Why Is It So Hard To Be Happy?

Why is it so hard to be happy
But so easy to be sad?
When I see how people treat each other
Sometimes it makes me so mad

It costs nothing to be civil
To make life easier for one another
Repaying years of love and care
To your father and your mother

Everywhere I go each day
People are in such a hurry
Trying to make ends meet
Shortage of money causing them worry

Whenever I am out and about
I can always find the time
To hold a door open for someone
They look at me like I’ve committed a crime

I was brought up with good manners
And sometimes people don't understand
Why when I’m introduced to someone
I always shake their hand

They look at me incredulous
As if taken by surprise
Then I shake them by the hand again
While we’re saying our goodbyes

When someone is taking up a seat
With their shopping bag on the bus
I sit in another seat
Because I can’t be bothered to make a fuss

I feel sorry for young mothers
With their pushchairs and shopping in hand
Their space taken up by a shopping trolley
So they have to stand

The pushchair blocks the aisle
And the driver he plays war
He shakes his head in disbelief
Can’t people read what that space is for?

If I am out shopping
And I’m standing in a queue
If someone has only two items
I know just what to do

I let them get served ahead of me
Because I’m in no hurry
The queue behind me tuts
But I’m not one to worry

Manners cost you nothing
It isn’t hard to be polite
But sadly many in this day and age
Don’t know wrong from right

The elderly feel insecure
Even in their own home
Many of them are housebound
Afraid to go out alone

Teenagers hanging around on street corners
Always saying that they’re bored
Making nuisances of themselves
Often community service their reward

What has happened to family values?
When people looked out for one another
Siblings always fighting for attention
In the shadow of a sister or a brother

I feel sorry for today’s generation
Good manners not being taught
I hope that by writing this poem
I have given you food for thought
Written by Jenny1959
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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