Twining Can Be Deadly To Your Health
I bet they are telling everyone finding someone like me is like finding a needle 🪡 in a haystack. Hmm Henrietta Lacks 😠 😡
One of the greatest mysteries that human beings has yet to understand and are desperately seeking to unravel is the psychic connection know as telepathy. Many scientific studies have been conducted in the past and many are still ongoing today. Twins and telepathy is one of those mysteries that many people will kill to understand where that connection comes from and how can it be replicated consistently to apply for use in military applications such as silent sound communication between two subjects. The implication and implementation of this kind of technology are quite enormous and sought after by every government looking to shield the transmission of vital and top secret information from being intercepted by enemies of any countries government and the private sector.
“Sisterland” is a 2013 best selling novel by Curtis Sittenfeld which explores this very exciting subject in the form of stories told by twin sisters. British teenager Gemma Houghton was in her home when she suddenly had a feeling that her fraternal twin sister, Leanne was in need of serious assistance. Gemma said she felt this sensation and went to the bathroom to check on her sister whom she found laying unconscious and under water in the bathtub. Leanne who is known to suffer from seizures had apparently experienced an episode, slipped under the water and nearly drowned. Upon finding her sister Gemma pulled her out of the water and immediately dial the medics while administering first aid. Her perceived psychic connection, six sense, and her attentiveness of her feeling, ultimately saved her sister’s life.
Like Gemma I too posses an innate ability to sense things, and it’s not only pertains to my identical twin brother but to other twins as well. Lets talk about twins for a moment. Twins are represented throughout many different animal species but unlike other animals the brains of human beings are highly develop and more complex than those of our animal neighbors on planet earth. Nine banded armadillos are known to almost always give birth to four identical quadruplets. A single egg is fertilized then splits and the two split again. Mapping our brain and understanding how each part work is vital in trying to figure out where consciousness comes from and to figure out consciousness can be shared between individuals, ie. mainly twins, but more specifically, identical twins. Peter and Paul are identical twin brothers born to parents Caroline and Peter Kelbrick living in the United Kingdom. Both brothers were born healthy but at the age of four months Peter was stricken with chickenpox and it had a series of devastating effect on his health causing him to develop cerebral palsy, epilepsy and spastic quadriplegia. Peter has to be fed through a tube which goes straight into his intestine because he cannot ingest anything orally, and is also visually impaired seeing only shadows. His twin brother Paul seems to know what Peter wants and since he cannot speak Paul does all the talking for him. Is this telepathy or just a case of brotherly intuition. One could only surmise that they trust the words of Paul when he says that he understands what his brother wants and need are because he knows by feeling/sensing what is in his brother's mind.
No one knows why the fertilized split into two or three or four or how many thereafter to form identical or monozygotic twins. But, an egg is fertilized, splits and develops into two babies with exactly the same information. Identical twins are of the same sex and tend to have very similar traits such as eye color, hair texture, hair color, height, and weight. To form fraternal or dizygotic twins, two eggs are fertilized by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children. Fraternal twins can be a mixture of different genders or of the same genders but have a different genetic makeup.
I remember when my twin brother and I were little children probably about six years old we would get sick at the same time or one of us would get sick very shortly after. It seem like when one thing happen to either of us it was almost destined to happen to the other. It certainly did not help that our parents and siblings wanted to dress us up alike and always got the exact same haircut, a military styled muff cut in which almost the entire head is shaved low with the exception of a patch of hair forming a slope in the front center of our heads. Our dad use to take us to the barber shop and that was the cut he always chose for us to have. Twins are usually indistinguishable by eye, especially during childhood. My twin and I would answer at the same time whenever either of our names were called, our voices sounded identical, our posture and gestures were the same. We both use to squint our eyes while looking at the television, we even chewed our food in the same manner and we both liked participating in the same activities.
Being an identical twin I understand the fascination other people have when they look at us. It’s pure amazement and mystification. They look at us with eyes that says how could this be that I am looking at the same person twice occupying different areas of the same space and at the same time. It’s astonishing to them. They would approach me and ask “if I pinch or hit you will your twin brother feel it.” I would usually tell them that if you hit me I can guarantee you that you will be the one to feel it. Let us explore this phenomena for a minute. Is this true, is it factual that twins can feel each others pain and suffering. Scientific research has concluded that this is false as it is with the case of twins reading each other’s minds. I believe in science and I have to agree with this conclusion until evidence is gathered to support that this phenomena is true in some instances. Every day we hear of different stories from twins all over the world and maybe there is truth to it but in the scientific world unless it can be repeated and with consistency the claims holds no basis for being factual. However science is not always set in stone and there is room for play. There are thing and occurrences known as anomalies. An Anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. We do not know how to explain how these anomalies happen but they are witnessed by many people who have all come to the same conclusion that a certain event did happen at a particular place and at the same time. An anomaly can happen once or it can happen more than once.
There I was playing soccer with my nephews in the front yard of our home on Saint Jules Street in Saint Georges, the capital of the Caribbean island of Grenada. Our house was old and was called the barracks because it was use for temporary housing by the military a while ago then housing was build closer to the fort and it became abandoned. The house, a wooden ranch style building which contains four small rooms with wooden doors, windows and a roof made of galvanized steel corrugated roof panels was all my mother could afford to purchase, (there is a similar style modern housing unit next to a church on the corner of my current residence. Whenever i walk pass the residences it reminds me of the barracks). She wanted us to have somewhere that had a decent sized yard in which we could play. I come from a large family. My mother had ten children to be exact. Six boys and four girls. My twin brother and I are her last children. She birth us at a very dangerous age to be having children, age forty one.
Prior to living in the barracks she had rented different houses in which we lived. I remember two such houses which was all relatively within close distance to one another. As far back as I can remember about living in the first house was that it was a fun place. We lived on the top floor of a two story brick house on Williamson Road and we had to climb these steep steps to the front door. The yard was big, filled with dirt and had small patches of grass, flowers and a huge mango tree which provided snacks and shade. The dirt yard was also perfect for skipping rope, kicking ball, pitching marbles and playing the game of jacks. When playing marbles we would draw a circle in the dirt and place our marbles inside then take turns pitching trying to hit the marbles out of the circle. Every marble that you hit out of the circle was yours to keep. I had a knack for pitching marbles after my older brother showed me his technique. The marbles are made of colorful glass and there are two sizes, small and big. First you place the marble between your thumb and index finger and form a fist with your thumb placed underneath the marble and inside the index finger. With half the marble sticking out above the fingers one would place the opposite hand on the ground and rest the bottom of the balled fist on top the area between the wrist and knuckles. You can even turn the hand with the marble wedged sideways, raise or lower the open fingers for different height angels and stability. You can either kneel, sit or squat, which ever is more comfortable for you when pitching. You need good eyesight for great aim then you flick the thumb straight forward or slightly up and forward expelling the marble at its target. You can pitch hard or soft depending on how far the target is in order to hit it out of the circle. I loved using the big marbles because if you pitched them hard enough you can literally chip or break the smaller ones in half. When you have learned to achieve such powerful pitching and develop precise aim then you are what they call a master/destroyer. Striking such fear into your opponents heart that they never want to pitch marbles against you.
Jacks was a game played mostly by girls but sometimes if the boys were bored we would indulge ourselves with the girls in a friendly game. In Jacks you need two or more people to play and you had to bounce a little orange ball on the ground. You also had to pick up a jack before the ball hits the ground. there are ten jacks to a set and you had to successfully pick up all the jacks. After every round the number of jacks to be picked up is increased by one while the ball is bounced on the ground and into the air. The barracks did not have a big dirt yard nor did it have a mango tree, but there was sufficient room for us and our three nephews to play. On this day I was playing when I grabbed the top of my head with both hands and began to scream, crying that I had burst my head open. My sister was frightened while desperately trying to remove my hands to see where my head was hurt. "Neil, there is nothing wrong with your head, why are you screaming and crying. I don't see any cut, bump or gash on your head, now stop crying." After I had calm down I remember there was this lady speaking to my sister who had witness my tirade, asking if the twin was okay. Her name was Silvie. We called her one foot Silvie because she had a wooden leg like a pirate in those swashbuckling movies. "Yes, he's okay I don't know what the hell just happened," my sister replied. Ms. Silvie left and withing a few seconds she started screaming for my sister to come to her. My twin brother who I can only guess was sitting on the windowsill slipped and fell, hit his head on a rock and laid unconscious on the ground. "Oh my goodness, Neil has been touched by God himself to feel the pain and suffering of others. I cannot begin to imagine what the conversations were like among the religious people on that island. And especially the nuns at Mother Rose Convent which rested on top of the hill and a few yard away from the Catholic Church. Not very far way was the Anglican church. They were within very close proximity from where we lived. This was my very first twin experience I was able to remember. I suspect there were many more before that but this one in particular was the first I remembered. Grenada has a mixed of Christian sects. There are Catholics (about sixty five percent of the island inhabitants are Catholics), Anglicans (my twin and I were baptized in the Anglican Church and went to Saint Georges Anglican Primary School affectionately called Hindsey, Seventh Day Adventist, Methodist, Baptist and Hindu.
Catholicism is the dominant Christian sect and I can only imagine what kind of evils that went on secretly on the island. Three of my sisters father lived behind Mother Rose Convent. As children we spent allot of time at the convent flying our kites on an elevated platform, playing soccer on the lower pavement, and table tennis in a outdoor room which had a table tennis table inside. The platform was great for flying our kites because we could see down the hill onto Saint Jules Street towards the Caribbean sea and a great part of the town area. Church Street was very visible along with Market Hill, Old Fort and Saint Georges General Hospital. The convent had a very high fence on one side of the grounds where there was a very deep drop over the wall overlooking Terrell Street. Down below was a great big cherry tree and allot of the older guys use to climb down and pick the cherries. there were also several dogs guarding the tree but no one ever stepped foot on the ground as the tree was tall with big thick branches that reached high up almost to the fence which had an opening at the edge. My mom worked as a janitor at night cleaning the Supreme Court House building, the classrooms at Mother Rose Catholic School, which only girls attended and Hindsey which both boys and girls attended. We were very young and our mother would take us with her whenever she could not find a baby sitter. My sister Yvonne was usually away with her boyfriend. As kids we enjoyed those times in which we spent with our mother. We would run around playing hide and go seek, write and scribble on paper with pencils or chalks left overnight by the students. Sometimes we would find books. Some of the books we could read and some were for the advanced students, those we would pretend we could read. I remember those times as being some of the best times of my childhood. But even back then I sensed something strange with me, I felt another presence one that was not inherently me but a stranger trying to occupy my space wanting to look through my eyes, breathe through my nose, listen with my ears, speak through my mouth, wanting to use my arms, legs, fingers and toes, I felt watched. It was a very strange feeling that has always stuck with me. Not knowing what was happening this feeling became part of the norm for me. I guess this is what I though I'm suppose to feel like.
Next we moved to opposite side of the intersection of Saint Jules Street and Williamson Road. The house, white in color was also two stories, made of brick and was built below street level with only the upper story being street level, sat on the top middle of a T formed by the intersecting streets. It was on the top level where we lived that I started experiencing my first memories of illnesses and the strange phenomena of feeling as if someone had began to attempt splitting my personality and mind control sensations.
Many months after the Grenadian revolution of 1979, my mother and sister took my twin brother and I to see Maurice Bishop. My mother had this proud look on her face like she was showing off her prized possessions. After all she had a right to be proud having delivered twins at the age of forty one, this was not an easy task. Imagine all the health risk factors involved and complications that might have occurred during delivery. I was told that Nigel was birth first, and the doctors thought he was still born. He was small in size and they could not get a cry nor any kind of movement out of him. Finally after the doctors did their best work on him he started to become lively. I on the other hand from what my mother and the doctor who delivered us told me, I came out kicking and screaming. I was a big hefty baby and was wild with excitement, ready to make my presence felt. It seemed that great genetics and the phenomenal strength of of woman carried us to a full term and here we were, she survived and we did as well. Bishop was a fair skin man very stocky with a short Afro which was connected to a thick beard. I was nervous because there was this conversation going on inside my head like "man, this is the dude that overthrew my Godmother's father, Sir Eric Gary's regime causing them to flee the island. There was not going to be any more yearly Christmas parties at the Prime Ministers mansion. We would not be spending any time at the mansion to get first dibs on the presents that the children use to race into the room with the Christmas tree to open. I felt wronged, like this was the beginning of the end of my sovereignty. Like I would forever be under the watchful eye of people greater than those on our small island nation. I had no idea what was going to happen from here on but I knew we were in trouble. There were many men, women, and children waiting to meet the new leader of the country, whose slogan "forward ever, backwards never," became the rallying cry of the revolution. Then my sister Yvonne spoke "these are the twins." Maurice responded saying "ah Ms. Jocelyn these are the twins we've heard so much about. Which one is Neil." Before my mom could speak my sister shoved me towards him. "This is Neil and the other one is Nigel." I felt a bit uneasy, a little scared and nervous. He grabbed me underneath my armpits lifted me and sat me on his knee. He gazed at my face placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke, saying, "so this is Neil, this is the one I've heard so much about." My sister followed saying "Yes this is the one."
In some strange way I felt like some one or many other people had taken a vested interest in me and my twin brother after hearing all the tales of telepathic and psychic events that were taken place between us. I thought also of my identical twin cousins Garrett and Garnet, and wondered if they have had the same experience as Nigel and I. Often times when we went to visit them I had a strange feeling as if they were being isolated, maybe it was just my imagination being worrisome. They never seem to have any friends around while we were visiting them, only their older sister Rachel and brother Gavin. They lived a couple of streets behind the market area in a well kept tenement housing unit. You had to pass under an office area which was above the entrance and through a gate. It was dark and dreary, there was this stone sink with a faucet that constantly dripped water. It felt very damn, even on very hot days. The acoustics of the stone exteriors amplified the sound of the water hitting the bottom of the sink. It was kinda eerie and loud, however once you were inside, the place looked lively but dim. Nigel and I loved spending time with them. We would collect caterpillars and place them inside jars with leaves for food, then puncture holes in the covers to allow them to breathe, spin tops and read black and white comic books. Over the course of their transformation we would monitor their progress until they became butterflies.
*(I recently had a conversation with my mother and sister Yvonne about the political players back then. My grandfather (moms dad) was a politician and was friends with Eric Gary (from Aruba), Rupert Bishop (Maurice Bishop's Father, who took the family to live in Aruba for some years before returning home to Grenada). My mom recalled Maurice Bishop, Jacqueline Creft and Bernard Coard all were childhood friends who played in the front yard of the very first house I remember growing up in. It was a huge dirt yard with a great big mango tree always filled with the exotic fruit. I was also told that we had a second Godmother who happened to be Jacqueline. I think I remember meeting her several times but of that I cannot be sure.
Maurice and Jacqueline had a son Vladimir Lenin, who was born on December 4, 1977, and died in 1994 after being stabbed at a nightclub in Toronto. This is a shock to me I as I just learnt about his son's murder. I knew of his daughter Nadia Bishop from his wife who was taken to Jamaica where she lived and attended schooling. She now resides in Oakland California.
I can honestly say as a child, as most children are, we are oblivious to these events around us and when things are happening to us directly because adults use and abuse their stewardship of children to their own favors and gains.
I am sad and happy and that is because I am a human being who is empathic and sympathetic to the tragedies happening to people around the world, especially the country of my birth).
The physic twin thing or maybe not
From as long as I can remember family friends and strangers have approached me from out of the blue and told or asked me things that I wondered what was the reason for those events. It started with my younger sister Hazel whom lived with my father's parents when we were young children. She would follow Nigel and I everywhere and loved being around us. We loved being around her as well. three of our other sisters were much older than us and had migrated to the states with their father. My sisters left before we were five years of age. One day I was bathing underneath an outdoor sink when Hazel approached me. She wanted to show me something. She grabbed me by the right hand and we walked about six minutes down the hilly street until we reached a very small waterfall not very far inward from the side of the road. I was excited because she knew how much I loved waterfalls. I was always asking to go to Annandale, and Concord (which is actually three waterfalls) Royal Mount Carmel, Seven Sisters, Victoria, Marquis and Rosemount falls. As a child I can only remember visiting one, Annandale falls but the older kids and adults would talk about all the others and I would be noisy and ask questions about the other waterfalls. Questions like, how tall and fast the water fell. Also how deep was the water below and would I be able to stand or would I sink if I did not know how to swim. That was the only thing Hazel showed me that had me super excited and I would bathe there every time i went to visit my grandparents no matter the temperature, time of day, sunshine or rain.
One late evening I was standing with one leg on top of my soccer ball when my nephew Aural walked into the front yard, "Neil there is a gap in one of the fence doors that was used for storage at Mother Rose Convent and I heard some older kids talking about how they snuck in and came out with bags of Crix Crakers." Crix crackers are a little bigger than Ritz's and are used as breakfast and tea crackers. I asked Aural to show us, and by us I mean Aural brother Nkem, my other nephew Jim, Nigel and myself. We went up to the convent and he showed us the door with the crease in the gated window part of the door. Aural was the only one that could fit and as kids living in poverty we raided the storage room for about two days in a row. Nigel and I were about seven years old, oral and Jim was about five and Nkem was about three. We were not greedy, we each took a single bag home each both times. The third day Aural said they fixed the opening in the door and that was the end of our Crix's crackers raiding days. I often wondered even at that young of an age how is it that Aural just happened to be around a group of older guys to hear them talk about raiding a storage room filled with crackers. Yet Not one of us other than Aural because he was waif thin and flexible could fit through the very small opening. And how come we did not see any of the older kids when we went. I started to suspect something strange about that, especially since we were about to go up there again when he said the door was repaired. Looking back now I suspect that someone had set this whole situation up and they were watching hoping we would take the bait. Hungry kids will always take food if there is a chance they would not get caught especially when no adults are around. My family was most likely threatened when they were confronted and was told that if they allowed the priest name Father Sam (Josef Mengele alias, which he used whenever he visited Grenada or wherever he traveled in disguised as a member of the Catholic Clergy) to experiment then no legal action would be taken against us. I think someone started listening when I kept talking about just how strange I found that scenario to be.
The clergy has a long standing history of being involved with some of the most heinous crimes against humanity. The American military has the same track record or even worse as they were exposed in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Families are manipulated and coerced into selling or giving up their children as sacrifices in the name of God, or the lame ass excuse of this is for the greater good. Religious families are gullible, ignorant and naive. Many see the priesthood as being trust worthy and blindly follow their lead when in fact they are the complete opposite. They are blinded by their faith and the people that follow are just as blinded. When my twin and I were about sixteen years of age my mother took us to harlem to see a Bishop from the Catholic Archdiocese whom gave a prediction that I would turn out to be a great fit for the American Military. I am not sure what he predicted for Nigel, but I remember the look on my mother's face when we left his office. It was one of a proud woman, whose twin sons were called by God to do his bidding in the world of billions. Somehow these two people were very extra special. One however was more extra special because as a youth he felt the pain of his brother, was able to locate him without trying when he went missing and could dreams things that many thought came into existence. All of these special abilities had to be studied, which obviously meant I had to tortured, mind controlled, traumatized, victimized and later in life attempt to murder and when they failed, criminalize me.
I am no more special than the babies who were senselessly gunned down in the town of Sutherland Texas. The Christian God inability to show himself and prevent these mad men and women from putting their filthy hands on me and out of my psychique proves his non existence. The American military with all their talks of fighting for freedom and justice and America being this shining city on a hill, as they covertly experiment on countless people throughout the world are no different. The illegal and unethical experimentations validate their hypocrisy and the non existence/seriously deficient lack of morality and basic human courtesy within their highest ranks. These words are one of caution from someone who has experience first hand the atrocities committed on my persons.
After my sister Pamela went into the army, she visited us in Grenada along with my other sister Lisa. I believe the year was nineteen seventy seven, the same year when Star Wars A New Hope landed on the big screens throughout the world. We were only six years old then. For some reason their visit stuck in my head. Maybe it was because we went to see Star Wars in our outfits adorned with characters from the movie. This was another happy time in my childhood and I remembered that.
Torture is not just some relic of the past that has been forgotten in the sands of time. It has re'emerged as a tool for the church and states where religion seems to be the driving force behind their policy making to be used to fabricate prophecies and released god's wrath on those deemed ungodly.
300,000 babies stolen from their parents, and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50 year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain.
Philomena author on scandal of Ireland's 60,000 babies 'sold' by nuns to rich American families.
Torture the Little Children? The Catholic Church Says It’s Not Responsible.
At a United Nations hearing, the Catholic Church tries to turn the moral question of whether child abuse is torture into a legal debate about jurisdictions.
Targeted Individual: Twinning Can Be Bad For Your Health
I arrived around six thirty pm Thursday night at St. John Creation center located at 1251 Prospect Place between Troy and Albany Avenue directly across the street from Saint Johns Projects. It was a weekday during the fall of nineteen ninety five and my twin brother Nigel and our workout buddies Dexter and Derrick had agreed to meet at seven pm but i somehow arrived half and hour earlier. I entered the locker room located on the ground floor of the building. The locker is one big square shape with lockers all around and has two rows of lockers also boxed shaped in the middle of the room. I proceeded to walk to the lockers located in front of me and sat on the bench. I opened the locker located in the center of the row, placed my gym bag inside it after removing my gloves and weight lifting belt. Then for some odd reason I took my bag, walked around to the other side and placed my gym bag in the middle locker directly across form the previous locker which I first placed the gym bag in.
I went upstairs into the basketball gymnasium and shot some hoops until the guys arrived. Our workouts were usually grueling. We worked out four days a week for two and a half hours. Mondays we did upper chest, triceps, back and squads. Tuesdays were did shoulders, biceps, hamstrings and calves. Wednesdays were rest day. We repeated Thursdays same as Monday except we worked lower chest instead of upper chest. Fridays were same as Tuesdays. In between sets we worked out on abs while we rotated spotting. One week out of every month we would concentrated on working extra on body area we felt were not developing symmetrically. Also within that week we workout on legs twice, Tuesday and Friday. Everyone would carry a gallon bottle of water and a packet of glucose for added energy. I would drink a protein shake before i left the crib and another serving on my way home from the gym. That was the best way for me to get the gains I needed to grow.
Nigel, Dexter and Derrick arrived around six minutes after seven. The weight lifting gym is located next to the basketball gymnasium which was very convenient because sometimes after working out we would shoot a few bricks to loosen up our tight bulging arms. Our workout went pretty much like it always does, lots of low screaming, shouting, motivating and cheering on. There is such a great camaraderie with people that workout together, the admiration and friendly competition between friends in the gym is truly something special.
After we finished a very intense routine we headed back down into the locker room. Sometimes I would feel as I was being led. I now know that I was being mind controlled. Tired, I proceeded to the very first locker in the middle of the center section and placed the key inside the lock. Nigel walked around to the parallel (opposite side) and placed his key inside what he thought was his lock. I began trying to force my key in the lock and I could hear him doing the same. Dexter and Derrick stood to my right, Nigel's left as we continued struggling, attempting to open the locks. I found this kind of odd that they just stood there looking at us both. I began to feel outside of myself and stood up in unison with Nigel. We both stared at each other and said "This is your locker." We walked around opposite sides of the room and went to the lockers where we had previously sat, placed our keys inside the key holes and I could hear his locker open at the same moment I opened mine. Dexter and Derrick started making the sounds from the television show The Twilight Zone. I kinda shrugged off this occurrence because it felt planted.
Even though back then I had no idea what was really happening to me I have had plenty of past experiences to suspect something was not right. There was no genuine connection with our consciousness. Same feeling when we were seventeen and he came home after being arrested and having to spend a week in jail. I felt as if I was being made to take him over to the Lounge I was regularly djing at. When he came home I felt the same disconnect. I told him I would teach him how to Dj, that way he could earn money without being lured into doing anything illegal again. I would have done that anyway, I did not need anyone to control my actions or place any thoughts in my head (inception movie). As a brother I would have done that regardless.
The very first girl I ever had sex with lived on the block adjacent to me. I was fifteen years old and one month away from my sixteenth birthday. She was fourteen and beautiful, with brown skin, big smokey looking eyes, big ears, curly hair, big ass breast, thick and firm. Our first time was not like we had dreamed it would it be. Her mom (Sharon) found out and she came to my apartment one night screaming for me to hide her, cause her mom was going to kill her. She had told her best friend who in turn told her best friend named Sharon who hated her guts. Sharon lived in the apartment building next to the bestfriend's house, she was older and jealous of her. She squealed to her mom and she got in trouble. The whole situation reminded me of when my sister whose name also just happens to be Sharon came to the apartment one night and hid in a closet to escape the clutches of her abuse boyfriend at the time. All these Sharon's had my head in a spin.
I on the other had told no one, not even my twin brother until after the night she came to the apartment frightened and in tears.
One of the greatest mysteries that human beings has yet to understand and are desperately seeking to unravel is the psychic connection know as telepathy. Many scientific studies have been conducted in the past and many are still ongoing today. Twins and telepathy is one of those mysteries that many people will kill to understand where that connection comes from and how can it be replicated consistently to apply for use in military applications such as silent sound communication between two subjects. The implication and implementation of this kind of technology are quite enormous and sought after by every government looking to shield the transmission of vital and top secret information from being intercepted by enemies of any countries government and the private sector.
“Sisterland” is a 2013 best selling novel by Curtis Sittenfeld which explores this very exciting subject in the form of stories told by twin sisters. British teenager Gemma Houghton was in her home when she suddenly had a feeling that her fraternal twin sister, Leanne was in need of serious assistance. Gemma said she felt this sensation and went to the bathroom to check on her sister whom she found laying unconscious and under water in the bathtub. Leanne who is known to suffer from seizures had apparently experienced an episode, slipped under the water and nearly drowned. Upon finding her sister Gemma pulled her out of the water and immediately dial the medics while administering first aid. Her perceived psychic connection, six sense, and her attentiveness of her feeling, ultimately saved her sister’s life.
Like Gemma I too posses an innate ability to sense things, and it’s not only pertains to my identical twin brother but to other twins as well. Lets talk about twins for a moment. Twins are represented throughout many different animal species but unlike other animals the brains of human beings are highly develop and more complex than those of our animal neighbors on planet earth. Nine banded armadillos are known to almost always give birth to four identical quadruplets. A single egg is fertilized then splits and the two split again. Mapping our brain and understanding how each part work is vital in trying to figure out where consciousness comes from and to figure out consciousness can be shared between individuals, ie. mainly twins, but more specifically, identical twins. Peter and Paul are identical twin brothers born to parents Caroline and Peter Kelbrick living in the United Kingdom. Both brothers were born healthy but at the age of four months Peter was stricken with chickenpox and it had a series of devastating effect on his health causing him to develop cerebral palsy, epilepsy and spastic quadriplegia. Peter has to be fed through a tube which goes straight into his intestine because he cannot ingest anything orally, and is also visually impaired seeing only shadows. His twin brother Paul seems to know what Peter wants and since he cannot speak Paul does all the talking for him. Is this telepathy or just a case of brotherly intuition. One could only surmise that they trust the words of Paul when he says that he understands what his brother wants and need are because he knows by feeling/sensing what is in his brother's mind.
No one knows why the fertilized split into two or three or four or how many thereafter to form identical or monozygotic twins. But, an egg is fertilized, splits and develops into two babies with exactly the same information. Identical twins are of the same sex and tend to have very similar traits such as eye color, hair texture, hair color, height, and weight. To form fraternal or dizygotic twins, two eggs are fertilized by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children. Fraternal twins can be a mixture of different genders or of the same genders but have a different genetic makeup.
I remember when my twin brother and I were little children probably about six years old we would get sick at the same time or one of us would get sick very shortly after. It seem like when one thing happen to either of us it was almost destined to happen to the other. It certainly did not help that our parents and siblings wanted to dress us up alike and always got the exact same haircut, a military styled muff cut in which almost the entire head is shaved low with the exception of a patch of hair forming a slope in the front center of our heads. Our dad use to take us to the barber shop and that was the cut he always chose for us to have. Twins are usually indistinguishable by eye, especially during childhood. My twin and I would answer at the same time whenever either of our names were called, our voices sounded identical, our posture and gestures were the same. We both use to squint our eyes while looking at the television, we even chewed our food in the same manner and we both liked participating in the same activities.
Being an identical twin I understand the fascination other people have when they look at us. It’s pure amazement and mystification. They look at us with eyes that says how could this be that I am looking at the same person twice occupying different areas of the same space and at the same time. It’s astonishing to them. They would approach me and ask “if I pinch or hit you will your twin brother feel it.” I would usually tell them that if you hit me I can guarantee you that you will be the one to feel it. Let us explore this phenomena for a minute. Is this true, is it factual that twins can feel each others pain and suffering. Scientific research has concluded that this is false as it is with the case of twins reading each other’s minds. I believe in science and I have to agree with this conclusion until evidence is gathered to support that this phenomena is true in some instances. Every day we hear of different stories from twins all over the world and maybe there is truth to it but in the scientific world unless it can be repeated and with consistency the claims holds no basis for being factual. However science is not always set in stone and there is room for play. There are thing and occurrences known as anomalies. An Anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. We do not know how to explain how these anomalies happen but they are witnessed by many people who have all come to the same conclusion that a certain event did happen at a particular place and at the same time. An anomaly can happen once or it can happen more than once.
There I was playing soccer with my nephews in the front yard of our home on Saint Jules Street in Saint Georges, the capital of the Caribbean island of Grenada. Our house was old and was called the barracks because it was use for temporary housing by the military a while ago then housing was build closer to the fort and it became abandoned. The house, a wooden ranch style building which contains four small rooms with wooden doors, windows and a roof made of galvanized steel corrugated roof panels was all my mother could afford to purchase, (there is a similar style modern housing unit next to a church on the corner of my current residence. Whenever i walk pass the residences it reminds me of the barracks). She wanted us to have somewhere that had a decent sized yard in which we could play. I come from a large family. My mother had ten children to be exact. Six boys and four girls. My twin brother and I are her last children. She birth us at a very dangerous age to be having children, age forty one.
Prior to living in the barracks she had rented different houses in which we lived. I remember two such houses which was all relatively within close distance to one another. As far back as I can remember about living in the first house was that it was a fun place. We lived on the top floor of a two story brick house on Williamson Road and we had to climb these steep steps to the front door. The yard was big, filled with dirt and had small patches of grass, flowers and a huge mango tree which provided snacks and shade. The dirt yard was also perfect for skipping rope, kicking ball, pitching marbles and playing the game of jacks. When playing marbles we would draw a circle in the dirt and place our marbles inside then take turns pitching trying to hit the marbles out of the circle. Every marble that you hit out of the circle was yours to keep. I had a knack for pitching marbles after my older brother showed me his technique. The marbles are made of colorful glass and there are two sizes, small and big. First you place the marble between your thumb and index finger and form a fist with your thumb placed underneath the marble and inside the index finger. With half the marble sticking out above the fingers one would place the opposite hand on the ground and rest the bottom of the balled fist on top the area between the wrist and knuckles. You can even turn the hand with the marble wedged sideways, raise or lower the open fingers for different height angels and stability. You can either kneel, sit or squat, which ever is more comfortable for you when pitching. You need good eyesight for great aim then you flick the thumb straight forward or slightly up and forward expelling the marble at its target. You can pitch hard or soft depending on how far the target is in order to hit it out of the circle. I loved using the big marbles because if you pitched them hard enough you can literally chip or break the smaller ones in half. When you have learned to achieve such powerful pitching and develop precise aim then you are what they call a master/destroyer. Striking such fear into your opponents heart that they never want to pitch marbles against you.
Jacks was a game played mostly by girls but sometimes if the boys were bored we would indulge ourselves with the girls in a friendly game. In Jacks you need two or more people to play and you had to bounce a little orange ball on the ground. You also had to pick up a jack before the ball hits the ground. there are ten jacks to a set and you had to successfully pick up all the jacks. After every round the number of jacks to be picked up is increased by one while the ball is bounced on the ground and into the air. The barracks did not have a big dirt yard nor did it have a mango tree, but there was sufficient room for us and our three nephews to play. On this day I was playing when I grabbed the top of my head with both hands and began to scream, crying that I had burst my head open. My sister was frightened while desperately trying to remove my hands to see where my head was hurt. "Neil, there is nothing wrong with your head, why are you screaming and crying. I don't see any cut, bump or gash on your head, now stop crying." After I had calm down I remember there was this lady speaking to my sister who had witness my tirade, asking if the twin was okay. Her name was Silvie. We called her one foot Silvie because she had a wooden leg like a pirate in those swashbuckling movies. "Yes, he's okay I don't know what the hell just happened," my sister replied. Ms. Silvie left and withing a few seconds she started screaming for my sister to come to her. My twin brother who I can only guess was sitting on the windowsill slipped and fell, hit his head on a rock and laid unconscious on the ground. "Oh my goodness, Neil has been touched by God himself to feel the pain and suffering of others. I cannot begin to imagine what the conversations were like among the religious people on that island. And especially the nuns at Mother Rose Convent which rested on top of the hill and a few yard away from the Catholic Church. Not very far way was the Anglican church. They were within very close proximity from where we lived. This was my very first twin experience I was able to remember. I suspect there were many more before that but this one in particular was the first I remembered. Grenada has a mixed of Christian sects. There are Catholics (about sixty five percent of the island inhabitants are Catholics), Anglicans (my twin and I were baptized in the Anglican Church and went to Saint Georges Anglican Primary School affectionately called Hindsey, Seventh Day Adventist, Methodist, Baptist and Hindu.
Catholicism is the dominant Christian sect and I can only imagine what kind of evils that went on secretly on the island. Three of my sisters father lived behind Mother Rose Convent. As children we spent allot of time at the convent flying our kites on an elevated platform, playing soccer on the lower pavement, and table tennis in a outdoor room which had a table tennis table inside. The platform was great for flying our kites because we could see down the hill onto Saint Jules Street towards the Caribbean sea and a great part of the town area. Church Street was very visible along with Market Hill, Old Fort and Saint Georges General Hospital. The convent had a very high fence on one side of the grounds where there was a very deep drop over the wall overlooking Terrell Street. Down below was a great big cherry tree and allot of the older guys use to climb down and pick the cherries. there were also several dogs guarding the tree but no one ever stepped foot on the ground as the tree was tall with big thick branches that reached high up almost to the fence which had an opening at the edge. My mom worked as a janitor at night cleaning the Supreme Court House building, the classrooms at Mother Rose Catholic School, which only girls attended and Hindsey which both boys and girls attended. We were very young and our mother would take us with her whenever she could not find a baby sitter. My sister Yvonne was usually away with her boyfriend. As kids we enjoyed those times in which we spent with our mother. We would run around playing hide and go seek, write and scribble on paper with pencils or chalks left overnight by the students. Sometimes we would find books. Some of the books we could read and some were for the advanced students, those we would pretend we could read. I remember those times as being some of the best times of my childhood. But even back then I sensed something strange with me, I felt another presence one that was not inherently me but a stranger trying to occupy my space wanting to look through my eyes, breathe through my nose, listen with my ears, speak through my mouth, wanting to use my arms, legs, fingers and toes, I felt watched. It was a very strange feeling that has always stuck with me. Not knowing what was happening this feeling became part of the norm for me. I guess this is what I though I'm suppose to feel like.
Next we moved to opposite side of the intersection of Saint Jules Street and Williamson Road. The house, white in color was also two stories, made of brick and was built below street level with only the upper story being street level, sat on the top middle of a T formed by the intersecting streets. It was on the top level where we lived that I started experiencing my first memories of illnesses and the strange phenomena of feeling as if someone had began to attempt splitting my personality and mind control sensations.
Many months after the Grenadian revolution of 1979, my mother and sister took my twin brother and I to see Maurice Bishop. My mother had this proud look on her face like she was showing off her prized possessions. After all she had a right to be proud having delivered twins at the age of forty one, this was not an easy task. Imagine all the health risk factors involved and complications that might have occurred during delivery. I was told that Nigel was birth first, and the doctors thought he was still born. He was small in size and they could not get a cry nor any kind of movement out of him. Finally after the doctors did their best work on him he started to become lively. I on the other hand from what my mother and the doctor who delivered us told me, I came out kicking and screaming. I was a big hefty baby and was wild with excitement, ready to make my presence felt. It seemed that great genetics and the phenomenal strength of of woman carried us to a full term and here we were, she survived and we did as well. Bishop was a fair skin man very stocky with a short Afro which was connected to a thick beard. I was nervous because there was this conversation going on inside my head like "man, this is the dude that overthrew my Godmother's father, Sir Eric Gary's regime causing them to flee the island. There was not going to be any more yearly Christmas parties at the Prime Ministers mansion. We would not be spending any time at the mansion to get first dibs on the presents that the children use to race into the room with the Christmas tree to open. I felt wronged, like this was the beginning of the end of my sovereignty. Like I would forever be under the watchful eye of people greater than those on our small island nation. I had no idea what was going to happen from here on but I knew we were in trouble. There were many men, women, and children waiting to meet the new leader of the country, whose slogan "forward ever, backwards never," became the rallying cry of the revolution. Then my sister Yvonne spoke "these are the twins." Maurice responded saying "ah Ms. Jocelyn these are the twins we've heard so much about. Which one is Neil." Before my mom could speak my sister shoved me towards him. "This is Neil and the other one is Nigel." I felt a bit uneasy, a little scared and nervous. He grabbed me underneath my armpits lifted me and sat me on his knee. He gazed at my face placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke, saying, "so this is Neil, this is the one I've heard so much about." My sister followed saying "Yes this is the one."
In some strange way I felt like some one or many other people had taken a vested interest in me and my twin brother after hearing all the tales of telepathic and psychic events that were taken place between us. I thought also of my identical twin cousins Garrett and Garnet, and wondered if they have had the same experience as Nigel and I. Often times when we went to visit them I had a strange feeling as if they were being isolated, maybe it was just my imagination being worrisome. They never seem to have any friends around while we were visiting them, only their older sister Rachel and brother Gavin. They lived a couple of streets behind the market area in a well kept tenement housing unit. You had to pass under an office area which was above the entrance and through a gate. It was dark and dreary, there was this stone sink with a faucet that constantly dripped water. It felt very damn, even on very hot days. The acoustics of the stone exteriors amplified the sound of the water hitting the bottom of the sink. It was kinda eerie and loud, however once you were inside, the place looked lively but dim. Nigel and I loved spending time with them. We would collect caterpillars and place them inside jars with leaves for food, then puncture holes in the covers to allow them to breathe, spin tops and read black and white comic books. Over the course of their transformation we would monitor their progress until they became butterflies.
*(I recently had a conversation with my mother and sister Yvonne about the political players back then. My grandfather (moms dad) was a politician and was friends with Eric Gary (from Aruba), Rupert Bishop (Maurice Bishop's Father, who took the family to live in Aruba for some years before returning home to Grenada). My mom recalled Maurice Bishop, Jacqueline Creft and Bernard Coard all were childhood friends who played in the front yard of the very first house I remember growing up in. It was a huge dirt yard with a great big mango tree always filled with the exotic fruit. I was also told that we had a second Godmother who happened to be Jacqueline. I think I remember meeting her several times but of that I cannot be sure.
Maurice and Jacqueline had a son Vladimir Lenin, who was born on December 4, 1977, and died in 1994 after being stabbed at a nightclub in Toronto. This is a shock to me I as I just learnt about his son's murder. I knew of his daughter Nadia Bishop from his wife who was taken to Jamaica where she lived and attended schooling. She now resides in Oakland California.
I can honestly say as a child, as most children are, we are oblivious to these events around us and when things are happening to us directly because adults use and abuse their stewardship of children to their own favors and gains.
I am sad and happy and that is because I am a human being who is empathic and sympathetic to the tragedies happening to people around the world, especially the country of my birth).
The physic twin thing or maybe not
From as long as I can remember family friends and strangers have approached me from out of the blue and told or asked me things that I wondered what was the reason for those events. It started with my younger sister Hazel whom lived with my father's parents when we were young children. She would follow Nigel and I everywhere and loved being around us. We loved being around her as well. three of our other sisters were much older than us and had migrated to the states with their father. My sisters left before we were five years of age. One day I was bathing underneath an outdoor sink when Hazel approached me. She wanted to show me something. She grabbed me by the right hand and we walked about six minutes down the hilly street until we reached a very small waterfall not very far inward from the side of the road. I was excited because she knew how much I loved waterfalls. I was always asking to go to Annandale, and Concord (which is actually three waterfalls) Royal Mount Carmel, Seven Sisters, Victoria, Marquis and Rosemount falls. As a child I can only remember visiting one, Annandale falls but the older kids and adults would talk about all the others and I would be noisy and ask questions about the other waterfalls. Questions like, how tall and fast the water fell. Also how deep was the water below and would I be able to stand or would I sink if I did not know how to swim. That was the only thing Hazel showed me that had me super excited and I would bathe there every time i went to visit my grandparents no matter the temperature, time of day, sunshine or rain.
One late evening I was standing with one leg on top of my soccer ball when my nephew Aural walked into the front yard, "Neil there is a gap in one of the fence doors that was used for storage at Mother Rose Convent and I heard some older kids talking about how they snuck in and came out with bags of Crix Crakers." Crix crackers are a little bigger than Ritz's and are used as breakfast and tea crackers. I asked Aural to show us, and by us I mean Aural brother Nkem, my other nephew Jim, Nigel and myself. We went up to the convent and he showed us the door with the crease in the gated window part of the door. Aural was the only one that could fit and as kids living in poverty we raided the storage room for about two days in a row. Nigel and I were about seven years old, oral and Jim was about five and Nkem was about three. We were not greedy, we each took a single bag home each both times. The third day Aural said they fixed the opening in the door and that was the end of our Crix's crackers raiding days. I often wondered even at that young of an age how is it that Aural just happened to be around a group of older guys to hear them talk about raiding a storage room filled with crackers. Yet Not one of us other than Aural because he was waif thin and flexible could fit through the very small opening. And how come we did not see any of the older kids when we went. I started to suspect something strange about that, especially since we were about to go up there again when he said the door was repaired. Looking back now I suspect that someone had set this whole situation up and they were watching hoping we would take the bait. Hungry kids will always take food if there is a chance they would not get caught especially when no adults are around. My family was most likely threatened when they were confronted and was told that if they allowed the priest name Father Sam (Josef Mengele alias, which he used whenever he visited Grenada or wherever he traveled in disguised as a member of the Catholic Clergy) to experiment then no legal action would be taken against us. I think someone started listening when I kept talking about just how strange I found that scenario to be.
The clergy has a long standing history of being involved with some of the most heinous crimes against humanity. The American military has the same track record or even worse as they were exposed in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Families are manipulated and coerced into selling or giving up their children as sacrifices in the name of God, or the lame ass excuse of this is for the greater good. Religious families are gullible, ignorant and naive. Many see the priesthood as being trust worthy and blindly follow their lead when in fact they are the complete opposite. They are blinded by their faith and the people that follow are just as blinded. When my twin and I were about sixteen years of age my mother took us to harlem to see a Bishop from the Catholic Archdiocese whom gave a prediction that I would turn out to be a great fit for the American Military. I am not sure what he predicted for Nigel, but I remember the look on my mother's face when we left his office. It was one of a proud woman, whose twin sons were called by God to do his bidding in the world of billions. Somehow these two people were very extra special. One however was more extra special because as a youth he felt the pain of his brother, was able to locate him without trying when he went missing and could dreams things that many thought came into existence. All of these special abilities had to be studied, which obviously meant I had to tortured, mind controlled, traumatized, victimized and later in life attempt to murder and when they failed, criminalize me.
I am no more special than the babies who were senselessly gunned down in the town of Sutherland Texas. The Christian God inability to show himself and prevent these mad men and women from putting their filthy hands on me and out of my psychique proves his non existence. The American military with all their talks of fighting for freedom and justice and America being this shining city on a hill, as they covertly experiment on countless people throughout the world are no different. The illegal and unethical experimentations validate their hypocrisy and the non existence/seriously deficient lack of morality and basic human courtesy within their highest ranks. These words are one of caution from someone who has experience first hand the atrocities committed on my persons.
After my sister Pamela went into the army, she visited us in Grenada along with my other sister Lisa. I believe the year was nineteen seventy seven, the same year when Star Wars A New Hope landed on the big screens throughout the world. We were only six years old then. For some reason their visit stuck in my head. Maybe it was because we went to see Star Wars in our outfits adorned with characters from the movie. This was another happy time in my childhood and I remembered that.
Torture is not just some relic of the past that has been forgotten in the sands of time. It has re'emerged as a tool for the church and states where religion seems to be the driving force behind their policy making to be used to fabricate prophecies and released god's wrath on those deemed ungodly.
300,000 babies stolen from their parents, and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50 year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain.
Philomena author on scandal of Ireland's 60,000 babies 'sold' by nuns to rich American families.
Torture the Little Children? The Catholic Church Says It’s Not Responsible.
At a United Nations hearing, the Catholic Church tries to turn the moral question of whether child abuse is torture into a legal debate about jurisdictions.
Targeted Individual: Twinning Can Be Bad For Your Health
I arrived around six thirty pm Thursday night at St. John Creation center located at 1251 Prospect Place between Troy and Albany Avenue directly across the street from Saint Johns Projects. It was a weekday during the fall of nineteen ninety five and my twin brother Nigel and our workout buddies Dexter and Derrick had agreed to meet at seven pm but i somehow arrived half and hour earlier. I entered the locker room located on the ground floor of the building. The locker is one big square shape with lockers all around and has two rows of lockers also boxed shaped in the middle of the room. I proceeded to walk to the lockers located in front of me and sat on the bench. I opened the locker located in the center of the row, placed my gym bag inside it after removing my gloves and weight lifting belt. Then for some odd reason I took my bag, walked around to the other side and placed my gym bag in the middle locker directly across form the previous locker which I first placed the gym bag in.
I went upstairs into the basketball gymnasium and shot some hoops until the guys arrived. Our workouts were usually grueling. We worked out four days a week for two and a half hours. Mondays we did upper chest, triceps, back and squads. Tuesdays were did shoulders, biceps, hamstrings and calves. Wednesdays were rest day. We repeated Thursdays same as Monday except we worked lower chest instead of upper chest. Fridays were same as Tuesdays. In between sets we worked out on abs while we rotated spotting. One week out of every month we would concentrated on working extra on body area we felt were not developing symmetrically. Also within that week we workout on legs twice, Tuesday and Friday. Everyone would carry a gallon bottle of water and a packet of glucose for added energy. I would drink a protein shake before i left the crib and another serving on my way home from the gym. That was the best way for me to get the gains I needed to grow.
Nigel, Dexter and Derrick arrived around six minutes after seven. The weight lifting gym is located next to the basketball gymnasium which was very convenient because sometimes after working out we would shoot a few bricks to loosen up our tight bulging arms. Our workout went pretty much like it always does, lots of low screaming, shouting, motivating and cheering on. There is such a great camaraderie with people that workout together, the admiration and friendly competition between friends in the gym is truly something special.
After we finished a very intense routine we headed back down into the locker room. Sometimes I would feel as I was being led. I now know that I was being mind controlled. Tired, I proceeded to the very first locker in the middle of the center section and placed the key inside the lock. Nigel walked around to the parallel (opposite side) and placed his key inside what he thought was his lock. I began trying to force my key in the lock and I could hear him doing the same. Dexter and Derrick stood to my right, Nigel's left as we continued struggling, attempting to open the locks. I found this kind of odd that they just stood there looking at us both. I began to feel outside of myself and stood up in unison with Nigel. We both stared at each other and said "This is your locker." We walked around opposite sides of the room and went to the lockers where we had previously sat, placed our keys inside the key holes and I could hear his locker open at the same moment I opened mine. Dexter and Derrick started making the sounds from the television show The Twilight Zone. I kinda shrugged off this occurrence because it felt planted.
Even though back then I had no idea what was really happening to me I have had plenty of past experiences to suspect something was not right. There was no genuine connection with our consciousness. Same feeling when we were seventeen and he came home after being arrested and having to spend a week in jail. I felt as if I was being made to take him over to the Lounge I was regularly djing at. When he came home I felt the same disconnect. I told him I would teach him how to Dj, that way he could earn money without being lured into doing anything illegal again. I would have done that anyway, I did not need anyone to control my actions or place any thoughts in my head (inception movie). As a brother I would have done that regardless.
The very first girl I ever had sex with lived on the block adjacent to me. I was fifteen years old and one month away from my sixteenth birthday. She was fourteen and beautiful, with brown skin, big smokey looking eyes, big ears, curly hair, big ass breast, thick and firm. Our first time was not like we had dreamed it would it be. Her mom (Sharon) found out and she came to my apartment one night screaming for me to hide her, cause her mom was going to kill her. She had told her best friend who in turn told her best friend named Sharon who hated her guts. Sharon lived in the apartment building next to the bestfriend's house, she was older and jealous of her. She squealed to her mom and she got in trouble. The whole situation reminded me of when my sister whose name also just happens to be Sharon came to the apartment one night and hid in a closet to escape the clutches of her abuse boyfriend at the time. All these Sharon's had my head in a spin.
I on the other had told no one, not even my twin brother until after the night she came to the apartment frightened and in tears.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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