When is "Resurrection Day"?

There are "Two Resurrections" we are told(Revelation   ).      
The "first Resurrection" is at the beginning of the Millennium(Rev    ).      
While the second Resurrection is at the close of the same (Rev 20    ).      
Pardon me for saying it, but this is a bit artificial, or misleading.      
Christ's own Resurrection in 30 AD marked the start of the Church Age, of course.    
And since we are "in Christ," His Resurrection is ours as well.      
So all Christians are counted as having resurrected along with Him,      
As it says in      ,   ..      
So the Millennium (Rev 20) began when the Church Age began !!!    
Just as St Augustine's system says ("City of God," book 20, chapter 8).      
He says that "the period that goes by the NAME of a thousand years      
runs from the Advent of Christ over to the end of the age,"      
Which end is marked by the Second Coming of Christ.      
Long story short, the Millennium = the Church Age, or M=CA.  
(See footnote #1).     
To say that believers resurrect with Christ on HIS resurrection day      
is to use symbolic language.      
Just like the bread and wine are CALLED "the body and blood of Christ,"      
But are not literally so, they only REPRESENT "the body and the blood.".      
So the question remains, Just when is the LITERAL Resurrection Day      
For believers in Christ ??!!      
Well, we read that, "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"(  ).      
Based on that premise, that strong foundation,
Resurrection Day is whenever a Christian dies.      
If that js so, then it is an individual thing, for believers die every day,      
And go to heaven, and "see Christ as He is,"      
Becoming liked Him at that very time.      
For we read, "For when we see Him as He is [in heaven],      
We will become like Him [at that time]" (John   ).      
In short, we gain spiritual bodies, resurrection bodies,      
right when we die and go to heaven !!!      
(See footnote #2).     

So there is ONE Resurrection Day, on the one hand,      
Yet there are MANY Resurrection Days, on the other hand.      
 (This is in line with the list of paradoxes that Paul speaks of ((  ).  
Let me go on to demolish a common misconception.      
When it says, "The dead in Christ will rise[resurrect] FIRST" (1 Thessalonians 4.17)      
That DOESN'T mean AT the Rapture of the Church,      
Rather it occurs BEFORE the Rapture, that collective departure.      
Logically, if we simply go by what was presented right before that verse,      
We see that "those that sleep in Jesus" are descending with Christ      
At the Rapture, NOT ascending from graves.      
For we read, "Those that sleep in Jesus will God      
bring with Him [when he descends]" (1 Thes 4.13-14).      
And just what FUNCTION will "those that sleep in Jesus"      
be performing At that time (=the time of the Rapture) ??      
Notice that no mention is made of the angels gathering the souls at the Rapture here in 1 Thess 4.13-18).What a glaring omission !!!.      
Whereas in another Rapture passage, the angels are center stage, conspicuous.      
For we read, {Christ] will send His angels to gather His Elect [the Church]      
From the four winds, from horizon to horizon" (Matthew 24.30-31"    

Going by that passage(Mat 24.30-31),  
we can assert that the angels ARE present in the other passage after all.  
But just under a different name,that of "the dead in Christ"    
and "those that sleep in Jesus" (1 Thess 4.13-17).  
But how can mere human souls be equated with glorious angels ??  
Well Christ himself authorizes just such a seemingly presumptuous equation.  
For He says, "at the Resurrection, those who are accounted worthy become equal to or like the angels"  (Luke 20.35-36; Matthew    ;Mark ).  
My point here is just that "the dead in Christ" at the Rapture are coming as the "gathering angels"(Mat 24.30-31).  
So they don't need to inhabit the dead bodies in the graveyards,
which then becomes alive and then ascend to heaven,
but morphing into a spiritual body in transit,
for "flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God" (   ).  
Note #1 "Goes by the NAME of a thousand years" means it is not limited to just a thousand years.    
Yes, taking the Church Age as the Millennium definitely requires taking "a thousand years" non-literally.    
For the Church Age passed the 1000 year point back in 1030 AD.    
But we CAN take it literally to the extent that the Church Age will NOT reach 2030 AD.    
As long as the Church Age stays below a FULL two thousand years,    
Calling it "a thousand years" is literal - to a limited extent !!  
Note #2, People who have had NDEs, 'near death experiences," or TEMPORARY death experiences, claim that they HAVE bodies as soon as the soul emerges from the corpse.  
A blind man says that while he was dead, he had a complete body and eyesight.  
Long story short, we DO get Resurrection Bodies at death.  
But can we rely on nonBiblical testimony such as NDEs ??!!  
Based on the "Dual Revelation" principle, YES WE CAN !!  
I'm talking about "General Revelation," of course.  
Nature reveals things about God (Romans 1.19-21;Psalms 19.1).  
Nature isn't just rocks and stars, it includes mankind.  
So when people testify that they have had NDEs,  
That is testimony that can be valid (except for the liars).  

more later - when i look up the citations in the Strong's Bible Concordance.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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