Poor Jane Doe

Poor Jane Doe lies on a slab
When they found her she looked drab
Worn-out clothes and no I.D.
No purse, no money, no front-door key

Surely someone wonders where she's at?
Even if it’s just her cat
Her red hair matted to her head
When found, the pavement was her bed

Her eyes were closed, though eggshell blue
Heel all worn down on one shoe
Caesarean scar and bladder full
Long hairline fracture in her skull

Injury caused by blunt force
Inflictor will feel no remorse
Spleen is split almost in half
Purple bruises on each calf

Dental records will soon show
The true identity of Jane Doe
Man gets phone call and starts to cry
“Please can you identify,

A lady that may be your wife”
His heart is breaking, she was his life.
The mortician pulled back the curtain
Before he saw her, he was certain

He held his breath, pulled back the sheet
His heart sank, it was Marguerite
He saw the label on her toe
It said two simple words ‘Jane Doe'
Written by Jenny1959
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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