eighty six percent of my pay every time I received a check over the summer months I spent working. Parting with them was not easy but it was a no brainer. I took the turntables and headed home with them. When I arrived home I placed the twelve hundreds down in the hallway next to the door and walked into the living room. There was Nigel sitting on the couch looking directly at me. I was hiding how excited I was to see him and gave him a smile and said good to see you bro. After a few hours of chatting I returned the turntables to the building where we house our dj equipment. The next day I asked him to get dress and we walked a few block over to Troy Avenue and Lincoln Place and told him that I was going to teach him how to dj that way he could earn some money. That way he would not be lured into the dangers of being involved in the flashy lifestyle of doing anything illegal. I felt I was leading him over there not thinking that he already knew how to get to Troy and Lincoln. He stayed silent, listened and started learning how to spin music. It was kind of strange, he had a blank look to him, perhaps the shock of having been in a jail cell for the first time would make allot of teenagers humble in a sense. As for how I felt. I felt disconnected in some way like the twin brother I had known all my life, the twin brother who did not want to leave my side and spent the nights sleeping in a chair at the hospital in Grenada when I had my two surgeries was not the same person who came home from his ordeal.
The funny thing after he came home was that every time I got next to a mirror or a window I find myself looking out of the corner of my right eye as if I was peeping at myself. It was not something I was doing conscious and it was something I could not control doing either. I still do it up to this day and I had no idea why until now. The reflection was looking in. The split personality which the CIA had Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie with help from the Catholic Church attempted to create lingered still. I guess my mental capacity to resist these kind of psychological intrusions was something innate and instead of destroying this reflection they tried to merge this second personality with the always present and dominant me.
The Nazi Infiltration In Hollywood and the American Mainstream Media
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