Who Is "the Restrainer" Who Gets "Taken Out of the Way" by "the Man of Sin"(2 Thessalonian

Fundamentalist Christians always say that "the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit."    
That's ridiculous.    
If you would simply read Daniel 11.36-37, you'd see that "the Man of Sin"(2 Thess 2.4)    
corresponds to "the King of the North"(Daniel 11.36-45).    
In turn, that king is opposed by "the King of the South".    
So THAT is the real "Restrainer."    
It is "the King of the South."    
Let me go over that one more time.    
It's "the Man of Sin" versus "the Restrainer" in 2 Thessalonians 2.3-8.    
While it's "the King of the North" versus "the King of the South" in Daniel 11.36-45.    
Now, if Paul's words about "the Man of Sin" are based totally in "the King of the North"    
(Dan 11.36 onward), it stands to reason that the opponent of "the Man of Sin"    
HAS TO BE whoever is the opponent of "the King of the North."    
Namely, "the King of the South."    
But just who is meant by "the King of the South" (Daniel 11.36-45) ??    
Well, "the South" in the earlier part of the chapter =  Egypt(Dan 11.8),    
While, according to the history books Syria was "the North".    
Syria and Egypt went to war several times, fulfilling Daniel's predictions in 11.1-34.    
But in the EndTime, "the time of the end," (Daniel 11.35 onward),    
there is a NEW North and South..- it's no longer Syria versus Egypt !!!    
How do I know that ??    
Because we read that "the King of the North" is the very man      
whom Christ ("Michael") will come down from heaven to defeat(Dan    ),      
which by definition, makes him THE ANTICHRIST !!!    
And elsewhere we read that the Antichrist will "make war [against the Christians]    
and will conquer them[their nations] and will gain power over every..nation"      
- the world itself !!!(Revelation 13.7).      
Only a superpower like America or Russia could conquer the world.    
America definitely isn't predatory enuff, so its RUSSIA by default.    
Little Syria isn't about to conquer the world any time soon.    
Rather, it is being destroyed by Russia.    
I mean, the rebel-held areas are being attacked by Russia    
Because Syria (the government) and Russia are ONE.    
Long story short, the new "North" in Dan 11.36 onward is      
Syria as part of the Russian alliance,    
In short, it's simply Russia.    
As for the new South, it is Egypt as part of the Western alliance, ie NATO,    
Even though Egypt is not officially a member.    
But America, leader of NATO, is Egypt's choice as to which superpower to follow.    
when we read that the North will "sweep thru many nations" to the south(Dan 11.40),    
this is nothing less that Russia overrunning Western Europe in the immediate future !!    
(And presumpably bombing America in a preemptive strike.)    
But you who are reading this, don't worry about a thing.    
God Almighty will part the skies and overthrow the Russian regime.    
The Messiah has been waiting for this moment - to reverse Russia's victory !!    
Russia will rule the world for only "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10).    
But just HOW will Christ defeat the invincible Russian monster of a military machine ??    
After Russia bombs America, takes Europe and then invades...yes, little Israel,    
THAT is when "Christ will Appear a second time unto salvation"(Hebrews 9.28).    
This is how He defeats the Kremlin:    
 by Appearing in the sky above Jerusalem(Zechariah 14.1-7).    
"At night there will be LIGHT"(Zech 14.7).    
What happened when Christ appeared as LIGHT to Saul      
who was a soldier against the Jews (those who believed in Jesus)??      
Saul switched sides(Acts 9.3) !!    
That is nothing less than a template for the Second Coming !!!    
The Russian troops Already in Israel will go over to Christ's side,    
as evidenced by the mutiny described in Ezekiel 38.21; Zech 14.13).    
Then God sends them back home (Isaiah 66.19),    
As they "proclaim the glory [of the Second Coming]" revolution will ensue    
against old man Gorbachev the Antichrist/Beast/King of the North/Man of Sin.    
Followed by World Peace and an endless Golden Age. Amen    
PS: in the first verse I wrote that "If you simply read Daniel 11.36-37 you'd see that    
the Man of Sin(2 Thess 2.4) corresponds with "the King of the North".    
In case you don't have a Bible handy, let me spell out the points of similarity    
between the MOS (Man of Sin) and the KON (King of the North).      
The MOS "will (1)oppose and (2)exalt himself above all that is called God.    
(3)He sits as God in the temple of God,
(4) showing himself that he is God"(2 Thessalonians 2.4).      
The KON does the same 4 things:    
(1)He speaks against God. (2)he exalts himself above God.      
 (3)He magnifies himself above God which can mean that he claims Godhood..    
(4)He comes to "the holy mountain" (Mt Zion) in "the Beautiful Land" of Israel (Dan 11.41-45).      
Mt Zion is where "the temple of God" is in the sense that  
"the Dome of the Rock" is the Moslems' version of a temple.      
Or else the other temple("Al Shreif") which is right next to it will suffice.      
So when it says that the KON comes to "the holy mountain," that is fairly synonymous      
with saying he comes into the temple located at that "holy mountain."
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Dec 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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