We Are at the End of the Millennium in Revelation 20 !!

And what follows the Millennium?? The New Heaven and New Earth !!(Revelation 21.1).          
All we have to do is get past the nuclear war (Russian Attack)          
Which Revelation 20.7 calls the "loosing of Satan out of his prison."          
Which is simply talking about the return of the Roman empire.    
(NOT literally Satan.)    
Via the Russian conquest of Western Europe.    
Here's why I say that.        
 First, Satan here is also called "the Dragon,"          
(Rev 20.2),          
Which refers back to the "red Dragon with 7 heads, 10 horns" (Rev 12.3).          
The 7 heads, 10 horns identify it as the Roman empire.          
For the "7 heads" are "the 7 hills upon which the Woman sits..          
"The Woman is the great city [Rome] which rules over the kings of the Earth"(Rev 17.9, 18).          
If the 7 heads = the 7 hills of Rome, they simply mean Rome itself.          
The Roman empire is called "the Beast with 7 heads, 10 horns" which exists,
then goes out of existence then "ascends out of the abyss"(Rev 17.8-11).          
In other words, it returns to existence.          
The Roman empire comes a second time.          
The rising of the Beast from out of the abyss at the end of the Church Age(Rev 13.1)          
and the rising of the Dragon out of that same abyss at the end of the Millennium(Rev 20.1,7)          
are one and the same.          
For "the Millennium" is nothing more than a veiled reference to the Church Age.          
Long story short, the rise of the Dragon and the return of the Beast are synonymous -          
Both refer to the return of the Roman empire, which is simply a return of Western Europe under one-man-rule,          
as was the case in the days of the Roman empire.          
How does this socalled return of Roman empire occur.          
We read it occurs right as Russia("Magog")   becomes synonymous with "the nations of the four quarters of the Earth"(Rev 20.7-8).          
To be blunt, Russia takes over the world by invading/conquering Western Europe.          
Which also means bombing America, NATO's leader.          
The army of "locusts with breastplates of iron"(Rev 9.9) that rises up out of the abyss,          
This = the rising of the Beast/Dragon out of the abyss.          
So the locusts that "make the sound of war chariots running to battle"= the Russian tanks conquering Western Europe.(Rev 9.9).          
But my point is that they occupy Europe for only "5 months"(Rev 9.5, 10).          
That means Christ intervenes that quickly after Russian Attack on America !!!          
After all, He did promise that the Tribulation will be SHORT(Matthew 24.22).          
"The New Heaven/New Earth" come right after the passing of the old heaven and earth(Rev 21.1).          
This is synonymous with the destruction of heaven and earth by fire(2 Peter 3.10-13).          
Which is simply the destruction of the first heaven, ie, the atmosphere around planet Earth by nuclear war and the burning of the surface of the Earth, not the Earth itself.          
By the atmosphere I mean the ozone layer which shields us from the sun's radiation.          
It will be restored as the radiation hits the oxygen, turning it into ozone again.          
The destruction in 2 Peter 3.10-13 is nothing more than the "sudden destruction" at the Rapture(1 Thessalonians 4.16-5.3).          
For the same phrase is found in both passages."The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."          
Since the destruction in 1 Thess 5.3 isnt the end of the universe, neither is the destruction in 2 Peter 3.10.          
If we accept that the "sudden destruction" occurs at the Rapture(1 Thess 4.16-5.3), this allows us to see that the "revealing" of "the Destroyer" at the Rapture(2 Thess 2.3)          
must be done by that same sudden destruction.          
In turn it would be synonymous with the warfare launched by the Beast against the (formerly) Christian nations of Western Europe, ie, "the saints."(Rev 13.7).          
But like I said at the beginning, the good news is that "the New Heaven/New Earth" comes right as the Tribulation(the time in which Russia rules the world) comes to an end.          
In other words it comes at the same time as the Second Coming of Christ.          
Which = "the Great White Throne." (Rev 20.11).        
PS: how can the Russian conquest of Western Europe = the conquest of "every nation"(Rev 13.7) ??
Well Europe is tied to America via NATO.    

So the Russian Attack will include a preemptive strike against the USA.      
After Europe is taken and America crippled (but not occupied !!),        
the rest of the nations will automatically submit to Russian rule.So they won't be conquested, just the equivalent.      
Except for China. It and Russia will be about to go to war but Christ's EARLY Appearing will prevent that massive slaughter(Matthew 24.22).  ("If the tribulation weren't shortened, NO FLESH WOULD SURVIVE.")
What evidence is there that the Millennium = the Church Age?? Well, we read that "the first resurrection" occurs at the start of the Millennium(Rev 20.5).  
This can be fulfilled by Christ's own Resurrection at the start of the CHURCH AGE !! For we died with Him and we are in Him.   (Romans 6.3,4,5,6,7,8).
Therefore His Resurrection is also OUR resurrection, OK ??  
On that basis we can assert that the start of the Church Age and the Millennium are one and the same !!!  
More later
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 13th Apr 2017
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