More On Why Russia Ended the Cold War

During the Stalinist era, from Stalin's time uptil Gorbachev,    
Who idiot liberals see as a nonStalinist  just because he ended the Cold War which Stalin had started,  
The Kremlin was steadily working to "find the holy grail," in other words,    
gain the ability to destroy all 3 legs of America's  nuclear Triad (our retaliatory arsenal -- deters Russia from attacking).  
They did gain the ability to destroy our bombers -- by building SAMs, surface-to-air missiles.  
They did gain the ability to destroy our ICBMs -- by bringing their submarines within 6 minutes of our ICBM silos in Montana, etc.  
Armed with GPS, missiles fired from Russian subs are now accurate enuff to score direct hits on our ICBM silos.  
So in the late 1980s it was two down, one to go.  
Russian built a nationwide ABM system of anti-missile missiles called ABMs to shoot down warheads released from missiles fired from our subs.  
But we simply had way more subs and warheads than Russia's ABMs could handle !!!  
(Boy, those were the good old days.)  
The Kremlin was at a crossroads.  
Either Russia would have to DOUBLE the size of its ABM system,  
or it could go with plan B,  -- use DISARMAMENT treaties as a weapon.  
Russia could try to get us to do their dirty work for them.  
By getting US to cut back on the number of subs we have -- saving Russia from having to shoot down all the warheads coming from those subs !!  
The only problem was that America wouldn't be stupid enuff to cut way back on our subs while the Cold War was raging.  
The obvious solution to this problem was what??  
END THE COLD WAR!!! And hope for the best.  

I say all that to say this:  
Ending the Cold War would NOT by itself enduce America into agreeing to extreme disarmament treaties.  
Why not? Because skeptics in our government and news media, etc would see thru the "peace" ploy.  
No, in order for the ending of the Cold War to produce the results desired by the Kremlin,  
it would have to be augmented by a whole lot more !!!  
The Kremlin, crafty devil that it is, saw that  as long as Russia owned an empire it looked imperialistic, by definition.  
For that's what an empire is, a country that    
conquers other lands and subjugates people.  
So Russia would have to let go of Eastern Europe. A very big deal.  
But even suffering thru that ordeal would not be enuff to win over the cynics and skeptics.  
For the Soviet Union itself contained captive nations: the three Baltic republics.  
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.  
So the USSR itself would have to go -- to "make it look good," of course.  
The Kremlin could afford to make these concessions, for it could regain all those lands later on -- after America disarmed and got Russia.
Russia could then take over all the lands it had given up -- yes, the crafty Kremlin had it all figured out.  
My point is what??  
Simply that Russia's ending of the Cold War need NOT have been
accompanied by all the rest of the impressive changes that occurred.  

So, WHY WAS IT ???  
The combination of all those events is what is so fishy, so dog gone phony.  
For the West to swallow it all, hook line and  sinker -- that just shows how incredibly gullible we are.  
Again, why couldn't Russia have ended the CW without giving up Eastern Europe, without letting the USSR split up.  
Without Communism falling in Russia,    
without capitalism, Christianity etc being welcomed  back.  
Obviously, it  all was done to seduce the West, especially the cynics/skeptics.  
And it worked.  
Even Edward Jay Epstein who wrote "Deception: the Secret War Between the CIA And the KGB,"  
Even he has decided the Fall of Communism was for real.  
But if he would only study the dire situation  
the Kremlin found itself in back in the mid to late 1980s, he would see that the need to get America to disarm profusely was the Kremlin's top priority.  
The Kremlin's back was against the wall.  
Its as simple as that.  
When Russian Attack does finally come  
I hope you will finally realize just why Russia did all those impressive things way back in the late 1980s.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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